Effect of short-term heat application on fine motor skills in an online competitive video gamer: a case report
Year 2023,
, 244 - 251, 29.12.2023
Mehmet Alphan Çakıroğlu
Ata Elvan
Hilal Kargın
Zeynep Sağ
Engin Sımsek
Competitive video gaming -or in a more professional and commercial definition; e-sports- is a well-funded and rapidly growing field. However, there is no detailed information about the performance of these gamers related to heating even though heat application is commonly used among players. A 21-year-old male gamer was included in this report to assess the effects of heat application on fine motor skills. Fine motor skills (reaction time, overall mouse control, repeated keypress) were assessed before and after heat application by using open-source software that is being currently used in other fields of health sciences. It was noted that the short-term heat application may have positive effects, especially in the mouse hand however the results of the keyboard hand were controversial.
- Newzoo. Global Esports Market report. Light Version. 2021. [cited 2021 November 9]. 38p. Available from: https:// newzoo.com/insights/trend-reports/newzoo-global-games-market-report-2021-free-version/.
- 2021 NBA 2K League, LLC [Internet]. NBA 2K League Info; 2021. Available from: https://2kleague.nba.com/league-info/.
- Kelly S, Leung J. The new frontier of esports and gaming: a scoping meta-review of health impacts and research agenda. Front Sports Act Living. 2021;3:640362.
- Nagorsky E, Wiemeyer J. The structure of performance and training in esports. PLoS One. 2020;15:e0237584.
- Kari T, Karhulahti V-M. Do E-Athletes Move?: A Study on Training and Physical Exercise in Elite E-Sports. Int J Gaming Comput Mediat Simul. 2016;8:53-66.
- Tartar JL, Kalman D, Hewlings S. A Prospective Study Evaluating the Effects of a Nutritional Supplement Intervention on Cognition, Mood States, and Mental Performance in Video Gamers. Nutrients. 2019;11:2326.
- Thomas CJ, Rothschild J, Earnest CP, et al. The Effects of Energy Drink Consumption on Cognitive and Physical Performance in Elite League of Legends Players. Sports (Basel). 2019;7:196.
- XbitLabs, How to Keep Hands Warm While Gaming, 2021 [cited 2023 June 10]. Available from: https://www.xbitlabs.com/keep-hands-warm-while-gaming/.
- Mallette MM, Green LA, Hodges GJ, et al. The effects of local muscle temperature on force variability. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2019;119:1225-1233.
- Geurts C, Sleivert GG, Cheung SS. Temperature effects on the contractile characteristics and sub-maximal voluntary isometric force production of the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2004;91:41-45.
- World Health Organization. 6C51 Gaming Disorder: World Health Organization; 2019 [cited 2019 November 9]. Available from: https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http%3a%2f%2fid.who.int%2ficd%2fentity%2f1448597234.
- Mueller ST, Piper BJ. The Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) and PEBL Test Battery. J Neurosci Methods. 2014;222:250-259.
- Piper BJ, Mueller ST, Geerken AR, et al. Reliability and validity of neurobehavioral function on the Psychology Experimental Building Language test battery in young adults. PeerJ. 2015;3:e1460.
- Freeman GL. The relationship between performance level and bodily activity level. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 1940;26:602–608.
- Ahonen B, Carlson A, Dunham C, et al. The effects of time of day and practice on cognitive abilities: The PEBL Pursuit Rotor, Compensatory Tracking, Match-to-sample, and TOAV tasks. PEBL Technical Report Series. 2012 [On-line], #2012-02.
- Hick WE. On the Rate of Gain of Information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 1952;4(1):11–26.
- League of Legends 2021 World Championship Rules [Internet]; 2021 Sep 12 [cited 2021 November 9]. Available from: https://assets.contentstack.io/v3/assets/bltad9188aa9a70543a/bltaafb2c10c4db0333/2021_World_Championship_Rule_Set.pdf.
- Rolke R, Baron R, Maier C, et al. Quantitative sensory testing in the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain (DFNS): standardized protocol and reference values. Pain. 2006;123(3):231-243.
Çevrimiçi rekabetçi bir video oyuncusunda kısa süreli sıcak uygulamanın ince motor beceriler üzerine etkisi: bir olgu sunumu
Year 2023,
, 244 - 251, 29.12.2023
Mehmet Alphan Çakıroğlu
Ata Elvan
Hilal Kargın
Zeynep Sağ
Engin Sımsek
Rekabetçi video oyunları -veya daha profesyonel ve ticari bir tanımla; e-spor, iyi finanse edilen ve hızla büyüyen bir alandır. Ancak oyuncular arasında sıcak uygulama yaygın olarak kullanılmasına rağmen bu oyuncuların sıcak uygulama öncesi/sonrası performansları hakkında detaylı bir bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Sıcak uygulamanın ince motor beceriler üzerindeki etkilerini değerlendirmek için 21 yaşında bir erkek video oyunu oyuncusu bu çalışmaya dahil edildi. Sıcak uygulama Zippo HeatBank® 6 cihazı ile 5 dakika boyunca olgunun bu cihazı her iki elinde aynı anda tutması ile yapıldı. İnce motor beceriler (reaksiyon süresi, genel fare kontrolü, tekrarlı tuşa basma), “PEBL: The Psychology Experiment Building Language” adlı yazılım kullanılarak sıcak uygulaması öncesi ve sonrasında değerlendirildi. Kısa süreli sıcak uygulamanın özellikle fare eli üzerinde olumlu etkilerinin olabileceği ancak klavye eli sonuçlarının tartışmalı olduğu kaydedildi.
- Newzoo. Global Esports Market report. Light Version. 2021. [cited 2021 November 9]. 38p. Available from: https:// newzoo.com/insights/trend-reports/newzoo-global-games-market-report-2021-free-version/.
- 2021 NBA 2K League, LLC [Internet]. NBA 2K League Info; 2021. Available from: https://2kleague.nba.com/league-info/.
- Kelly S, Leung J. The new frontier of esports and gaming: a scoping meta-review of health impacts and research agenda. Front Sports Act Living. 2021;3:640362.
- Nagorsky E, Wiemeyer J. The structure of performance and training in esports. PLoS One. 2020;15:e0237584.
- Kari T, Karhulahti V-M. Do E-Athletes Move?: A Study on Training and Physical Exercise in Elite E-Sports. Int J Gaming Comput Mediat Simul. 2016;8:53-66.
- Tartar JL, Kalman D, Hewlings S. A Prospective Study Evaluating the Effects of a Nutritional Supplement Intervention on Cognition, Mood States, and Mental Performance in Video Gamers. Nutrients. 2019;11:2326.
- Thomas CJ, Rothschild J, Earnest CP, et al. The Effects of Energy Drink Consumption on Cognitive and Physical Performance in Elite League of Legends Players. Sports (Basel). 2019;7:196.
- XbitLabs, How to Keep Hands Warm While Gaming, 2021 [cited 2023 June 10]. Available from: https://www.xbitlabs.com/keep-hands-warm-while-gaming/.
- Mallette MM, Green LA, Hodges GJ, et al. The effects of local muscle temperature on force variability. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2019;119:1225-1233.
- Geurts C, Sleivert GG, Cheung SS. Temperature effects on the contractile characteristics and sub-maximal voluntary isometric force production of the first dorsal interosseus muscle. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2004;91:41-45.
- World Health Organization. 6C51 Gaming Disorder: World Health Organization; 2019 [cited 2019 November 9]. Available from: https://icd.who.int/browse11/l-m/en#/http%3a%2f%2fid.who.int%2ficd%2fentity%2f1448597234.
- Mueller ST, Piper BJ. The Psychology Experiment Building Language (PEBL) and PEBL Test Battery. J Neurosci Methods. 2014;222:250-259.
- Piper BJ, Mueller ST, Geerken AR, et al. Reliability and validity of neurobehavioral function on the Psychology Experimental Building Language test battery in young adults. PeerJ. 2015;3:e1460.
- Freeman GL. The relationship between performance level and bodily activity level. Journal of Experimental Psychology. 1940;26:602–608.
- Ahonen B, Carlson A, Dunham C, et al. The effects of time of day and practice on cognitive abilities: The PEBL Pursuit Rotor, Compensatory Tracking, Match-to-sample, and TOAV tasks. PEBL Technical Report Series. 2012 [On-line], #2012-02.
- Hick WE. On the Rate of Gain of Information. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 1952;4(1):11–26.
- League of Legends 2021 World Championship Rules [Internet]; 2021 Sep 12 [cited 2021 November 9]. Available from: https://assets.contentstack.io/v3/assets/bltad9188aa9a70543a/bltaafb2c10c4db0333/2021_World_Championship_Rule_Set.pdf.
- Rolke R, Baron R, Maier C, et al. Quantitative sensory testing in the German Research Network on Neuropathic Pain (DFNS): standardized protocol and reference values. Pain. 2006;123(3):231-243.