Research Article
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Investigation of gait symmetry, cervical joint position sense, cervical range of motion and functional disability in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain

Year 2024, , 171 - 179, 19.12.2024


Purpose: Gait asymmetry has not been adequately clarified in Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain (CINP). Cervical position sense is important to maintain gait function. However, the association between gait symmetry and cervical position sense is unknown. The first aim is to evaluate gait symmetry, cervical joint position error (JPE), cervical range of motion (ROM), and functionality in persons with CINP and compare them with healthy controls (HC). The second aim is to investigate the relationship between gait symmetry and cervical JPE, ROM, and functional disability in CINP.
Methods: 35 persons with CINP (27 females, eight males, mean age 25.48 ± 8.69 years) and 34 HC (25 females, nine males, mean age 25.76±7.96 years) were included. Gait symmetry was assessed with a wearable sensor gait device. Cervical JPE and ROM were evaluated with the Cervical Range of Motion (CROM) device. Neck Disability Index (NDI) was used for functional disability.
Results: Persons with CINP had significantly worse gait symmetry, cervical JPE, and lower cervical range of motion in all directions (p<0.01). In the CINP group, gait symmetry had significant, negative weak and moderate correlations with the cervical JPE (flexion, extension, right lateral flexion, r=-0.387, -0.459, -0.443, p<0.05) and NDI (r=-0.493, p<0.05).
Conclusion: This study showed that gait symmetry, cervical position sense, and range of motion were negatively affected in individuals with CINP compared to the healthy controls, and that the decrease in gait symmetry was associated with the increase in cervical joint position error and functional disability. Improving cervical position sense may be effective in increasing gait symmetry in persons with chronic idiopathic neck pain.
Keywords: Neck pain, Gait, Position sense.


  • Cohen SP. Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neck pain. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015;90:284-299.
  • Borghouts JAJ, Koes BW, Bouter LM. The clinical course and prognostic factors of non-specific neck pain: a systematic review. Pain. 1998;77:1-13.
  • David D, Giannini C, Chiarelli F, et al. Text neck syndrome in children and adolescents. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:1-14.
  • LeBrasseur NK. Gait as an Integrative Measure and Predictor of Health Across Species. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019;74:1411-1412.
  • Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, et al. The burden and determinants of neck pain in the general population. Results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on neck pain and ıts associated disorders. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32:46-60.
  • Uthaikhup S, Sunkarat S, Khamsaen K, et al. The effects of head movement and walking speed on gait parameters in patients with chronic neck pain. Man Ther. 2014;19:137-141.
  • Madsalae T, Thongprong T, Chaikeeree N, et al. Changes in gait performances during walking with head movements in older adults with chronic neck pain. Front Med. 2024;11:1-10.
  • Sadeghi H, Allard P, Prince F, et al. Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait: a review. Gait Posture. 2000;12:34-45.
  • AlDahas A, Devecchi V, Deane JA, et al. Measurement properties of cervical joint position error in people with and without chronic neck pain. PLoS One. 2023;18:1-17.
  • Peng B, Yang L, Li Y, et al. Cervical proprioception impairment in neck pain-pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, and management: a narrative review. Pain Ther. 2021;10:143-164.
  • Uthaikhup S, Jull G, Sungkarat S, et al. The influence of neck pain on sensorimotor function in the elderly. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2012;55:667-672.
  • Stanton TR, Leake HB, Chalmers KJ, et al. Evidence of impaired proprioception in chronic, idiopathic neck pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Phys Ther. 2016;96:876-887.
  • Riskowski JL, Mikesky AE, Bahamonde RE, et al. Proprioception, gait kinematics, and rate of loading during walking: Are they related? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2005;5:379-387.
  • De Vries J, Ischebeck BK, Voogt LP, et al. Joint position sense error in people with neck pain: A systematic review. Man Ther. 2015;20:736-744.
  • Kirmizi M, Simsek IE, Elvan A, et al. Gait speed and gait asymmetry in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2019;41:23-27.
  • Yazici G, Yazici MV, Çobanoğlu G, et al. Giyilebilir hareket analiz sisteminin (G-walk) sağlıklı yetişkinlerde yürüyüş ve sıçrama değerlendirmesi üzerine güvenilirliğinin araştırılması. J Exerc Ther Rehabil. 2020;7:159-167.
  • Vítečková S, Horáková H, Poláková K, et al. Agreement between the GAITRite R System and the Wearable Sensor BTS G-Walk R for measurement of gait parameters in healthy adults and Parkinson’s disease patients. PeerJ. 2020;8:e8835.
  • Wolan-Nieroda A, Guzik A, Mocur P, et al. Assessment of interrater and intrarater reliability of cervical range of motion (CROM) goniometer. Biomed Res Int. 2020;2020:8908035.
  • Fletcher JP, Bandy WD. Intrarater reliability of CROM measurement of cervical spine active range of motion in persons with and without neck pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2008;38:640-645.
  • Vernon H. The Neck Disability Index: state-of-the-art, 1991-2008. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2008;31:491-502.
  • Aslan E, Karaduman A, Yakut Y, et al. The cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of neck disability index in patients with neck pain: a Turkish version study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008;33:362-365.
  • Schober P, Boer C, Schwarte LA. Correlation Coefficients: Appropriate Use and Interpretation. Anesth Analg. 2018;126:1763-1768.
  • Ayan H, Kara B, Erbayraktar RS. Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters, Pelvic Movements and Pelvic Symmetry During Single and Dual Task in Individuals With Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain. Türk Fiz ve Rehabil Derg. 2022;33:195-202.
  • Özgören Ç, Kaya Ciddi P, Sahin M. Kroni̇k Boyun Ağrısı Olan Olgularda Eklem Pozi̇syon Hi̇ssi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇. J Exerc Ther Rehabil. 2021;9:48-58.
  • Lee HY, Wang JE, Chang HL, et al. The association between asymmetric hip mobility and neck pain in young adults. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013;36:364-368.
  • Palmgren PJ, Andreasson D, Eriksson M, et al. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility and postural balance in patients with nontraumatic chronic neck pain - A pilot study. Chiropr Osteopat. 2009;17:1-10.
  • Rix GD, Bagust J. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility in patients with chronic, nontraumatic cervical spine pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001;82:911-919.
  • Elsig S, Luomajoki H, Sattelmayer M, et al. Sensorimotor tests, such as movement control and laterality judgment accuracy, in persons with recurrent neck pain and controls. A case-control study. Man Ther. 2014;19:555-561.
  • Rudolfsson T, Björklund M, Djupsjöbacka M. Range of motion in the upper and lower cervical spine in people with chronic neck pain. Man Ther. 2012;17:53-59.
  • Büyükturan B, Şaş S, Kararti C, et al. The effects of combined sternocleidomastoid muscle stretching and massage on pain, disability, endurance, kinesiophobia, and range of motion in individuals with chronic neck pain: A randomized, single-blind study. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2021;55: 102417.
  • Wannaprom N, Treleaven J, Jull G, et al. Neck muscle vibration produces diverse responses in balance and gait speed between individuals with and without neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2018;35:25-29.
  • Pettorossi VE, Schieppati M. Neck proprioception shapes body orientation and perception of motion. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014;8:895.
  • Ghamkhar L, Kahlaee AH, Nourbakhsh MR, et al. Relationship between proprioception and endurance functionality of the cervical flexor muscles in chronic neck pain and asymptomatic participants. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018;41:129-136.
  • Şi̇mşek Ş, Yağci N, Oymak Soysal A, et al. The relation between pain, functional status, and neck awareness in individuals with chronic neck pain. Turkish J Physiother Rehabil. 2022;33:106-113.
  • Lee H, Hübscher M, Moseley GL, et al. How does pain lead to disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in people with back and neck pain. Pain. 2015;156:988-997.

Kronik idiopatik boyun ağrılı bireylerde yürüyüş simetrisi, servikal eklem pozisyon hissi, servikal hareket açıklığı ve fonksiyonel yeti yitiminin araştırılması

Year 2024, , 171 - 179, 19.12.2024


Amaç: Kronik idiopatik boyun ağrısında (KİBA) yürüyüş asimetrisi yeterince aydınlatılmamıştır. Yürüyüş fonksiyonunun sürdürülmesinde servikal pozisyon duyusu önemlidir. Ancak KİBA'da yürüyüş simetrisi ile servikal pozisyon duyusu arasındaki ilişki bilinmemektedir. Çalışmamızın ilk amacı KİBA’lı bireylerde yürüyüş simetrisini, eklem pozisyon hatasını (JPE), servikal hareket açıklığını (ROM) ve fonksiyonel yeti yitimini değerlendirmek ve bunları sağlıklı kontrollerle (HC) karşılaştırmaktı. İkinci amacımız ise KİBA‘lı bireylerde yürüyüş simetrisi ile servikal JPE, ROM ve fonksiyonel yeti yitimi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktı.
Yöntem: 35 KİBA’lı birey (27 kadın, 8 erkek, ortalama yaş 25,48 ± 8,69 yıl) ve 34 HC (25 kadın, 9 erkek, ortalama yaş 25,76 ± 7,96 yıl) çalışmaya dahil edildi. Yürüme simetrisi, giyilebilir sensörlü yürüyüş cihazı ile değerlendirildi. Servikal pozisyon hissi ve ROM, Servikal Hareket Açıklığı (CROM) cihazı ile değerlendirildi. Fonksiyonel yeti yitimi için Boyun Özürlülük İndeksi (BÖİ) kullanıldı.
Bulgular: KİBA’lı bireylerde anlamlı derecede daha kötü yürüyüş simetrisi, daha kötü servikal JPE ve tüm yönlerde daha az servikal hareket açıklığı vardı (p<0.01). CINP grubunda yürüyüş simetrisi, servikal JPE (fleksiyon, ekstansiyon, sağ lateral fleksiyon, r=-0,387, -0,459, -0,443, p<0,05) ve BÖİ (r=-0,493, p<0,05) ile anlamlı, zayıf ve orta düzeyde negatif korelasyona sahipti.
Sonuç: Bu çalışma, KİBA’lı bireylerde, yürüyüş simetrisinin, servikal pozisyon hissinin ve eklem hareket açıklığının, sağlıklı bireylere göre olumsuz yönde etkilendiğini, yürüyüş simetrisindeki azalmanın, servikal eklem pozisyon hatasındaki ve fonksiyonel yeti yitimindeki artışla ilişkili olduğunu gösterdi. Kronik idyopatik boyun ağrısı olan bireylerde servikal pozisyon hissinin iyileştirilmesi, yürüyüş simetrisinin arttırılmasında etkili olabilir.


  • Cohen SP. Epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neck pain. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015;90:284-299.
  • Borghouts JAJ, Koes BW, Bouter LM. The clinical course and prognostic factors of non-specific neck pain: a systematic review. Pain. 1998;77:1-13.
  • David D, Giannini C, Chiarelli F, et al. Text neck syndrome in children and adolescents. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021;18:1-14.
  • LeBrasseur NK. Gait as an Integrative Measure and Predictor of Health Across Species. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2019;74:1411-1412.
  • Hogg-Johnson S, van der Velde G, Carroll LJ, et al. The burden and determinants of neck pain in the general population. Results of the Bone and Joint Decade 2000-2010 Task Force on neck pain and ıts associated disorders. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2009;32:46-60.
  • Uthaikhup S, Sunkarat S, Khamsaen K, et al. The effects of head movement and walking speed on gait parameters in patients with chronic neck pain. Man Ther. 2014;19:137-141.
  • Madsalae T, Thongprong T, Chaikeeree N, et al. Changes in gait performances during walking with head movements in older adults with chronic neck pain. Front Med. 2024;11:1-10.
  • Sadeghi H, Allard P, Prince F, et al. Symmetry and limb dominance in able-bodied gait: a review. Gait Posture. 2000;12:34-45.
  • AlDahas A, Devecchi V, Deane JA, et al. Measurement properties of cervical joint position error in people with and without chronic neck pain. PLoS One. 2023;18:1-17.
  • Peng B, Yang L, Li Y, et al. Cervical proprioception impairment in neck pain-pathophysiology, clinical evaluation, and management: a narrative review. Pain Ther. 2021;10:143-164.
  • Uthaikhup S, Jull G, Sungkarat S, et al. The influence of neck pain on sensorimotor function in the elderly. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2012;55:667-672.
  • Stanton TR, Leake HB, Chalmers KJ, et al. Evidence of impaired proprioception in chronic, idiopathic neck pain: systematic review and meta-analysis. Phys Ther. 2016;96:876-887.
  • Riskowski JL, Mikesky AE, Bahamonde RE, et al. Proprioception, gait kinematics, and rate of loading during walking: Are they related? J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2005;5:379-387.
  • De Vries J, Ischebeck BK, Voogt LP, et al. Joint position sense error in people with neck pain: A systematic review. Man Ther. 2015;20:736-744.
  • Kirmizi M, Simsek IE, Elvan A, et al. Gait speed and gait asymmetry in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2019;41:23-27.
  • Yazici G, Yazici MV, Çobanoğlu G, et al. Giyilebilir hareket analiz sisteminin (G-walk) sağlıklı yetişkinlerde yürüyüş ve sıçrama değerlendirmesi üzerine güvenilirliğinin araştırılması. J Exerc Ther Rehabil. 2020;7:159-167.
  • Vítečková S, Horáková H, Poláková K, et al. Agreement between the GAITRite R System and the Wearable Sensor BTS G-Walk R for measurement of gait parameters in healthy adults and Parkinson’s disease patients. PeerJ. 2020;8:e8835.
  • Wolan-Nieroda A, Guzik A, Mocur P, et al. Assessment of interrater and intrarater reliability of cervical range of motion (CROM) goniometer. Biomed Res Int. 2020;2020:8908035.
  • Fletcher JP, Bandy WD. Intrarater reliability of CROM measurement of cervical spine active range of motion in persons with and without neck pain. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2008;38:640-645.
  • Vernon H. The Neck Disability Index: state-of-the-art, 1991-2008. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2008;31:491-502.
  • Aslan E, Karaduman A, Yakut Y, et al. The cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of neck disability index in patients with neck pain: a Turkish version study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2008;33:362-365.
  • Schober P, Boer C, Schwarte LA. Correlation Coefficients: Appropriate Use and Interpretation. Anesth Analg. 2018;126:1763-1768.
  • Ayan H, Kara B, Erbayraktar RS. Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters, Pelvic Movements and Pelvic Symmetry During Single and Dual Task in Individuals With Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain. Türk Fiz ve Rehabil Derg. 2022;33:195-202.
  • Özgören Ç, Kaya Ciddi P, Sahin M. Kroni̇k Boyun Ağrısı Olan Olgularda Eklem Pozi̇syon Hi̇ssi̇ni̇n Değerlendi̇ri̇lmesi̇. J Exerc Ther Rehabil. 2021;9:48-58.
  • Lee HY, Wang JE, Chang HL, et al. The association between asymmetric hip mobility and neck pain in young adults. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2013;36:364-368.
  • Palmgren PJ, Andreasson D, Eriksson M, et al. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility and postural balance in patients with nontraumatic chronic neck pain - A pilot study. Chiropr Osteopat. 2009;17:1-10.
  • Rix GD, Bagust J. Cervicocephalic kinesthetic sensibility in patients with chronic, nontraumatic cervical spine pain. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2001;82:911-919.
  • Elsig S, Luomajoki H, Sattelmayer M, et al. Sensorimotor tests, such as movement control and laterality judgment accuracy, in persons with recurrent neck pain and controls. A case-control study. Man Ther. 2014;19:555-561.
  • Rudolfsson T, Björklund M, Djupsjöbacka M. Range of motion in the upper and lower cervical spine in people with chronic neck pain. Man Ther. 2012;17:53-59.
  • Büyükturan B, Şaş S, Kararti C, et al. The effects of combined sternocleidomastoid muscle stretching and massage on pain, disability, endurance, kinesiophobia, and range of motion in individuals with chronic neck pain: A randomized, single-blind study. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2021;55: 102417.
  • Wannaprom N, Treleaven J, Jull G, et al. Neck muscle vibration produces diverse responses in balance and gait speed between individuals with and without neck pain. Musculoskelet Sci Pract. 2018;35:25-29.
  • Pettorossi VE, Schieppati M. Neck proprioception shapes body orientation and perception of motion. Front Hum Neurosci. 2014;8:895.
  • Ghamkhar L, Kahlaee AH, Nourbakhsh MR, et al. Relationship between proprioception and endurance functionality of the cervical flexor muscles in chronic neck pain and asymptomatic participants. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018;41:129-136.
  • Şi̇mşek Ş, Yağci N, Oymak Soysal A, et al. The relation between pain, functional status, and neck awareness in individuals with chronic neck pain. Turkish J Physiother Rehabil. 2022;33:106-113.
  • Lee H, Hübscher M, Moseley GL, et al. How does pain lead to disability? A systematic review and meta-analysis of mediation studies in people with back and neck pain. Pain. 2015;156:988-997.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Physiotherapy
Journal Section Articles

Hatice Ayan 0000-0002-6641-3540

Bilge Kara 0000-0003-4503-5074

Reşat Serhat Erbayraktar 0000-0002-2938-578X

Publication Date December 19, 2024
Submission Date February 2, 2024
Acceptance Date April 5, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver Ayan H, Kara B, Erbayraktar RS. Investigation of gait symmetry, cervical joint position sense, cervical range of motion and functional disability in individuals with chronic idiopathic neck pain. JETR. 2024;11(3):171-9.