Research Article
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Quality of Life of Children Between 5 and 7 Years and Affecting Factors

Year 2023, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 149 - 158, 30.06.2023


Aim: This study has been carried out as a descriptive research in order to determine children’s quality of life and the factors affecting their quality of life.
Methods: The research data were obtained from 260 children between the ages of five and seven years and their parents in Türkiye’s Karaman province between September 2019-June 2020. Data were collected using a questionnaire form and the child and parent forms for the Quality of Life Scale for Children. The study used frequencies, percentages, means, min and max values, Cronbach’s alphas, t test results, ANOVA testing, the Mann Whitney U-test, and regression analyses to analyze the data, with the Bonferonni correction test being used in further analyses.
Results: Of the students examined within the scope of the study, 53.1% were determined to be girls and 50% to be six years old; their mean body mass index (BMI) was identified as 15.31 (SD = 2.61). The mean score from the child version of the Quality of Life Scale for Children was seen to be 71.23 (SD = 13.28), and the mean score from the parent version was seen to be 65.69 (SD = 14.11). The children’s quality of life was determined to be affected by family income status, parents’ educational status, the presence of chronic diseases in the parents, and the presence of any disease diagnosed in the child.
Conclusion: According to the research results, the children were found to have high mean scores for their overall quality of life, while the children’s quality of life scores as evaluated by the parents were found to be at a medium level. The lowest mean for the children’s and parents’ forms were found to occur in the sub-dimension of emotional functionality. The children’s quality of life was observed to vary according to certain variables such as the family income level, parents’ educational level, the presence of a chronic disease in the parents, and the presence of any disease diagnosed in the child.


  • Üneri Ö, Çakın Memik N. The Concept of Quality of Life İn Children And a Review of Quality of Life Scales. Journal of Child and Youth Mental Health 2007;14(1):48-56. google scholar
  • Bekir H, Şahin H, Aydın R. Determination of The Quality of Life of Healthy Children Aged 4-7 According to Their Parents’ Views. Zeitschhrift Für Die Welt Der Türken 2013;5(3):7-19. google scholar
  • Eiser C, Mohay H, Morse R. The Measurement of Quality of Life in Young Children, Child: Care. Health and Development 2000;26(5):401-414. google scholar
  • Koltarla S. Investigation of The Quality of Life of Medical Personnel of Taksim Education and Research Hospital. Ministry of Health Taksim Training and Research Hospital, Thesis of Specialization. 2008. google scholar
  • Sezer TA. Quality of Life Perceptions of Children and Adolescents With Chronic Diseases and Their Parents. Ankara University. Institute of Health Sciences, Master Thesis. 2012. google scholar
  • Demirsoy N. Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the “Child Health and Illness Profile-CHIP” Quality of Life Scale in Children Aged 6-17 Years. Eskişehir Osmangazi University. Institute of Health Sciences, Ph.D. Thesis. 2013. google scholar
  • Eiser C. Children’s quality of life measures. Arch Disease in Childhood 1997;77(4):350-354. google scholar
  • Davis E, Waters E, Mackinnon A, Reddihough D, Graham HK, Mehmet-Radji O, et al. Paediatric Quality of Life İnstruments: a Review of the İmpact of the Conceptual Framework on Outcomes. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology (DMCN) 2006;48(4):311-318. google scholar
  • Topal K. Scales Used to Measure Quality of Life. Türkiye Clinics 2014;5(3):9-14. google scholar
  • Sönmez S, Başbakkal Z. Validity and Reliability Study of Turkish Children’s Quality of Life İnventory (PedsQL 4.). Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Pediatrics 2007;16(4):229-237. google scholar
  • Wallander JL, Koot HM. Quality of Life in Children: a Critical Examination of Concepts, Approaches, İssues, and Future Directions. Clinical Psychology Review 2016; 45:131-145. google scholar
  • Desai AD, Zhou C, Standford S, Haaland W, Varni J, Mangione-Smit RM. Validity and responsiveness of the pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL) 4.0 Generic Core Scales in the Pediatric İnpatient Setting. JAMA Pediatrics 2014;168(12):1114-1121. google scholar
  • O’Quinn LP, Giambra B K. Evidence of İmproved Quality of Life With Pediatric Palliative Care. Pediatric Nursing 2014;40(6):284-296. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Seid M, Rode CA. The PedsQL: The Measurement Model for the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory. MedCare 1999; 37:126-139. google scholar
  • Yıldız Kabak V, Yakut Y, Çetin M, Düger T. Reliability and Validity of The Turkish Version of The PedsQL 3.0 Cancer Module for 2- to 7-Year-Old and The PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales for 5- to 7-Year-Old: The Hacettepe University Experience. Turk Journal Hematol 2016; 33:236-243. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Katz ER, Seid M, Quiggins DJ, Freidman Bender A, Castro CM. The Cancer Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory (PCQL). I. İnstrument Development, Descriptive Statistics, and Cross-İnformant Variance. Journal Behav Med 1998; 21:179-204. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Limbers CA, Burwinkle TM. Impaired Health Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Conditions: a Comparative Analysis of 10 Disease Clusters and 33 Disease Categories/ Severities Utilizing the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2007; 5:43. google scholar
  • Cremeens J, Eiser C, Blades M. Factors İnfluencing Agreement Between Child Self-Report and Parent Proxy-Reports on the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory 4.0 (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2006;4(1):1-8. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Seid M, Kurtin PS. PedsQL™ 4.0: Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ Version 4.0 Generic Core Scales in Healthy and Patient Populations. Medical Care 2001;39(8):800-812. google scholar
  • Bastiaansen D, Koot HM, Bongers IL, Varni JW, Verhulst FC. Measuring Quality of Life in Children Referred for Psychiatric Problems: Psychometric Properties Of The Pedsqltm 4.0 Generic Core Scales. Quality Of Life Research 2004; 13:489-495. google scholar
  • Kook HS, Varni JW. Validation of The Korean Version of The Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales in School Children and Adolescents Using The Rasch Model. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2008; 6:41. google scholar
  • Öcal Erimcan E. Comparison of Motor and Functional Levels and Quality of Life of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Ministry of Health Göztepe Training and Research Hospital. Specialization Thesis in Medicine. 2009. google scholar
  • Roizen M, Rodriguez S, Bauer G, Medin G, Bevilacqua S, Varni JW, et al. Initial Validation of The Argentinean Spanish Version of The PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in Children And Adolescents with Chronic Diseases: Acceptability and Comprehensibility in Low-İncome Settings. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2008; 6:1-15. google scholar
  • Gerson AC, Wentz A, Abraham AG, Mendley S, Hooper SR, Butler RW, et al. Health-Related Quality of Life of Children with Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease. Pediatrics 2010;125(2):349-357. google scholar
  • Durualp E, Kara FN, Yılmaz V, Alaybeyoğlu K. Comparison of Quality of Life of Children with and Without Chronic Disease and Their Parents’ Views. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2010;63(2):55-63. google scholar
  • Amiri P, Eslamian G, Mirmiran P, Shiva N, Asghari MJ, Azizi F. Validity and Reliability of the Iranian Version of the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales in Children. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2012; 10:1-9. google scholar
  • Ferreira P, Baltazar CF, Cavalheiro L, Cabri J, Gonçalves RS. Reliability and Validity of PedsQL for Portuguese Children Aged 5-7 and 8-12 Years. Health and Quality of Life Outcome 2014; 12:122. google scholar
  • Bülbül Öztoprak M. Evaluation of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Problems in Children with Congenital Heart Disease. Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization Thesis in Medicine. 2019. google scholar
  • Abuhandan M, Kandemir H, Güzel B, Kaya C, Karababa F. Quality of Life and Psychiatric Characteristics of Children with Growing Pain. Journal of Harran University Faculty of Medicine 2013;10(3):102-107. google scholar
  • Abuhandan M, Kandemir H, Kaya C, Güzel B, Karababa F, Koca B, et al. Quality of Life and Psychiatric Characteristics of Children with Functional Abdominal Pain. Selcuk Medical Journal 2014;30(1):15-18. google scholar
  • Upton P, Eiser C, Cheung I, Hutchings HA, Jenney M, Maddocks A, et al. Measurement Properties of the UK-English Version of the Pediatric Quality of life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2005;3(1):1-7. google scholar
  • Calcicioglu ST, Tural MK., Kandil S. Quality of Life and Self-Esteem in Children with Chronic Tic Disorder. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics 2014; 49:323-332. google scholar
  • Aydıner Boylu A, Paçacıoğlu B. Quality of Life İndicators. Journal of Academic Research and Studies 2016;8(15):137-150. google scholar
  • Aytekin A, Arslan N, Küçükoğlu S. Nurses’ Quality of Life and Self-Care Skills in Preschool Children. Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal 2014;3(2):8-15. google scholar

5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2023, Volume: 23 Issue: 2, 149 - 158, 30.06.2023


Amaç: Bu çalışma çocukların yaşam kalitelerinin ve yaşam kalitelerine etki eden faktörlerin belirlenmesini amacıyla tanımlayıcı tipte gerçekleştirildi.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Araştırma verileri Eylül 2019 – Haziran 2020 tarihleri arasında Karaman ilinde 5-7 yaş aralığında öğrenim gören 260 çocuk ve ebeveynden elde edildi. Veriler, anket formu ve Çocuklar İçin Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği çocuk/ebeveyn formu kullanılarak toplandı. Verilerin analizinde SPSS 21.0 programı kullanılarak; sayı, yüzde, ortalama, min maks değer, Chronbach Alfa, t testi, ANOVA, Mann Whitney U ve Regresyon analizi, ileri analizde ise Bonferonni testi ile değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamındaki öğrencilerin %53.1’inin kız, %50’sinin 6 yaşında, beden kitle indeksi ortalamalarının 15.31±2.61 olduğu belirlendi. Çocuklar için yaşam kalitesi ölçeği çocuk versiyonundan alınan puan ortalamalarının 71.23±13.28, ebeveyn versiyonundan alınan puan ortalamalarının 65.69±14.11 olduğu görüldü. Çocukların yaşam kalitelerinin aile gelir durumu, anne baba eğitim durumu, anne babada kronik hastalık varlığı, çocukta tanı almış herhangi bir hastalık varlığı durumlarından etkilendiği belirlendi.
Sonuç: Araştırma sonuçlarına göre çocukların toplam yaşam kalitesi yüksek puan ortalamalarının olduğu, ebeveynler tarafından değerlendirilen çocukların, yaşam kalitesi puanlarının ise orta düzey; çocuklar ve ebeveynler için en düşük ortalamanın duygusal işlevsellik alt boyutunda olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çocuklar İçin Yaşam Kalitesi Ölçeği değerlendirmesinde; çocukların, kendi yaşam kalitesinin yüksek, ebeveynlerinin ise çocuklarının yaşam kalitelerini orta düzeyde algıladıkları belirlendi. Çocukların yaşam kalitelerinin bazı değişkenlere göre (aile gelir durumu, anne baba eğitim durumu, anne babada kronik hastalık varlığı, çocukta tanı almış herhangi bir hastalık varlığı) değiştiği görülmüştür.


  • Üneri Ö, Çakın Memik N. The Concept of Quality of Life İn Children And a Review of Quality of Life Scales. Journal of Child and Youth Mental Health 2007;14(1):48-56. google scholar
  • Bekir H, Şahin H, Aydın R. Determination of The Quality of Life of Healthy Children Aged 4-7 According to Their Parents’ Views. Zeitschhrift Für Die Welt Der Türken 2013;5(3):7-19. google scholar
  • Eiser C, Mohay H, Morse R. The Measurement of Quality of Life in Young Children, Child: Care. Health and Development 2000;26(5):401-414. google scholar
  • Koltarla S. Investigation of The Quality of Life of Medical Personnel of Taksim Education and Research Hospital. Ministry of Health Taksim Training and Research Hospital, Thesis of Specialization. 2008. google scholar
  • Sezer TA. Quality of Life Perceptions of Children and Adolescents With Chronic Diseases and Their Parents. Ankara University. Institute of Health Sciences, Master Thesis. 2012. google scholar
  • Demirsoy N. Investigation of the Validity and Reliability of the “Child Health and Illness Profile-CHIP” Quality of Life Scale in Children Aged 6-17 Years. Eskişehir Osmangazi University. Institute of Health Sciences, Ph.D. Thesis. 2013. google scholar
  • Eiser C. Children’s quality of life measures. Arch Disease in Childhood 1997;77(4):350-354. google scholar
  • Davis E, Waters E, Mackinnon A, Reddihough D, Graham HK, Mehmet-Radji O, et al. Paediatric Quality of Life İnstruments: a Review of the İmpact of the Conceptual Framework on Outcomes. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology (DMCN) 2006;48(4):311-318. google scholar
  • Topal K. Scales Used to Measure Quality of Life. Türkiye Clinics 2014;5(3):9-14. google scholar
  • Sönmez S, Başbakkal Z. Validity and Reliability Study of Turkish Children’s Quality of Life İnventory (PedsQL 4.). Türkiye Klinikleri Journal Pediatrics 2007;16(4):229-237. google scholar
  • Wallander JL, Koot HM. Quality of Life in Children: a Critical Examination of Concepts, Approaches, İssues, and Future Directions. Clinical Psychology Review 2016; 45:131-145. google scholar
  • Desai AD, Zhou C, Standford S, Haaland W, Varni J, Mangione-Smit RM. Validity and responsiveness of the pediatric quality of life inventory (PedsQL) 4.0 Generic Core Scales in the Pediatric İnpatient Setting. JAMA Pediatrics 2014;168(12):1114-1121. google scholar
  • O’Quinn LP, Giambra B K. Evidence of İmproved Quality of Life With Pediatric Palliative Care. Pediatric Nursing 2014;40(6):284-296. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Seid M, Rode CA. The PedsQL: The Measurement Model for the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory. MedCare 1999; 37:126-139. google scholar
  • Yıldız Kabak V, Yakut Y, Çetin M, Düger T. Reliability and Validity of The Turkish Version of The PedsQL 3.0 Cancer Module for 2- to 7-Year-Old and The PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales for 5- to 7-Year-Old: The Hacettepe University Experience. Turk Journal Hematol 2016; 33:236-243. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Katz ER, Seid M, Quiggins DJ, Freidman Bender A, Castro CM. The Cancer Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory (PCQL). I. İnstrument Development, Descriptive Statistics, and Cross-İnformant Variance. Journal Behav Med 1998; 21:179-204. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Limbers CA, Burwinkle TM. Impaired Health Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents With Chronic Conditions: a Comparative Analysis of 10 Disease Clusters and 33 Disease Categories/ Severities Utilizing the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2007; 5:43. google scholar
  • Cremeens J, Eiser C, Blades M. Factors İnfluencing Agreement Between Child Self-Report and Parent Proxy-Reports on the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory 4.0 (PedsQL) Generic Core Scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2006;4(1):1-8. google scholar
  • Varni JW, Seid M, Kurtin PS. PedsQL™ 4.0: Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ Version 4.0 Generic Core Scales in Healthy and Patient Populations. Medical Care 2001;39(8):800-812. google scholar
  • Bastiaansen D, Koot HM, Bongers IL, Varni JW, Verhulst FC. Measuring Quality of Life in Children Referred for Psychiatric Problems: Psychometric Properties Of The Pedsqltm 4.0 Generic Core Scales. Quality Of Life Research 2004; 13:489-495. google scholar
  • Kook HS, Varni JW. Validation of The Korean Version of The Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales in School Children and Adolescents Using The Rasch Model. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2008; 6:41. google scholar
  • Öcal Erimcan E. Comparison of Motor and Functional Levels and Quality of Life of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Ministry of Health Göztepe Training and Research Hospital. Specialization Thesis in Medicine. 2009. google scholar
  • Roizen M, Rodriguez S, Bauer G, Medin G, Bevilacqua S, Varni JW, et al. Initial Validation of The Argentinean Spanish Version of The PedsQL™ 4.0 Generic Core Scales in Children And Adolescents with Chronic Diseases: Acceptability and Comprehensibility in Low-İncome Settings. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2008; 6:1-15. google scholar
  • Gerson AC, Wentz A, Abraham AG, Mendley S, Hooper SR, Butler RW, et al. Health-Related Quality of Life of Children with Mild to Moderate Chronic Kidney Disease. Pediatrics 2010;125(2):349-357. google scholar
  • Durualp E, Kara FN, Yılmaz V, Alaybeyoğlu K. Comparison of Quality of Life of Children with and Without Chronic Disease and Their Parents’ Views. Ankara University Faculty of Medicine Journal 2010;63(2):55-63. google scholar
  • Amiri P, Eslamian G, Mirmiran P, Shiva N, Asghari MJ, Azizi F. Validity and Reliability of the Iranian Version of the Pediatric Quality of Life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales in Children. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2012; 10:1-9. google scholar
  • Ferreira P, Baltazar CF, Cavalheiro L, Cabri J, Gonçalves RS. Reliability and Validity of PedsQL for Portuguese Children Aged 5-7 and 8-12 Years. Health and Quality of Life Outcome 2014; 12:122. google scholar
  • Bülbül Öztoprak M. Evaluation of Quality of Life and Psychosocial Problems in Children with Congenital Heart Disease. Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine, Specialization Thesis in Medicine. 2019. google scholar
  • Abuhandan M, Kandemir H, Güzel B, Kaya C, Karababa F. Quality of Life and Psychiatric Characteristics of Children with Growing Pain. Journal of Harran University Faculty of Medicine 2013;10(3):102-107. google scholar
  • Abuhandan M, Kandemir H, Kaya C, Güzel B, Karababa F, Koca B, et al. Quality of Life and Psychiatric Characteristics of Children with Functional Abdominal Pain. Selcuk Medical Journal 2014;30(1):15-18. google scholar
  • Upton P, Eiser C, Cheung I, Hutchings HA, Jenney M, Maddocks A, et al. Measurement Properties of the UK-English Version of the Pediatric Quality of life İnventory™ 4.0 (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2005;3(1):1-7. google scholar
  • Calcicioglu ST, Tural MK., Kandil S. Quality of Life and Self-Esteem in Children with Chronic Tic Disorder. Turkish Archives of Pediatrics 2014; 49:323-332. google scholar
  • Aydıner Boylu A, Paçacıoğlu B. Quality of Life İndicators. Journal of Academic Research and Studies 2016;8(15):137-150. google scholar
  • Aytekin A, Arslan N, Küçükoğlu S. Nurses’ Quality of Life and Self-Care Skills in Preschool Children. Cumhuriyet Nursing Journal 2014;3(2):8-15. google scholar
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Paediatrics
Journal Section Research Articles

Halime Dağtekin 0000-0003-3233-9538

Nejla Canbulat Şahiner 0000-0003-3322-5372

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 23 Issue: 2


APA Dağtekin, H., & Canbulat Şahiner, N. (2023). 5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Çocuk Dergisi, 23(2), 149-158.
AMA Dağtekin H, Canbulat Şahiner N. 5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Çocuk Dergisi. June 2023;23(2):149-158. doi:10.26650/jchild.2023.1252327
Chicago Dağtekin, Halime, and Nejla Canbulat Şahiner. “5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri Ve Etkileyen Faktörler”. Çocuk Dergisi 23, no. 2 (June 2023): 149-58.
EndNote Dağtekin H, Canbulat Şahiner N (June 1, 2023) 5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Çocuk Dergisi 23 2 149–158.
IEEE H. Dağtekin and N. Canbulat Şahiner, “5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler”, Çocuk Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 149–158, 2023, doi: 10.26650/jchild.2023.1252327.
ISNAD Dağtekin, Halime - Canbulat Şahiner, Nejla. “5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri Ve Etkileyen Faktörler”. Çocuk Dergisi 23/2 (June 2023), 149-158.
JAMA Dağtekin H, Canbulat Şahiner N. 5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Çocuk Dergisi. 2023;23:149–158.
MLA Dağtekin, Halime and Nejla Canbulat Şahiner. “5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri Ve Etkileyen Faktörler”. Çocuk Dergisi, vol. 23, no. 2, 2023, pp. 149-58, doi:10.26650/jchild.2023.1252327.
Vancouver Dağtekin H, Canbulat Şahiner N. 5-7 Yaş Arası Çocukların Yaşam Kaliteleri ve Etkileyen Faktörler. Çocuk Dergisi. 2023;23(2):149-58.