Review Article
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Year 2023, , 62 - 86, 17.07.2023


Bu çalışma, destinasyonlarda artan risk çeşitleri ve Türkiye’nin turizm endüstrisinin mevcut konjonktürde oluşan yeni riskler karşısındaki turist algılarına ilişkin kavramsal çerçevesini geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Destinasyonlarda yaşanabilecek veya etkilenebilecek olumsuz durumların her birisine çözüm getirilebilmesi amacıyla, riskin kaynağının belirlenmesi önem teşkil etmektedir. Bu çerçevede, öncelikle turizmde risk teorisi ve geçmişten günümüze gelen risk çeşitleri sistematik bir literatür taraması ile ele alınmaktadır. Tüketicilerin risk algısı teorisinden yararlanılarak Türkiye’yi tercih eden turistlerin karşılaşabileceği güncel riskler belirlenerek, bu risklerin giderilebilmesi veya önlenebilmesi amacıyla öneriler sunulmaya çalışmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı; turistlerin destinasyonlara ilişkin algıladıkları risk faktörleri üzerine gerçekleştirilen çalışmaların sistematik incelenmesini gerçekleştirmek, mevcut gelişen mikro ve makro çevre koşulları altında Türkiye’nin turizm açısından risk konjonktürünü değerlendirmek ve araştırmacılar ile politika yapıcılara turizm yönetimi ve pazarlaması hakkında önerilerde bulunmaktır.


  • Adam, I. (2015). Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana. Tourism Management, 49, pp. 99-108.
  • Arana, J. E. ve Leon, C. J. (2008). The impact of terrorism on tourism demand. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(2), 299-315.
  • Ateşoğlu, İ., ve Türker, A. (2013). Türkiye'de tatil yapan turistlerin algıladıkları risk türleri. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 10(3)
  • Başağa, A. (2022). Komşu Ülkelerle Ticaretimiz. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Bhattarai, K., Conway, D., ve Shrestha, N. (2005). Toursim, terrorism and turmoil in Nepal. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(3), 669-688.
  • Backer, E. ve Ritchie, B. W. (2017). VFR travel: A viable market for tourism crisis and disaster recovery?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(4), pp. 400-411.
  • Baker, T. (2020). Chinese hotels seeing steep declines from coronavirus. Erişim adresi: from-coronavirus
  • Basala, S. L. ve Klenosky, D. B. (2001). Travel-style preferences for visiting a novel destination: a conjoint investigation across the novelty-familiarity continuum. Journal of Travel Research, 40(2), pp. 172-182.
  • BBC News. (2022a, Şubat 22). Rusya-Ukrayna krizi nasıl savaşa dönüştü, bugüne nasıl gelindi?. Erişim adresi:
  • BBC News. (2022b, Eylül 7). Rusya, Avrupa'ya gaz akışını nasıl kesiyor?. Erişim adresi:
  • Beldona, S., Kher, H. V., & Bernard, S. (2019). Do personal values affect perceptions of the hospitality performance? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102384.
  • Beirman, D. (2003). United States: September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. The impact on American and global tourism. In D. Beirman, Restoring tourism destinations in crisis: A strategic marketing approach (pp. 43-68). Oxon: CABI Publishing.
  • Briggs, R. ve Habib, N. (2004). Health travel: Effective communication to improve travel health outcomes. Erişim adresi: healthy-travel-effective-communication-to-improve-travel-health-outcomes
  • Chang, S. Y. (2009). Australians’ holiday decisions in China: a study combining novelty-seeking and risk-perception behaviors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 5(4), pp. 364-387.
  • Chen, Y., Shang, R., & Li, M. (2014). The effects of perceived relevance of travel blogs’ content on the behavioral intention to visit a tourist destination. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 787–799.
  • Chew, E. Y. ve Jahari, S. A. (2014). Destination image as a mediator between perceived risks and revisit intention: A case of post-disaster Japan. Tourism Management, 40, pp. 382-393.
  • Cró, S. ve Martins, A. M. (2017). Structural breaks in international tourism demand: Are they caused by crises or disasters?. Tourism Management, 63, pp. 3-9.
  • Düvell, F. (2011). Irregular Immigration, Economics and Politics. Ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. München: CESifo DICE Report.
  • Faulkner, B. (2001). Towards a framework for tourism disaster management. Tourism Management, 22(2), pp. 135-147. Fuchs, G. ve Reichel, A. (2011). An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management, 32, pp. 266-276.
  • Fuchs, G., Uriely, N., Reichel, A., & Maoz, D. (2013). Vacationing in a terror-stricken destination: Tourists' risk perceptions and rationalizations. Journal of Travel Research, 52, 182-191.
  • Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. (2020). Geçici Korumamız Altındaki Suriyeliler. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Gitelson, R. J. ve Crompton, J. L. (1984). Insights into the repeat vacation phenomenon. Annals of Tourism Research, 11, pp. 199-217.
  • Hall, C. M., Scott, D. ve Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: be careful what you wish for. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), pp. 577-598.
  • Hazan, C. ve Shaver, P. R. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachement prosess. Journal of personality and social psychology, 52(3), 511-524.
  • Hazan, C. ve Zeifman, D. (1999). Pair bonds as attachement. In J. Cassidy, & P. R. Shaver, Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research and encounters and assessing provider performance,. 83-97.
  • Hirschman, E. ve Holbrook, M. (1982). Hedonic consumption: emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 46(3), pp. 92-101.
  • Israeli, A. ve Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353-372.
  • Karataş, A ve Şahin, S. (2023). Turistlerin Risk ve Güvenlik Algılarının Algılanan Değer ve Destinasyon Tercihine Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perceptions of Risk and Security on Perceived Value and Destination Preference). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 580-603.
  • Kılıçlar, A., Uşaklı, A., & Tayfun, A. (2018). Terrorism prevention in tourism destinations: Security forces vs. civil authority perspectives. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 8, 232-246.
  • Kraemer, H. C.; Kazdin, A. E.; Offord, D. R.; Kessler, R. C.; Jensen, P. S. ve Kupfer, D. J.;. (1997). Coming to terms with the term s of risk. Archieves of General Psychiatry, 54, 337-343.
  • Kozak, M., Crotts, J. C., & Law, R. (2007). The impact of the perception of risk on international travellers. International Journal of Tourism Research, 9(4), 233-242.
  • Larsen , S., Brun, W. ve Øgaard, T. (2009). What tourists worry about – Construction of a scale measuring tourist worries. Tourism Management, 30(2), 260-265.
  • Laws, E., ve Prideaux, B. (2006). Crisis management: A suggested typology. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 19(2-3), 1-8.
  • Lepp, A. ve Gibson, H. (2003). Tourist roles,perceived risk and international trousim. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(3), pp. 606-624.
  • Liu, A. ve Pratt, S. (2017). Tourism's vulnerability and resilience to terrorism. Tourism Management, 60, pp. 404-417.
  • Loewenstein, G. F., Weber, E. U., Hsee, C. K. ve Welch, N. (2001). Risk as feelings. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 267-286.
  • Mansfled, Y. (2006). The role of security information in tourism crisis management: the missing link. Mansfled, Y. ve A. Pizam içinde, Tourism, security & safety from theory to practice. Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier.
  • Maslow, A. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50, pp. 370-396.
  • Mitroff, I. I. (2005). Why sone companies emerge stronger and better from a criss:7 essential lessons for surviving disaster. New York: AMACOM.
  • Mitchell, V. M., Davies, F., Moutinho, L. ve Vassos, V. (1999). Using neural networks to understand service risk in the holiday product. Journal of Business Research, 46(2), pp. 167-181.
  • Mitchell, V. W. (1999). Consumer perceived risk: conceptualizations and models. European Journal of Marketing, 33(1/2), pp. 163-195.
  • Novelli, M., Burgess, L. G., Jones, A., ve Ritchie, B. W. (2018). “No Ebola… still doomed”–The Ebola-induced tourism crisis. Annals of Tourism Pauchant Research, 70, 76-87.
  • Orhun, B. N., ve Meriç, S. Turizm Destinasyonu Risk Algısı ile Öz Etkinlik Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişki: Van İli Örneği. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 447-467.
  • Paraskevas, A. ve Arendell, B. (2007). A strategic framework for terrorism prevention and mitigation in tourism destinations. Tourism Management, 28, pp. 1560-1573.
  • Pearce, P. (1988). The Ulysses Factor: Evaluating Visitors in Tourist Settings. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Pearce, P. (1996). Recent Research in Tourist Behavior. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1, 7-17.
  • Peter, C., Poulston, J., & Losekoot, E. (2014). Terrorism, rugby, and hospitality: She׳ ll be right. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(4), 253-261.
  • Pizam, A. (1999). Comprehensive Approach to Classifying Acts of Crime and Violence at Tourism Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 38(5), 5-12.
  • Reichel, A., Fuchs, G., & Uriely, N. (2007). Perceived risk and the non-institutionalized tourist role: The case of Israeli student ex-backpackers. Journal of Travel Research, 46(2), 217-226.
  • Reisinger, Y. ve Movando, F. (2005). Travel Anxiety and Intentions to Travel Internationally: Implications of Travel Risk Perception. 401, 43, pp. 212-225.
  • Ritcher, L. K. (2003). International tourism and its global public health consequences. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4), 340-347.
  • Ritchie, B. W. ve Jiang, Y. (2019). A review of research on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management. Annals of Tourism Research, 79, 102812.
  • Rittichainuwat, B. N. ve Chakraborty, G. (2009). Perceived travel risks regarding terrorism and disease: The case of Thailand. Tourism Management, 30, pp. 410-418.
  • Roehl, W. S. ve Fessenmaier, D. (1992). Risk perceptions and pleasure travel: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 2(4), pp. 17-26.
  • Savaşci, U. ve Yıldırım, H. M. (2021). Destinasyon İmajı ve Algılanan Riskin, Davranışsal Niyete Etkisi: Bodrum Örneği. GSI Journals Serie A: Advancements in Tourism Recreation and Sports Sciences, 4(2), 115-134.
  • Sönmez, S. ve Graefe, A. (1998a). Influence of Terrorism Risk on Foreign Tourism Decisions. Annals of Tourism Research, 25, pp. 112-144.
  • Sönmez, S. F. ve Graefe, A. R. (1998b). Determining future travel behavior from past travel experience and perceptions of risk and safety. Journal of Travel Research, 37, pp. 171-177.
  • Sönmez, S., Apostolopoulos, Y., ve Tarlow, P. (1999). Tourism in Crisis: Managing the Effects of Terrorism. Journal of Travel Research, 38(1), pp. 13-18.
  • Shoemaker, S. (1994). Segmenting the U.S. travel market according to benefits realized. Journal of Travel Research, 32(3), pp. 8-21.
  • Solomon, P. J. ve George, W. R. (1976). An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of the Energy Crisis on Tourism. Research Notes & Communications, 14(3), pp. 9-13.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2022, Ağustos). Turizm İstatistikleri. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Tasci, A. ve Gartner, C. W. (2007). Destination image and its functional relationships. Journal of Travel Research, 45(5), pp. 413-425.
  • Tsaur, S. H., Tzeng, G. H. ve Wang, G. C. (1997). The application of AHP and fuzzy MCDM on the evaluation study of tourist risk. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(4), 796-812.
  • TUİK. (2016). Retrieved from Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu:
  • TUİK. (2020, Temmuz 17). Uluslararası Göç İstatistikleri, 2019. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim adresi:
  • TUİK. (2022, Ocak 31). Turizm İstatistikleri, IV.Çeyrek: Ekim-Aralık ve Yıllık, 2021. Türkiye İstastistik Kurumu. Erişim adresi:,-2021-45785
  • Williams, A. M. ve Balaz, V. (2015). Tourism Risk and Uncertainty:Theoretical Reflections. Journal of Travel Research, 54(3), pp. 271-287.
  • Wolff, K., ve Larsen, S. (2014). Can terrorism make us feel safer? Risk perceptions and worries before and after the July 22nd attacks. Annals of Tourism Research, 44, pp. 200-209.
  • World Bank. (2016). World development indicators - United States of America. World Bank. Retrieved from¼chart
  • World Tourism Organization. (2002). Tourism Proves as a Resilient and Stable Economic Sector. Retrieved from World Toursim Organization: <
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Year 2023, , 62 - 86, 17.07.2023


This article develops a conceptual framework addressing increasing risk types in tourism destinations and tourists’ perception about new risks in Turkey’s in the current conjuncture. It is important to determine the source of the risk in order to find a solution for each of the negative situations that may be experienced or affected in the destinations. In this context, classifies various risk types related to destinations from past to the present are discussed with a systematic literature review. By using the consumers risk perception theory, it has been tried to summarize the current risks that tourists who prefer Turkey and also suggestions are tried to be presented in order to eliminate or prevent these risks. The aim of the study is to carry out a systematic review of the studies on the risk factors perceived by tourists regarding destinations, to evaluate the risk conjuncture of Turkey in terms of tourism under the current micro and macro environmental conditions, and to make suggestions to researchers and policy makers about tourism management and marketing.


  • Adam, I. (2015). Backpackers' risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies in Ghana. Tourism Management, 49, pp. 99-108.
  • Arana, J. E. ve Leon, C. J. (2008). The impact of terrorism on tourism demand. Annals of Tourism Research, 35(2), 299-315.
  • Ateşoğlu, İ., ve Türker, A. (2013). Türkiye'de tatil yapan turistlerin algıladıkları risk türleri. Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi, 10(3)
  • Başağa, A. (2022). Komşu Ülkelerle Ticaretimiz. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dışişleri Bakanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Bhattarai, K., Conway, D., ve Shrestha, N. (2005). Toursim, terrorism and turmoil in Nepal. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(3), 669-688.
  • Backer, E. ve Ritchie, B. W. (2017). VFR travel: A viable market for tourism crisis and disaster recovery?. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(4), pp. 400-411.
  • Baker, T. (2020). Chinese hotels seeing steep declines from coronavirus. Erişim adresi: from-coronavirus
  • Basala, S. L. ve Klenosky, D. B. (2001). Travel-style preferences for visiting a novel destination: a conjoint investigation across the novelty-familiarity continuum. Journal of Travel Research, 40(2), pp. 172-182.
  • BBC News. (2022a, Şubat 22). Rusya-Ukrayna krizi nasıl savaşa dönüştü, bugüne nasıl gelindi?. Erişim adresi:
  • BBC News. (2022b, Eylül 7). Rusya, Avrupa'ya gaz akışını nasıl kesiyor?. Erişim adresi:
  • Beldona, S., Kher, H. V., & Bernard, S. (2019). Do personal values affect perceptions of the hospitality performance? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 102384.
  • Beirman, D. (2003). United States: September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. The impact on American and global tourism. In D. Beirman, Restoring tourism destinations in crisis: A strategic marketing approach (pp. 43-68). Oxon: CABI Publishing.
  • Briggs, R. ve Habib, N. (2004). Health travel: Effective communication to improve travel health outcomes. Erişim adresi: healthy-travel-effective-communication-to-improve-travel-health-outcomes
  • Chang, S. Y. (2009). Australians’ holiday decisions in China: a study combining novelty-seeking and risk-perception behaviors. Journal of China Tourism Research, 5(4), pp. 364-387.
  • Chen, Y., Shang, R., & Li, M. (2014). The effects of perceived relevance of travel blogs’ content on the behavioral intention to visit a tourist destination. Computers in Human Behavior, 30, 787–799.
  • Chew, E. Y. ve Jahari, S. A. (2014). Destination image as a mediator between perceived risks and revisit intention: A case of post-disaster Japan. Tourism Management, 40, pp. 382-393.
  • Cró, S. ve Martins, A. M. (2017). Structural breaks in international tourism demand: Are they caused by crises or disasters?. Tourism Management, 63, pp. 3-9.
  • Düvell, F. (2011). Irregular Immigration, Economics and Politics. Ifo Institute – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. München: CESifo DICE Report.
  • Faulkner, B. (2001). Towards a framework for tourism disaster management. Tourism Management, 22(2), pp. 135-147. Fuchs, G. ve Reichel, A. (2011). An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management, 32, pp. 266-276.
  • Fuchs, G., Uriely, N., Reichel, A., & Maoz, D. (2013). Vacationing in a terror-stricken destination: Tourists' risk perceptions and rationalizations. Journal of Travel Research, 52, 182-191.
  • Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. (2020). Geçici Korumamız Altındaki Suriyeliler. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Göç İdaresi Başkanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Gitelson, R. J. ve Crompton, J. L. (1984). Insights into the repeat vacation phenomenon. Annals of Tourism Research, 11, pp. 199-217.
  • Hall, C. M., Scott, D. ve Gössling, S. (2020). Pandemics, transformations and tourism: be careful what you wish for. Tourism Geographies, 22(3), pp. 577-598.
  • Hazan, C. ve Shaver, P. R. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachement prosess. Journal of personality and social psychology, 52(3), 511-524.
  • Hazan, C. ve Zeifman, D. (1999). Pair bonds as attachement. In J. Cassidy, & P. R. Shaver, Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research and encounters and assessing provider performance,. 83-97.
  • Hirschman, E. ve Holbrook, M. (1982). Hedonic consumption: emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 46(3), pp. 92-101.
  • Israeli, A. ve Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353-372.
  • Karataş, A ve Şahin, S. (2023). Turistlerin Risk ve Güvenlik Algılarının Algılanan Değer ve Destinasyon Tercihine Etkisi (The Effect of Tourists’ Perceptions of Risk and Security on Perceived Value and Destination Preference). Journal of Tourism & Gastronomy Studies, 11(1), 580-603.
  • Kılıçlar, A., Uşaklı, A., & Tayfun, A. (2018). Terrorism prevention in tourism destinations: Security forces vs. civil authority perspectives. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 8, 232-246.
  • Kraemer, H. C.; Kazdin, A. E.; Offord, D. R.; Kessler, R. C.; Jensen, P. S. ve Kupfer, D. J.;. (1997). Coming to terms with the term s of risk. Archieves of General Psychiatry, 54, 337-343.
  • Kozak, M., Crotts, J. C., & Law, R. (2007). The impact of the perception of risk on international travellers. International Journal of Tourism Research, 9(4), 233-242.
  • Larsen , S., Brun, W. ve Øgaard, T. (2009). What tourists worry about – Construction of a scale measuring tourist worries. Tourism Management, 30(2), 260-265.
  • Laws, E., ve Prideaux, B. (2006). Crisis management: A suggested typology. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 19(2-3), 1-8.
  • Lepp, A. ve Gibson, H. (2003). Tourist roles,perceived risk and international trousim. Annals of Tourism Research, 30(3), pp. 606-624.
  • Liu, A. ve Pratt, S. (2017). Tourism's vulnerability and resilience to terrorism. Tourism Management, 60, pp. 404-417.
  • Loewenstein, G. F., Weber, E. U., Hsee, C. K. ve Welch, N. (2001). Risk as feelings. Psychological Bulletin, 127, 267-286.
  • Mansfled, Y. (2006). The role of security information in tourism crisis management: the missing link. Mansfled, Y. ve A. Pizam içinde, Tourism, security & safety from theory to practice. Butterworth-Heinemann: Elsevier.
  • Maslow, A. (1943). A Theory of Human Motivation. Psychological Review, 50, pp. 370-396.
  • Mitroff, I. I. (2005). Why sone companies emerge stronger and better from a criss:7 essential lessons for surviving disaster. New York: AMACOM.
  • Mitchell, V. M., Davies, F., Moutinho, L. ve Vassos, V. (1999). Using neural networks to understand service risk in the holiday product. Journal of Business Research, 46(2), pp. 167-181.
  • Mitchell, V. W. (1999). Consumer perceived risk: conceptualizations and models. European Journal of Marketing, 33(1/2), pp. 163-195.
  • Novelli, M., Burgess, L. G., Jones, A., ve Ritchie, B. W. (2018). “No Ebola… still doomed”–The Ebola-induced tourism crisis. Annals of Tourism Pauchant Research, 70, 76-87.
  • Orhun, B. N., ve Meriç, S. Turizm Destinasyonu Risk Algısı ile Öz Etkinlik Düzeyi Arasındaki İlişki: Van İli Örneği. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 447-467.
  • Paraskevas, A. ve Arendell, B. (2007). A strategic framework for terrorism prevention and mitigation in tourism destinations. Tourism Management, 28, pp. 1560-1573.
  • Pearce, P. (1988). The Ulysses Factor: Evaluating Visitors in Tourist Settings. New York: Springer-Verlag.
  • Pearce, P. (1996). Recent Research in Tourist Behavior. Asia-Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 1, 7-17.
  • Peter, C., Poulston, J., & Losekoot, E. (2014). Terrorism, rugby, and hospitality: She׳ ll be right. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management, 3(4), 253-261.
  • Pizam, A. (1999). Comprehensive Approach to Classifying Acts of Crime and Violence at Tourism Destinations. Journal of Travel Research, 38(5), 5-12.
  • Reichel, A., Fuchs, G., & Uriely, N. (2007). Perceived risk and the non-institutionalized tourist role: The case of Israeli student ex-backpackers. Journal of Travel Research, 46(2), 217-226.
  • Reisinger, Y. ve Movando, F. (2005). Travel Anxiety and Intentions to Travel Internationally: Implications of Travel Risk Perception. 401, 43, pp. 212-225.
  • Ritcher, L. K. (2003). International tourism and its global public health consequences. Journal of Travel Research, 41(4), 340-347.
  • Ritchie, B. W. ve Jiang, Y. (2019). A review of research on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management: Launching the annals of tourism research curated collection on tourism risk, crisis and disaster management. Annals of Tourism Research, 79, 102812.
  • Rittichainuwat, B. N. ve Chakraborty, G. (2009). Perceived travel risks regarding terrorism and disease: The case of Thailand. Tourism Management, 30, pp. 410-418.
  • Roehl, W. S. ve Fessenmaier, D. (1992). Risk perceptions and pleasure travel: an exploratory analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 2(4), pp. 17-26.
  • Savaşci, U. ve Yıldırım, H. M. (2021). Destinasyon İmajı ve Algılanan Riskin, Davranışsal Niyete Etkisi: Bodrum Örneği. GSI Journals Serie A: Advancements in Tourism Recreation and Sports Sciences, 4(2), 115-134.
  • Sönmez, S. ve Graefe, A. (1998a). Influence of Terrorism Risk on Foreign Tourism Decisions. Annals of Tourism Research, 25, pp. 112-144.
  • Sönmez, S. F. ve Graefe, A. R. (1998b). Determining future travel behavior from past travel experience and perceptions of risk and safety. Journal of Travel Research, 37, pp. 171-177.
  • Sönmez, S., Apostolopoulos, Y., ve Tarlow, P. (1999). Tourism in Crisis: Managing the Effects of Terrorism. Journal of Travel Research, 38(1), pp. 13-18.
  • Shoemaker, S. (1994). Segmenting the U.S. travel market according to benefits realized. Journal of Travel Research, 32(3), pp. 8-21.
  • Solomon, P. J. ve George, W. R. (1976). An Empirical Investigation of the Effect of the Energy Crisis on Tourism. Research Notes & Communications, 14(3), pp. 9-13.
  • T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. (2022, Ağustos). Turizm İstatistikleri. T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı. Erişim adresi:
  • Tasci, A. ve Gartner, C. W. (2007). Destination image and its functional relationships. Journal of Travel Research, 45(5), pp. 413-425.
  • Tsaur, S. H., Tzeng, G. H. ve Wang, G. C. (1997). The application of AHP and fuzzy MCDM on the evaluation study of tourist risk. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(4), 796-812.
  • TUİK. (2016). Retrieved from Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu:
  • TUİK. (2020, Temmuz 17). Uluslararası Göç İstatistikleri, 2019. Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu. Erişim adresi:
  • TUİK. (2022, Ocak 31). Turizm İstatistikleri, IV.Çeyrek: Ekim-Aralık ve Yıllık, 2021. Türkiye İstastistik Kurumu. Erişim adresi:,-2021-45785
  • Williams, A. M. ve Balaz, V. (2015). Tourism Risk and Uncertainty:Theoretical Reflections. Journal of Travel Research, 54(3), pp. 271-287.
  • Wolff, K., ve Larsen, S. (2014). Can terrorism make us feel safer? Risk perceptions and worries before and after the July 22nd attacks. Annals of Tourism Research, 44, pp. 200-209.
  • World Bank. (2016). World development indicators - United States of America. World Bank. Retrieved from¼chart
  • World Tourism Organization. (2002). Tourism Proves as a Resilient and Stable Economic Sector. Retrieved from World Toursim Organization: <
  • Yang, C. L. ve Nair, V. (2014). Risk perception study in tourism: Are we really measuring perceived risk? 5th Asia Euro Conference 2014. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. pp. 322-327.
There are 71 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Halit Keskin 0000-0003-4432-3998

Cansu Aykaç 0000-0002-7323-0611

Early Pub Date July 11, 2023
Publication Date July 17, 2023
Submission Date May 25, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023
