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BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ, Seismic Analysis of a Reef Structure from WesternBlack Sea Continental Slope

Year 2012, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 3 - 15, 01.06.2012



  • Alptekin, Ö., Nabelek, J.L. and Toksöz, M.N. 1986, Source mechanism of the Bartin earthquake of September 3, 1968 in northwestern Turkey: Evidence for active thrust faulting at the southern Black Sea margin, Tectonophysics 122, 73–88.
  • Barka, A. and Reilinger, R. 1997, Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data, Ann. Geofisica XL, 587–610.
  • Çifçi, G., Dondurur, D. and Ergün, M. 2002, Sonar and High Resolution Seismic Studies in the Eastern Black Sea Basin, Turkish Jour. of Earth Sci. 11, 61-81.
  • Dominguez, G.C., Samaniego, F.V. and Mazzullo, S.J. 1992, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, Part I (Developments in Petroleum Science), Elsevier Science Pub.
  • Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. 2009, Anomalous Strong Reflections on High Resolution Seismic Data from the Turkish Shelf of the Eastern Black Sea: Possible Indicators of Shallow Hydrogen Sulfide-Rich Gas Hydrate Layers, Turkish Jour. of Earth Sci. 18, 299-313.
  • Dondurur, D., 2009, Deniz Sismiğinde Veri İşlem, TMMOB Jeofizik Mühendisleri Odası, 294 sayfa.
  • Dondurur, D., Kücük, H.M., Çifçi, G. and Ergün, M. 2010, Preliminary results from high resolution seismic study in the Kozlu High, central Black Sea, AAPG Meeting, Kiev, Ukraine.
  • Ergün, M., Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. 2002, Acoustic Evidence for Shallow Gas Accumulations in the Sediments of the Eastern Black Sea, Terra Nova 14, 313-320.
  • Finetti, I., Bricchi, G., Del Ben, A., Pipan, M. and Xuan, Z. 1988, Geophysical study of the Black Sea, Bolletino Di Geofisica Teorika Ed Applicata 30, 197–324.
  • Görür, N. 1988, Timing of opening of the Black Sea Basin, Tectonophysics 147, 247-262.
  • Hovland, M. and Judd, A.G. 1988, Seabed pockmarks and seepages, impact on geology, biology and marine environment, London, Graham and Trotman.
  • Hovland, M. 1990, Do carbonate reefs form due to fluid seepage?, Terra Nova 2, 8–18.
  • Hovland, M. and Thomsen, E. 1997, Cold-water corals-are they hydrocarbon seep related?, Mar. Geol. 137, 159-164.
  • Hovland, M. and Risk, M. 2003, Do Norwegian deep-water coral reefs rely on seeping fluids?, Mar. Geol. 198, 83-96.
  • Kruglyakova R., Gubanov, Y., Kruglyakov, V. and Prokoptsev, G. 2002, Assessment of technogenic and natural hydrocarbon supply into the Black Sea and seabed sediments, Cont. Shelf Res. 22, 2395-2407.
  • Küçük, H.M., Dondurur, D., Çifçi, G. and Ergün, M. 2011, Distribution of BSRs and gas accumulations offshore of Zonguldak Region, Central Blacksea, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
  • Limonov, A.F., van Weering, C.E., Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., and Meisner, L.B. 1997, Seabed morphology and gas venting in the Black Sea mudvolcano area: Observations with the MAK-1 deep-tow sidescan sonar and bottom profiler, Mar. Geol. 137, 121-136.
  • Lüdmann, T., Wong, H.K., Konerding, P., Zillmer, M., Petersen, J., and Flüh, E. 2004, Heat flow and quantity of methane deduced from a gas hydrate field in the vicinity of the Dnieper Canyon, northwestern Black Sea, Geo-Mar. Lett. 24, 182-193.
  • Mazzini, A., Ivanov, M.K., Parnell, J., Stadnitskaia, A., Cronin, B.T., Poludetkina, E. Mazurenko, L. and van Weering, T.C.E. 2004, Methane-related authigenic carbonates from the Black Sea: geochemical characterisation and relation to seeping fluids, Mar. Geol. 212, 153– 181.
  • Menlikli, C., Demirer, A., Sipahioğlu, O., Korpe, L. and Aydemir, V. 2009, Exploration plays in the Turkish Black Sea, The Leading Edge, Special section: The Black Sea Region, 28, 1066–1075.
  • Nikishin, A.M., Korotaev, M.V., Ershov, A.V. and Brunet, M. 2003, The Black Sea basin: tectonic history and Neogene– Quaternary rapid subsidence modeling, Sedimentary Geol. 156, 149–168.
  • Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C. and Görür, N. 1994. Kinematic history of the opening of the Black Sea and its effect on the surrounding regions, Geology 22, 267–270.
  • Okyar, M. and Ediger, V. 1999, Seismic evidence of shallow gas in the sediment on the shelf off Trabzon, Southeastern Black Sea, Cont. Shelf Res. 19, 575-587.
  • Özel, Ö., Dondurur, D., Gürçay, S., Okay, S., Küçük, H.M., Sarıtaş, H., Er, M., Korkmaz, M. and Çifçi, G. 2011, Gas and Gas Hydrate Accumulations on the Western Black Sea Continental Slope, 18th IPETGAS Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Popescu, I., Batist, M.D., Lericolais, G., Nouzé, H., Poort, J., Panin, N., Versteeg, W. and Gillet, H. 2006, Multiple bottom- simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions, Mar. Geol. 227, 163-176.
  • Robinson, A.G., Rudat, J.H., Banks, C.J., and Wiles, R.L.F., 1996, Petroleum geology of the Black Sea, Mar. and Pet. Geol., 13, 195-223.
  • Sarg, J.F. and Schuelke, J.S. 2003, Integrated seismic analysis of carbonate reservoirs: From the framework to the volume attributes, The Leading Edge 22, 640-645.
  • Spadini, G., Robinson, A.G. and Cloetingh, S.A.P.L. 1996, Western versus eastern Black Sea tectonic evolution: pre-rift lithospheric controls on basin formation, Tectonophysics 266, 139-154
  • Taner, M.T. 1978, Complex seismic trace analysis, Geophysics 44, 1041-1063.
  • Tarı, E., Şahin, M., Barka, A., Reilinger, R., King, R.W., McClusky, S. and Prilepin, M. 2000, Active tectonics of the Black Sea with GPS, Earth Planets Space 52, 747–751.
  • Woodroffe, C.D., Kennedy, D.M., Hopley, D., Rasmussen, C.E. and Smithers, S.G. 2000, Holocene reef growth in Torres Strait, Mar. Geol. 170, 331-346.
  • Yubo, M., Shiguo, W., Fuliang, L., Dongdong, D., Qiliang, S., Yintao, L. and Mingfeng, G. 2011, Seismic characteristics and development of the Xisha carbonate platforms, northern margin of the South China Sea, Jour. of Asian Earth Sci. 40, 770–783.


Year 2012, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 3 - 15, 01.06.2012


2008 yılında Batı Karadeniz şelf ve kıtasal yamacı
üzerinde yaklaşık 355 km çok kanallı 2B yüksek ayrımlı
sismik yansıma verisi toplanmıştır. Sismik veride bir
paleo-kanal yapısı içerisinde sığ derinliklerde gömülü
bir resif yapısı ayırt edilmiştir. Yapının genişliği 1400
m ve yüksekliği yaklaşık 50 m olup, deniz tabanından
yaklaşık 40 m derinlikte gömülüdür. Resifin ve çevre
tortul ortamın yapısının anlaşılması için, yığma öncesi
ayrıntılı hız analizlerini ve çok sayıda yığma sonrası
karmaşık iz niteliklerini içeren bir dizi sismik analiz
Resifin içsel yapısı ortalama 10 m kalınlığında
karbonat tabakalardan oluşmakta olup, bu birimlerin
ara hızı 2250 m/s civarındadır. Karmaşık iz analizleri
ve hız analizi sonuçları, resifin hemen üzerinde bir
mini-antiklinal yapısı içerisinde küçük çaplı bir gaz
birikiminin ve resif tabanının altında ise daha seyrek bir
gaz birikiminin olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Elde edilen
analiz sonuçlarından yola çıkarak, resif yapısı için,
organik karbonat birikimi ile resif oluşumunu temel alan
ve taban altındaki tortullarda sıvı göçünü de içeren bir
melez oluşum modeli geliştirilmiştir. Bu modele göre
resif, bugün mevcut bulunduğu konumun GD kısmında
oluşumuna başlamış, zaman içerisinde oluşumu kademeli
olarak kaymış ve KB yönünde gelişmeye devam etmiştir.
KB’ya doğru bu kaymanın oluşumunda, resif tabanının
altındaki tortullarda gaz oluşumu ve yükseliminin etkili
olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • Alptekin, Ö., Nabelek, J.L. and Toksöz, M.N. 1986, Source mechanism of the Bartin earthquake of September 3, 1968 in northwestern Turkey: Evidence for active thrust faulting at the southern Black Sea margin, Tectonophysics 122, 73–88.
  • Barka, A. and Reilinger, R. 1997, Active tectonics of the Eastern Mediterranean region: deduced from GPS, neotectonic and seismicity data, Ann. Geofisica XL, 587–610.
  • Çifçi, G., Dondurur, D. and Ergün, M. 2002, Sonar and High Resolution Seismic Studies in the Eastern Black Sea Basin, Turkish Jour. of Earth Sci. 11, 61-81.
  • Dominguez, G.C., Samaniego, F.V. and Mazzullo, S.J. 1992, Carbonate Reservoir Characterization: A Geologic-Engineering Analysis, Part I (Developments in Petroleum Science), Elsevier Science Pub.
  • Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. 2009, Anomalous Strong Reflections on High Resolution Seismic Data from the Turkish Shelf of the Eastern Black Sea: Possible Indicators of Shallow Hydrogen Sulfide-Rich Gas Hydrate Layers, Turkish Jour. of Earth Sci. 18, 299-313.
  • Dondurur, D., 2009, Deniz Sismiğinde Veri İşlem, TMMOB Jeofizik Mühendisleri Odası, 294 sayfa.
  • Dondurur, D., Kücük, H.M., Çifçi, G. and Ergün, M. 2010, Preliminary results from high resolution seismic study in the Kozlu High, central Black Sea, AAPG Meeting, Kiev, Ukraine.
  • Ergün, M., Dondurur, D. and Çifçi, G. 2002, Acoustic Evidence for Shallow Gas Accumulations in the Sediments of the Eastern Black Sea, Terra Nova 14, 313-320.
  • Finetti, I., Bricchi, G., Del Ben, A., Pipan, M. and Xuan, Z. 1988, Geophysical study of the Black Sea, Bolletino Di Geofisica Teorika Ed Applicata 30, 197–324.
  • Görür, N. 1988, Timing of opening of the Black Sea Basin, Tectonophysics 147, 247-262.
  • Hovland, M. and Judd, A.G. 1988, Seabed pockmarks and seepages, impact on geology, biology and marine environment, London, Graham and Trotman.
  • Hovland, M. 1990, Do carbonate reefs form due to fluid seepage?, Terra Nova 2, 8–18.
  • Hovland, M. and Thomsen, E. 1997, Cold-water corals-are they hydrocarbon seep related?, Mar. Geol. 137, 159-164.
  • Hovland, M. and Risk, M. 2003, Do Norwegian deep-water coral reefs rely on seeping fluids?, Mar. Geol. 198, 83-96.
  • Kruglyakova R., Gubanov, Y., Kruglyakov, V. and Prokoptsev, G. 2002, Assessment of technogenic and natural hydrocarbon supply into the Black Sea and seabed sediments, Cont. Shelf Res. 22, 2395-2407.
  • Küçük, H.M., Dondurur, D., Çifçi, G. and Ergün, M. 2011, Distribution of BSRs and gas accumulations offshore of Zonguldak Region, Central Blacksea, European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria.
  • Limonov, A.F., van Weering, C.E., Kenyon, N.H., Ivanov, M.K., and Meisner, L.B. 1997, Seabed morphology and gas venting in the Black Sea mudvolcano area: Observations with the MAK-1 deep-tow sidescan sonar and bottom profiler, Mar. Geol. 137, 121-136.
  • Lüdmann, T., Wong, H.K., Konerding, P., Zillmer, M., Petersen, J., and Flüh, E. 2004, Heat flow and quantity of methane deduced from a gas hydrate field in the vicinity of the Dnieper Canyon, northwestern Black Sea, Geo-Mar. Lett. 24, 182-193.
  • Mazzini, A., Ivanov, M.K., Parnell, J., Stadnitskaia, A., Cronin, B.T., Poludetkina, E. Mazurenko, L. and van Weering, T.C.E. 2004, Methane-related authigenic carbonates from the Black Sea: geochemical characterisation and relation to seeping fluids, Mar. Geol. 212, 153– 181.
  • Menlikli, C., Demirer, A., Sipahioğlu, O., Korpe, L. and Aydemir, V. 2009, Exploration plays in the Turkish Black Sea, The Leading Edge, Special section: The Black Sea Region, 28, 1066–1075.
  • Nikishin, A.M., Korotaev, M.V., Ershov, A.V. and Brunet, M. 2003, The Black Sea basin: tectonic history and Neogene– Quaternary rapid subsidence modeling, Sedimentary Geol. 156, 149–168.
  • Okay, A.I., Şengör, A.M.C. and Görür, N. 1994. Kinematic history of the opening of the Black Sea and its effect on the surrounding regions, Geology 22, 267–270.
  • Okyar, M. and Ediger, V. 1999, Seismic evidence of shallow gas in the sediment on the shelf off Trabzon, Southeastern Black Sea, Cont. Shelf Res. 19, 575-587.
  • Özel, Ö., Dondurur, D., Gürçay, S., Okay, S., Küçük, H.M., Sarıtaş, H., Er, M., Korkmaz, M. and Çifçi, G. 2011, Gas and Gas Hydrate Accumulations on the Western Black Sea Continental Slope, 18th IPETGAS Congress and Exhibition of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Popescu, I., Batist, M.D., Lericolais, G., Nouzé, H., Poort, J., Panin, N., Versteeg, W. and Gillet, H. 2006, Multiple bottom- simulating reflections in the Black Sea: Potential proxies of past climate conditions, Mar. Geol. 227, 163-176.
  • Robinson, A.G., Rudat, J.H., Banks, C.J., and Wiles, R.L.F., 1996, Petroleum geology of the Black Sea, Mar. and Pet. Geol., 13, 195-223.
  • Sarg, J.F. and Schuelke, J.S. 2003, Integrated seismic analysis of carbonate reservoirs: From the framework to the volume attributes, The Leading Edge 22, 640-645.
  • Spadini, G., Robinson, A.G. and Cloetingh, S.A.P.L. 1996, Western versus eastern Black Sea tectonic evolution: pre-rift lithospheric controls on basin formation, Tectonophysics 266, 139-154
  • Taner, M.T. 1978, Complex seismic trace analysis, Geophysics 44, 1041-1063.
  • Tarı, E., Şahin, M., Barka, A., Reilinger, R., King, R.W., McClusky, S. and Prilepin, M. 2000, Active tectonics of the Black Sea with GPS, Earth Planets Space 52, 747–751.
  • Woodroffe, C.D., Kennedy, D.M., Hopley, D., Rasmussen, C.E. and Smithers, S.G. 2000, Holocene reef growth in Torres Strait, Mar. Geol. 170, 331-346.
  • Yubo, M., Shiguo, W., Fuliang, L., Dongdong, D., Qiliang, S., Yintao, L. and Mingfeng, G. 2011, Seismic characteristics and development of the Xisha carbonate platforms, northern margin of the South China Sea, Jour. of Asian Earth Sci. 40, 770–783.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Derman Dondurur Ve Diğ. This is me

Özkan Özel This is me

Günay Çifçi This is me

Savaş Gürçay This is me

Hilmi Mert Küçük This is me

Murat Er This is me

Seda Okay This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


APA Diğ., D. D. V., Özel, Ö., Çifçi, G., Gürçay, S., et al. (2012). BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ. Jeofizik Dergisi, 26(1), 3-15.
AMA Diğ. DDV, Özel Ö, Çifçi G, Gürçay S, Küçük HM, Er M, Okay S. BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ. Jeofizik Dergisi. June 2012;26(1):3-15.
Chicago Diğ., Derman Dondurur Ve, Özkan Özel, Günay Çifçi, Savaş Gürçay, Hilmi Mert Küçük, Murat Er, and Seda Okay. “BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ”. Jeofizik Dergisi 26, no. 1 (June 2012): 3-15.
EndNote Diğ. DDV, Özel Ö, Çifçi G, Gürçay S, Küçük HM, Er M, Okay S (June 1, 2012) BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ. Jeofizik Dergisi 26 1 3–15.
IEEE D. D. V. Diğ., “BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ”, Jeofizik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 3–15, 2012.
ISNAD Diğ., Derman Dondurur Ve et al. “BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ”. Jeofizik Dergisi 26/1 (June 2012), 3-15.
JAMA Diğ. DDV, Özel Ö, Çifçi G, Gürçay S, Küçük HM, Er M, Okay S. BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ. Jeofizik Dergisi. 2012;26:3–15.
MLA Diğ., Derman Dondurur Ve et al. “BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ”. Jeofizik Dergisi, vol. 26, no. 1, 2012, pp. 3-15.
Vancouver Diğ. DDV, Özel Ö, Çifçi G, Gürçay S, Küçük HM, Er M, Okay S. BATI KARADENİZ KITASAL YAMACINDAN BİR RESİF YAPISININ SİSMİK ANALİZİ. Jeofizik Dergisi. 2012;26(1):3-15.