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Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları

Year 2012, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 214 - 222, 01.06.2012


Amaç: Çalışmamızda larenkste tespit edilen primer tümörün lokalizasyonu, büyüklüğü, evresi, histopatolojik diferansiasyon derecesi, tutmuş olduğu anatomik yapı ile boyun metastazı arasındaki ilişkisi ve tümörün evresinin sağkalım üzerine olan etkisini araştırdık. Gereç ve yöntem: Kliniğimizde 2000-2010 yılları arasında larenks kanseri nedeniyle primer tedavi olarak cerrahi (total veya parsiyel larenjektomi) uygulanmış olan, gerektiğinde boyun diseksiyonu yapılan ve gerektiğinde postoperatif radyoterapi uygulanan 333 hastanın dosyaları incelendi. Hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, tümörün lokalizasyonu, tümörün büyüklüğü, tümörün evresi, histopatolojik diferansiasyon derecesi, preoperatif pozitif lenf nodu bulunup bulunmadığı, yapılan ameliyatlar, ameliyat bulguları ve postop spesmenin histopatolojik değerlendirme sonuçları retrospektif olarak incelendi. Bulgular: Tümörün yerleşim bölgesine göre; vakaların 172\'si (%51.6) glottik, 108\'i (%32.4) supraglottik, 53\'ü (%15.9) ise transglottik yerleşimliydi. Glottik tümörlerde %18.6 oranında servikal metastaz, %11 oranında occult metastaz tespit edilirken, supraglottik tümörlerde %45.3 oranında servikal metastaz, %24 oranında occult metastaz tespit edildi. Transglottik tümörlerde ise %49 oranında servikal metastaz, %22.6 oranında occult metastaz tespit edildi. 333 hastanın 41'i (%12.3) postoperatif nüks etti. Ayrıca 333 hastanın 111\'ine de postoperatif radyoterapi önerildi. Sağkalım oranı 50. ayda %75,4 ve kümülatif sağkalım oranı %68,9 olarak tespit edildi. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, optimal tedavinin tartışmalı olduğu, N0 larenks kanserlerinde yüksek occult metastaz riski düşünülen durumlarda, tümörün anatomik olarak yerleşim yerine göre unilateral veya bilateral elektif boyun diseksiyonu yapılması uygundur. Bunlara ek olarak tümör evresi arttıkça sağkalım oranlarının da belirgin bir şekilde düştüğü gözlemlenmiştir.


  • 1. Higgins KM, Wang JR. State of head and neck surgical oncology research-a review and critical appraisal of landmark studies. Head Neck 2008;30(12):1636-42.
  • 2. Carvalho P, Baldwin D. Carcinoma metastases in cervical lymph nodes. Clin Radiol 1991; 44(2): 79-81.
  • 3. Shah JP; Patterns of cervical lymph node metastasis from squamous carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. Am J Surg 1990; 160(4): 405-9.
  • 4. Sesions RB, Hudkins CD: Malignant Cervical Adenopathy, Cummings CW, et al (Eds): Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Mosby Year Book St. Louis, 1993; Vol 2, Chapter 90, pp: 1605-25.
  • 5. Kocatürk S, Özdemir N, Kuran G, Erkam Ü, Babila A. Supraglottik kanserlerde okkült lenf bezi metastazı. Turk Arch Otolaryngol 2003; 41(2): 89-94.
  • 6. Kowalski LP, Franca EL, Sabrinho JA: Factors Influencing Regional Lymph Node Metastasis From Laryngeal Carcinoma. Ann Oto Rhino Laryngol 1995; 104(6): 442-7.
  • 7. Ghouri AF, Zamora RL, Sessions DG; Prediction of occult neck disease in laryngeal cancer by means of logistic regression statistical model. Laryngoscope 1994;104(10):1280-5.
  • 8. Bocca E, Calearo C, de Vincentiis I, Marullo T, Motta G, Ottaviani A. Occult metastases in cancer of the larynx and their relationship to clinical and histological aspects of the primary tumor: a four-year multicentric resarch. Laryngoscope 1984; 94(8): 1086-90.
  • 9. Giannini A, Gallina E, Histopathological parameters and lymphatic metastases in supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma. Pathologica 1991; 83(1084): 167-75.
  • 10. Hao SP, Myers EN. T3 Glottic carsinoma revisited, transglottic vs pure glottic carsinoma. Arch Otolaryngol 1995; 121(2): 166-70.
  • 11. Cosselin BJ, Gullane PJ: Cancer of the larynx, paranasal sinuses and temporal bone. LEE K. J. Essential Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Chapter 29 Sixth Edition, Appleton and Lange, Norwaik, Connecticut USA. 1995; 555-80.
  • 12. Fernandez-Vega M, Scola B; Conservation surgery for carcinomas of the supraglottic larynx. In: La Chirurgia Conservativa Nel Cancro Della Laringe Ed il Problema Linfonodale Correlato: Opinioni e Risultati a Confronto. Ed. Pacin. Firenze. 1995; 130-135.
  • 13. Shah JP, Tollafsen HR. Epidermoid carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx. Role of neck dissection in initial surgical treatment. Am J Surg 1974; 128(4): 494-8.
  • 14. Jonas TJ. A surgeon looks at cervical lymph nodes. Radiology 1990; 175(3): 607- 10.
  • 15. Kirchner JA. Two hundred laryngeal cancers: patterns of growth and spread as seen in serial sections. Laryngoscope 1977; 87(4): 474-82 . 16. Çağlı S, Yüce I, Yiğitbaşı OG, E. Güney E. Is routine bilateral neck dissection absolutely necessary in the management of N0 neck in patients with supraglottic carcinoma? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2007; 264(12):1453-7.
  • 17. Rodrigo JP, Cabanillas R, Franco V, Sua´rez C. Efficacy of routıne bılateral neck dıssectıon ın the management of the N0 neck ın T1-T2 unılateral supraglottıc cancer. Head Neck 2006; 28(6):534-9.
  • 18. Kirchner JA. Spread and barriers to spread of cancer with in larynx. Silver CE, et al (Eds): Laryngeal cancer. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York. 1991; 2, p: 6-13.
  • 19. Thawley SE. Cysts and Tumors of the Larynx. Paperella MM, et al (Eds): Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1991; 2, 32, pp: 2307-2370.
  • 20. Redaelli de Zinis LO, Nicolai P, Tomenzoli D, et al. The distribution of lymph node metastases in supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma: Therapeutic implications. Head Neck 2002; 24(10): 913-8.
  • 21. Henry HT. Kimberly P, Lucy HK, et al. Laryngeal cancer in the United States: Changes in demographics, patterns of care, and survival. Laryngoscope 2006; 116 (Suppl. 111):1-13.
  • 22. Sessions DG, Lenox J, Spector GJ. Supraglottic laryngeal cancer: analysis of treatment results. Laryngoscope 2005; 115(8):1402-10.
  • 23. Hall FT, O’Brien CJ, Clifford AR, McNeil EB, Bron LF, Jackson MA. Clinical outcome following total laryngectomy for cancer. ANZ J Surg 2003; 73(5):300-5.
  • 24. Dufour X, Hans S, De Mones E, Brasnu D, Menard M, Laccourreye O. Local control after supracricoid partial laryngectomy for “advanced” endolaryngeal squamous cell carcinoma classified as T3. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004; 130(9):1092-9.
  • 25. Candela FC, Shain J, Jagues D. Patterns of cervical node metastases from squamous carcinoma of the larynx. Arch Otolaryngol 1990; 116(4): 432-435.
  • 26. Tucker HM, Byers RM. Modified neck dissection. A study of 967 cases from 1970 to 1980. Am J Surg 1985; 150(4); 414-21.
  • 27. Weber CP, Johnson JT, Myers EN. The impact of bilateral neck dissection on pattern of recurrence and survival in supraglottic carcinoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1994; 120(7): 703-6.
  • 28. Fronko EL, Sabrinho JA. Factor influencing regional lymph node metastases from laryngeal carcinoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1995; 104(6); 442-7.
  • 29. Kaiser TN, Spector GJ. Tumors of the Larynx and Laryngopharynx. Ballenger JJ, et al (Eds): Disease of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and Neck Lea and Febiger, Philedelphia. 1991; 37, 682-746.
  • 30. Don DM, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB. Evaluation of cervical lymph node metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1995; 105(7): 669-73.
  • 31. Hicks WL Jr, Kollmorgen MA, Orner J, Bakamjian VY, Winston J, Loree TR. Patterns of nodal metastasis and surgical management of the neck in supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 121(1);57-61.
  • 32. Malcolm H, Mc Gavran, Bayer WC, Ogura JH. The incidence of cervical lymph node metastases from epidermoid carcinoma of the larynx and their relationship to certain characteristics of the primary tumor. Cancer 1961; 14(1): 35-45.
  • 33. Güney E, Yiğitbaşı OG. Management of N0 neck in T1-T2 unilateral supraglottic cancer. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1999; 108(10): 998 -1003.
  • 34. Bocca E. Surgical management of supraglottic cancer and its lymph node metastases in conservative perspective. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1991; 100(4): 261-7.
  • 35. Suarez C, Llorente JL, Nunez F, Diaz C, Gomez J. Neck dissection with or without postoperative radiotherapy in supraglottic carcinomas. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1993; 109(1): 3-9.
  • 36. Scola B, Fernandez-Vega M, Martinez T, FernandezVega S, Ramirez C. Management of cancer of the supraglottis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001; 124(2): 195-8.
  • 37. Van den Breckel MWM, Stel HV, Van der Valk P, Van der Vaal I, Meyer CJLM, Snow GB. Micrometastases from squamous cell carcinoma in neck dissection specimens. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1992; 249(6): 349-53.
  • 38. Woolgar JA. Micrometastasis in oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: incidence, histopathological features and clinical implications. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999; 37(3): 181-6.
  • 39. Enepekides DJ, Sultanem K, Nguyen C, Shenouda G, Black MJ, Rochon L. Occult cervical metastases: immunoperoxidase analysis of the pathologically negative neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;120(5): 713-7.
  • 40. Ferlito A, Silver CE, Rinaldo A, Smith RV. Surgical traetment of the neck in cancer of the larynx. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 2000; 62(4): 217-25.

The relationship between the frequency of cervical metastases and tumor related factors in laryngeal cancer and outcome of surgical treatment in these cases

Year 2012, Volume: 3 Issue: 2, 214 - 222, 01.06.2012


Objectives: We aimed to assess the associations between localization, size, stage and histopathological differentiation of primary tumor in larynx and neck metastases and the impact of disease stage on survival. Materials and methods: We analyzed the medical records of 333 laryngeal cancer patients who underwent total or partial laryngectomy as primary treatment, combined with neck dissection and/or postoperative radiotheraphy if required, between 2000 and 2010 years at our clinic. Age and gender of patients, tumor localization, size, stage and histopathological differentiation of tumor; presence of preoperative positive lymph nodes, performed operations, operation findings and histopathological results were analysed retrospectively. Results: Tumor localizations were glottic in 172 (51.6%) cases, supraglottic in 108 (32.4%), and transglottic 53 (15.9%) of the the cases. In glottic cancers; cervical metastases were observed in 18.6% of the patients, whereas occult metastases in 11%. In supraglottic cancers; cervical metastasis rate was 45.3% and occult metastases rate was 24%. In transglottic cancers, cervical metastases rate was 49% and occult metastases was 22.6%. Postoperative recurrence was 41 (12.3%). Postoperative radiotherapy was recommended to 111 of 333 patients. The overall survival rate was 75.4% at 50th month and the cumulative survival rate was 68.9%. Conclusion: In conclusion, although there is controversy regarding the optimal treatment in the N0 larynx cancers, in case of a high risk for occult metastases, elective unilateral or bilateral neck dissection should be performed according to the anatomic localization of the tumor. In addition, survival rate decreased significantly with the increasing tumor stage. J Clin Exp Invest 2012; 3(2): 214-222


  • 1. Higgins KM, Wang JR. State of head and neck surgical oncology research-a review and critical appraisal of landmark studies. Head Neck 2008;30(12):1636-42.
  • 2. Carvalho P, Baldwin D. Carcinoma metastases in cervical lymph nodes. Clin Radiol 1991; 44(2): 79-81.
  • 3. Shah JP; Patterns of cervical lymph node metastasis from squamous carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract. Am J Surg 1990; 160(4): 405-9.
  • 4. Sesions RB, Hudkins CD: Malignant Cervical Adenopathy, Cummings CW, et al (Eds): Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Mosby Year Book St. Louis, 1993; Vol 2, Chapter 90, pp: 1605-25.
  • 5. Kocatürk S, Özdemir N, Kuran G, Erkam Ü, Babila A. Supraglottik kanserlerde okkült lenf bezi metastazı. Turk Arch Otolaryngol 2003; 41(2): 89-94.
  • 6. Kowalski LP, Franca EL, Sabrinho JA: Factors Influencing Regional Lymph Node Metastasis From Laryngeal Carcinoma. Ann Oto Rhino Laryngol 1995; 104(6): 442-7.
  • 7. Ghouri AF, Zamora RL, Sessions DG; Prediction of occult neck disease in laryngeal cancer by means of logistic regression statistical model. Laryngoscope 1994;104(10):1280-5.
  • 8. Bocca E, Calearo C, de Vincentiis I, Marullo T, Motta G, Ottaviani A. Occult metastases in cancer of the larynx and their relationship to clinical and histological aspects of the primary tumor: a four-year multicentric resarch. Laryngoscope 1984; 94(8): 1086-90.
  • 9. Giannini A, Gallina E, Histopathological parameters and lymphatic metastases in supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma. Pathologica 1991; 83(1084): 167-75.
  • 10. Hao SP, Myers EN. T3 Glottic carsinoma revisited, transglottic vs pure glottic carsinoma. Arch Otolaryngol 1995; 121(2): 166-70.
  • 11. Cosselin BJ, Gullane PJ: Cancer of the larynx, paranasal sinuses and temporal bone. LEE K. J. Essential Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Chapter 29 Sixth Edition, Appleton and Lange, Norwaik, Connecticut USA. 1995; 555-80.
  • 12. Fernandez-Vega M, Scola B; Conservation surgery for carcinomas of the supraglottic larynx. In: La Chirurgia Conservativa Nel Cancro Della Laringe Ed il Problema Linfonodale Correlato: Opinioni e Risultati a Confronto. Ed. Pacin. Firenze. 1995; 130-135.
  • 13. Shah JP, Tollafsen HR. Epidermoid carcinoma of the supraglottic larynx. Role of neck dissection in initial surgical treatment. Am J Surg 1974; 128(4): 494-8.
  • 14. Jonas TJ. A surgeon looks at cervical lymph nodes. Radiology 1990; 175(3): 607- 10.
  • 15. Kirchner JA. Two hundred laryngeal cancers: patterns of growth and spread as seen in serial sections. Laryngoscope 1977; 87(4): 474-82 . 16. Çağlı S, Yüce I, Yiğitbaşı OG, E. Güney E. Is routine bilateral neck dissection absolutely necessary in the management of N0 neck in patients with supraglottic carcinoma? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2007; 264(12):1453-7.
  • 17. Rodrigo JP, Cabanillas R, Franco V, Sua´rez C. Efficacy of routıne bılateral neck dıssectıon ın the management of the N0 neck ın T1-T2 unılateral supraglottıc cancer. Head Neck 2006; 28(6):534-9.
  • 18. Kirchner JA. Spread and barriers to spread of cancer with in larynx. Silver CE, et al (Eds): Laryngeal cancer. Thieme Medical Publishers, New York. 1991; 2, p: 6-13.
  • 19. Thawley SE. Cysts and Tumors of the Larynx. Paperella MM, et al (Eds): Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1991; 2, 32, pp: 2307-2370.
  • 20. Redaelli de Zinis LO, Nicolai P, Tomenzoli D, et al. The distribution of lymph node metastases in supraglottic squamous cell carcinoma: Therapeutic implications. Head Neck 2002; 24(10): 913-8.
  • 21. Henry HT. Kimberly P, Lucy HK, et al. Laryngeal cancer in the United States: Changes in demographics, patterns of care, and survival. Laryngoscope 2006; 116 (Suppl. 111):1-13.
  • 22. Sessions DG, Lenox J, Spector GJ. Supraglottic laryngeal cancer: analysis of treatment results. Laryngoscope 2005; 115(8):1402-10.
  • 23. Hall FT, O’Brien CJ, Clifford AR, McNeil EB, Bron LF, Jackson MA. Clinical outcome following total laryngectomy for cancer. ANZ J Surg 2003; 73(5):300-5.
  • 24. Dufour X, Hans S, De Mones E, Brasnu D, Menard M, Laccourreye O. Local control after supracricoid partial laryngectomy for “advanced” endolaryngeal squamous cell carcinoma classified as T3. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2004; 130(9):1092-9.
  • 25. Candela FC, Shain J, Jagues D. Patterns of cervical node metastases from squamous carcinoma of the larynx. Arch Otolaryngol 1990; 116(4): 432-435.
  • 26. Tucker HM, Byers RM. Modified neck dissection. A study of 967 cases from 1970 to 1980. Am J Surg 1985; 150(4); 414-21.
  • 27. Weber CP, Johnson JT, Myers EN. The impact of bilateral neck dissection on pattern of recurrence and survival in supraglottic carcinoma. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1994; 120(7): 703-6.
  • 28. Fronko EL, Sabrinho JA. Factor influencing regional lymph node metastases from laryngeal carcinoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1995; 104(6); 442-7.
  • 29. Kaiser TN, Spector GJ. Tumors of the Larynx and Laryngopharynx. Ballenger JJ, et al (Eds): Disease of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and Neck Lea and Febiger, Philedelphia. 1991; 37, 682-746.
  • 30. Don DM, Anzai Y, Lufkin RB. Evaluation of cervical lymph node metastases in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. Laryngoscope 1995; 105(7): 669-73.
  • 31. Hicks WL Jr, Kollmorgen MA, Orner J, Bakamjian VY, Winston J, Loree TR. Patterns of nodal metastasis and surgical management of the neck in supraglottic laryngeal carcinoma. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999; 121(1);57-61.
  • 32. Malcolm H, Mc Gavran, Bayer WC, Ogura JH. The incidence of cervical lymph node metastases from epidermoid carcinoma of the larynx and their relationship to certain characteristics of the primary tumor. Cancer 1961; 14(1): 35-45.
  • 33. Güney E, Yiğitbaşı OG. Management of N0 neck in T1-T2 unilateral supraglottic cancer. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1999; 108(10): 998 -1003.
  • 34. Bocca E. Surgical management of supraglottic cancer and its lymph node metastases in conservative perspective. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 1991; 100(4): 261-7.
  • 35. Suarez C, Llorente JL, Nunez F, Diaz C, Gomez J. Neck dissection with or without postoperative radiotherapy in supraglottic carcinomas. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1993; 109(1): 3-9.
  • 36. Scola B, Fernandez-Vega M, Martinez T, FernandezVega S, Ramirez C. Management of cancer of the supraglottis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2001; 124(2): 195-8.
  • 37. Van den Breckel MWM, Stel HV, Van der Valk P, Van der Vaal I, Meyer CJLM, Snow GB. Micrometastases from squamous cell carcinoma in neck dissection specimens. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 1992; 249(6): 349-53.
  • 38. Woolgar JA. Micrometastasis in oral/oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: incidence, histopathological features and clinical implications. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999; 37(3): 181-6.
  • 39. Enepekides DJ, Sultanem K, Nguyen C, Shenouda G, Black MJ, Rochon L. Occult cervical metastases: immunoperoxidase analysis of the pathologically negative neck. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999;120(5): 713-7.
  • 40. Ferlito A, Silver CE, Rinaldo A, Smith RV. Surgical traetment of the neck in cancer of the larynx. ORL J Otorhinolaryngol Relat Spec 2000; 62(4): 217-25.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Engin Şengül This is me

Tekin Bağlam This is me

Cengiz Çevik This is me

Cemile Arıkan Şengül This is me

Ferit Kara This is me

Zeynel Abidin Karataş This is me

Muzaffer Kanlıkama This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 3 Issue: 2


APA Şengül, E., Bağlam, T., Çevik, C., Şengül, C. A., et al. (2012). Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, 3(2), 214-222.
AMA Şengül E, Bağlam T, Çevik C, Şengül CA, Kara F, Karataş ZA, Kanlıkama M. Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları. J Clin Exp Invest. June 2012;3(2):214-222. doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.02.0147
Chicago Şengül, Engin, Tekin Bağlam, Cengiz Çevik, Cemile Arıkan Şengül, Ferit Kara, Zeynel Abidin Karataş, and Muzaffer Kanlıkama. “Larenks Kanserlerinde, Servikal Metastaz sıklığı Ile tümöre Ait faktörlerin ilişkisi Ve Bu olguların Cerrahi Tedavi sonuçları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3, no. 2 (June 2012): 214-22.
EndNote Şengül E, Bağlam T, Çevik C, Şengül CA, Kara F, Karataş ZA, Kanlıkama M (June 1, 2012) Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3 2 214–222.
IEEE E. Şengül, “Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları”, J Clin Exp Invest, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 214–222, 2012, doi: 10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.02.0147.
ISNAD Şengül, Engin et al. “Larenks Kanserlerinde, Servikal Metastaz sıklığı Ile tümöre Ait faktörlerin ilişkisi Ve Bu olguların Cerrahi Tedavi sonuçları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations 3/2 (June 2012), 214-222.
JAMA Şengül E, Bağlam T, Çevik C, Şengül CA, Kara F, Karataş ZA, Kanlıkama M. Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları. J Clin Exp Invest. 2012;3:214–222.
MLA Şengül, Engin et al. “Larenks Kanserlerinde, Servikal Metastaz sıklığı Ile tümöre Ait faktörlerin ilişkisi Ve Bu olguların Cerrahi Tedavi sonuçları”. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Investigations, vol. 3, no. 2, 2012, pp. 214-22, doi:10.5799/ahinjs.01.2012.02.0147.
Vancouver Şengül E, Bağlam T, Çevik C, Şengül CA, Kara F, Karataş ZA, Kanlıkama M. Larenks kanserlerinde, servikal metastaz sıklığı ile tümöre ait faktörlerin ilişkisi ve bu olguların cerrahi tedavi sonuçları. J Clin Exp Invest. 2012;3(2):214-22.