Case Report
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Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 144 - 146, 01.10.2013


Tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration is more frequent in children between 6 months-3 years of age, whereas it is seen less often in adults. The diagnosis of TBFB aspiration can be delayed in the adult population due to the lack of clinical suspicion. A case of a 56-year-old male patient admitted to the emergency department with a history of aspiration of a piece of carrot 4 hours previously, a cough and stridorous breathing is presented. His physical examination revealed reduced respiratory sounds in the lower zone of the left lung. There was no radiological clue of a tracheobronchial foreign body. Thus, we performed rigid bronchoscopy and found that the left lower lobe basal segment bronchus was almost totally obstructed by a foreign body (carrot) of 1.5x1 cm, which was removed. This was based on the clinical suspicion derived from the history and the physical examination alone. We emphasise that history and physical examination are more important in the diagnosis of organic or non-opaque tracheobronchial foreign body aspiration


  • Güzel A, Güzel A, Tekin M, Ayvaz S, Aksu B. Trakeobronchial toy bow in a seven years old child: Case report. JAEMCR 2011; 2: 42-4. [CrossRef]
  • Limper AH, Prakash UB. Tracheobronchial foreign bodies in adults. Ann Intern Med 1990; 112: 604-9. [CrossRef]
  • National Safety Council. Injury Facts, 2011 Edition. Itasca, IL: Author. 2011.p.10-5.
  • Al-Majed, Ashour M, Al-Mobeireek, Al-Hajjaj MS, Alzeer AH, Al-Kattan K. Overlooked inhaled foreign bodies: late sequelae and the likelihood of recovery. Respir Med 1997; 91: 293-6. [CrossRef]
  • Çelebioğlu B, Özer E, Çeliker V. Unsuspected Mechanical Airway Ob- struction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. A & A 2004; 98: 1813-4.
  • Gürsu S, Sırmalı M, Gezer S, Fındık G, Türüt H, Aydın E, ve ark. Yetişkinlerde trakeobronşiyal yabancı cisim aspirasyonları Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006; 14: 38-41.
  • Zissin R, Sharpio-Feinberg M, Rozenman J, Apter S, Smorjik J, Hertz M. CT findings of the chest in adults with aspirated foreign bodies. Eur Ra- diol 2001; 11: 606-11. [CrossRef]
  • Gang W, Zhengxia P, Hongbo L, Yonggang L, Jiangtao D, Shengde W, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in 1024 children. J Pediatric Surg 2012; 47: 2004-10. [CrossRef]

Trakeobronşial Yabancı Cisim Aspirasyonunda Klinik, Radyoloji ve Fizik Muayene:Hangisi Daha Önemli?

Year 2013, Volume: 4 Issue: 4, 144 - 146, 01.10.2013


Trakeobronşial yabancı cisim aspirasyonu, 6 ay-3 yaş arasındaki çocuklarda daha sık görülen, buna karşılık erişkinlerde daha az izlenen bir durumdur. Genellikle erişkin yaştaki hastalarda trakeobronşial yabancı cisim aspirasyonundan şüphelenilmediği için tanıda gecikmeler yaşanmaktadır. Bu makalede 56 yaşında yaklaşık 4 saat önce havuç yerken bir parçasını aspire etme, öksürük ve hırıltılı solunum yakınmalarıyla acil servise başvuran bir erkek hasta sunuldu. Yapılan fizik muayenesinde sol alt sonda solunum seslerinde azalma mevcut olan hastada radyolojik olarak trakeobronşial yabancı cismi düşündürecek bir bulguya rastlanılmadı. Sadece öykü ve fizik muayene bulguları ışığında oluşan klinik şüphe ile hastaya bronkoskopi uygulandı ve sol alt lob bazal segment bronşunu tama yakın obstrükte eden yaklaşık 1,5x1 cm çapındaki yabancı cisim (havuç) tespit edilerek çıkartıldı. Biz de bu olgu sunumunda organik veya non-opak trakeobronşial yabancı cisim aspirasyonlarında öykü ve fizik muayene bulgularının önemini vurgulamayı amaçladık.


  • Güzel A, Güzel A, Tekin M, Ayvaz S, Aksu B. Trakeobronchial toy bow in a seven years old child: Case report. JAEMCR 2011; 2: 42-4. [CrossRef]
  • Limper AH, Prakash UB. Tracheobronchial foreign bodies in adults. Ann Intern Med 1990; 112: 604-9. [CrossRef]
  • National Safety Council. Injury Facts, 2011 Edition. Itasca, IL: Author. 2011.p.10-5.
  • Al-Majed, Ashour M, Al-Mobeireek, Al-Hajjaj MS, Alzeer AH, Al-Kattan K. Overlooked inhaled foreign bodies: late sequelae and the likelihood of recovery. Respir Med 1997; 91: 293-6. [CrossRef]
  • Çelebioğlu B, Özer E, Çeliker V. Unsuspected Mechanical Airway Ob- struction in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. A & A 2004; 98: 1813-4.
  • Gürsu S, Sırmalı M, Gezer S, Fındık G, Türüt H, Aydın E, ve ark. Yetişkinlerde trakeobronşiyal yabancı cisim aspirasyonları Turkish J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2006; 14: 38-41.
  • Zissin R, Sharpio-Feinberg M, Rozenman J, Apter S, Smorjik J, Hertz M. CT findings of the chest in adults with aspirated foreign bodies. Eur Ra- diol 2001; 11: 606-11. [CrossRef]
  • Gang W, Zhengxia P, Hongbo L, Yonggang L, Jiangtao D, Shengde W, et al. Diagnosis and treatment of tracheobronchial foreign bodies in 1024 children. J Pediatric Surg 2012; 47: 2004-10. [CrossRef]
There are 8 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Other ID JA83NY32HM
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Ertuğrul Gedik This is me

Timuçin Alar This is me

Dilek Ömür This is me

Okhan Akdur This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2013
Submission Date October 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 4 Issue: 4


APA Gedik, İ. E., Alar, T., Ömür, D., Akdur, O. (2013). Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, 4(4), 144-146.
AMA Gedik İE, Alar T, Ömür D, Akdur O. Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. October 2013;4(4):144-146.
Chicago Gedik, İsmail Ertuğrul, Timuçin Alar, Dilek Ömür, and Okhan Akdur. “Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One Is More Important?”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4, no. 4 (October 2013): 144-46.
EndNote Gedik İE, Alar T, Ömür D, Akdur O (October 1, 2013) Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4 4 144–146.
IEEE İ. E. Gedik, T. Alar, D. Ömür, and O. Akdur, “Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?”, Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 144–146, 2013.
ISNAD Gedik, İsmail Ertuğrul et al. “Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One Is More Important?”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports 4/4 (October 2013), 144-146.
JAMA Gedik İE, Alar T, Ömür D, Akdur O. Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. 2013;4:144–146.
MLA Gedik, İsmail Ertuğrul et al. “Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One Is More Important?”. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports, vol. 4, no. 4, 2013, pp. 144-6.
Vancouver Gedik İE, Alar T, Ömür D, Akdur O. Clinical Picture, Radiological Findings, and Physical Examination in Tracheobronchial Foreign Body Aspiration: Which One is More Important?. Journal of Emergency Medicine Case Reports. 2013;4(4):144-6.