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Özkıyım Amacıyla Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nden Atlama Sonucu Sağkalım

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 22 - 24, 01.01.2013


Bu olguda Boğaziçi Köprüsü’nden atlayan hastanın klinik durumunun
beklenenden daha iyi olması ve bunun sebepleri açıklanmaya
çalışılmıştır. Otuz üç yaşında erkek hasta 112 tarafından acil
servisimize getirildi. Boğaziçi Köprüsü üzerinden özkıyım amacıyla
denize atladığı öğrenildi. Hastanın kan basıncı (90/50 mmHg)
dışındaki diğer vital bulguları normaldi. Olgunun toraks bilgisayarlı
tomografisinde (BT) solda minimal pnömotoraks tespit
edildi. Torakal vertebra BT’sinde T3-T8 arası vertebralarda spinal
kanal basısı yapmayan stabil kompresyon fraktürleri mevcut idi.
Batın BT’de sol böbrek orta zonda minimal subkapsüler hematom
(grade 1) saptandı. Hasta takip amaçlı yoğun bakıma yatırıldı
Klinik olarak stabil seyreden olgu, 24 saat sonra nöroşirurji servisine
nakledildi. Serviste 4 gün takip edilen hasta yatak istirahatı ve
poliklinik kontrolü önerileriyle taburcu edildi. Yüksekten atlayan
olgularda mortalite ve morbiditeyi etkileyen nedenler arasında
olgunun yaşı, düşme şekli, düştüğü zeminin yapısı, düşme pozisyonu
ve düşüş yüksekliği önemlidir.


  • Chalmers DJ, Marshall SW, Langley JD, Evans MJ, Brunton CR, Kelly AM, et al. Height and surfacing as risk factors for injury in falls from playg- round equipment: a case control study. Injury Prev 1996; 2: 98-104. [CrossRef]
  • Eryılmaz M, Durusu M. Yüksekten Düşme: Erişkin Olgular. ADÜ Tıp Fakül- tesi Dergisi 2008; 9: 29-32.
  • Çetin G, Günay Y, Fincanci SK, Kolusayin RÖ. Suicides by jumping from Bosphorus Bridge in İstanbul. Forensic Science Int 2001; 116: 157-62. [CrossRef]
  • Harvey PM, Solomons BJ. Survival after free falls of 59 metres into water from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 1930-1982. Med J Aust 1983; 1: 504-11.
  • Synder RG. Human tolerance limits in water impact. Aerospace Med 1965; 36: 940-7.
  • Thierauf A, Preuss J, Lignitz E, Madea B. Retrospective analysis of fatal falls. Forensic Science Int 2010; 198: 92-6. [CrossRef]
  • Atanasijevic TC, Popovic VM, Nikolic SD. Characteristics of chest injury in falls from heights. Legalmed 2009; 11: 315-7. [CrossRef]

Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 1, 22 - 24, 01.01.2013


Here, we attempted to explain the better-than-expected clinically stable condition of a patient who jumped from the Bosphorus Bridge, and to disclose the underlying causes. A 33-year-old male patient was admitted to our emergency department by the 112 emergency service following a jump from a height. He had attempted to commit suicide by jumping off the Bosphorus Bridge. Except for the patient’s blood pressure (90/50 mmHg), the other vital signs were normal. A computed tomography (CT) of the thorax showed minimal pneumothorax on the left side. The thoracic vertebra CT showed stable compression fractures with no spinal canal compression between T3 and T8 vertebrae. Abdominal CT scan revealed a minimal subcapsular hematoma (grade 1) in the middle zone of the left kidney. He was admitted to the intensive care unit for follow-up. With a clinically stable progress, he was transferred to the neurosurgery unit 24 hours later. He was followed for four days in the neurosurgery clinic, then was discharged with recommendations of bed rest and outpatient clinic control. Among causes affecting mortality and morbidity in falls from heights, the patient’s age, dynamics of the fall, the hardness of the ground, falling position, and falling height are substantial factors


  • Chalmers DJ, Marshall SW, Langley JD, Evans MJ, Brunton CR, Kelly AM, et al. Height and surfacing as risk factors for injury in falls from playg- round equipment: a case control study. Injury Prev 1996; 2: 98-104. [CrossRef]
  • Eryılmaz M, Durusu M. Yüksekten Düşme: Erişkin Olgular. ADÜ Tıp Fakül- tesi Dergisi 2008; 9: 29-32.
  • Çetin G, Günay Y, Fincanci SK, Kolusayin RÖ. Suicides by jumping from Bosphorus Bridge in İstanbul. Forensic Science Int 2001; 116: 157-62. [CrossRef]
  • Harvey PM, Solomons BJ. Survival after free falls of 59 metres into water from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 1930-1982. Med J Aust 1983; 1: 504-11.
  • Synder RG. Human tolerance limits in water impact. Aerospace Med 1965; 36: 940-7.
  • Thierauf A, Preuss J, Lignitz E, Madea B. Retrospective analysis of fatal falls. Forensic Science Int 2010; 198: 92-6. [CrossRef]
  • Atanasijevic TC, Popovic VM, Nikolic SD. Characteristics of chest injury in falls from heights. Legalmed 2009; 11: 315-7. [CrossRef]
There are 7 citations in total.


Other ID JA74YC77HN
Journal Section Case Report

Mehmet Özgür Erdoğan This is me

Özgür Söğüt This is me

Rasim Yorulmaz This is me

Mehmet Tahir Gökdemir This is me

İsmail Tayfur This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2013
Submission Date January 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 1


APA Erdoğan, M. Ö., Söğüt, Ö., Yorulmaz, R., Gökdemir, M. T., et al. (2013). Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, 4(1), 22-24.
AMA Erdoğan MÖ, Söğüt Ö, Yorulmaz R, Gökdemir MT, Tayfur İ. Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. January 2013;4(1):22-24.
Chicago Erdoğan, Mehmet Özgür, Özgür Söğüt, Rasim Yorulmaz, Mehmet Tahir Gökdemir, and İsmail Tayfur. “Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4, no. 1 (January 2013): 22-24.
EndNote Erdoğan MÖ, Söğüt Ö, Yorulmaz R, Gökdemir MT, Tayfur İ (January 1, 2013) Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4 1 22–24.
IEEE M. Ö. Erdoğan, Ö. Söğüt, R. Yorulmaz, M. T. Gökdemir, and İ. Tayfur, “Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge”, Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 22–24, 2013.
ISNAD Erdoğan, Mehmet Özgür et al. “Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4/1 (January 2013), 22-24.
JAMA Erdoğan MÖ, Söğüt Ö, Yorulmaz R, Gökdemir MT, Tayfur İ. Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. 2013;4:22–24.
MLA Erdoğan, Mehmet Özgür et al. “Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, vol. 4, no. 1, 2013, pp. 22-24.
Vancouver Erdoğan MÖ, Söğüt Ö, Yorulmaz R, Gökdemir MT, Tayfur İ. Surviver of Suicidal Fall from the Bosphorus Bridge. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. 2013;4(1):22-4.