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Portfolio management for innovation ideas: weighing antecedents with AHP

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 25 - 52, 01.06.2018


Companies need to innovate to remain competitive. It enables the cope of change by new products, services or processes. However, continuous innovation is not an easy task. Hence, innovation management systems are being implemented, supporting ideation and successive idea selection at early stages on the front end of new product development and process re-/design. This is a complex task, requiring portfolio management subject to systematic multiple criteria assessment. Thus, first the antecedents of the innovation output are outlined with literature research verified by selected participants of TIM’s InoSuit project. Then, the weights of these items are determined by this integrated team of experts and academicians using AHP delivering the basis for the analytical assessment for the initial idea selection.


  • Achiche S., Appio F.P., McAloone T.C., and Minin A.D. (2013), “Fuzzy decision support for tools selection in the core front end activities of new product development”, Research in Engineering Design, 24(1), 1-18.
  • Ahmed-Kristensen S. and Daalhuizen J. (2015), “Pioneering the combined use of agile and stage-gate models in new product development: cases from the manufacturing industry”, in: Proceedings of the 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference. 14 -16 June 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Alonso, J.A. and Lamata, M.T. (2006), “Consistency in the Analytic hierarchy process: a new approach”, International Journal of Uncertainty: Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,14(4), 445-459.
  • Amit R. and Zott C. (2012), “Creating value through business model innovation”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 41-49.
  • Andrew J.P., Manget J., Michael D.C., Taylor A., and Zblit H. (2010), A return to prominence – and the emergence of a new world order, BCG Most Innovative Companies. The Boston Consulting Group.
  • Arshinder, K., Kanda, A., and Deshmukh, S.G. (2007), “Coordination in supply chains: an evaluation using fuzzy logic”, Production Planning and Control, 18(5), 420- 435.
  • AT Kearny, 2017. Innovation – A.T. Kearney. The IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy. [Online], (Access: 08.01.2018). Ayag, Z. (2005), “A fuzzy AHP-based simulation approach to concept evaluation in a NPD environment”, IIE Transactions, 37(9), 827–842.
  • Bear, D.J. (2006), “The quest for innovation: a global study of innovation management, 2006-2016”, American Management Association, [online] images/hri_innovation.pdf, (Access: 20.12.2017).
  • Bengtsson, M. and Sölvell, Ö. (2004), “Climate of competition, clusters and innovative performance”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(3), 225-244.
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  • Bower, J.L. and Christensen, C.M. (1995), “Disruptive technologies: catching the wave”, Harvard Business Review, 73(1), 43–53.
  • Bozbura, F.T., Beskese, A. and Kahraman, C. (2007), “Prioritization of organizational capital measurement indicators using fuzzy AHP”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), 1100-1112.
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  • Brem, A. and Voigt, K.I. (2009), “Integration of market pull and technology push in the corporate front end and innovation management - insights from the German software industry”, Technovation, 29(5), 351-367.
  • de Brentani, U. and Reid, S.E. (2012), “The Fuzzy front-end of discontinuous innovation: insights for research and management”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(1), 70-87.
  • Bröring, S., Cloutier, L.M., and Leker, J. (2006), “The front end of innovation in an era of industry convergence: evidence from nutraceuticals and functional foods”, R&D Management, 36(5), 487-498.
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  • Cornetto T., Nisar A., Palacios M., Meunier-FitzHugh K., and Labadie J.G. (2016), “Organizational linkages for new product development: Implementation of innovation projects”, Journal of Business Research, vol.69, 2093-2100.
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  • Cooper, R.G. (2008), “Perspective: The stage‐gate® idea‐to‐launch process— update, what’s new, and nexgen systems”, Journal of product innovation management, 25(3), 213-232.
  • Cooper R. and Edgett S. (2008), “Ideation for product innovation: what are the best methods?”, PDMA Visions Magazine wp#29, 1(1), 12-17.
  • Cooper RG. (2009), “How companies are reinventing their idea-to-launch methodologies”, Research Technology Management, 52(2), 47-57.
  • Cooper, R.G. (2011), “Perspective: The innovation dilemma: how to innovate when the market is mature”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(s1), 2-27.
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  • Dewulf, K. (2013), “Sustainable product innovation: the importance of the front-end stage in the innovation process”, in: Advances in Industrial Design Engineering, edited by Denis A. Coelho, CC-BY-3.0.
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İnovasyon Fikirleri için Portföy Yönetimi: Öncüllerin AHP ile Ağırlıklandırılması

Year 2018, Volume: 7 Issue: 1, 25 - 52, 01.06.2018


Amaç: Çalışmada başlangıç aşamasında fikirlerin değerlendirilmesi için inovasyonun öncülleri araştırılmış ve ağırlıkları belirlenmiştir. Yöntem: İnovasyon çıktısının öncülleri sistematik literatür taraması ile derlenmiş, daha sonra bu başlıklar TİM InoSuit projesinin katılımcılılarından seçilmiş uzman ve akademisyenlerden oluşan karma bir ekip tarafından doğrulanarak ağırlıkları analitik hiyerarşik süreç ile belirlenmiştir. Bulgular: Öncüller, değer, uygulanabilirlik, inovasyona katkı, genelleme, strateji, risk ve var olan çözümün uygunluğu olarak derlenmiş, ağırlıkları da sırasıyla % 12, 15, 10, 18, 8, 32 ve 5 olarak belirlenmiştir. Sonuç ve Öneriler: Bu çalışmada inovasyon yönetim sistemlerinde kullanılabilecek, ön safhalarda inovasyon fikirlerinin seçimine imkân sunan analitik bir değerlendirme modeli sunulmuştur. Özgün Değer: Literatürde fikir oluşturmanın ön safhaları için karşılaştırılabilir benzerlikte başka bir ölçek bulunamamıştır.


  • Achiche S., Appio F.P., McAloone T.C., and Minin A.D. (2013), “Fuzzy decision support for tools selection in the core front end activities of new product development”, Research in Engineering Design, 24(1), 1-18.
  • Ahmed-Kristensen S. and Daalhuizen J. (2015), “Pioneering the combined use of agile and stage-gate models in new product development: cases from the manufacturing industry”, in: Proceedings of the 22nd Innovation & Product Development Management Conference. 14 -16 June 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Alonso, J.A. and Lamata, M.T. (2006), “Consistency in the Analytic hierarchy process: a new approach”, International Journal of Uncertainty: Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems,14(4), 445-459.
  • Amit R. and Zott C. (2012), “Creating value through business model innovation”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(3), 41-49.
  • Andrew J.P., Manget J., Michael D.C., Taylor A., and Zblit H. (2010), A return to prominence – and the emergence of a new world order, BCG Most Innovative Companies. The Boston Consulting Group.
  • Arshinder, K., Kanda, A., and Deshmukh, S.G. (2007), “Coordination in supply chains: an evaluation using fuzzy logic”, Production Planning and Control, 18(5), 420- 435.
  • AT Kearny, 2017. Innovation – A.T. Kearney. The IMP³rove – European Innovation Management Academy. [Online], (Access: 08.01.2018). Ayag, Z. (2005), “A fuzzy AHP-based simulation approach to concept evaluation in a NPD environment”, IIE Transactions, 37(9), 827–842.
  • Bear, D.J. (2006), “The quest for innovation: a global study of innovation management, 2006-2016”, American Management Association, [online] images/hri_innovation.pdf, (Access: 20.12.2017).
  • Bengtsson, M. and Sölvell, Ö. (2004), “Climate of competition, clusters and innovative performance”, Scandinavian Journal of Management, 20(3), 225-244.
  • Bhidé, A. (2009), “Where innovation creates value”, McKinsey Quarterly, Vol. Feb 2009, [online], (Access: 01.12.2017).
  • Bower, J.L. and Christensen, C.M. (1995), “Disruptive technologies: catching the wave”, Harvard Business Review, 73(1), 43–53.
  • Bozbura, F.T., Beskese, A. and Kahraman, C. (2007), “Prioritization of organizational capital measurement indicators using fuzzy AHP”, Expert Systems with Applications, 32(4), 1100-1112.
  • Börjesson, S., Dahlsten, F., and Williander, M. (2006), “Innovative scanning experiences from an idea generation project at Volvo Cars”, Technovation, 26(7), 775- 783.
  • Brem, A. and Voigt, K.I. (2009), “Integration of market pull and technology push in the corporate front end and innovation management - insights from the German software industry”, Technovation, 29(5), 351-367.
  • de Brentani, U. and Reid, S.E. (2012), “The Fuzzy front-end of discontinuous innovation: insights for research and management”, The Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(1), 70-87.
  • Bröring, S., Cloutier, L.M., and Leker, J. (2006), “The front end of innovation in an era of industry convergence: evidence from nutraceuticals and functional foods”, R&D Management, 36(5), 487-498.
  • Burgelman, R.A. and Sayles, L.R. (2004), “Transforming invention into innovation: the conceptualization stage”, in: Christensen, C.M., Wheelwright, S.C. (Eds.), Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation. McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp.682–690.
  • Calantone, R.J., di Benedetto, A., and Schmidt, J.B. (1999), “Using the analytic hierarchy process in new product screening”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16(1), 65–76.
  • Calantone, R. J., Randhawa, P., and Voorhees, C. M. (2014), “Breakeven time on new product launches: an investigation of the drivers and impact on firm performance”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(S1), 94–104.
  • Cornetto T., Nisar A., Palacios M., Meunier-FitzHugh K., and Labadie J.G. (2016), “Organizational linkages for new product development: Implementation of innovation projects”, Journal of Business Research, vol.69, 2093-2100.
  • CEN/TS (2013), CEN/TC 389 Innovation Management, Part 1: Innovation Management System. Technical Specification of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), CEN/TS 16555-1.
  • Chao, R.O. and Kavadias, S. (2008), “A theoretical framework for managing the new product development portfolio: When and how to use strategic buckets”, Management Science, 54(5), 907-921.
  • Chesbrough, H.W. (2006), Open innovation: the new imperative for creating and profiting from technology. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Press. Cooper RG. (1990), “Stage-gate systems: a new tools for managing new products”, Business Horizons, 33(3), 44-54.
  • Cooper, R.G. (2003), “Your NPD portfolio may be harmful to your business’s health”, Research Technology Management, 47(1), 31-43.
  • Cooper, R.G. (2008), “Perspective: The stage‐gate® idea‐to‐launch process— update, what’s new, and nexgen systems”, Journal of product innovation management, 25(3), 213-232.
  • Cooper R. and Edgett S. (2008), “Ideation for product innovation: what are the best methods?”, PDMA Visions Magazine wp#29, 1(1), 12-17.
  • Cooper RG. (2009), “How companies are reinventing their idea-to-launch methodologies”, Research Technology Management, 52(2), 47-57.
  • Cooper, R.G. (2011), “Perspective: The innovation dilemma: how to innovate when the market is mature”, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 28(s1), 2-27.
  • Deppe L., Kohn S., Paoletti F., and Levermann A. (2002), “The holistic view of the front end of innovation”, in: Proceeding of IMTs and New Product Development Conference, 17-18 October 2002, Mantova, Italy.
  • Dewulf, K. (2013), “Sustainable product innovation: the importance of the front-end stage in the innovation process”, in: Advances in Industrial Design Engineering, edited by Denis A. Coelho, CC-BY-3.0.
  • Eliens L. (2015), Disentagling the fuzzy front-end: an integrative literature review. Dissertation, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto. [online], (Access: 10.11.2017).
  • Forman, E.H. (1990), “Random indices for incomplete pairwise comparison matrices”, European Journal of Operational Research, 48(1), 153-155.
  • Gatignon, H, and Robertson, T.S. (1991), “Innovative decision processes”, in Handbook of consumer behavior, 316(8). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.
  • Goepel, K.D. (2013), AHP Analytic Hierarchy Process: EVM multiple inputs (CC BYNC 3.0 SG). Singapore: BPMSG, 2013. [online], (Access: 01.12.2017).
  • Grant, K., Alefantos, T., Meyer, M., and Edgar D. (2013), “Capturing and measuring technology based service innovation – a case analysis within theory and practice”, International Journal of Information Management, 33(5), 899– 905.
  • Gronlund, J., Sjodin D.R., and Frishammar, J. (2010), “Open innovation and the stagegate process: a revised model for new product development”, California Management Review, 52(3), 106-131.
  • Hansen, M.T. and Nohria, N. (2004), “How to build collaborative advantage”, MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(1), 22-30.
  • Hansen, M.T. and Birkinshaw, J. (2007), “The innovation value chain”, Harvard Business Review, 85(6), 121-130.
  • Hart, S., Hultink, E.J., Tzokas, N., and Commandeur, H.R. (2003), “Industrial companies’ evaluation criteria in new product development gates”, Journal of Product Innovation Management. 20(1), 22-36.
  • Herstatt C., Stockstrom C., Verworn B., and Nagahira A. (2006), “Fuzzy front end practices in innovating Japanese companies”, International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management, 3(1), 43-60.
  • Hirunyawipada , T., Paswan , A.K., and Blankson, C. (2015), “Toward the development of new product ideas: asymmetric effects of team cohesion on new product ideation”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(7), 855-866.
  • Hsiao, S.W. (2002), “Concurrent design method for developing a new product”, International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 29(1), 41–55.
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There are 95 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Caglar Ucler This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 7 Issue: 1


APA Ucler, C. (2018). Portfolio management for innovation ideas: weighing antecedents with AHP. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 7(1), 25-52.