Bebeklik ve Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Kitap Okuma: Çocuk Sağlığı İzlemlerinde Etkili Bir Gelişim Önerisi
Year 2014,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 89 - 94, 01.07.2014
Güntülü Tercanlı Metin
Gülbin Gökçay
Bu çalışmada, bebekler ve erken çocukluk dönemindeki çocuklarla birlikte kitap okumanın gelişime etkileri, niteliği, sıklığı ve bunları etkileyen etmenleri ele alan araştırmalardan örnekler sunulmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı, erken dönemde kitap okumanın çocuk gelişimine olan olumlu etkilerine dikkat çekmek ve bu alanda yapılan çalışmaların sonuçlarını derlemektir
- 1. Ninio A, Bruner J. The achievement and antecedants of labelling. J Child Language 1978;5:1-15.
- 2. Murphy CM. Pointing in the context of a shared activity. Child Development 1978;49:371-80.
- 3. Veryeri Alaca I. 0-5 yaş çocuk ve ailelerine yönelik devlet destekli dil gelişimi stratejileri, medya ve okuma kültürü projeleri. I. Türkiye Medya ve Çocuk Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı. Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 2013.
- 4. Zuckerman B. Promoting early literacy in pediatric practice: Twenty years of reach out and read. Pediatrics 2009;124: 1660-5.
- 5. Jones VF, Franco SM, Metcalf SC, Popp R, Staggs S, Thomas AE. The value of book distribution in a clinic-based literacy intervention program. Clinical Pediatrics 2000; 39:535-41.
- 6. Uyanık Ö, Kandır A. Okulöncesi dönemde erken akademik beceriler. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim 2010;3(2):118-34.
- 7. Çelenk S. İlkokuma Yazma Öğretiminde Kuluçka Dönemi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2003; 36:1-2.
- 8. Cengiz Ö. Türk annelerin çocuklarına kitap okurken kullandıkları dilsel kodlar ve etkileşim biçemi. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Genel Dilbilim Anabilim Dalı, İzmir: 2010.
- 9. Altıparmak S. Erken çocukluk döneminde ebeveynlerin okuma-yazmaya hazırlık konusundaki görüşleri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara: 2010.
- 10. Büyüktaşkapu S. Okul öncesi eğitimi sürecinde çocuklara uygulanan aile destekli okumaya hazırlık programının ilkokuldaki okuma başarılarına etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 2012;12(1):301-16.
- 11. Gönen M, Uludağ G, Tanrıbuyurdu EF, Tüfekçi E. 0-3 yaş çocuklarına yönelik resimli çocuk kitaplarının özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;29(1):126-39.
- 12. Bayram TZ. Resimli çocuk kitaplarının okuma alışkanlığı üzerindeki etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul: 2009.
- 13. Whitehurst GJ, Lonigan CJ. Child development and emergent literacy. Child Development 1998;69(3):848-72.
- 14. Akhtar N, Jipson J, Callanan MA. Learning words through overhearing. Child Development 2001;72:416-30.
- 15. Crain-Thoreson C, Dahlin MP, Powell TA. Parent-child interaction in three conversational contexts: Variations in style and strategy. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2001;92:23-37.
- 16. Carpenter M, Nagell K, Tomasello M, Butterworth G, Moore C. Social cognition, joint attention, and communicative competence from 9 to 15 months of age. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 1998;63(4):1-174.
- 17. Werker JF, Lloyd VL, Cohen LB, Casasola M, Stager CL. Acqusition of word-object associations by 14 month-old infants. Developmental Psychology 1998;34(6):1289-309.
- 18. Oghi S, Loo KK, Mizuike C. Frontal brain activation in young children during picture book reading with their mothers. Acta Pediatrica 2010;99:225-9.
- 19. Aram D, Shapira R. Parent-child shared book reading and children’s language, literacy, and empathy development. Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare 2012;2:55-65.
- 20. High PC, LaGasse L, Becker S, Ahlgren I, Gardner A. Literacy promotion in primary care pediatrics: Can we make a difference? Pediatrics 2000;105(4):927-34.
- 21. Sharif I, Rieber S, Ozuah PO. Exposure to reach out and read and vocabulary outcomes in innercity preschoolers. J National Medical Association 2002;94(3):171-7.
- 22. Fletcher KL, Reese E. Picture book reading with children: A conceptual framework. Developmental Review 2005;25: 64-103.
- 23. Fletcher KL, Jean-Francois B. Spontaneous responses during repeatedreading in young children from ‘At Risk’ backgrounds. Early Child Development and Care 1998;146:53-68.
- 24. Young KT, Davis K, Schoen C. The commonwealth fund survey of parents with young children. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1996.
- 25. Martin LE. Early book reading: How mothers deviate from printed text for young children. Literacy Research and Instruction 1998;37(2):137-60.
- 26. Senechal M, Cornell EH, Broda LS. Age related differences in the organization of parent-infant interactions during picturebook reading. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1995;10 (3):317-37.
- 27. Raikes H, Luze G, Brooks-Gun J ve ark. Mother-child bookreading in low income families: Correlates and outcomes during the first three years of life. Child Development 2006; 77(4):924-53.
- 28. Ortiz C, Stowe RM, Arnold DH. Parental influence on child interest in shared picture book reading. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 2001;16:263-81.
- 29. Bus AG, Belsky J, van Ijzendoorn MH, Crnic K. Attachment and bookreading patterns: A study of mothers, fathers and their toddlers. Early Childhood Researh Quarterly 1997;12: 81-98.
- 30. Needlman R, Klass P, Zuckerman B. Reach out and get your patient to read. Contemporary Pediatrics 2002;19(1):51-69.
- 31. Bus AG, van Ijzendoorn MH. Patterns of attachment in frequently and infrequently reading mother-child dyads. The J Genetic Psychology 1992;153(4):395-403.
- 32. Baker L, Scher D, Mackler K. Home and family influences on motivations for reading. Educational Psychologist 1997; 32(2):69-82.
- 33. Fletcher KL, Perez A, Hooper C, Claussen AH. Responsiveness and attention during picture-book reading in 18 month-old and 24 month-old toddlers at risk. Early Child Development and Care 2005;175(1):63-83.
- 34. Bus AG. Social-emotional requisites for learning to read. İçinde: Marwah NJ, eds. On reading books to children: parents and teachers. New Jersey: L.Erlbaum Associates, 2003; 3-15.
- 35. Kuo AA, Franke TM, Regalado M, Halfon N. Parent Report of Reading to Young Children. Pediatrics 2004;113:1944-51.
- 36. Blake J, Macdonald S, Bayrami L, Agosta V, Milian A. Book reading styles in dual-parent and single-mother families. Br J Educational Psychology 2006;76:501-15.
- 37. Karrass J, VanDeventer MC, Braungart-Rieker JM. Predicting shared parent-child book reading in infancy. J Family Psychology 2003;17(1):134-46.
- 38. Huebner CE, Meltzoff AN. Intervention to change parentchild reading style: A comparison of instructional methods. Applied Developmental Psychology 2005;26:296-313.
- 39. Berkule SB, Dreyer BP, Klass PE, Huberman HS, Yin HS, Mendelsohn AL. Mothers’ Expectations for shared reading after delivery: Implications for reading activities at 6 months. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2008;8:169-74.
- 40. Berkule SB, Dreyer BP, Huberman HS, Fierman AH, Mendelsohn AL. Attitudes about shared reading among at-risk mothers of newborn babies. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2007;7(1):45-50.
Reading Book During Infancy and Early Childhood: An Effective Recommendation for Well-Child Care
Year 2014,
Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 89 - 94, 01.07.2014
Güntülü Tercanlı Metin
Gülbin Gökçay
In this review, examples from studies examining the effects of shared-book reading with infants and young children on development, frequency and quality of reading and the factors affecting them are presented. The aim of the review is to point out the positive effects of shared-book reading on development of young children and compile the findings of studies performed on this subject
- 1. Ninio A, Bruner J. The achievement and antecedants of labelling. J Child Language 1978;5:1-15.
- 2. Murphy CM. Pointing in the context of a shared activity. Child Development 1978;49:371-80.
- 3. Veryeri Alaca I. 0-5 yaş çocuk ve ailelerine yönelik devlet destekli dil gelişimi stratejileri, medya ve okuma kültürü projeleri. I. Türkiye Medya ve Çocuk Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı. Çocuk Vakfı Yayınları, 2013.
- 4. Zuckerman B. Promoting early literacy in pediatric practice: Twenty years of reach out and read. Pediatrics 2009;124: 1660-5.
- 5. Jones VF, Franco SM, Metcalf SC, Popp R, Staggs S, Thomas AE. The value of book distribution in a clinic-based literacy intervention program. Clinical Pediatrics 2000; 39:535-41.
- 6. Uyanık Ö, Kandır A. Okulöncesi dönemde erken akademik beceriler. Kuramsal Eğitimbilim 2010;3(2):118-34.
- 7. Çelenk S. İlkokuma Yazma Öğretiminde Kuluçka Dönemi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 2003; 36:1-2.
- 8. Cengiz Ö. Türk annelerin çocuklarına kitap okurken kullandıkları dilsel kodlar ve etkileşim biçemi. Doktora Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Genel Dilbilim Anabilim Dalı, İzmir: 2010.
- 9. Altıparmak S. Erken çocukluk döneminde ebeveynlerin okuma-yazmaya hazırlık konusundaki görüşleri. Yüksek lisans tezi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Erken Çocukluk Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, Ankara: 2010.
- 10. Büyüktaşkapu S. Okul öncesi eğitimi sürecinde çocuklara uygulanan aile destekli okumaya hazırlık programının ilkokuldaki okuma başarılarına etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 2012;12(1):301-16.
- 11. Gönen M, Uludağ G, Tanrıbuyurdu EF, Tüfekçi E. 0-3 yaş çocuklarına yönelik resimli çocuk kitaplarının özelliklerinin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi 2014;29(1):126-39.
- 12. Bayram TZ. Resimli çocuk kitaplarının okuma alışkanlığı üzerindeki etkisi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul: 2009.
- 13. Whitehurst GJ, Lonigan CJ. Child development and emergent literacy. Child Development 1998;69(3):848-72.
- 14. Akhtar N, Jipson J, Callanan MA. Learning words through overhearing. Child Development 2001;72:416-30.
- 15. Crain-Thoreson C, Dahlin MP, Powell TA. Parent-child interaction in three conversational contexts: Variations in style and strategy. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 2001;92:23-37.
- 16. Carpenter M, Nagell K, Tomasello M, Butterworth G, Moore C. Social cognition, joint attention, and communicative competence from 9 to 15 months of age. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 1998;63(4):1-174.
- 17. Werker JF, Lloyd VL, Cohen LB, Casasola M, Stager CL. Acqusition of word-object associations by 14 month-old infants. Developmental Psychology 1998;34(6):1289-309.
- 18. Oghi S, Loo KK, Mizuike C. Frontal brain activation in young children during picture book reading with their mothers. Acta Pediatrica 2010;99:225-9.
- 19. Aram D, Shapira R. Parent-child shared book reading and children’s language, literacy, and empathy development. Rivista Italiana di Educazione Familiare 2012;2:55-65.
- 20. High PC, LaGasse L, Becker S, Ahlgren I, Gardner A. Literacy promotion in primary care pediatrics: Can we make a difference? Pediatrics 2000;105(4):927-34.
- 21. Sharif I, Rieber S, Ozuah PO. Exposure to reach out and read and vocabulary outcomes in innercity preschoolers. J National Medical Association 2002;94(3):171-7.
- 22. Fletcher KL, Reese E. Picture book reading with children: A conceptual framework. Developmental Review 2005;25: 64-103.
- 23. Fletcher KL, Jean-Francois B. Spontaneous responses during repeatedreading in young children from ‘At Risk’ backgrounds. Early Child Development and Care 1998;146:53-68.
- 24. Young KT, Davis K, Schoen C. The commonwealth fund survey of parents with young children. New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 1996.
- 25. Martin LE. Early book reading: How mothers deviate from printed text for young children. Literacy Research and Instruction 1998;37(2):137-60.
- 26. Senechal M, Cornell EH, Broda LS. Age related differences in the organization of parent-infant interactions during picturebook reading. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1995;10 (3):317-37.
- 27. Raikes H, Luze G, Brooks-Gun J ve ark. Mother-child bookreading in low income families: Correlates and outcomes during the first three years of life. Child Development 2006; 77(4):924-53.
- 28. Ortiz C, Stowe RM, Arnold DH. Parental influence on child interest in shared picture book reading. Early Childhood Research Quarterly 2001;16:263-81.
- 29. Bus AG, Belsky J, van Ijzendoorn MH, Crnic K. Attachment and bookreading patterns: A study of mothers, fathers and their toddlers. Early Childhood Researh Quarterly 1997;12: 81-98.
- 30. Needlman R, Klass P, Zuckerman B. Reach out and get your patient to read. Contemporary Pediatrics 2002;19(1):51-69.
- 31. Bus AG, van Ijzendoorn MH. Patterns of attachment in frequently and infrequently reading mother-child dyads. The J Genetic Psychology 1992;153(4):395-403.
- 32. Baker L, Scher D, Mackler K. Home and family influences on motivations for reading. Educational Psychologist 1997; 32(2):69-82.
- 33. Fletcher KL, Perez A, Hooper C, Claussen AH. Responsiveness and attention during picture-book reading in 18 month-old and 24 month-old toddlers at risk. Early Child Development and Care 2005;175(1):63-83.
- 34. Bus AG. Social-emotional requisites for learning to read. İçinde: Marwah NJ, eds. On reading books to children: parents and teachers. New Jersey: L.Erlbaum Associates, 2003; 3-15.
- 35. Kuo AA, Franke TM, Regalado M, Halfon N. Parent Report of Reading to Young Children. Pediatrics 2004;113:1944-51.
- 36. Blake J, Macdonald S, Bayrami L, Agosta V, Milian A. Book reading styles in dual-parent and single-mother families. Br J Educational Psychology 2006;76:501-15.
- 37. Karrass J, VanDeventer MC, Braungart-Rieker JM. Predicting shared parent-child book reading in infancy. J Family Psychology 2003;17(1):134-46.
- 38. Huebner CE, Meltzoff AN. Intervention to change parentchild reading style: A comparison of instructional methods. Applied Developmental Psychology 2005;26:296-313.
- 39. Berkule SB, Dreyer BP, Klass PE, Huberman HS, Yin HS, Mendelsohn AL. Mothers’ Expectations for shared reading after delivery: Implications for reading activities at 6 months. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2008;8:169-74.
- 40. Berkule SB, Dreyer BP, Huberman HS, Fierman AH, Mendelsohn AL. Attitudes about shared reading among at-risk mothers of newborn babies. Ambulatory Pediatrics 2007;7(1):45-50.