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Evaluation of fetal ventriculomegaly

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 01.06.2013


Objective: To evaluate the prenatal and postnatal follow up, treatment and the outcome of the patients with ven­triculomegaly. Methods: Patients with lateral cerebral ventricle size 10mm and higher were included. 69 patients were con­sidered but 8 patients refused to join our study. The pa­tients were divided into two groups as they had additional anomalies (combined ventriculomegaly) or not (isolated ventriculomegaly). Each group was divided into three subgroups according to their lateral cerebral ventricle size as mild (10-12 mm), moderate (12.1-4.9 mm), severe (15 mm and more) ventriculomegaly. Results: 10 fetuses with isolated ventriculomegaly and combined ventriculomegaly died after birth. Neurosurgi­cal operations were performed for ten patients. We per­formed chromosomal analysis for 16.7% of our patients. Caesarian delivery was higher (91.7%) in combined ven­triculomegaly groups and all newborns went to NNICU. In isolated ventriculomegaly group 18 patients showed nor­mal neurological development at sixth month. None of the patients with combined ventriculomegaly group showed normal neurological development at sixth month. In se­vere ventriculomegaly group termination ratio was higher (64.7%) than isolated ventriculomegaly group (11%). The survival rate was 90% in mild ventriculomegaly group and 42.9% in severe ventriculomegaly group. Conclusion: Termination is more often in isolated severe ventriculomegaly than mild and moderate ventriculomeg­aly group because the prognosis is worse. Because the prognosis of the patients with mild ventriculomegaly is good decision for termination will be well evaluated with the family. J Clin Exp Invest 2013; 4 (2): 141-147


  • Garel C, Luton RJ. Ventricular dilatations. Child Nerv Syst 2003;19:301-308.
  • Brombley B, Frigelotte B. Mild fetal lateral cerebral ventriculomegaly: clinical course and outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;164:863-867.
  • Goldstein R, LaPidus A, Filly R, Cordoza J. Mild lateral cerebral ventricular dilatation in utero : clinical signifi- cance and prognosis. Radiology 1990;176:237-242.
  • Lee CS, Hong SH, Wang KC, et al. Fetal ventriculo- megaly: Prognosis in cases in which prenatal neu- rosurgical consultation was sought. J Neurosurg 2006;105:265-270.
  • Wyldes M, Watkinson M. Isolated mild fetal ventriculo- megaly. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2004;89:13- 14
  • Ouahba J, Luton D, Vuillard E et. al. Prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly: outcome in 167 cases. BJOG 2006;113:1072-1079.
  • Fallip C, Blanc N, Maes E, et al. Postnatal clinical and imaging fallow-up of infants with prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly: a series of 101 cases. Pediatr Ra- diol 2007;37:981-989.
  • Gaglioti P, Danelon D, Bontempo S, et al. Fetal cere- bral ventriculomegaly: outcome in 176 cases. Ultra- sound Obstet Gynecol 2005;25:372-377.
  • Beeghly M, Ware J, Soul J, et al. Neurodevelopmental outcome of fetuses referred for ventriculomegaly. Ul- trasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010:35;405-416.
  • Gaglioti P, Oberto M, Todros T. The significance of fetal ventriculomegaly: etiology, short- and long-term outcomes. Prenat Diagn. 2009:29;381-388
  • Melchiorre K, Bhide A, Gika AD, et al. Counseling in isolated mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Ultrasound Ob- stet Gynecol 2009:34;212-224.
  • Robert A Zimmerman, Larissa T. Bilaniuk. Magnetic resonance evaluation of fetal ventriculomegaly-asso- ciated congenital malformations and lessions. Semin Fetal&Neonatal Med 2005;10:429-443.
  • Russ PD, Preterius DH, Johnson MJ: Dandy- Walker syndrome: A review of fifteen cases evalu- ated by prenatal sonography. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;401:161-163.
  • Parilla PV, Endres LK, Dinsmoor MJ, Curan L. In utero progression of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Int J Gyne- col Obstet 2006;93:106-109.
  • Laskin MD, Kingdom J, Toi A, et al. Perinatal and neu- rodevelopmental outcome with isolated fetal ventricu- lomegaly: A systematic review. J Matern Fetal Neona- tal Med 2005;18:289-298.
  • Vergani P, Locatelli A, Strobelt N, et al. Clinical out- come of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Am J Obstet Gy- necol 1998;178:218-222.
  • Pilu G, Falco P, Gabrielli S, et al. The clinical sig- nificance of fetal isolated cerebral ventriculomegaly: report of 31 cases and review of the literature. Ultra- sound Obstet Gynecol 1999;14:320-326.
  • Signorelli M, Tiberti A, Valseriati D, et al. Width of the fetal lateral ventricular atrium between 10 and 12 mm: a simple variation of the norm. Ultrasound Obstet Gy- necol 2004;23:14-18.
  • Breeze AC, Alexander PM, Murdoch EM, et al. Ob- stetric and neonatal outcomes in severe fetal ventricu- lomegaly. Prenat Diagn 2007;27:124-129.
  • Futagi Y, Suzuki Y, Toribe Y, Morimoto K. Neurodevel- opmental outcome in children with fetal hydrocepha- lus. Pediatr Neurol 2002;27:111-116.
  • Renier D, Sainte-Rose C, Pierre-Kahan A, Hirsh JF. Prenatal hydrocephalus: outcome and prognosis. Child Nerv Syst 1988;4:213-222.
  • Kirkinen P, Serlo W, Jouppila P, et al. Long-term outcome of fetal hydrocephaly. J Child Neurol 1996;11:189-192.

Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 141 - 147, 01.06.2013


Amaç: Fetal ventrikülomegali tanısı alan olguların prena­tal, postnatal dönem takip ve tedavi sonuçlarını değerlen­dirmektir. Yöntemler: Lateral ventrikül boyutu 10mm ve üzerinde olan olgular çalışmaya dahil edildi. Toplam 69 olgu sap­tadık ancak bu olgulardan sekizi çalışmamıza katılmayı reddetti. Hastalar ek anomalisi olanlar (kombine ventri­külomegali) ve olmayanlar (izole ventrikülomegali) olarak 2 gruba ayrıldı. Her grup lateral ventrikül boyutuna göre; hafif (10-12mm), orta (12,1-14,9 mm), ağır (15 mm ve üzeri) ventrikülomegali olarak alt gruplara ayrıldı. Bulgular: İzole ve kombine ventrikülomegalisi olan 10 fetus doğumdan sonra öldü. Onhastaya cerrahi tedavi uygulandı. Hastaların %16.7\'sine kromozomal analiz ya­pıldı. Kombine ventrikülomegalisi olan grupta sezaryen oranı yüksek bulundu(%91.7) ve bu gruptaki hastaların tümü Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi\'ne (YYBÜ) yatış gerektirdi. İzole ventrikülomegalisi olan grupta vaginal doğum daha yüksek bulundu(%45.7). İzole ventrikülomegalisi olan grupta 18 olgu (%78.3) 6. ayda normal nörolojik gelişim gösterirken kombine vent­rikülomegalisi olan grupta hiçbir hastada 6. ayda normal nörolojik gelişim izlenmedi. Ağır ventrikülomegalisi olan grupta terminasyon oranı (%64.7) izole ventrikülomegalisi olan gruptan (%11) daha yüksek bulundu. Hafif ventrikü­lomegalisi olan grupta sağ kalım %90 ve ağır ventrikülo­megalisi olan grupta %42.9 olarak saptandı. Sonuç: Ağır ventrikülomegalisi olanlarda terminasyon oranı; hafif ve orta ventrikülomegalisi olan gruplardan daha sık gözlendi. Bunun nedeni ağır ventrikülomegalisi olan hastalarda prognozun çok daha kötü olmasıdır. İnt­rauterin fetal hafif izole ventrikülomegalisi olan olgularda prognoz oldukça iyi olduğundan terminasyon kararının hasta ile iyice irdelenmesi gerektiğini düşünmekteyiz.


  • Garel C, Luton RJ. Ventricular dilatations. Child Nerv Syst 2003;19:301-308.
  • Brombley B, Frigelotte B. Mild fetal lateral cerebral ventriculomegaly: clinical course and outcome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2002;164:863-867.
  • Goldstein R, LaPidus A, Filly R, Cordoza J. Mild lateral cerebral ventricular dilatation in utero : clinical signifi- cance and prognosis. Radiology 1990;176:237-242.
  • Lee CS, Hong SH, Wang KC, et al. Fetal ventriculo- megaly: Prognosis in cases in which prenatal neu- rosurgical consultation was sought. J Neurosurg 2006;105:265-270.
  • Wyldes M, Watkinson M. Isolated mild fetal ventriculo- megaly. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 2004;89:13- 14
  • Ouahba J, Luton D, Vuillard E et. al. Prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly: outcome in 167 cases. BJOG 2006;113:1072-1079.
  • Fallip C, Blanc N, Maes E, et al. Postnatal clinical and imaging fallow-up of infants with prenatal isolated mild ventriculomegaly: a series of 101 cases. Pediatr Ra- diol 2007;37:981-989.
  • Gaglioti P, Danelon D, Bontempo S, et al. Fetal cere- bral ventriculomegaly: outcome in 176 cases. Ultra- sound Obstet Gynecol 2005;25:372-377.
  • Beeghly M, Ware J, Soul J, et al. Neurodevelopmental outcome of fetuses referred for ventriculomegaly. Ul- trasound Obstet Gynecol. 2010:35;405-416.
  • Gaglioti P, Oberto M, Todros T. The significance of fetal ventriculomegaly: etiology, short- and long-term outcomes. Prenat Diagn. 2009:29;381-388
  • Melchiorre K, Bhide A, Gika AD, et al. Counseling in isolated mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Ultrasound Ob- stet Gynecol 2009:34;212-224.
  • Robert A Zimmerman, Larissa T. Bilaniuk. Magnetic resonance evaluation of fetal ventriculomegaly-asso- ciated congenital malformations and lessions. Semin Fetal&Neonatal Med 2005;10:429-443.
  • Russ PD, Preterius DH, Johnson MJ: Dandy- Walker syndrome: A review of fifteen cases evalu- ated by prenatal sonography. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1989;401:161-163.
  • Parilla PV, Endres LK, Dinsmoor MJ, Curan L. In utero progression of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Int J Gyne- col Obstet 2006;93:106-109.
  • Laskin MD, Kingdom J, Toi A, et al. Perinatal and neu- rodevelopmental outcome with isolated fetal ventricu- lomegaly: A systematic review. J Matern Fetal Neona- tal Med 2005;18:289-298.
  • Vergani P, Locatelli A, Strobelt N, et al. Clinical out- come of mild fetal ventriculomegaly. Am J Obstet Gy- necol 1998;178:218-222.
  • Pilu G, Falco P, Gabrielli S, et al. The clinical sig- nificance of fetal isolated cerebral ventriculomegaly: report of 31 cases and review of the literature. Ultra- sound Obstet Gynecol 1999;14:320-326.
  • Signorelli M, Tiberti A, Valseriati D, et al. Width of the fetal lateral ventricular atrium between 10 and 12 mm: a simple variation of the norm. Ultrasound Obstet Gy- necol 2004;23:14-18.
  • Breeze AC, Alexander PM, Murdoch EM, et al. Ob- stetric and neonatal outcomes in severe fetal ventricu- lomegaly. Prenat Diagn 2007;27:124-129.
  • Futagi Y, Suzuki Y, Toribe Y, Morimoto K. Neurodevel- opmental outcome in children with fetal hydrocepha- lus. Pediatr Neurol 2002;27:111-116.
  • Renier D, Sainte-Rose C, Pierre-Kahan A, Hirsh JF. Prenatal hydrocephalus: outcome and prognosis. Child Nerv Syst 1988;4:213-222.
  • Kirkinen P, Serlo W, Jouppila P, et al. Long-term outcome of fetal hydrocephaly. J Child Neurol 1996;11:189-192.
There are 22 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Özgür Aydın Tosun This is me

Nazan Tarhan This is me

Sevcan Arzu Arınkan This is me

Öykü Tosun This is me

Yusuf Çakmak This is me

Abdulkadir Turgut This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Tosun, Ö. A., Tarhan, N., Arınkan, S. A., Tosun, Ö., et al. (2013). Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 4(2), 141-147.
AMA Tosun ÖA, Tarhan N, Arınkan SA, Tosun Ö, Çakmak Y, Turgut A. Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi. J Clin Exp Invest. June 2013;4(2):141-147. doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0254
Chicago Tosun, Özgür Aydın, Nazan Tarhan, Sevcan Arzu Arınkan, Öykü Tosun, Yusuf Çakmak, and Abdulkadir Turgut. “Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4, no. 2 (June 2013): 141-47.
EndNote Tosun ÖA, Tarhan N, Arınkan SA, Tosun Ö, Çakmak Y, Turgut A (June 1, 2013) Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4 2 141–147.
IEEE Ö. A. Tosun, N. Tarhan, S. A. Arınkan, Ö. Tosun, Y. Çakmak, and A. Turgut, “Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi”, J Clin Exp Invest, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 141–147, 2013, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0254.
ISNAD Tosun, Özgür Aydın et al. “Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 4/2 (June 2013), 141-147.
JAMA Tosun ÖA, Tarhan N, Arınkan SA, Tosun Ö, Çakmak Y, Turgut A. Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi. J Clin Exp Invest. 2013;4:141–147.
MLA Tosun, Özgür Aydın et al. “Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, vol. 4, no. 2, 2013, pp. 141-7, doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2013.02.0254.
Vancouver Tosun ÖA, Tarhan N, Arınkan SA, Tosun Ö, Çakmak Y, Turgut A. Fetal ventrikülomegalinin değerlendirilmesi. J Clin Exp Invest. 2013;4(2):141-7.