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İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri

Year 2009, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 87 - 105, 01.01.2009


  • A driano, D.C., 2001. T race E lem ents in T errestrial E nvironm ents. B iogeochem istry, B io v ailab ility and R isks o f M etals. S pringer-V erlag, Nevv Y ork
  • Aksoy, A., U. Şahin and F. Dum an, 2000. Robinia pseıulo-acacia L. as a possible b io m o n ito r o f heavy m etal p o llu tio n in K ayseri. Turkish Journal o f Botany. 24: 279-284.
  • AlIoway, B.J., 1999. Schvverm etalle in B öden A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echselw irkungen. S pringer-V erlag, M ünchen.
  • Bayçu, G., D. Tolunay, H. Özden and S. G ünebakan, 2006. E cophysiological and seasonal variations in Cd, Pb, Zn, and N i co ncentrations in the leaves o f urban deciduous trees in İstanbul. Environm ental Pollution. 143 (3): 545-554
  • C al-Prieto M .J., A. Carloseııa, J.M . A ndrade, M .L. M artinez, S. M uniategui, P. Löpez-M ahia and D. P rada, 2001. A n tim o n y as a tracer o f the anthropogenicinflııence on soils and estuarine sedim ents. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution. 129: 333-348
  • D e M ig u e l, E ., M . J im e n e z D e G ra d o , J .F . L la m a s, A . M a rtin -D o ra d o a n d L .F . M a z a d ie g o , 1998. T he overlooked contribution o f com post application to the trace elem ent load in the urb an soil o f M ad rid (Spain). Science o f the Total Environment. 215: 113-122
  • G a rc ı'a -M ira g a y a , J ., S. C a s tro a n d J . P a o lin i, 1981. L ead and zinc levels and Chemical fractionation in road-side soils o f C aracas, V enezuela. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution. 15: 285-297
  • .G ü lç u r, F ., 1974. T oprağın Fiziksel ve K im yasal A naliz M etodîarı. İ.Ü. Y ayın N o: 1970, O rm an F akültesi Y ayın N o: 201, K utulm ıış M atbaası, İstanbul.
  • G ü v e n ç , N ., O . A la g h a a n d G . T u n c e l, 2003. Investigation o f soil m ulti-elem ent com position in A ntalya, T urkey. Environm ent International. 29: 631-640.
  • Im p e ra to , M ., P . A d a m o , D . N aim o , M . A rie n z o , D . S ta n z io n e a n d P . V io lan te, 2003. Spatial distribution o f heavy m etals in urb an soils o f N aples city (Italy). Environm ental Pollution. 124: 47-256.
  • K a b a ta -P e n d ia s , A . a n d H . P e n d ia s, 1992. T race E lem ents in Soils and Plants. Second E dition, C R C Press, B oca R aton, Florida.
  • K elly , J ., I. T lıo rn to n a n d P .R . S im p so n , 1996. U rban g eochem istry: a study o f the inflııence o f anthropogenic activity on the h eav y m etal content o f soils in traditionally industrial and non-industrial areas o f B ritain. Applied Geochemistıy. 11 :3 6 3 -3 7 0 .
  • K ie k e n s, L ., 1999. Ziıık. Iıı: S chw erm etalle in B ö d en A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echsehvirkııngen, (Ed. B .J. A llov/ay), S pringer-V erlag, M iinchen, pp. 309-331.
  • L a g e n v e rff, J.V . a n d A.YV. S p eclıt, 1970. C on tam in atio n o f roadside soil and vegetation vvitlı cadm ium , nickel, lead and zinc. Environm ental Science and Technology’. 4: 583-586.
  • L i, X .D ., S. L ee, S. W o n g , W . Slıi a n d I. T lıo rn to n , 2004. T he study o f m etal contam ination in urban soils o f H o n g K o n g using a G lS -b ased approach. Environm ental Pollution. 129: 13-124.
  • L i, X .D ., C , P o o n a n d P .S . L iu , 2001. H eavy m etal co n tam ination o f urban soils and Street dusts in H ong K ong. Applied G eochem istıy. 16: 1361-1368. L in d e , M ., H . B e n g tsso n a n d I. O b o rn , 2001. C oncentrations and pools o f heavy m etals in urban soils in Stockholm , Svveden. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution: Focııs. 1: 83-101.
  • L u , L .T ., I.C . C h a n g , T .Y . H siao , Y .H . Y u a n d HAV. M a , 2007. Identification o f pollution source o f cadm ium in soil. A p p licatio n o f m aterial flovv analysis and a case study in Taivvan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 14 (1): 49-59.
  • M a d r id , L ., E . D ia z -B a rre n to s a n d F . M a d r id , 2002. D istribution o f h eav y m etal contents o f urban soils in p a rk s o fS e v ille . Chemosphere. 40: 1301-1308.
  • M a n ta , S.D ., M . A n g elo n e, A . B e lla n c a , R . N e ri a n d M . S p ro v ie ri, 2002. H eavy m etals in urb an soils: a case study fro m the city o f P alerm o (Sicily), Italy. Science o f the Total Environment. 300: 229-243
  • M cG rath, S.P., 1999. C lırom und N ickel. In: Schvverm etalle in B öden A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echsehvirkungen, (Ed. B .J. A llow ay), S pringer-V erlag, M ünchen, pp. 183-210. Mengel, K. and E. K irkby. 2001., P rin cip les o f Plaııt N utrition. ICluvver A cadem ic P ublislıers, D ordrecht, T he N etherlands.
  • Morton-Berm ea, O ., E . H ernandez Alvarez, I. Gaso and N . Segovia, 2002. H eavy m etal concentrations in surface soil from M exico city. Bıılleün o f Envirönmental Contamination and Toxicolog}>. 68: 383-388.
  • N orra, S. and D . Stueben, 2003. U rban soils. Journal o f Soils and Sediments. 3: 230233.
  • Olivares, E., 2003. T he effect o f lead on the p h y to ch em istry o f Titlıonia diversifolia ex p o sed to roadside autom otive p o llu tio n or gro\vn in pots o f P b-supplem ented soil. Brcızilian Journal o f Plant Physiology. 15 (3): 149-158.
  • O na, L., A.M. A lberto, J. Prudente and G. Sigua, 2006. L evels o f lead in urb an soils from selected cities in a central region o f the P hilippines. Envirönm ental Science and Pollution Research International. 13 (3): 177-183.
  • Pruvot, C., F. Douay, F. Herve and C. VVaterlot, 2006. H eavy m etals in soil, crops and gıass as a source o f hum an exposure in the form er m ining areas. Journal o f Soils and Sediments. 6: 215-220.
  • Sûnchez-Cam azano, M., M .J. Sanclıez-M artm and L.F. Lorenzo, 1994. L ead and cad m iu m in soils and vegetables from urban gardens o f S alam anca (Spain). Science o f the Total Environment. 146/147: 163-168.
  • Sastre, J., A. SahuquiIIo, M . Vidal and G. R auret, 2002. D eterm iııation o f Cd, Cu, Pb and Z n in envirönm ental sam ples: M icro w av e-assisted total d igestion versus aqua regia and nitric acid extraction. Analytica Chimica Açta. 462: 59-72.
  • Smidt, S., 2000. W aldschaedingende L uftverunreinigungen. F orstliche B undesversuchsanstalt, W ien.
  • Steinnes, E., R.O. Ailen, H.M . Petersen, J.P . Rambaek and P. V arskog, 1997. E vidence o f large scale heavy-m etal co n tam in atio n o f natural surface soils in N o rw ay from long-range atm ospheric transport. Science o f the Total Environment. 205 (2-3): 255-266.
  • Vassilev, A., J.P. Sch\vitzguebel, T. Tlıevvys, D. van der Lelie and J. Vangronsveld, 2004. T he use o f plants for rem ed ialio n o f m etal-co n tam in ated soils. The Scientifıc IVorld 4: 9-34.
  • W ilcke, W ., S. M uller, N. K anchanakool and W . Zech, 1998. U rban soil contam ination in B angkok: H eavy m etal and alu m in iu m p artitioning in topsoils. Geoderma. 86: 211-228.
  • Yener, S.H., 2007. Alcea pallida W aldst. E t K it. ile Hibiscııs syriacus L .’nin (M alvaceae) B iom onitor Ö zellikleri. M arm ara Ü niversitesi, F en B ilim leri E nstitüsü, p. 99.
  • Yılmaz, F., Z.Y. Yılmaz, M. Ergin, A.Y. Erkol, A.E. M üftüoğlu and B. Karakelle, 2003. H eavy m etal concentrations in surface soils o f İzm itg u lf region T urkey. Journal o fT ra ce and M icroprobe Techniqııes. 21: 523-531
Year 2009, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 87 - 105, 01.01.2009


  • A driano, D.C., 2001. T race E lem ents in T errestrial E nvironm ents. B iogeochem istry, B io v ailab ility and R isks o f M etals. S pringer-V erlag, Nevv Y ork
  • Aksoy, A., U. Şahin and F. Dum an, 2000. Robinia pseıulo-acacia L. as a possible b io m o n ito r o f heavy m etal p o llu tio n in K ayseri. Turkish Journal o f Botany. 24: 279-284.
  • AlIoway, B.J., 1999. Schvverm etalle in B öden A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echselw irkungen. S pringer-V erlag, M ünchen.
  • Bayçu, G., D. Tolunay, H. Özden and S. G ünebakan, 2006. E cophysiological and seasonal variations in Cd, Pb, Zn, and N i co ncentrations in the leaves o f urban deciduous trees in İstanbul. Environm ental Pollution. 143 (3): 545-554
  • C al-Prieto M .J., A. Carloseııa, J.M . A ndrade, M .L. M artinez, S. M uniategui, P. Löpez-M ahia and D. P rada, 2001. A n tim o n y as a tracer o f the anthropogenicinflııence on soils and estuarine sedim ents. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution. 129: 333-348
  • D e M ig u e l, E ., M . J im e n e z D e G ra d o , J .F . L la m a s, A . M a rtin -D o ra d o a n d L .F . M a z a d ie g o , 1998. T he overlooked contribution o f com post application to the trace elem ent load in the urb an soil o f M ad rid (Spain). Science o f the Total Environment. 215: 113-122
  • G a rc ı'a -M ira g a y a , J ., S. C a s tro a n d J . P a o lin i, 1981. L ead and zinc levels and Chemical fractionation in road-side soils o f C aracas, V enezuela. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution. 15: 285-297
  • .G ü lç u r, F ., 1974. T oprağın Fiziksel ve K im yasal A naliz M etodîarı. İ.Ü. Y ayın N o: 1970, O rm an F akültesi Y ayın N o: 201, K utulm ıış M atbaası, İstanbul.
  • G ü v e n ç , N ., O . A la g h a a n d G . T u n c e l, 2003. Investigation o f soil m ulti-elem ent com position in A ntalya, T urkey. Environm ent International. 29: 631-640.
  • Im p e ra to , M ., P . A d a m o , D . N aim o , M . A rie n z o , D . S ta n z io n e a n d P . V io lan te, 2003. Spatial distribution o f heavy m etals in urb an soils o f N aples city (Italy). Environm ental Pollution. 124: 47-256.
  • K a b a ta -P e n d ia s , A . a n d H . P e n d ia s, 1992. T race E lem ents in Soils and Plants. Second E dition, C R C Press, B oca R aton, Florida.
  • K elly , J ., I. T lıo rn to n a n d P .R . S im p so n , 1996. U rban g eochem istry: a study o f the inflııence o f anthropogenic activity on the h eav y m etal content o f soils in traditionally industrial and non-industrial areas o f B ritain. Applied Geochemistıy. 11 :3 6 3 -3 7 0 .
  • K ie k e n s, L ., 1999. Ziıık. Iıı: S chw erm etalle in B ö d en A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echsehvirkııngen, (Ed. B .J. A llov/ay), S pringer-V erlag, M iinchen, pp. 309-331.
  • L a g e n v e rff, J.V . a n d A.YV. S p eclıt, 1970. C on tam in atio n o f roadside soil and vegetation vvitlı cadm ium , nickel, lead and zinc. Environm ental Science and Technology’. 4: 583-586.
  • L i, X .D ., S. L ee, S. W o n g , W . Slıi a n d I. T lıo rn to n , 2004. T he study o f m etal contam ination in urban soils o f H o n g K o n g using a G lS -b ased approach. Environm ental Pollution. 129: 13-124.
  • L i, X .D ., C , P o o n a n d P .S . L iu , 2001. H eavy m etal co n tam ination o f urban soils and Street dusts in H ong K ong. Applied G eochem istıy. 16: 1361-1368. L in d e , M ., H . B e n g tsso n a n d I. O b o rn , 2001. C oncentrations and pools o f heavy m etals in urban soils in Stockholm , Svveden. IVater, A ir and Soil Pollution: Focııs. 1: 83-101.
  • L u , L .T ., I.C . C h a n g , T .Y . H siao , Y .H . Y u a n d HAV. M a , 2007. Identification o f pollution source o f cadm ium in soil. A p p licatio n o f m aterial flovv analysis and a case study in Taivvan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 14 (1): 49-59.
  • M a d r id , L ., E . D ia z -B a rre n to s a n d F . M a d r id , 2002. D istribution o f h eav y m etal contents o f urban soils in p a rk s o fS e v ille . Chemosphere. 40: 1301-1308.
  • M a n ta , S.D ., M . A n g elo n e, A . B e lla n c a , R . N e ri a n d M . S p ro v ie ri, 2002. H eavy m etals in urb an soils: a case study fro m the city o f P alerm o (Sicily), Italy. Science o f the Total Environment. 300: 229-243
  • M cG rath, S.P., 1999. C lırom und N ickel. In: Schvverm etalle in B öden A nalytik, K onzentrationen, W echsehvirkungen, (Ed. B .J. A llow ay), S pringer-V erlag, M ünchen, pp. 183-210. Mengel, K. and E. K irkby. 2001., P rin cip les o f Plaııt N utrition. ICluvver A cadem ic P ublislıers, D ordrecht, T he N etherlands.
  • Morton-Berm ea, O ., E . H ernandez Alvarez, I. Gaso and N . Segovia, 2002. H eavy m etal concentrations in surface soil from M exico city. Bıılleün o f Envirönmental Contamination and Toxicolog}>. 68: 383-388.
  • N orra, S. and D . Stueben, 2003. U rban soils. Journal o f Soils and Sediments. 3: 230233.
  • Olivares, E., 2003. T he effect o f lead on the p h y to ch em istry o f Titlıonia diversifolia ex p o sed to roadside autom otive p o llu tio n or gro\vn in pots o f P b-supplem ented soil. Brcızilian Journal o f Plant Physiology. 15 (3): 149-158.
  • O na, L., A.M. A lberto, J. Prudente and G. Sigua, 2006. L evels o f lead in urb an soils from selected cities in a central region o f the P hilippines. Envirönm ental Science and Pollution Research International. 13 (3): 177-183.
  • Pruvot, C., F. Douay, F. Herve and C. VVaterlot, 2006. H eavy m etals in soil, crops and gıass as a source o f hum an exposure in the form er m ining areas. Journal o f Soils and Sediments. 6: 215-220.
  • Sûnchez-Cam azano, M., M .J. Sanclıez-M artm and L.F. Lorenzo, 1994. L ead and cad m iu m in soils and vegetables from urban gardens o f S alam anca (Spain). Science o f the Total Environment. 146/147: 163-168.
  • Sastre, J., A. SahuquiIIo, M . Vidal and G. R auret, 2002. D eterm iııation o f Cd, Cu, Pb and Z n in envirönm ental sam ples: M icro w av e-assisted total d igestion versus aqua regia and nitric acid extraction. Analytica Chimica Açta. 462: 59-72.
  • Smidt, S., 2000. W aldschaedingende L uftverunreinigungen. F orstliche B undesversuchsanstalt, W ien.
  • Steinnes, E., R.O. Ailen, H.M . Petersen, J.P . Rambaek and P. V arskog, 1997. E vidence o f large scale heavy-m etal co n tam in atio n o f natural surface soils in N o rw ay from long-range atm ospheric transport. Science o f the Total Environment. 205 (2-3): 255-266.
  • Vassilev, A., J.P. Sch\vitzguebel, T. Tlıevvys, D. van der Lelie and J. Vangronsveld, 2004. T he use o f plants for rem ed ialio n o f m etal-co n tam in ated soils. The Scientifıc IVorld 4: 9-34.
  • W ilcke, W ., S. M uller, N. K anchanakool and W . Zech, 1998. U rban soil contam ination in B angkok: H eavy m etal and alu m in iu m p artitioning in topsoils. Geoderma. 86: 211-228.
  • Yener, S.H., 2007. Alcea pallida W aldst. E t K it. ile Hibiscııs syriacus L .’nin (M alvaceae) B iom onitor Ö zellikleri. M arm ara Ü niversitesi, F en B ilim leri E nstitüsü, p. 99.
  • Yılmaz, F., Z.Y. Yılmaz, M. Ergin, A.Y. Erkol, A.E. M üftüoğlu and B. Karakelle, 2003. H eavy m etal concentrations in surface soils o f İzm itg u lf region T urkey. Journal o fT ra ce and M icroprobe Techniqııes. 21: 523-531
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles (Araştırma Makalesi)

Doğanay Tolunay

Gülriz Bayçu

Publication Date January 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009 Volume: 59 Issue: 1


APA Tolunay, D., & Bayçu, G. (2009). İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 59(1), 87-105.
AMA Tolunay D, Bayçu G. İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. January 2009;59(1):87-105. doi:10.17099/jffiu.04495
Chicago Tolunay, Doğanay, and Gülriz Bayçu. “İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn Ve Ni İçerikleri”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59, no. 1 (January 2009): 87-105.
EndNote Tolunay D, Bayçu G (January 1, 2009) İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59 1 87–105.
IEEE D. Tolunay and G. Bayçu, “İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 87–105, 2009, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.04495.
ISNAD Tolunay, Doğanay - Bayçu, Gülriz. “İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn Ve Ni İçerikleri”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 59/1 (January 2009), 87-105.
JAMA Tolunay D, Bayçu G. İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59:87–105.
MLA Tolunay, Doğanay and Gülriz Bayçu. “İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn Ve Ni İçerikleri”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 59, no. 1, 2009, pp. 87-105, doi:10.17099/jffiu.04495.
Vancouver Tolunay D, Bayçu G. İstanbul’da Kent Topraklarının Cd, Pb, Zn ve Ni İçerikleri. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2009;59(1):87-105.