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Year 2006, Volume: 56 Issue: 1, 25 - 32, 01.01.2006


Farklı zamanlarda gözlemlenen olay ya da objelerin durumlarındaki
farklılıkların tanımlanması işlemi olarak ifade edilen değişim belirlemede
yersel ölçmeler, hava fotoğrafları veya uydu görüntüleri yalnız veya kombine
olarak kullanılabilmektedir. Son yıllarda bu tür çalışmalarda kısa aralıklarla
ve sayısal olarak elde edilebilen uydu verileri sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır.
İki veya daha çok zamanlı uydu verilerinin analizi ile yapılan değişim
belirleme işlemi için Iiteratürde birçok teknik bulunmaktadır. Uydu
verilerindeki gelişmeye paralel olarak yeni teknikler de geliştirilmektedir. Bu
makalede değişim belirleme çalışmasının planlanması, uydu verilerinin
seçimi ve değişim belirleme öncesi işlem adımları açıklanmıştır. Ayrıca uydu
verileriyle yapılan değişim belirleme çalışmalarında sıklıkla kullanılan
görüntü farkı ve görüntü oranlama yöntemleri açıklanmıştır.


  • ASTER, 2005 : Aster instrument characteristics, (Son erişim tarihi: 22.09.2005).
  • CIVCO, D.L., 1989: Topographic normalization of Landsat thematic mapper digital imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 55 :9, pp. 1303-1309.
  • COLBY, 1.0.,1991: Topographic Normalization in rugged terrain, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 57:5, pp. 531-537.
  • COPPIN, P.; JONCKHEERE, 1.; NACKAERTS, K.; MUYS, B., 2004: Digital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 25:9, pp. 1565-1596.
  • DWIVEDI, R.S.; SREENIV AS, K., 1998: Image transform as a tool for he study of soil salinity and alkalinity dynamics, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 19:4, pp. 605-6 i9.
  • EKLUNDH, L.; SINGH, A., 1993: A comparative analysis of standardized and unstandardized principal components analysis in remote sensing, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 14:7, pp. 1359-1370.
  • EKSTRAND, S., 1994: Assessment of forest damage with Landsat TM: correction for varying forest stand characteristics, Remote Sensing of Environment, 47, pp. 291-302.
  • ERDAS, 2002: Erdas Field Guide, Sixth edition, Leica Geosystems GIS & Map Division, USA.
  • FUNG, T.; SIU, W., 2000: Environmental quality and its changes, an analysis using NDVI, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 21:5, pp. 1011-1024.
  • GUIRGUIS, S.K.; HASSAN, H.M.; EL-RAEY, M.E.; HUSSAIN, M.M.A., 1996: Multi-temporal change of Lake Brullus, Egypt, from 1983 to 1991, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 17:15, pp. 2915-292i.
  • JENSEN, F.R.; RUTCHEY, K.; KOCH, M.S.; NARUMALANI, S., 1995: Inland wetland change detection in the everglades water conservation area 2A using a time series of normalized remotely sensed data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 61 :2, pp 199-209.
  • JENSEN, J.R., 1996: Introductory digital image processing, Prentice-Hall Series in Geographic Information Science, ISBN:O- 13-205840-5, USA, 316 p.
  • JHA, C.S.; UNNİ, N.V.M., 1994: Digital change detection of forest conversion of a dry tropical Indian forest region, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 15: 13, pp. 2543-2552.
  • KOÇ, A., 1997: Belgrad ormanındaki ağaç türü ve karışımlarının uydu verileri ve görüntü işleme teknikleri ile belirlenmesi, İ.Ü.Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri A, Cilt 47, Sayı 1, pp. 89-110.
  • LANDSAT, 2005 : Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook, IASI handbooklhandbook htrnls/chapter8/chapter8.html, (Son erişim tarihi: 22.09.2005).
  • LILLESAND, T.M.; KlEFER, R.W., 1999: Remote sensing and image interpretation, Fourth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 724 p.
  • LU D.; MAUSEL, P.; BRONDIZIO, E.; MORAN, E., 2004: Change detection techniques, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 25: 12, pp. 2365-2407.
  • MAS, J.F., 1999: Monitoring land-cover changes: a comparison of change detection techniques, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 20: 1, pp. 139- 152.
  • MAUSEL, D.L.; BRONDIZIO, E.; MORAN, E., 2002: Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat TM data applicable to Amazon basin LBA research, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 23:13, pp. 2651-2671.
  • MEYER, P.; ITTEN K.J.; KELLENBERG, T.; SANOMElER, S., SANOMElER R., 1993: Radiometric corrections of topographical\y induced effects on Landsat TM data in an alpine environment, ISPRS Joumal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 48:4, pp. 17-28.
  • MOHAMMAD, M.R.; EL-SOBKY, H.; SEDEIK, K.; EL RAEY M., 2001: Application of band ratios identified by HHRR for recognition of surface units using TM data in Siwa depression, Westem Desert, Egypt, 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 5-9 November 2001, Singapore.
  • MUCHONEY, D.M.; HAACK, B.N., i994: Change detection for monitoring forest defoliation, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60: iO, pp. i243- i25 1.
  • PETIT, C.; SCUDDER, T.; LAMBIN, E., 2001: Quantifying processes of land-cover change by remote sensing: resettlernent and rapid land-cover changes in South-eastern Zambia, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 22: 17, pp. 3435-3456.
  • PRICE, K.P., PYKE, DA, MENDES, L., 1992: Shrub dieback in a semiarid ecosystern: the integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems for detecting vegetation change, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 58:4, pp. 455-463.
  • RICHARDS, 1.A.; JlA, X., 1999: Remote sensing digital image analysis, An introduction third revised and enlarged edition, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 363 p.
  • SADER, SA; HAYES, DJ.; HEPINSTALL, 1.A.; COAN, M.; SOZA, c., 2001: Forest change monitoring of a remote biosphere reserve, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 22: iO, pp. 1937-1950.
  • SAKSA, T.; UUTTERA, J.; KOLSTRÖM, T.; LEHIKOINEN, M.; PEKKARıNEN, A.; SARVI, V., 2003: Clear-cut detection in boreal forest aided by remote sensing, Scand. 1. For. Res., i8, pp. 537-546.
  • SINGH, A., 1989: Digital change detection techniques using rernotely-sensed data, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 10:6, pp. 989-1003.
  • SONG, C.; WOODCOOK, C.E.; SETO, K.C.; LENNEY, M.P.; MACOMBER, SA, 2001: Classification and change detection using Landsat TM data: When and How to correct atmospheric effect?, Remote Sensing Environment, 75, pp. 230-244.
  • SUNAR, F., i998: An analysis of changes in a multi-date data set: a case study in the ıkitelli area, Istanbul, Turkey, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 19:2, pp. 225-235.
  • TEILLET, P.M., 1986: Image correction for radiometric effects in remote sensing, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 7:12, pp. 1637-1651.
Year 2006, Volume: 56 Issue: 1, 25 - 32, 01.01.2006



  • ASTER, 2005 : Aster instrument characteristics, (Son erişim tarihi: 22.09.2005).
  • CIVCO, D.L., 1989: Topographic normalization of Landsat thematic mapper digital imagery, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 55 :9, pp. 1303-1309.
  • COLBY, 1.0.,1991: Topographic Normalization in rugged terrain, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 57:5, pp. 531-537.
  • COPPIN, P.; JONCKHEERE, 1.; NACKAERTS, K.; MUYS, B., 2004: Digital change detection methods in ecosystem monitoring: a review, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 25:9, pp. 1565-1596.
  • DWIVEDI, R.S.; SREENIV AS, K., 1998: Image transform as a tool for he study of soil salinity and alkalinity dynamics, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 19:4, pp. 605-6 i9.
  • EKLUNDH, L.; SINGH, A., 1993: A comparative analysis of standardized and unstandardized principal components analysis in remote sensing, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 14:7, pp. 1359-1370.
  • EKSTRAND, S., 1994: Assessment of forest damage with Landsat TM: correction for varying forest stand characteristics, Remote Sensing of Environment, 47, pp. 291-302.
  • ERDAS, 2002: Erdas Field Guide, Sixth edition, Leica Geosystems GIS & Map Division, USA.
  • FUNG, T.; SIU, W., 2000: Environmental quality and its changes, an analysis using NDVI, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 21:5, pp. 1011-1024.
  • GUIRGUIS, S.K.; HASSAN, H.M.; EL-RAEY, M.E.; HUSSAIN, M.M.A., 1996: Multi-temporal change of Lake Brullus, Egypt, from 1983 to 1991, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 17:15, pp. 2915-292i.
  • JENSEN, F.R.; RUTCHEY, K.; KOCH, M.S.; NARUMALANI, S., 1995: Inland wetland change detection in the everglades water conservation area 2A using a time series of normalized remotely sensed data, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 61 :2, pp 199-209.
  • JENSEN, J.R., 1996: Introductory digital image processing, Prentice-Hall Series in Geographic Information Science, ISBN:O- 13-205840-5, USA, 316 p.
  • JHA, C.S.; UNNİ, N.V.M., 1994: Digital change detection of forest conversion of a dry tropical Indian forest region, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 15: 13, pp. 2543-2552.
  • KOÇ, A., 1997: Belgrad ormanındaki ağaç türü ve karışımlarının uydu verileri ve görüntü işleme teknikleri ile belirlenmesi, İ.Ü.Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, Seri A, Cilt 47, Sayı 1, pp. 89-110.
  • LANDSAT, 2005 : Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook, IASI handbooklhandbook htrnls/chapter8/chapter8.html, (Son erişim tarihi: 22.09.2005).
  • LILLESAND, T.M.; KlEFER, R.W., 1999: Remote sensing and image interpretation, Fourth edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., USA, 724 p.
  • LU D.; MAUSEL, P.; BRONDIZIO, E.; MORAN, E., 2004: Change detection techniques, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 25: 12, pp. 2365-2407.
  • MAS, J.F., 1999: Monitoring land-cover changes: a comparison of change detection techniques, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 20: 1, pp. 139- 152.
  • MAUSEL, D.L.; BRONDIZIO, E.; MORAN, E., 2002: Assessment of atmospheric correction methods for Landsat TM data applicable to Amazon basin LBA research, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 23:13, pp. 2651-2671.
  • MEYER, P.; ITTEN K.J.; KELLENBERG, T.; SANOMElER, S., SANOMElER R., 1993: Radiometric corrections of topographical\y induced effects on Landsat TM data in an alpine environment, ISPRS Joumal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 48:4, pp. 17-28.
  • MOHAMMAD, M.R.; EL-SOBKY, H.; SEDEIK, K.; EL RAEY M., 2001: Application of band ratios identified by HHRR for recognition of surface units using TM data in Siwa depression, Westem Desert, Egypt, 22nd Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, 5-9 November 2001, Singapore.
  • MUCHONEY, D.M.; HAACK, B.N., i994: Change detection for monitoring forest defoliation, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 60: iO, pp. i243- i25 1.
  • PETIT, C.; SCUDDER, T.; LAMBIN, E., 2001: Quantifying processes of land-cover change by remote sensing: resettlernent and rapid land-cover changes in South-eastern Zambia, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 22: 17, pp. 3435-3456.
  • PRICE, K.P., PYKE, DA, MENDES, L., 1992: Shrub dieback in a semiarid ecosystern: the integration of remote sensing and geographic information systems for detecting vegetation change, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 58:4, pp. 455-463.
  • RICHARDS, 1.A.; JlA, X., 1999: Remote sensing digital image analysis, An introduction third revised and enlarged edition, Springer-Verlag, Germany, 363 p.
  • SADER, SA; HAYES, DJ.; HEPINSTALL, 1.A.; COAN, M.; SOZA, c., 2001: Forest change monitoring of a remote biosphere reserve, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 22: iO, pp. 1937-1950.
  • SAKSA, T.; UUTTERA, J.; KOLSTRÖM, T.; LEHIKOINEN, M.; PEKKARıNEN, A.; SARVI, V., 2003: Clear-cut detection in boreal forest aided by remote sensing, Scand. 1. For. Res., i8, pp. 537-546.
  • SINGH, A., 1989: Digital change detection techniques using rernotely-sensed data, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 10:6, pp. 989-1003.
  • SONG, C.; WOODCOOK, C.E.; SETO, K.C.; LENNEY, M.P.; MACOMBER, SA, 2001: Classification and change detection using Landsat TM data: When and How to correct atmospheric effect?, Remote Sensing Environment, 75, pp. 230-244.
  • SUNAR, F., i998: An analysis of changes in a multi-date data set: a case study in the ıkitelli area, Istanbul, Turkey, Int. 1. Remote Sensing, 19:2, pp. 225-235.
  • TEILLET, P.M., 1986: Image correction for radiometric effects in remote sensing, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 7:12, pp. 1637-1651.
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles (Araştırma Makalesi)

Ayhan Koç This is me

Oğuz Çoban This is me

Hakan Yener This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 56 Issue: 1


APA Koç, A., Çoban, O., & Yener, H. (2006). DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 56(1), 25-32.
AMA Koç A, Çoban O, Yener H. DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. January 2006;56(1):25-32. doi:10.17099/jffiu.88006
Chicago Koç, Ayhan, Oğuz Çoban, and Hakan Yener. “DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56, no. 1 (January 2006): 25-32.
EndNote Koç A, Çoban O, Yener H (January 1, 2006) DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56 1 25–32.
IEEE A. Koç, O. Çoban, and H. Yener, “DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 25–32, 2006, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.88006.
ISNAD Koç, Ayhan et al. “DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 56/1 (January 2006), 25-32.
MLA Koç, Ayhan et al. “DEĞİŞİM BELİRLEMEDE GÖRÜNTÜ FARKI VE GÖRÜNTÜ ORANLAMA YÖNTEMLERİ”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 56, no. 1, 2006, pp. 25-32, doi:10.17099/jffiu.88006.