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Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers

Year 2017, Volume: 67 Issue: 1, 93 - 102, 01.01.2017


Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers

Abstract: Nowadays, the use of appropriate work clothes in each work lines is mandatory with 4857 labor law. Forestry activities are performed in the open air, difficult working conditions and under the influence of various risk factors. Forest fire workers who work in the forest fire extinguishing and cooling have worked at the greatest risk operations. The majority of these workers work in the status of seasonal workers. In fire season, the fire workers usually wear work clothes for the day and stay in barracks in the forest. Work clothes of fire workers are brightly colored to be visible in the forest, fire-resistant and suitable forest conditions. It is important that to provide easy movement, to be effective against air conditions and to conform to the body features of workers of forest fire clothing in terms of health and safety. In this study, it has been assessed that satisfaction levels of forest fires worker from work clothes. It was applied a questionnaire to 44 forest fire workers. Data were analyzed statistically and solutions were developed.

Keywords: Forest fire workers, workwear, work satisfaction level, occupational health and safety, ergonomic

Orman yangın işçilerinin iş kıyafetlerinden memnuniyet düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi

Özet: Günümüzde toplumun iş sağlığı ve güvenliğine verdiği önemin artması ve 4857 sayılı iş kanunu gereğince iş yerlerinde iş kıyafetlerinin kullanımı ön plana çıkarmıştır. Ormancılık faaliyetleri; açık havada, zor çalışma koşullarında ve çok değişik risk faktörlerinin etkisi altında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Orman işçilerinden en fazla risk altında olanlar, orman yangınlarının söndürülmesi ve soğutulması faaliyetlerinde çalışan yangın işçileridir. Bu işçilerin büyük bölümü sözleşmeli işçi statüsündeki kişilerdir. İşçiler yangın sezonunda her an yangına acil müdahaleye gitmek durumunda kalmaları nedeniyle genellikle orman içerisindeki barakalarda konaklarlar ve gün boyu iş kıyafetlerini giyerler. İşçilerin kıyafetleri parlak renkte ve ateşe karşı dayanıklı malzemeden yapılırlar. Bu kıyafetlerin orman içerisinde rahat hareket etmeyi sağlaması, hava hallerine karşı etkinliği ve işçilerin vücut yapılarına uygunluğu iş güvenliği açısından çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, orman yangın işçilerinin iş kıyafetlerinden memnuniyet durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla hepsi erkek olan 44 orman yangın işçisine memnuniyet düzeyi belirleme anketleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek işçilerin memnuniyetsizlik duydukları durumlar ortaya konulmuş ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman yangın işçileri, iş kıyafeti, memnuniyet düzeyi, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, ergonomi

Received (Geliş): 13.04.2016 - Revised (Düzeltme): 02.05.2016 -   Accepted (Kabul): 20.05.2016

Cite (Atıf): Okan Unver, S., Acar, H.H., 2017. Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(1): 93-102. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.73661


  • Agac, S., 2004. A Research on the Determination of Satisfaction Status of Doctors from the Operating Room Clothing. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004, pp. 14-27. [Turkish]
  • Agac, S., Yildiz, S., 2008. A Research on Determining the Level of Satisfaction Regarding the nurses' Clothing. 14. National Ergonomics Conference, Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: 1, pp. 305-312. [Turkish]
  • Basaran, M.A., Saribasak H., Camalan I., 2007. Using Geographic Information System Techniques for Determining Fire Risks and Hazards Class. International Symposium on Bottlenecks, Solutions and Priorities Scope of Functions of Forest Resources, Istanbul, 17-19 October 2007, pp.3-15.
  • Civitci, S., Saygili, B.B., 2008. Problems of Employees the Garbage Collection Business related to Clothing and a Design Example. 14. National Ergonomics Conference Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: II., 30 October-1 November 2008, pp. 585-591. [Turkish]
  • Civitci, S., Dengin S., 2014. An analysis of correction officer uniform in terms of clothing comfort. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Vocational Education 9(3): 60-72, DOI: 10.12739/ NWSA.2014.9.3.2C0052. [Turkish]
  • Dursun, F., Abanoz G., Caliskan D.C., 2013. The Satisfaction Levels and Expectations of Private Security Officers about Their Uniforms: A Case in Düzce University. 16. National Ergonomics Conference: Ergonomics for Quality of Life, Çorum, 3-5 December 2010, pp. 601-612. [Turkish]
  • Engur, O., 2001. Personal Protective Equipment in Forest Works. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 51(1): 89-101. [Turkish]
  • GDF, 2013. Fight Against Forest Fires Evaluation Report]. General Directorate of Forestry, Forest Protection and Fire Fighting Department of the Presidency, Ankara. (1 August 2013). [Turkish]
  • Guney, C.O., Ozkan, K., Senturk, O. 2016. Modelling of spatial prediction of fire ignition risk in the Antalya-Manavgat district. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 66(2): 459-470. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.42696 [Turkish]
  • Hollies, N.R.S., 1996. Investigation of The Factors Influencing Comfort in Cotton Apparel Fabric. US Dept. of Agriculture, New Orleans.
  • Labour Law, 2003. T.C. Official Newspaper, 25134, 10.06.2003.
  • Kansoy, O., Dirgar E., Kirtay E., 2008. Progressing suitable work clothes for workers in industry. Textile and Apparel 18(4): 306-310. [Turkish]
  • Karabulut, M., Karakoc A., Gurbuz M., Kizilelma Y., 2013. Determination of forest fire risk areas using geographical information systems in Baskonus mountain (Kahramanmaras). International Journal of Social Research 6(24): 171-179. [Turkish]
  • Kisoglu, S., Erenler Ç.G., Şanlı N., 2004. Investigation of the Eligibility to Work of Clothing of Staff Working in Cleaning Company. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004, pp. 238-243. [Turkish]
  • Kuru, S., Kaynak M., 2008. Problems in Large Size Consumers in terms of Sizes And Mold in Pants. 14. National Ergonomics Conference, Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: II, pp. 517-523. [Turkish]
  • Kuru, S., Solak L., Soyal N., 2004. Clothing Comfort and Labor Interaction: Postmen in Clothing Case. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004. [Turkish]
  • Kucuk, O., Unal S., 2005. Determination of Fire Sensitivity Degree: A Case Study in Taşköprü State Forest Enterprise. Journal of the Artvin Faculty of Forestry Kafkas University 6(1-2): 28-34. [Turkish]
  • Kucukosmanoglu, M.A., Ayberk, H., Kucukosmanoglu, A., 2015. The comparison of the actual fire protection and control measures according to the data derived from Istanbul forest management. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(1): 41-52. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.15503. [Turkish]
  • Marmaralı, A., Oglakcioglu, N., 2013. Termal Comfort in Clothes. 11. National Installation Engineering Congress, İzmir, 17-20 April 2013, pp. 1957-1963. [Turkish]
  • Once, G., Ozveri, O., 2006. Integrated Approach to Modern Marketing Concept of Quality and Fashion Factor in the Textile Industry. Buldan Symposium, Denizli, 23-24 November 2006, pp. 423-430. [Turkish]
  • Ozdamar, K., 2002. Statistical Data Analysis with Package Programs-Multivariate Analysis. Etam, Kaan Bookstore, Eskişehir. [Turkish]
  • Sagocak, D.M., 2005. Colour in ergonomic design. Trakya University Journal of Science 6(1): 77-83. [Turkish]
  • Su, B.A., 2001. Ergonomy, Atilim University Publish, Ankara.
  • Tezel, Z., Sahin H., Sanli, H.S., 2012. Examination of Satisfaction States of Personnel Working in Accommodation on Facilities from Their Work Cloth: Antalya Sample. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Vocational Education 7(2): 33-42. DOI: 10.12739/ NWSA.2014.9.3.2C0052. [Turkish]
  • Unver, S., 2012. A New Women Step to the Forestry Sector: Problems of Women Forest Guards. 18. National Ergonomics Conference, Gaziantep, 16-18 November 2012, pp. 570-576. [Turkish]

Orman yangın işçilerinin iş kıyafetlerinden memnuniyet düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi

Year 2017, Volume: 67 Issue: 1, 93 - 102, 01.01.2017


Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers

Abstract: Nowadays, the use of appropriate work clothes in each work lines is mandatory with 4857 labor law. Forestry activities are performed in the open air, difficult working conditions and under the influence of various risk factors. Forest fire workers who work in the forest fire extinguishing and cooling have worked at the greatest risk operations. The majority of these workers work in the status of seasonal workers. In fire season, the fire workers usually wear work clothes for the day and stay in barracks in the forest. Work clothes of fire workers are brightly colored to be visible in the forest, fire-resistant and suitable forest conditions. It is important that to provide easy movement, to be effective against air conditions and to conform to the body features of workers of forest fire clothing in terms of health and safety. In this study, it has been assessed that satisfaction levels of forest fires worker from work clothes. It was applied a questionnaire to 44 forest fire workers. Data were analyzed statistically and solutions were developed.

Keywords: Forest fire workers, workwear, work satisfaction level, occupational health and safety, ergonomic

Orman yangın işçilerinin iş kıyafetlerinden memnuniyet düzeylerinin değerlendirilmesi

Özet: Günümüzde toplumun iş sağlığı ve güvenliğine verdiği önemin artması ve 4857 sayılı iş kanunu gereğince iş yerlerinde iş kıyafetlerinin kullanımı ön plana çıkarmıştır. Ormancılık faaliyetleri; açık havada, zor çalışma koşullarında ve çok değişik risk faktörlerinin etkisi altında gerçekleştirilmektedir. Orman işçilerinden en fazla risk altında olanlar, orman yangınlarının söndürülmesi ve soğutulması faaliyetlerinde çalışan yangın işçileridir. Bu işçilerin büyük bölümü sözleşmeli işçi statüsündeki kişilerdir. İşçiler yangın sezonunda her an yangına acil müdahaleye gitmek durumunda kalmaları nedeniyle genellikle orman içerisindeki barakalarda konaklarlar ve gün boyu iş kıyafetlerini giyerler. İşçilerin kıyafetleri parlak renkte ve ateşe karşı dayanıklı malzemeden yapılırlar. Bu kıyafetlerin orman içerisinde rahat hareket etmeyi sağlaması, hava hallerine karşı etkinliği ve işçilerin vücut yapılarına uygunluğu iş güvenliği açısından çok önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, orman yangın işçilerinin iş kıyafetlerinden memnuniyet durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Bu amaçla hepsi erkek olan 44 orman yangın işçisine memnuniyet düzeyi belirleme anketleri uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek işçilerin memnuniyetsizlik duydukları durumlar ortaya konulmuş ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Orman yangın işçileri, iş kıyafeti, memnuniyet düzeyi, iş sağlığı ve güvenliği, ergonomi

Received (Geliş): 13.04.2016 - Revised (Düzeltme): 02.05.2016 -   Accepted (Kabul): 20.05.2016

Cite (Atıf): Okan Unver, S., Acar, H.H., 2017. Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67(1): 93-102. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.73661


  • Agac, S., 2004. A Research on the Determination of Satisfaction Status of Doctors from the Operating Room Clothing. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004, pp. 14-27. [Turkish]
  • Agac, S., Yildiz, S., 2008. A Research on Determining the Level of Satisfaction Regarding the nurses' Clothing. 14. National Ergonomics Conference, Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: 1, pp. 305-312. [Turkish]
  • Basaran, M.A., Saribasak H., Camalan I., 2007. Using Geographic Information System Techniques for Determining Fire Risks and Hazards Class. International Symposium on Bottlenecks, Solutions and Priorities Scope of Functions of Forest Resources, Istanbul, 17-19 October 2007, pp.3-15.
  • Civitci, S., Saygili, B.B., 2008. Problems of Employees the Garbage Collection Business related to Clothing and a Design Example. 14. National Ergonomics Conference Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: II., 30 October-1 November 2008, pp. 585-591. [Turkish]
  • Civitci, S., Dengin S., 2014. An analysis of correction officer uniform in terms of clothing comfort. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Vocational Education 9(3): 60-72, DOI: 10.12739/ NWSA.2014.9.3.2C0052. [Turkish]
  • Dursun, F., Abanoz G., Caliskan D.C., 2013. The Satisfaction Levels and Expectations of Private Security Officers about Their Uniforms: A Case in Düzce University. 16. National Ergonomics Conference: Ergonomics for Quality of Life, Çorum, 3-5 December 2010, pp. 601-612. [Turkish]
  • Engur, O., 2001. Personal Protective Equipment in Forest Works. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 51(1): 89-101. [Turkish]
  • GDF, 2013. Fight Against Forest Fires Evaluation Report]. General Directorate of Forestry, Forest Protection and Fire Fighting Department of the Presidency, Ankara. (1 August 2013). [Turkish]
  • Guney, C.O., Ozkan, K., Senturk, O. 2016. Modelling of spatial prediction of fire ignition risk in the Antalya-Manavgat district. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 66(2): 459-470. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.42696 [Turkish]
  • Hollies, N.R.S., 1996. Investigation of The Factors Influencing Comfort in Cotton Apparel Fabric. US Dept. of Agriculture, New Orleans.
  • Labour Law, 2003. T.C. Official Newspaper, 25134, 10.06.2003.
  • Kansoy, O., Dirgar E., Kirtay E., 2008. Progressing suitable work clothes for workers in industry. Textile and Apparel 18(4): 306-310. [Turkish]
  • Karabulut, M., Karakoc A., Gurbuz M., Kizilelma Y., 2013. Determination of forest fire risk areas using geographical information systems in Baskonus mountain (Kahramanmaras). International Journal of Social Research 6(24): 171-179. [Turkish]
  • Kisoglu, S., Erenler Ç.G., Şanlı N., 2004. Investigation of the Eligibility to Work of Clothing of Staff Working in Cleaning Company. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004, pp. 238-243. [Turkish]
  • Kuru, S., Kaynak M., 2008. Problems in Large Size Consumers in terms of Sizes And Mold in Pants. 14. National Ergonomics Conference, Trabzon, 30 October-1 November 2008, Volume: II, pp. 517-523. [Turkish]
  • Kuru, S., Solak L., Soyal N., 2004. Clothing Comfort and Labor Interaction: Postmen in Clothing Case. 10. National Ergonomics Conference, Bursa, 07-09 October 2004. [Turkish]
  • Kucuk, O., Unal S., 2005. Determination of Fire Sensitivity Degree: A Case Study in Taşköprü State Forest Enterprise. Journal of the Artvin Faculty of Forestry Kafkas University 6(1-2): 28-34. [Turkish]
  • Kucukosmanoglu, M.A., Ayberk, H., Kucukosmanoglu, A., 2015. The comparison of the actual fire protection and control measures according to the data derived from Istanbul forest management. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 65(1): 41-52. DOI: 10.17099/jffiu.15503. [Turkish]
  • Marmaralı, A., Oglakcioglu, N., 2013. Termal Comfort in Clothes. 11. National Installation Engineering Congress, İzmir, 17-20 April 2013, pp. 1957-1963. [Turkish]
  • Once, G., Ozveri, O., 2006. Integrated Approach to Modern Marketing Concept of Quality and Fashion Factor in the Textile Industry. Buldan Symposium, Denizli, 23-24 November 2006, pp. 423-430. [Turkish]
  • Ozdamar, K., 2002. Statistical Data Analysis with Package Programs-Multivariate Analysis. Etam, Kaan Bookstore, Eskişehir. [Turkish]
  • Sagocak, D.M., 2005. Colour in ergonomic design. Trakya University Journal of Science 6(1): 77-83. [Turkish]
  • Su, B.A., 2001. Ergonomy, Atilim University Publish, Ankara.
  • Tezel, Z., Sahin H., Sanli, H.S., 2012. Examination of Satisfaction States of Personnel Working in Accommodation on Facilities from Their Work Cloth: Antalya Sample. e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy NWSA-Vocational Education 7(2): 33-42. DOI: 10.12739/ NWSA.2014.9.3.2C0052. [Turkish]
  • Unver, S., 2012. A New Women Step to the Forestry Sector: Problems of Women Forest Guards. 18. National Ergonomics Conference, Gaziantep, 16-18 November 2012, pp. 570-576. [Turkish]
There are 25 citations in total.


Journal Section Short Note (Kısa Not)

Saliha Ünver Okan

Hafiz Hulusi Acar

Publication Date January 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 67 Issue: 1


APA Ünver Okan, S., & Acar, H. H. (2017). Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(1), 93-102.
AMA Ünver Okan S, Acar HH. Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. January 2017;67(1):93-102. doi:10.17099/jffiu.73661
Chicago Ünver Okan, Saliha, and Hafiz Hulusi Acar. “Evaluation of Satisfaction Levels from Workwears of Forest Fire Workers”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67, no. 1 (January 2017): 93-102.
EndNote Ünver Okan S, Acar HH (January 1, 2017) Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67 1 93–102.
IEEE S. Ünver Okan and H. H. Acar, “Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 93–102, 2017, doi: 10.17099/jffiu.73661.
ISNAD Ünver Okan, Saliha - Acar, Hafiz Hulusi. “Evaluation of Satisfaction Levels from Workwears of Forest Fire Workers”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 67/1 (January 2017), 93-102.
JAMA Ünver Okan S, Acar HH. Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2017;67:93–102.
MLA Ünver Okan, Saliha and Hafiz Hulusi Acar. “Evaluation of Satisfaction Levels from Workwears of Forest Fire Workers”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 67, no. 1, 2017, pp. 93-102, doi:10.17099/jffiu.73661.
Vancouver Ünver Okan S, Acar HH. Evaluation of satisfaction levels from workwears of forest fire workers. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2017;67(1):93-102.