Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 36 - 60, 30.01.2025



  • Erben Yavuz, A., Kocaman, B. E., Doğan, M., Hazar, A., Babuşcu, Ş., & Sutbayeva, R. 2024. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Sustainability Disclosures: A Comparison from the Perspective of Financial and Non-Financial Firms. Sustainability, 16(19), 8400. “ google scholar
  • Martiny, A., Taglialatela, J., Testa, F., & Iraldo, F. 2024. Determinants of environmental social and governance (ESG) performance: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 456, 142213. google scholar
  • Chopra, S. S., Senadheera, S. S., Dissanayake, P. D., Withana, P. A., Chib, R., Rhee, J. H., & Ok, Y. S. 2024. Navigating the Challenges of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting: The Path to Broader Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 16(2), 606. google scholar
  • Khamisu, M. S., Paluri, R. A., & Sonwaney, V. 2024. Stakeholders’ perspectives on critical success factors for environmental social and governance (ESG) implementation. Journal of Environmental Management, 365, 121583. 2024.121583. google scholar
  • Kartal, M. T., Taşkın, D., Shahbaz, M., Depren, S. K., & Pata, U. K. 2024. Effects of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures on ESGscores: Investigating the role of corporate governance for publicly traded Turkish companies. Journal of Environmental Management, 368, 122205. google scholar
  • Kefe, İ., Evci, S., & Kefe, İ. 2024. Data on the financial performance of companies on BIST Sustainability 25 Index: An Entropy-based TOPSIS approach. Data in Brief, 57, 110959. google scholar
  • Nguyen, Q., Kim, M. H., & Ali, S. 2024. Corporate governance and earnings management: Evidence from Vietnamese listed firms. International Review of Economics & Finance, 89, 775-801. google scholar
  • Miloud, T. 2024. Corporate governance and CSR disclosure: Evidence from French listed companies. Global Finance Journal, 59, 100943. google scholar
  • Mohy-ud-Din, K. 2024. ESG reporting, corporate green innovation and interaction role of board diversity: A new insight from US. Innovation and Green Development, 3(4), 100161. google scholar
  • Gündoğdu, F. K., & Kahraman, C. 2019. A novel fuzzy TOPSIS method using emerging interval-valued spherical fuzzy sets. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 85, 307-323. google scholar
  • Kara, K., Yalçın, G. C., Çetinkaya, A., Simic, V., & Pamucar, D. 2024. A single-valued neutrosophic CIMAS-CRITIC-RBNAR decision support model for the financial performance analysis: A study of technology companies. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 92, 101851. google scholar
  • Kaya, A., Pamucar, D., Gürler, H. E., & Ozcalici, M. 2024. Determining the financial performance of the firms in the Borsa Istanbul sustainability index: integrating multi criteria decision making methods with simulation. Financial Innovation, 10(1), 21. https:// google scholar
  • Işık, C., Türkkan, M., Marbou, S., & Gül, S. 2024. Stock Market Performance Evaluation of Listed Food and Beverage Companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange with MCDM Methods. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 7(2), 35-64. google scholar
  • Alsanousi, A. T., Alqahtani, A. Y., Makki, A. A., & Baghdadi, M. A. 2024. A Hybrid MCDM Approach Using the BWM and the TOPSIS for a Financial Performance-Based Evaluation of Saudi Stocks. Information, 15(5), 258. google scholar
  • Biswas, S., Pamucar, D., Dawn, S., & Simic, V. 2024. Evaluation based on relative utility and nonlinear standardization (ERUNS) method for comparing firm performance in energy sector. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 1-21. 21202419. google scholar
  • Elma, O. E. 2024. Financial Performance of BIST Sustainability Index Enterprises: Unearthing the Most Optimum MCDA Methods for Decision-Makers. Verimlilik Dergisi, 58(4), 461-478. google scholar
  • Işık, Ö., Çalık, A., & Shabir, M. 2024. A Consolidated MCDM Framework for Overall Performance Assessment of Listed Insurance Companies Based on Ranking Strategies. Computational Economics, 1-42. google scholar
  • Hoang, P. D., Nguyen, L. T., & Tran, B. Q. 2024. Assessing environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of global electronics industry: an integrated MCDM approach-based spherical fuzzy sets. Cogent Engineering, 11(1), 2297509. https://doi. org/10.1080/23311916.2023.2297509. google scholar
  • Nguyen, P. H., Tsai, J. F., Nguyen, V. T., Vu, D. D., & Dao, T. K. 2020. A decision support model for financial performance evaluation of listed companies in the Vietnamese retailing industry. the journal of Asian finance, economics and business, 7(12), 1005-1015. google scholar
  • Kara, K., Özyürek, H., Yalçın, G. C., & Burgaz, N. 2024b. Enhancing Financial Performance Evaluation: The MEREC-RBNAR Hybrid Method for Sustainability-Indexed Companies. Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics, 2(1), 236-257. 10.3118l/jscda21202444. google scholar
  • Güçlü, P., & Muzac, G. 2024. Genişletilmiş Gri MULTIMOORA Yöntemi ile Çok Dönemli Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Demir-Çelik Sektöründe Finansal Performans Değerlendirmesi Örneği. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 267-291. google scholar
  • Yüksel, Ç., & Uncu, N. 2024. Evaluating the performance of railway transportation companies using multi-criteria decision-making methods. Demiryolu Mühendisliği, (20), 11-24. google scholar
  • Lam, W. H., Lam, W. S., Liew, K. F., & Lee, P. F. 2023. Decision analysis on the financial performance of companies using integrated entropy-fuzzy topsis model. Mathematics, 11(2), 397. google scholar
  • Miguez, J. L., Rivo-Lopez, E., Porteiro, J., & Perez-Orozco, R. 2023. Selection of non-financial sustainability indicators as key elements for multi-criteria analysis of hotel chains. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35, 495-508. 1016/j.spc.2022.12.004. google scholar
  • Makki, A. A., & Alqahtani, A. Y. 2023. Capturing the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on the financial performance disparities in the energy sector: A Hybrid MCDM-Based evaluation approach. Economies, 11(2), 61. economies11020061. google scholar
  • Liew, K. F., Lam, W. S., & Lam, W. H. 2022. Financial network analysis on the performance of companies using integrated entropy-DEMATEL-TOPSIS model. Entropy, 24 (8), 1056. google scholar
  • Ghosh, S., & Bhattacharya, M. 2022. Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the financial performance of the hospitality and tourism industries: an ensemble MCDM approach in the Indian context. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(8), 3113-3142. google scholar
  • Bae, K., Gupta, A., & Mau, R. 2021. Comparative analysis of airline financial and operational performances: A fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS integrated approach. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 361-374. https://doi.Org/10.5267/j.dsl.2021.2.002. google scholar
  • Mandal, U., & Seikh, M. R. 2023. Interval-valued spherical fuzzy MABAC method based on Dombi aggregation operators with unknown attribute weights to select plastic waste management process. Applied Soft Computing, 145, 110516. 1016/j.asoc.2023.110516. google scholar
  • Shih, H. S., Shyur, H. J., & Lee, E. S. 2007. An extension of TOPSIS for group decision making. Mathematical and computer modelling, 45(7-8), 801-813. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/j.mcm.2006.03.023. google scholar
  • Aytekin, A. 2020. Çok kriterli karar problemine uzaklık ve referans temelli çözüm yaklaşımı. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Türkiye. google scholar
  • Zhu, L. 2022. Sharp bounds for a generalized logarithmic operator mean and Heinz operator mean by weighted ones of classical operatör ones. Mathematics, 10 (10), 1617. google scholar
  • Alghafes, R., Karim, S., Aliani, K., Qureishi, N., & Alkayed, L. 2024. Influence of key ESG factors on Islamic banks’ financial performance: evidence from GCC countries. International Review of Economics & Finance, 96, 103629. iref.2024.103629. google scholar
  • Hao, X., Sun, Q., Ma, P., Li, K., Wu, H., & Xue, Y. 2024. Unlocking wind power potential: The pivotal role of R&D investment in boosting wind power Enterprise performance. Energy Strategy Reviews, 55, 101507. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.esr.2024.101507. google scholar
  • Jin, Y. 2024. Distinctive Impacts of ESG Pillars on Corporate Financial Performance: A Random Forest Analysis of Korean Listed Firms. Finance Research Letters, 106395. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/ google scholar
  • Zhang, R., Li, X., Yan, X., & Bian, Y. 2024. Does customer concentration matter in business model value: Threshold effects of carbon emissions and dynamic capabilities?. Technovation, 137, 103095. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.technovation.2024.103095. google scholar
  • Ma, B., He, G., An, J., Li, M., & Sun, G. 2024. Capital price distortion, financial leverage, and credit risk in commercial banks. Finance Research Letters, 69, 106200. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/ google scholar
  • Wang, S. M., Wang, M., & Feng, C. 2024. Deleveraging and green technology innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed compa-nies. Research in International Business and Finance, 69, 102289. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2024.102289. google scholar
  • Menezes, M. B., Ruiz-Hernândez, D., & Pinto, R. 2024. The Capacitated Product Portfolio Mix-and-Allocation problem with integrity constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 187, 109845. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.cie.2023.109845. google scholar
  • Katenova, M., & Qudrat-Ullah, H. 2024. Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: Case of Kazakhstan. Heliyon, 10(10). https://doi.Org/l0.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31580. google scholar
  • Aprima, W. O., Putra, D. G., & Harini, G. 2024. The Influence of Managerial Ownership Structure, Company Size, and Net Profit Margin on Dividend Policy in Financial Sector Companies. Journal Accounting Education and Finance, 1(1), 55-66. 10.22202/jaef.2024.v1.i1.7147. google scholar
  • Indrati, M., & Magfiroh, F. 2023. The Effect of Net Profit Margin, Debt Equity Ratio, and Tax Planning on Earnings Management. Inter-national Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 6(05), 1933-1942. google scholar
  • Vibhakar, N. N., Tripathi, K. K., Johari, S., & Jha, K. N. 2023. Identification of significant financial performance indicators for the Indian construction companies. International Journal of Construction Management, 23(1), 13-23. 15623599.2020.1844856. google scholar
  • Zafar, M. B. 2024. Human capital and financial performance of Islamic banks: a meta-analysis. Accounting Research Journal, 37(2), 230-248. google scholar
  • Dao, T. T. B., & Phan, M. C. 2023. Stakeholder theory, risk-taking and firm performance. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 23(7), 1623-1647. google scholar
  • Xin-Gang, Z., Gui-Wu, J., Ang, L., & Yun, L. 2016. Technology, cost, a performance of waste-to-energy incineration industry in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 115-130. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.10.137. google scholar
  • Katrancı, A., Kundakcı, N., & Pamucar, D. (2025). Financial performance evaluation of firms in BIST 100 index with ITARA and COBRA methods. Financial Innovation, 11(1), 1-28. google scholar

Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method

Year 2025, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 36 - 60, 30.01.2025


Companies strive to improve their financial conditions not only to gain a competitive advantage but also to be listed on corporate governance and sustainability indices. Companies listed in the Corporate Gover2 nance Index are understood to have high levels of corporate governance success, whereas those listed in the Sustainability 25 Index are recognised for being long2term environmentally sustainable organisations. It is evident that companies listed in both indices not only implement successful governance practices but also adopt sustainability principles. The primary motivation of this research is to evaluate the financial performance of companies listed on both indices. Accordingly, the main objective of this study is to develop a method for calculating the financial performance of these companies and to demonstrate its applicability. In this study, which is approached as a decision problem using the multi2criterion decision2 making (MCDM) approach, the IVSF2RBNAR (Interval2Valued Spherical Fuzzy 2 Reference2Based Normalised Assessment Ranking) method is proposed for calculating financial performance. This method allows criterion weighting based on expert opinions and performance ranking based on reference distance. In the application phase of this study, the financial performance levels of the ten companies listed in The Corporate Governance Index and The Sustainability 25 Index were determined by considering seven financial ratio indicators. As a result, Doğan Companies Group Holding Inc. was identified as having the highest financial performance. The most significant financial ratio was determined to be Return on Assets (ROA). The study also presents research implications and suggests future research directions.


  • Erben Yavuz, A., Kocaman, B. E., Doğan, M., Hazar, A., Babuşcu, Ş., & Sutbayeva, R. 2024. The Impact of Corporate Governance on Sustainability Disclosures: A Comparison from the Perspective of Financial and Non-Financial Firms. Sustainability, 16(19), 8400. “ google scholar
  • Martiny, A., Taglialatela, J., Testa, F., & Iraldo, F. 2024. Determinants of environmental social and governance (ESG) performance: A systematic literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 456, 142213. google scholar
  • Chopra, S. S., Senadheera, S. S., Dissanayake, P. D., Withana, P. A., Chib, R., Rhee, J. H., & Ok, Y. S. 2024. Navigating the Challenges of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Reporting: The Path to Broader Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 16(2), 606. google scholar
  • Khamisu, M. S., Paluri, R. A., & Sonwaney, V. 2024. Stakeholders’ perspectives on critical success factors for environmental social and governance (ESG) implementation. Journal of Environmental Management, 365, 121583. 2024.121583. google scholar
  • Kartal, M. T., Taşkın, D., Shahbaz, M., Depren, S. K., & Pata, U. K. 2024. Effects of Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures on ESGscores: Investigating the role of corporate governance for publicly traded Turkish companies. Journal of Environmental Management, 368, 122205. google scholar
  • Kefe, İ., Evci, S., & Kefe, İ. 2024. Data on the financial performance of companies on BIST Sustainability 25 Index: An Entropy-based TOPSIS approach. Data in Brief, 57, 110959. google scholar
  • Nguyen, Q., Kim, M. H., & Ali, S. 2024. Corporate governance and earnings management: Evidence from Vietnamese listed firms. International Review of Economics & Finance, 89, 775-801. google scholar
  • Miloud, T. 2024. Corporate governance and CSR disclosure: Evidence from French listed companies. Global Finance Journal, 59, 100943. google scholar
  • Mohy-ud-Din, K. 2024. ESG reporting, corporate green innovation and interaction role of board diversity: A new insight from US. Innovation and Green Development, 3(4), 100161. google scholar
  • Gündoğdu, F. K., & Kahraman, C. 2019. A novel fuzzy TOPSIS method using emerging interval-valued spherical fuzzy sets. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 85, 307-323. google scholar
  • Kara, K., Yalçın, G. C., Çetinkaya, A., Simic, V., & Pamucar, D. 2024. A single-valued neutrosophic CIMAS-CRITIC-RBNAR decision support model for the financial performance analysis: A study of technology companies. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 92, 101851. google scholar
  • Kaya, A., Pamucar, D., Gürler, H. E., & Ozcalici, M. 2024. Determining the financial performance of the firms in the Borsa Istanbul sustainability index: integrating multi criteria decision making methods with simulation. Financial Innovation, 10(1), 21. https:// google scholar
  • Işık, C., Türkkan, M., Marbou, S., & Gül, S. 2024. Stock Market Performance Evaluation of Listed Food and Beverage Companies in Istanbul Stock Exchange with MCDM Methods. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, 7(2), 35-64. google scholar
  • Alsanousi, A. T., Alqahtani, A. Y., Makki, A. A., & Baghdadi, M. A. 2024. A Hybrid MCDM Approach Using the BWM and the TOPSIS for a Financial Performance-Based Evaluation of Saudi Stocks. Information, 15(5), 258. google scholar
  • Biswas, S., Pamucar, D., Dawn, S., & Simic, V. 2024. Evaluation based on relative utility and nonlinear standardization (ERUNS) method for comparing firm performance in energy sector. Decision Making Advances, 2(1), 1-21. 21202419. google scholar
  • Elma, O. E. 2024. Financial Performance of BIST Sustainability Index Enterprises: Unearthing the Most Optimum MCDA Methods for Decision-Makers. Verimlilik Dergisi, 58(4), 461-478. google scholar
  • Işık, Ö., Çalık, A., & Shabir, M. 2024. A Consolidated MCDM Framework for Overall Performance Assessment of Listed Insurance Companies Based on Ranking Strategies. Computational Economics, 1-42. google scholar
  • Hoang, P. D., Nguyen, L. T., & Tran, B. Q. 2024. Assessing environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance of global electronics industry: an integrated MCDM approach-based spherical fuzzy sets. Cogent Engineering, 11(1), 2297509. https://doi. org/10.1080/23311916.2023.2297509. google scholar
  • Nguyen, P. H., Tsai, J. F., Nguyen, V. T., Vu, D. D., & Dao, T. K. 2020. A decision support model for financial performance evaluation of listed companies in the Vietnamese retailing industry. the journal of Asian finance, economics and business, 7(12), 1005-1015. google scholar
  • Kara, K., Özyürek, H., Yalçın, G. C., & Burgaz, N. 2024b. Enhancing Financial Performance Evaluation: The MEREC-RBNAR Hybrid Method for Sustainability-Indexed Companies. Journal of Soft Computing and Decision Analytics, 2(1), 236-257. 10.3118l/jscda21202444. google scholar
  • Güçlü, P., & Muzac, G. 2024. Genişletilmiş Gri MULTIMOORA Yöntemi ile Çok Dönemli Çok Kriterli Karar Verme: Demir-Çelik Sektöründe Finansal Performans Değerlendirmesi Örneği. Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 19(1), 267-291. google scholar
  • Yüksel, Ç., & Uncu, N. 2024. Evaluating the performance of railway transportation companies using multi-criteria decision-making methods. Demiryolu Mühendisliği, (20), 11-24. google scholar
  • Lam, W. H., Lam, W. S., Liew, K. F., & Lee, P. F. 2023. Decision analysis on the financial performance of companies using integrated entropy-fuzzy topsis model. Mathematics, 11(2), 397. google scholar
  • Miguez, J. L., Rivo-Lopez, E., Porteiro, J., & Perez-Orozco, R. 2023. Selection of non-financial sustainability indicators as key elements for multi-criteria analysis of hotel chains. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 35, 495-508. 1016/j.spc.2022.12.004. google scholar
  • Makki, A. A., & Alqahtani, A. Y. 2023. Capturing the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on the financial performance disparities in the energy sector: A Hybrid MCDM-Based evaluation approach. Economies, 11(2), 61. economies11020061. google scholar
  • Liew, K. F., Lam, W. S., & Lam, W. H. 2022. Financial network analysis on the performance of companies using integrated entropy-DEMATEL-TOPSIS model. Entropy, 24 (8), 1056. google scholar
  • Ghosh, S., & Bhattacharya, M. 2022. Analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the financial performance of the hospitality and tourism industries: an ensemble MCDM approach in the Indian context. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 34(8), 3113-3142. google scholar
  • Bae, K., Gupta, A., & Mau, R. 2021. Comparative analysis of airline financial and operational performances: A fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS integrated approach. Decision Science Letters, 10(3), 361-374. https://doi.Org/10.5267/j.dsl.2021.2.002. google scholar
  • Mandal, U., & Seikh, M. R. 2023. Interval-valued spherical fuzzy MABAC method based on Dombi aggregation operators with unknown attribute weights to select plastic waste management process. Applied Soft Computing, 145, 110516. 1016/j.asoc.2023.110516. google scholar
  • Shih, H. S., Shyur, H. J., & Lee, E. S. 2007. An extension of TOPSIS for group decision making. Mathematical and computer modelling, 45(7-8), 801-813. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/j.mcm.2006.03.023. google scholar
  • Aytekin, A. 2020. Çok kriterli karar problemine uzaklık ve referans temelli çözüm yaklaşımı. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Türkiye. google scholar
  • Zhu, L. 2022. Sharp bounds for a generalized logarithmic operator mean and Heinz operator mean by weighted ones of classical operatör ones. Mathematics, 10 (10), 1617. google scholar
  • Alghafes, R., Karim, S., Aliani, K., Qureishi, N., & Alkayed, L. 2024. Influence of key ESG factors on Islamic banks’ financial performance: evidence from GCC countries. International Review of Economics & Finance, 96, 103629. iref.2024.103629. google scholar
  • Hao, X., Sun, Q., Ma, P., Li, K., Wu, H., & Xue, Y. 2024. Unlocking wind power potential: The pivotal role of R&D investment in boosting wind power Enterprise performance. Energy Strategy Reviews, 55, 101507. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.esr.2024.101507. google scholar
  • Jin, Y. 2024. Distinctive Impacts of ESG Pillars on Corporate Financial Performance: A Random Forest Analysis of Korean Listed Firms. Finance Research Letters, 106395. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/ google scholar
  • Zhang, R., Li, X., Yan, X., & Bian, Y. 2024. Does customer concentration matter in business model value: Threshold effects of carbon emissions and dynamic capabilities?. Technovation, 137, 103095. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.technovation.2024.103095. google scholar
  • Ma, B., He, G., An, J., Li, M., & Sun, G. 2024. Capital price distortion, financial leverage, and credit risk in commercial banks. Finance Research Letters, 69, 106200. https://doi.Org/l0.1016/ google scholar
  • Wang, S. M., Wang, M., & Feng, C. 2024. Deleveraging and green technology innovation: Evidence from Chinese listed compa-nies. Research in International Business and Finance, 69, 102289. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.ribaf.2024.102289. google scholar
  • Menezes, M. B., Ruiz-Hernândez, D., & Pinto, R. 2024. The Capacitated Product Portfolio Mix-and-Allocation problem with integrity constraints. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 187, 109845. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.cie.2023.109845. google scholar
  • Katenova, M., & Qudrat-Ullah, H. 2024. Corporate social responsibility and firm performance: Case of Kazakhstan. Heliyon, 10(10). https://doi.Org/l0.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e31580. google scholar
  • Aprima, W. O., Putra, D. G., & Harini, G. 2024. The Influence of Managerial Ownership Structure, Company Size, and Net Profit Margin on Dividend Policy in Financial Sector Companies. Journal Accounting Education and Finance, 1(1), 55-66. 10.22202/jaef.2024.v1.i1.7147. google scholar
  • Indrati, M., & Magfiroh, F. 2023. The Effect of Net Profit Margin, Debt Equity Ratio, and Tax Planning on Earnings Management. Inter-national Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 6(05), 1933-1942. google scholar
  • Vibhakar, N. N., Tripathi, K. K., Johari, S., & Jha, K. N. 2023. Identification of significant financial performance indicators for the Indian construction companies. International Journal of Construction Management, 23(1), 13-23. 15623599.2020.1844856. google scholar
  • Zafar, M. B. 2024. Human capital and financial performance of Islamic banks: a meta-analysis. Accounting Research Journal, 37(2), 230-248. google scholar
  • Dao, T. T. B., & Phan, M. C. 2023. Stakeholder theory, risk-taking and firm performance. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 23(7), 1623-1647. google scholar
  • Xin-Gang, Z., Gui-Wu, J., Ang, L., & Yun, L. 2016. Technology, cost, a performance of waste-to-energy incineration industry in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 55, 115-130. https://doi.Org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.10.137. google scholar
  • Katrancı, A., Kundakcı, N., & Pamucar, D. (2025). Financial performance evaluation of firms in BIST 100 index with ITARA and COBRA methods. Financial Innovation, 11(1), 1-28. google scholar
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Fuzzy Computation
Journal Section Research Article

Karahan Kara 0000-0002-1359-0244

Galip Cihan Yalçın 0000-0001-9348-0709

Hamide Özyürek

Publication Date January 30, 2025
Submission Date December 25, 2024
Acceptance Date January 23, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Kara, K., Yalçın, G. C., & Özyürek, H. (2025). Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications, 1(1), 36-60.
AMA Kara K, Yalçın GC, Özyürek H. Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications. January 2025;1(1):36-60.
Chicago Kara, Karahan, Galip Cihan Yalçın, and Hamide Özyürek. “Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method”. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications 1, no. 1 (January 2025): 36-60.
EndNote Kara K, Yalçın GC, Özyürek H (January 1, 2025) Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications 1 1 36–60.
IEEE K. Kara, G. C. Yalçın, and H. Özyürek, “Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method”, Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 36–60, 2025.
ISNAD Kara, Karahan et al. “Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method”. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications 1/1 (January 2025), 36-60.
JAMA Kara K, Yalçın GC, Özyürek H. Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications. 2025;1:36–60.
MLA Kara, Karahan et al. “Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method”. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, 2025, pp. 36-60.
Vancouver Kara K, Yalçın GC, Özyürek H. Financial Performance Evaluation of Companies Listed in Corporate Governance and Sustainability Indices: Application of the IVSF-RBNAR Method. Journal of Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Applications. 2025;1(1):36-60.