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Tüberkülin Cilt Testi

Year 2010, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 6 - 12, 01.01.2010


TCT Latent tüberküloz enfeksiyonu- nun çocuklarda saptanmasında önemli bir tarama aracı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ancak uygulanmasında ve yorum- lanmasında çeşitli tartışmalar süregelmektedir. Bu yazıda PPD olarak da bilinen TCT konusundaki güncel çalışma- lar ve öneriler değerlendirilmiştir


  • 1. Pediatric Tuberculosis Collaborative Group. Targeted tuberculin skin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 2004; 114:1175-201.
  • 2. Gökçay G, Neyzi O, Bulut A. Sosyal Pediatri. In: Neyzi O, Ertuğrul T; eds. Pediatri ed. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2002: 35-71.
  • 3. Koçoğlu F, Yücel B, Uysal M, Mandı M. BCG’li çocuklar üzerinde yıllık enfeksiyon riski hesabı. Tüberküloz ve Toraks 1995; 43:7-12.
  • 4. Bozkanat E, Çiftçi F, Apaydın M ve ark. İstanbul il merkezindeki bir askeri okulda tüberkülin cilt testi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks 2005;53(1):39-49.
  • 5. Huebner RE, Schein MF, Bass JB. The tuberculin skin test Clin Infect Dis 1993; 17:968-75.
  • 6. Sbarbaro JA. Skin test antigens: an evaluation whose time has come. Am Rev Respir Dis 1978; 118:1-5.
  • 7. Department of Health 1996 Immunisation against Infectious Disease HMSO, 1996, London.
  • 8. Toivgoogiin A, Toyota M, Yasuda N, Ohara H. Validity of using tuberculin skin test erythema measurement for contact investigation during a tuberculous outbreak in school children previously vaccinated with BCG. J Epidemiol 2005; 15:56- 64.
  • 9. Bouros D, Zeros, Panaretos C et al. Palpation vs pen method for the measurement of tuberculin reaction (Mantoux test) Chest 1991; 99:416-9.
  • 10. Cheng TL, Ottolini MC, Baumhaft K, et al. Strategies to increase adherence with tuberculosis test reading in a highrisk population. Pediatrics 1997; 100:210-3.
  • 11. Carter ER, Lee CM. Interpretation of the tuberculin skin test reaction by pediatric providers. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2002; 21:200-3.
  • 12. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Verem Savaşı Daire Başkanlığı. Türkiye’de Tüberküloz Kontrolü İçin Başvuru Kitabı. Rekmay Limited Şirketi, Ankara, 2003.
  • 13. American Thoracic Society. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:S221-47.
  • 14. Menzies D. What does tuberculin reactivity after bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination tell us. Clin Infect Dis 2000; 31:S71-4.
  • 15. Thompson NJ, Glassroth JL, Snider DE, Farer LS. The booster phenomenon in serial tuberculin testing. American Review of Respiratory Disease 1979; 119:587-97.
  • 16. Soysal A. BCG Aşılı Sağlıklı Çocuklarda Tüberkülin Deri Testi Takipleri ve Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi [Tez], İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 1998.
  • 17. Starke JR, Jacobs RF, Jereb J. Resurgence of tuberculosis in children. J Pediatr 1992; 120:839-55.
  • 18. Steiner P, Rao M, Victoria MS, et al. Persistently negative tuberculin reactions: their presence among children with culture positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculin negative tuberculosis) Am J Dis Child 1980; 134:747-50.
  • 19. Mahadevan B, Mahadevan S, Serane VT, Narasimhan R. Tuberculin reactivity in tuberculous meningitis. Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72:213-5.
  • 20. Starr S, Berkovich S. Effects of measles, gamma-globulinmodified measles and vaccine measles on the tuberculin test. N Engl J Med 1964; 270:386-91.
  • 21. Belsey MA. Tuberculosis and varicella infections in children. Am J Dis Child 1967; 113:444-8.
  • 22. Berkovich S, Starr S. Effects of live type 1 poliovirus vaccine and other viruses on the tuberculin test. N Engl J Med 1966; 27:67-72.
  • 23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. General recommendations on immmunization . Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep 1994; 43(RR-1):1-38.
  • 24. Kupers TA, Petrich JM, Holloway AW, St Geme JW. Depression of tuberculin delayed hypersensitivity by live attenuated mumps virus. J Pediatr 1970; 76:716-21.
  • 25. Berkovich S, Fikrig S, Brunell PA, et al. Effect of live attenuated mumps vaccine virus on the expression of tuberculin sensitivity. J Pediatr 1972; 80:84-7.
  • 26. Berkovich S, Steiner P, Steiner M. Live rubella virus vaccine in tuberculous children. Am J Dis Child 1969; 118:252-7.
  • 27. Brickman HF, Beaudry PH, Marks MI. The timing of tuberculin test in relation to immunization with live viral vaccines. Pediatrics 1975; 55:392-6.
  • 28. MacGregor RR, Shaegren JN, Lipsett MB, Wolff SM. Alternate-day prednisone therapy. Evaluation of delayed hypersensitivity responses, control of disease and steroid side effects. N Eng J Med 1969; 280:1427-31.
  • 29. Schatz M, Patterson R, Kloner R, Falk J. The prevalance of tuberculosis and positive tuberculin skin tests in a steroidtreated asthmatic population. Ann Intern Med 1976; 84:261-5.
  • 30. Mohr JA, Killebrew L, Muchmore HG, Felton F, Rhoades ER. Transfer of delayed hypersensitivity. The role of blood transfusion in humans JAMA 1969; 207:517-9.
  • 31. Lalvani A, Pathan AA, Durkan H et al. Enhanced contact tracing and spatial tracking of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by enumeration of antigen-specific T cells. Lancet. 2001; 357:2017-21.
  • 32. Saiman L, San Gabriel P, Schulte J, et al. Risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection among children in New York City. Pediatrics 2001; 107:999-1003.
  • 33. Almeida LM, Barbieri MA, Da Paixao AC, Cuevas LE. Use of purified protein derivative to assess the risk of infection in children in close contact with adults with tuberculosis in a population with Calmette Guerin bacillus coverage. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2001; 20:1061-5.
  • 34. Mudido PM, Guwatudde D, Nakakeeto MK et al. The effect of bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination at birth on tuberculin skin test reactivity in Ugandan children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:891-5.
  • 35. Lockman S, Tappero JW, Kenyon TA, et al. Tuberculin reactivity ın a pediatric population with high BCG vaccination coverage. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:23-30.
  • 36. Fine PE, Bruce J, Ponnighaus JM, Nkhosa P, Harawa A, Vynnycky E. Tuberculin sensitivity: conversion and reversions in a rural African population. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:962-75.
  • 37. Tanzania Tuberculin Survey Collaboration. Tuberculosis control in the era of the HIV epidemic: Risk of tuberculosis infection ın Tanzania, 1983-1998. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001; 5:103-12.
  • 38. American Academy of Pediatrics. Tuberculosis. In: Pickering LK. Ed. Red Book: 2003 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2003: 642-660.
  • 39. Karallıedde S, Katugaha LP, Uragoda CG. Tuberculin response of Sri Lankan Children after BCG vaccination at birth Tubercle 1987; 68:33-8.
  • 40. Leung CC, Yew WW, Tam CM, et al. Tuberculin response in BCG vaccinated schoolchildren and the estimation of annual risk of infection in Hong Kong. Thorax 2005; 60:124-9.
  • 41. Chee CB, Soh CH, Boudville IC, Chor SS, Wang YT. Interpretation of the tuberculin skin test in Mycobacterium bovis BCG-vaccinated Singaporean schoolchildren. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 164:958-61.
  • 42. Gökçay G, Partalcı A, Baş F, Neyzi O. Tuberculin reactivity in young children following neonatal BCG vaccination. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2000; 40:51-2.
  • 43. Anon. Tuberculin skin test survey in a pediatric population with high BCG vaccination coverage: Botswana, 1996. MMWR 1997; 46:846-51.
  • 44. Ormerod LP. Chemotherapy and management of tuberculosis in the United Kingdom: recommendations of the Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990; 45:403-8.
  • 45. Soren K, Saiman L, Irıgoven M, et al. Evaluation of household contacts of children with positive tuberculin skin tests. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999; 18:949-55.
  • 46. Chadha VK, Jaganath PS, Kumar P. Tuberculin sensitivity among children vaccinated with BCG under universal immunization progamme. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71(12):1063-8.
  • 47. Kassimi FA, Abdullan AK, Al-Orainey IO, et al. The significance of positive Mantoux reactions in BCG-vaccinated children. Tubercle 1991; 72:101-4.
  • 48. Wang L, Turner MO, Elwood RK, et al. A meta-analysis of the effect of Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccination on tuberculin skin test measurements. Thorax 2002; 57:804-9.
  • 49. Uçan ES, Sevinç C, Abadoğdu Ö, ve ark. Tüberkülin testi sonuçlarının yorumlanması ülkemiz standartları için gereksinimler. Toraks Dergisi 2000; 1(1):25-9.
  • 50. Ildırım İ, Hacımustafaoğlu M, Ediz B. Correlation of tuberculin induration with the number of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccines. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1995; 14:1060-3.
  • 51. Gülnar SB, Bulut BU. Influence of vaccination on tuberculin reactivity in healthy Turkish school chlidren Acta Paediatr 1997; 86:549.
  • 52. Bozaykut A, Atay E, Sevim H, Atay Z, Ceran O. Effect of BCG vaccine on tuberculin skin tests in 7-11 year-old children. Acta Paediatr 2004; 93:1033-5.
  • 53. American Thoracic Society. Diagnostic standards and classification of tuberculosis in adults and children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:1376-95.
  • 54. Horsburgh CR. Priorities for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in the United States. N Eng J Med 2004; 350:2060-7.
  • 55. Mynak ML, Kumar L, Mathew JL, Jindal SK. Prevalance and risk factors for transmission of infection among children in household contact with adults having pulmonary tuberculosis Arch Dis Child 2005; 90:624-8.

Tuberculin Skin Test in Children

Year 2010, Volume: 10 Issue: 1, 6 - 12, 01.01.2010


The tuberculin skin test TST has become the established screening method for diagnosing latent tuberculosis infec- tion in children. However much discussion is stil going on about its use and interpretation. This paper reviews the current studies and recommendations on the use of TST in children


  • 1. Pediatric Tuberculosis Collaborative Group. Targeted tuberculin skin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in children and adolescents. Pediatrics 2004; 114:1175-201.
  • 2. Gökçay G, Neyzi O, Bulut A. Sosyal Pediatri. In: Neyzi O, Ertuğrul T; eds. Pediatri ed. İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitapevleri; 2002: 35-71.
  • 3. Koçoğlu F, Yücel B, Uysal M, Mandı M. BCG’li çocuklar üzerinde yıllık enfeksiyon riski hesabı. Tüberküloz ve Toraks 1995; 43:7-12.
  • 4. Bozkanat E, Çiftçi F, Apaydın M ve ark. İstanbul il merkezindeki bir askeri okulda tüberkülin cilt testi. Tüberküloz ve Toraks 2005;53(1):39-49.
  • 5. Huebner RE, Schein MF, Bass JB. The tuberculin skin test Clin Infect Dis 1993; 17:968-75.
  • 6. Sbarbaro JA. Skin test antigens: an evaluation whose time has come. Am Rev Respir Dis 1978; 118:1-5.
  • 7. Department of Health 1996 Immunisation against Infectious Disease HMSO, 1996, London.
  • 8. Toivgoogiin A, Toyota M, Yasuda N, Ohara H. Validity of using tuberculin skin test erythema measurement for contact investigation during a tuberculous outbreak in school children previously vaccinated with BCG. J Epidemiol 2005; 15:56- 64.
  • 9. Bouros D, Zeros, Panaretos C et al. Palpation vs pen method for the measurement of tuberculin reaction (Mantoux test) Chest 1991; 99:416-9.
  • 10. Cheng TL, Ottolini MC, Baumhaft K, et al. Strategies to increase adherence with tuberculosis test reading in a highrisk population. Pediatrics 1997; 100:210-3.
  • 11. Carter ER, Lee CM. Interpretation of the tuberculin skin test reaction by pediatric providers. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2002; 21:200-3.
  • 12. T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Verem Savaşı Daire Başkanlığı. Türkiye’de Tüberküloz Kontrolü İçin Başvuru Kitabı. Rekmay Limited Şirketi, Ankara, 2003.
  • 13. American Thoracic Society. Targeted tuberculin testing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:S221-47.
  • 14. Menzies D. What does tuberculin reactivity after bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination tell us. Clin Infect Dis 2000; 31:S71-4.
  • 15. Thompson NJ, Glassroth JL, Snider DE, Farer LS. The booster phenomenon in serial tuberculin testing. American Review of Respiratory Disease 1979; 119:587-97.
  • 16. Soysal A. BCG Aşılı Sağlıklı Çocuklarda Tüberkülin Deri Testi Takipleri ve Sonuçlarının Değerlendirilmesi [Tez], İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi; 1998.
  • 17. Starke JR, Jacobs RF, Jereb J. Resurgence of tuberculosis in children. J Pediatr 1992; 120:839-55.
  • 18. Steiner P, Rao M, Victoria MS, et al. Persistently negative tuberculin reactions: their presence among children with culture positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculin negative tuberculosis) Am J Dis Child 1980; 134:747-50.
  • 19. Mahadevan B, Mahadevan S, Serane VT, Narasimhan R. Tuberculin reactivity in tuberculous meningitis. Indian J Pediatr 2005; 72:213-5.
  • 20. Starr S, Berkovich S. Effects of measles, gamma-globulinmodified measles and vaccine measles on the tuberculin test. N Engl J Med 1964; 270:386-91.
  • 21. Belsey MA. Tuberculosis and varicella infections in children. Am J Dis Child 1967; 113:444-8.
  • 22. Berkovich S, Starr S. Effects of live type 1 poliovirus vaccine and other viruses on the tuberculin test. N Engl J Med 1966; 27:67-72.
  • 23. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. General recommendations on immmunization . Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). MMWR Recomm Rep 1994; 43(RR-1):1-38.
  • 24. Kupers TA, Petrich JM, Holloway AW, St Geme JW. Depression of tuberculin delayed hypersensitivity by live attenuated mumps virus. J Pediatr 1970; 76:716-21.
  • 25. Berkovich S, Fikrig S, Brunell PA, et al. Effect of live attenuated mumps vaccine virus on the expression of tuberculin sensitivity. J Pediatr 1972; 80:84-7.
  • 26. Berkovich S, Steiner P, Steiner M. Live rubella virus vaccine in tuberculous children. Am J Dis Child 1969; 118:252-7.
  • 27. Brickman HF, Beaudry PH, Marks MI. The timing of tuberculin test in relation to immunization with live viral vaccines. Pediatrics 1975; 55:392-6.
  • 28. MacGregor RR, Shaegren JN, Lipsett MB, Wolff SM. Alternate-day prednisone therapy. Evaluation of delayed hypersensitivity responses, control of disease and steroid side effects. N Eng J Med 1969; 280:1427-31.
  • 29. Schatz M, Patterson R, Kloner R, Falk J. The prevalance of tuberculosis and positive tuberculin skin tests in a steroidtreated asthmatic population. Ann Intern Med 1976; 84:261-5.
  • 30. Mohr JA, Killebrew L, Muchmore HG, Felton F, Rhoades ER. Transfer of delayed hypersensitivity. The role of blood transfusion in humans JAMA 1969; 207:517-9.
  • 31. Lalvani A, Pathan AA, Durkan H et al. Enhanced contact tracing and spatial tracking of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection by enumeration of antigen-specific T cells. Lancet. 2001; 357:2017-21.
  • 32. Saiman L, San Gabriel P, Schulte J, et al. Risk factors for latent tuberculosis infection among children in New York City. Pediatrics 2001; 107:999-1003.
  • 33. Almeida LM, Barbieri MA, Da Paixao AC, Cuevas LE. Use of purified protein derivative to assess the risk of infection in children in close contact with adults with tuberculosis in a population with Calmette Guerin bacillus coverage. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2001; 20:1061-5.
  • 34. Mudido PM, Guwatudde D, Nakakeeto MK et al. The effect of bacille Calmette-Guerin vaccination at birth on tuberculin skin test reactivity in Ugandan children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:891-5.
  • 35. Lockman S, Tappero JW, Kenyon TA, et al. Tuberculin reactivity ın a pediatric population with high BCG vaccination coverage. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:23-30.
  • 36. Fine PE, Bruce J, Ponnighaus JM, Nkhosa P, Harawa A, Vynnycky E. Tuberculin sensitivity: conversion and reversions in a rural African population. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 1999; 3:962-75.
  • 37. Tanzania Tuberculin Survey Collaboration. Tuberculosis control in the era of the HIV epidemic: Risk of tuberculosis infection ın Tanzania, 1983-1998. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2001; 5:103-12.
  • 38. American Academy of Pediatrics. Tuberculosis. In: Pickering LK. Ed. Red Book: 2003 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases 25th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2003: 642-660.
  • 39. Karallıedde S, Katugaha LP, Uragoda CG. Tuberculin response of Sri Lankan Children after BCG vaccination at birth Tubercle 1987; 68:33-8.
  • 40. Leung CC, Yew WW, Tam CM, et al. Tuberculin response in BCG vaccinated schoolchildren and the estimation of annual risk of infection in Hong Kong. Thorax 2005; 60:124-9.
  • 41. Chee CB, Soh CH, Boudville IC, Chor SS, Wang YT. Interpretation of the tuberculin skin test in Mycobacterium bovis BCG-vaccinated Singaporean schoolchildren. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2001; 164:958-61.
  • 42. Gökçay G, Partalcı A, Baş F, Neyzi O. Tuberculin reactivity in young children following neonatal BCG vaccination. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2000; 40:51-2.
  • 43. Anon. Tuberculin skin test survey in a pediatric population with high BCG vaccination coverage: Botswana, 1996. MMWR 1997; 46:846-51.
  • 44. Ormerod LP. Chemotherapy and management of tuberculosis in the United Kingdom: recommendations of the Joint Tuberculosis Committee of the British Thoracic Society. Thorax 1990; 45:403-8.
  • 45. Soren K, Saiman L, Irıgoven M, et al. Evaluation of household contacts of children with positive tuberculin skin tests. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1999; 18:949-55.
  • 46. Chadha VK, Jaganath PS, Kumar P. Tuberculin sensitivity among children vaccinated with BCG under universal immunization progamme. Indian J Pediatr 2004; 71(12):1063-8.
  • 47. Kassimi FA, Abdullan AK, Al-Orainey IO, et al. The significance of positive Mantoux reactions in BCG-vaccinated children. Tubercle 1991; 72:101-4.
  • 48. Wang L, Turner MO, Elwood RK, et al. A meta-analysis of the effect of Bacille Calmette Guerin vaccination on tuberculin skin test measurements. Thorax 2002; 57:804-9.
  • 49. Uçan ES, Sevinç C, Abadoğdu Ö, ve ark. Tüberkülin testi sonuçlarının yorumlanması ülkemiz standartları için gereksinimler. Toraks Dergisi 2000; 1(1):25-9.
  • 50. Ildırım İ, Hacımustafaoğlu M, Ediz B. Correlation of tuberculin induration with the number of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccines. Pediatr Infect Dis J 1995; 14:1060-3.
  • 51. Gülnar SB, Bulut BU. Influence of vaccination on tuberculin reactivity in healthy Turkish school chlidren Acta Paediatr 1997; 86:549.
  • 52. Bozaykut A, Atay E, Sevim H, Atay Z, Ceran O. Effect of BCG vaccine on tuberculin skin tests in 7-11 year-old children. Acta Paediatr 2004; 93:1033-5.
  • 53. American Thoracic Society. Diagnostic standards and classification of tuberculosis in adults and children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000; 161:1376-95.
  • 54. Horsburgh CR. Priorities for the treatment of latent tuberculosis infection in the United States. N Eng J Med 2004; 350:2060-7.
  • 55. Mynak ML, Kumar L, Mathew JL, Jindal SK. Prevalance and risk factors for transmission of infection among children in household contact with adults having pulmonary tuberculosis Arch Dis Child 2005; 90:624-8.
There are 55 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Gülbin Gökçay This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 10 Issue: 1


APA Gökçay, G. (2010). Tüberkülin Cilt Testi. Journal of Child, 10(1), 6-12.
AMA Gökçay G. Tüberkülin Cilt Testi. Journal of Child. January 2010;10(1):6-12. doi:10.5222/j.child.2010.006
Chicago Gökçay, Gülbin. “Tüberkülin Cilt Testi”. Journal of Child 10, no. 1 (January 2010): 6-12.
EndNote Gökçay G (January 1, 2010) Tüberkülin Cilt Testi. Journal of Child 10 1 6–12.
IEEE G. Gökçay, “Tüberkülin Cilt Testi”, Journal of Child, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 6–12, 2010, doi: 10.5222/j.child.2010.006.
ISNAD Gökçay, Gülbin. “Tüberkülin Cilt Testi”. Journal of Child 10/1 (January 2010), 6-12.
JAMA Gökçay G. Tüberkülin Cilt Testi. Journal of Child. 2010;10:6–12.
MLA Gökçay, Gülbin. “Tüberkülin Cilt Testi”. Journal of Child, vol. 10, no. 1, 2010, pp. 6-12, doi:10.5222/j.child.2010.006.
Vancouver Gökçay G. Tüberkülin Cilt Testi. Journal of Child. 2010;10(1):6-12.