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Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı

Year 2012, Issue: 1, 91 - 106, 01.06.2012



  • Able-Boone, H. (1993). Family participation in the IFSP process. Infant-Toddler Intervention, 3, 63-71.
  • Ahmeduzzaman, M. & Roopnarine, J. (1992). Socio-demographic factors, functioning, style, social support, and fathers‟ involvement with preschoolers in African-American families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 54(3), 699–707.
  • Akkök, F., Aşkar, P., & Karancı, N. (1992). Özürlü Bir Çocuğa Sahip Anne Babalardaki Stresin Yordanması [The prediction of stress in parents of a child with disability]. Ozel Egitim Dergisi, 1(2), 9-13.
  • Amato, G. & Paul, R. (1999). Nonresident father and children‟s well-being: A meta- analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61(3), 557-574.
  • Arslan, C., Deniz, E., ve Hamarta, E. (2002). Engelli Çocuğu Olan Ailelerin Yaşam Doyumlarının Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi [Investigation of life satisfaction of parents of a child with disability in the aspects of some variables]. XI. National Special Education Congress, 2001, Konya: Egitim Kitabevi Pub.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H.C. ve Sucuoğlu, B. (2000). Normal ve Zihin Engelli Bebeklerde Anne Bebek Etkileşiminin Karşılaştırmalı Olarak İncelenmesi [Investigation of mother – baby interaction comparing with normal babies and babies with special needs]. Ozel Egitim Dergisi, 2(4), 47-58.
  • Baruch, G. K., & Barnett, R. C. (1981). Father‟s participation in the care of their preschool children. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 7(10), 1043–1054.
  • Barnet, R. C., & Baruch, G. K. (1987). Determinants of fathers‟ participation in family work. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 29–40.
  • Beşikçi, H. & Özkardeş, O. (2002). Otistik Olan ve Olmayan Normal Çocuklara Sahip Babaların Tutumları ve Aile Yapıları [The attitude of fathers of children with autism and fathers of normal children and structer of family]. XII. National Special Education Congress; Methods-Approaches-Strategies, Ankara Univesity Education Sciences Institute Pub., No: 193.
  • Birkan, B. (2001). Küçük Adımlar Kursu‟nun Gelişimsel Geriliği Olan Çocuğa Sahip Annelerin Küçük Adımları Uygulama Becerilerini Kazanmalarına Etkisi [The affect of little steps courses on mothers with children with special education needs in getting the ability of application]. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Eskişehir Anadolu University, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Bradford, K.P., Hawkins, A., Palkovitz, R., Christiansen, S.L., & Day, R.D. (2002). The Inventory of Father Involvement: A pilot study of a new measure of father involvement. Journal of Men’s Studies 10(2), 183–96.
  • Bragiel, J. & Kaniok, P. E. (2011). Fathers‟ marital satisfaction and their involvement with their child with disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(3), 395–404.
  • Cavkaytar, A. (1999). Zihin Engellilere Oz bakim ve Ev Ici Becerilerinin Ogretiminde Bir Aile Egitimi Programinin Etkililigi [The affect of a family education program in teaching self-care and home based skills] Eskişehir: Anadolu University, Faculty of Education Pub., No: 61.
  • Cavkaytar, A., Batu, S., Kartal, B., Cetin, O. B., ve Gullupinar, F. (2004). Gelisimsel Geriligi Olan Cocuga Sahip Ailelerin Aile Ozelliklerinin ve Yasadiklarinin Betimlenmesi. [The Description of Family Characteristics with Developmentally Disabled Children, and Family Adjustment Process]. (College Board Rep. No. 030512). Eskisehir, Turkey: Anadolu University.
  • Crais, E., Poston Roy, V., & Free, K. (2006). Parents‟ and professionals‟ perceptions of the implementation of family-centered practices in child assessments. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 365-377.
  • Dunn, J., Cheng, H., O‟Conner, T. & Bridges, L. (2004). Children‟s perspectives on their relationships with nonresident fathers: Influences, outcomes, and implications. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(3), 553-566.
  • Easterbrooks, M.A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1984). Toddler development in the family: impact of father involvement and parenting characteristics. Child Development, 55(3), 740-752.
  • Erickson, M., & Upshur, C.C. (1989). Caretaking burden and social support: comparison of mothers of infants without disabilities. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 94(3), 250-258.
  • Erkut, S. (2003). Puerto Rican young fathers’ involvement with their children (Final Report). Center for Research on Women, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley Massachusetts.
  • Evcimen, E. (1996). Zihin Engelli Çocuğu Olan Ailelerin (Anne ve Babaların) Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi [Determination of the needs of parents (mothers and fathers) who have children with special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Eskisehir: Anadolu Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Fagan, J., & Iglesias, A. (1999). Father involvement program effects on fathers, father figures and their head start children: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(2), 243-269.
  • Featherstone, B. (2009). Contemporary fathering. Theory policy practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Flippin, M., & Crais, E. R. (2011). The Need for More Effective Father Involvement in Early Autism Intervention: A Systematic Review and Recommendations. Journal of Early Intervention, 33(1), 24-50.
  • Flouri, E., & Buchanan, A. (2003). The role of father involvement in children‟s mental health. Journal of Adolescence, 26, 63-78.
  • Floyd, F.J., Gilliom, L.A., & Costigan, C.L. (1998). Marriage and the parenting alliance: Longitudinal prediction of change in parenting perceptions and behaviours. Child Development 69(5), 1461–79.
  • Grolnick, W. S., & Slowiaczek, M. L. (1994). Parents‟ involvement in children‟s schooling: a multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model. Child Development. 65(1), 237-252.
  • Guler, A. (1992). Ilk yazili Turkce metinlerde aile ve unsurlari. [Family and elements in first written Turkish texts]. Sosyo-kulturel degisim surecinde Turk ailesi, I. Cilt, Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Aile Arastirma Kurumu Yayinlari, No: 71, 69- 81.
  • Hastings, R. P., & Beck, A. (2004). Stress intervention for parents of children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 45, 1338–1349.
  • Hart, C. H., DeWolf, M. D., Wozniak, P., & Burts, D.C. (1992). Maternal and paternal disciplinary styles: Relations with preschoolers‟ playground behavioral orientations and peer status. Child Development, 63(4), 879-892.
  • Hossain, Z. (1992). African-American fathers within dual-earner families: caregiving, functional style, support, and development history. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University, NY.
  • Jacobs, J. N. & Kelley, M. L. (2006). Predictors of paternal involvement in childcare in dualearner families with young children. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, 4(1), 23–47.
  • Karyelioğlu, S. (2002). Zihin Engelli Cocuklara Sahip Ailelerde Iletisim Sorunları [Communication problems of parents who have children with special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Izmir: Ege Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Kozalıoğlu, G. ve Ekberzade, H. (1994). Zihin Ozurlu Cocukların Ailelerinde Depresyon ve Kaygi Arastirmasi [Research of depresssion and anxiety of parents who have children with special needs]. Marmara Universitesi Atatürk Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 6, 161-167.
  • Lamb, M. E. (1986). The changing role of fathers. In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The father’s role: Applied perspectives (pp. 3–27). New York: Wiley.
  • Lamb, M. E. (1997). Fathers and child development: An introductory overview and guide. In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The role of the father in child development (3rd edition, pp. 1-18, 309-313). New York: Wiley.
  • Lewis, C. (1997). Fathers and preschoolers. In M.E. Lamb (Ed.), The Role of the Father in Child Development. (3rd ed., pp. 141-143). New York: Wiley.
  • Levy-Shiff, R., & Israelashvilli, R. (1988). Antecedents of fathering: some further exploration. Developmental Psychology. 24(3), 434-440.
  • MacDonald, E. E., & Hastings, R. P. (2010). Mindful Parenting and Care Involvement of Fathers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 19, 236–240.
  • Marcus, A.G. (1985). Fathering behavior: the effect of roles, attitudes, and support systems. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.
  • Marks, L.D., & Dollahite, D.C. (2001). Religion, relationships, and responsible fathering in Latter-Day Saint families of children with special needs. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 18(5), 625–50.
  • May, J. (1997). Fathers of children with special needs. New horizons. 2nd ed. Bethesda: Association for the Care of Children‟s Health.
  • Mert, E. (1997). Farklı Ozur Grubunda Cocugu Olan Anne Babalarin Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi [Determination of needs of mothers and fathers who have children with different special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Bolu: Abant İzzet Baysal Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Murray, J., & McDonald, L. (1996). Father involvement in early intervention programs: Effectiveness, obstacles, and considerations. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 24, 46-57.
  • National Center on Fathers and Families (1999). Predictors of Father and Father Involvement in Pre-Kindergarten Head Start, (NCOFF Brief: Research & Working Papers Series). University of Pennsylvania: Author.
  • Nord, C. W., Brimhall, D., & West, J. (1997). Fathers’ Involvement in Their Children’s Schools. (NCES 98-091). Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics.
  • Nouh, S., Dumas, J.E., Wolf, L.C., & Fisman, S.N. (1989). Delineating sources of stress in parents of exceptional children. Family Relations, 38(4), 456-461.
  • Ozen, A. (1999). Gelisimsel Yetersizliği Olan Cocukların Annelerine Egitim Uzmanlarıyla Calisirken Gerekli Olan Etkili İletisim Becerilerinin Kazandirilmasi [Teaching effective communication skills which are necessary to work with education specialists to the mothers who have children with developmental disabilities] Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Eskisehir: Anadolu Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Pleck, J. H. (1997). Paternal involvement: levels, sources and consequences. In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The Role of Father in Child Development, (3rd ed., pp. 66-103). New York: Wiley
  • Pleck, J., & Masciadrelli, B. (2004). Paternal involvement in U.S. residential fathers: Levels, sources, and consequences. In M. Lamb (Ed.), The role of the father in child development (4th ed., pp. 222-271). New York, NY: John Wiley.
  • Piburn, D. E., & Boyce, G. C. (1992). Mother's perception of father's contribution to child care and its influence on mother's perception of stress in families of children with disabilities. Logan: Utah State University, Early Intervention Research Institute.
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  • Ricci, L. A., & Hodapp, R. M., (2003). Fathers of children with Down‟s syndrome versus other types of intellectual disability: perceptions, stres and involvement. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 47(4/5), 273-284.
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  • Suppal, P., & Roopnarine, J.L. (1999). Paternal Involvement in Child Care as a Function of Maternal Employment in Nuclear and Extended Families in India. Sex Roles, 40(9/10), 731-743.
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Year 2012, Issue: 1, 91 - 106, 01.06.2012


Background: Father Involvement in education of children with intellectual disabilities (ID) is extremely important for both school learning and healthy development of children with ID in family. Father involvement was explained by engagement, availability and responsibility. It can be stated that engagement requires spending time and efficient interaction with children. The purpose of this study was to investigate father involvement in childrearing practices about children with ID


  • Able-Boone, H. (1993). Family participation in the IFSP process. Infant-Toddler Intervention, 3, 63-71.
  • Ahmeduzzaman, M. & Roopnarine, J. (1992). Socio-demographic factors, functioning, style, social support, and fathers‟ involvement with preschoolers in African-American families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 54(3), 699–707.
  • Akkök, F., Aşkar, P., & Karancı, N. (1992). Özürlü Bir Çocuğa Sahip Anne Babalardaki Stresin Yordanması [The prediction of stress in parents of a child with disability]. Ozel Egitim Dergisi, 1(2), 9-13.
  • Amato, G. & Paul, R. (1999). Nonresident father and children‟s well-being: A meta- analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61(3), 557-574.
  • Arslan, C., Deniz, E., ve Hamarta, E. (2002). Engelli Çocuğu Olan Ailelerin Yaşam Doyumlarının Bazı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi [Investigation of life satisfaction of parents of a child with disability in the aspects of some variables]. XI. National Special Education Congress, 2001, Konya: Egitim Kitabevi Pub.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H.C. ve Sucuoğlu, B. (2000). Normal ve Zihin Engelli Bebeklerde Anne Bebek Etkileşiminin Karşılaştırmalı Olarak İncelenmesi [Investigation of mother – baby interaction comparing with normal babies and babies with special needs]. Ozel Egitim Dergisi, 2(4), 47-58.
  • Baruch, G. K., & Barnett, R. C. (1981). Father‟s participation in the care of their preschool children. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 7(10), 1043–1054.
  • Barnet, R. C., & Baruch, G. K. (1987). Determinants of fathers‟ participation in family work. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 49, 29–40.
  • Beşikçi, H. & Özkardeş, O. (2002). Otistik Olan ve Olmayan Normal Çocuklara Sahip Babaların Tutumları ve Aile Yapıları [The attitude of fathers of children with autism and fathers of normal children and structer of family]. XII. National Special Education Congress; Methods-Approaches-Strategies, Ankara Univesity Education Sciences Institute Pub., No: 193.
  • Birkan, B. (2001). Küçük Adımlar Kursu‟nun Gelişimsel Geriliği Olan Çocuğa Sahip Annelerin Küçük Adımları Uygulama Becerilerini Kazanmalarına Etkisi [The affect of little steps courses on mothers with children with special education needs in getting the ability of application]. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Eskişehir Anadolu University, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Bradford, K.P., Hawkins, A., Palkovitz, R., Christiansen, S.L., & Day, R.D. (2002). The Inventory of Father Involvement: A pilot study of a new measure of father involvement. Journal of Men’s Studies 10(2), 183–96.
  • Bragiel, J. & Kaniok, P. E. (2011). Fathers‟ marital satisfaction and their involvement with their child with disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(3), 395–404.
  • Cavkaytar, A. (1999). Zihin Engellilere Oz bakim ve Ev Ici Becerilerinin Ogretiminde Bir Aile Egitimi Programinin Etkililigi [The affect of a family education program in teaching self-care and home based skills] Eskişehir: Anadolu University, Faculty of Education Pub., No: 61.
  • Cavkaytar, A., Batu, S., Kartal, B., Cetin, O. B., ve Gullupinar, F. (2004). Gelisimsel Geriligi Olan Cocuga Sahip Ailelerin Aile Ozelliklerinin ve Yasadiklarinin Betimlenmesi. [The Description of Family Characteristics with Developmentally Disabled Children, and Family Adjustment Process]. (College Board Rep. No. 030512). Eskisehir, Turkey: Anadolu University.
  • Crais, E., Poston Roy, V., & Free, K. (2006). Parents‟ and professionals‟ perceptions of the implementation of family-centered practices in child assessments. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 15, 365-377.
  • Dunn, J., Cheng, H., O‟Conner, T. & Bridges, L. (2004). Children‟s perspectives on their relationships with nonresident fathers: Influences, outcomes, and implications. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 45(3), 553-566.
  • Easterbrooks, M.A., & Goldberg, W. A. (1984). Toddler development in the family: impact of father involvement and parenting characteristics. Child Development, 55(3), 740-752.
  • Erickson, M., & Upshur, C.C. (1989). Caretaking burden and social support: comparison of mothers of infants without disabilities. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 94(3), 250-258.
  • Erkut, S. (2003). Puerto Rican young fathers’ involvement with their children (Final Report). Center for Research on Women, Wellesley Centers for Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley Massachusetts.
  • Evcimen, E. (1996). Zihin Engelli Çocuğu Olan Ailelerin (Anne ve Babaların) Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi [Determination of the needs of parents (mothers and fathers) who have children with special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Eskisehir: Anadolu Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Fagan, J., & Iglesias, A. (1999). Father involvement program effects on fathers, father figures and their head start children: A quasi-experimental study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 14(2), 243-269.
  • Featherstone, B. (2009). Contemporary fathering. Theory policy practice. Bristol: The Policy Press.
  • Flippin, M., & Crais, E. R. (2011). The Need for More Effective Father Involvement in Early Autism Intervention: A Systematic Review and Recommendations. Journal of Early Intervention, 33(1), 24-50.
  • Flouri, E., & Buchanan, A. (2003). The role of father involvement in children‟s mental health. Journal of Adolescence, 26, 63-78.
  • Floyd, F.J., Gilliom, L.A., & Costigan, C.L. (1998). Marriage and the parenting alliance: Longitudinal prediction of change in parenting perceptions and behaviours. Child Development 69(5), 1461–79.
  • Grolnick, W. S., & Slowiaczek, M. L. (1994). Parents‟ involvement in children‟s schooling: a multidimensional conceptualization and motivational model. Child Development. 65(1), 237-252.
  • Guler, A. (1992). Ilk yazili Turkce metinlerde aile ve unsurlari. [Family and elements in first written Turkish texts]. Sosyo-kulturel degisim surecinde Turk ailesi, I. Cilt, Ankara: T.C. Basbakanlik Aile Arastirma Kurumu Yayinlari, No: 71, 69- 81.
  • Hastings, R. P., & Beck, A. (2004). Stress intervention for parents of children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 45, 1338–1349.
  • Hart, C. H., DeWolf, M. D., Wozniak, P., & Burts, D.C. (1992). Maternal and paternal disciplinary styles: Relations with preschoolers‟ playground behavioral orientations and peer status. Child Development, 63(4), 879-892.
  • Hossain, Z. (1992). African-American fathers within dual-earner families: caregiving, functional style, support, and development history. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University, NY.
  • Jacobs, J. N. & Kelley, M. L. (2006). Predictors of paternal involvement in childcare in dualearner families with young children. Fathering: A Journal of Theory, Research, and Practice about Men as Fathers, 4(1), 23–47.
  • Karyelioğlu, S. (2002). Zihin Engelli Cocuklara Sahip Ailelerde Iletisim Sorunları [Communication problems of parents who have children with special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Izmir: Ege Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Kozalıoğlu, G. ve Ekberzade, H. (1994). Zihin Ozurlu Cocukların Ailelerinde Depresyon ve Kaygi Arastirmasi [Research of depresssion and anxiety of parents who have children with special needs]. Marmara Universitesi Atatürk Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi, 6, 161-167.
  • Lamb, M. E. (1986). The changing role of fathers. In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The father’s role: Applied perspectives (pp. 3–27). New York: Wiley.
  • Lamb, M. E. (1997). Fathers and child development: An introductory overview and guide. In M. E. Lamb (Ed.), The role of the father in child development (3rd edition, pp. 1-18, 309-313). New York: Wiley.
  • Lewis, C. (1997). Fathers and preschoolers. In M.E. Lamb (Ed.), The Role of the Father in Child Development. (3rd ed., pp. 141-143). New York: Wiley.
  • Levy-Shiff, R., & Israelashvilli, R. (1988). Antecedents of fathering: some further exploration. Developmental Psychology. 24(3), 434-440.
  • MacDonald, E. E., & Hastings, R. P. (2010). Mindful Parenting and Care Involvement of Fathers of Children with Intellectual Disabilities. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 19, 236–240.
  • Marcus, A.G. (1985). Fathering behavior: the effect of roles, attitudes, and support systems. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, California School of Professional Psychology, Los Angeles.
  • Marks, L.D., & Dollahite, D.C. (2001). Religion, relationships, and responsible fathering in Latter-Day Saint families of children with special needs. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 18(5), 625–50.
  • May, J. (1997). Fathers of children with special needs. New horizons. 2nd ed. Bethesda: Association for the Care of Children‟s Health.
  • Mert, E. (1997). Farklı Ozur Grubunda Cocugu Olan Anne Babalarin Gereksinimlerinin Belirlenmesi [Determination of needs of mothers and fathers who have children with different special needs]. Unpublished Master Dissertation. Bolu: Abant İzzet Baysal Univesity, Social Sciences Institute.
  • Murray, J., & McDonald, L. (1996). Father involvement in early intervention programs: Effectiveness, obstacles, and considerations. Developmental Disabilities Bulletin, 24, 46-57.
  • National Center on Fathers and Families (1999). Predictors of Father and Father Involvement in Pre-Kindergarten Head Start, (NCOFF Brief: Research & Working Papers Series). University of Pennsylvania: Author.
  • Nord, C. W., Brimhall, D., & West, J. (1997). Fathers’ Involvement in Their Children’s Schools. (NCES 98-091). Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics.
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There are 80 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Bekir Fatih Meral This is me

Atilla Cavkaytar This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Issue: 1


APA Meral, B. F., & Cavkaytar, A. (2012). Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı. Journal of Education and Future, 1(1), 91-106.
AMA Meral BF, Cavkaytar A. Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı. JEF. June 2012;1(1):91-106.
Chicago Meral, Bekir Fatih, and Atilla Cavkaytar. “Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı”. Journal of Education and Future 1, no. 1 (June 2012): 91-106.
EndNote Meral BF, Cavkaytar A (June 1, 2012) Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı. Journal of Education and Future 1 1 91–106.
IEEE B. F. Meral and A. Cavkaytar, “Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı”, JEF, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 91–106, 2012.
ISNAD Meral, Bekir Fatih - Cavkaytar, Atilla. “Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı”. Journal of Education and Future 1/1 (June 2012), 91-106.
JAMA Meral BF, Cavkaytar A. Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı. JEF. 2012;1:91–106.
MLA Meral, Bekir Fatih and Atilla Cavkaytar. “Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı”. Journal of Education and Future, vol. 1, no. 1, 2012, pp. 91-106.
Vancouver Meral BF, Cavkaytar A. Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Çocukların Yetiştirilmesine Yönelik Etkinliklerde Baba Katılımı. JEF. 2012;1(1):91-106.

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