Research Article
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Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 1, 16 - 21, 01.01.2018


study of periodic plant life cycle events, or phenology, is of great importance
both in the process of species introduction and in the period of its adaptation
to new environmental conditions. We assumed that the leaf-out process
correlates with the elements of plant growth.  
The research we focused on these dependencies
in order to select the provenances which would be the most suitable for
introduction. The research was aimed at investigating the dependencies of
leafing on the height, diameter, and height increment of Douglas-fir
provenances within the experiment in Serbia. The experiment was established
using native seed material originating from different provenances from a part
of the natural range of ​​Douglas-fir distribution in North America. Therefore,
it has a significant effect on the elements of plant growth. The obtained data
were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, regression
and correlation. It was concluded that the correlation between the time of
leaf-out (bud break) and morphological characters of Douglas-fir trees of
different provenances was statistically weak. The correlation was the strongest
between the time of leaf-out and the height of plants.


  • Bailey, J.D., Harrington, C.A., 2006. Temperature regulation of bud-burst phenology within and among years in a young Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) plantation in western Washington, USA. Tree Physiology 26: 421–430.
  • Campbell, R.K., Sugano, A.I., 1975. Phenology and bud burst in Douglas-fir related to provenance, photoperiod, chilling and flushing temperature. Botanical Gazette 136:290–298.
  • Campbell, R.K., Sugano, A.I., 1979. Genecology of bud-burst phenology in Douglas-fir: response to flushing temperature and chilling. Botanical Gazette 140 (2):223-231.
  • Caroline, A.P., Primack, R.B., 2011. Leaf-out phenology of temperate woody plants: from trees to ecosystems. New Phytologist 191:926–941.
  • Hannerz, M., 1999. Evaluation of temperature models for predicting bud burst in Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 9–19.
  • Harrington, T. B., Chain, S.S., 1994. Changes in physiology and morphology of conifer seedlings following forest vegetation management. In: Proceedings of a presentation at the workshop on forest vegetation management without herbicides, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, pp 10-17.
  • Heide, O.M., 2003. High autumn temperature delays spring bud burst in boreal trees, counterbalancing the effect of climatic warming. Tree Physiology 23:931–936.
  • Jovanović, B., 1967. Dendrologija sa osnovima fitocenologije. Zavod za izdavanje udženika Narodne Republike Srbije, Srbija. [Dendrology with basics phytocenology. Institute for publishing textbooks of People's Republic of Serbia, Serbia].
  • Koch, E., Scheifinger, H., 2004. Phenology as a biological indicator for a warming Europe. World Resource Review 16 (2): 173-182.
  • Koch, E., Bruns, E., Chmielewski, F.M., Defila, C., Lipa, W., Menzel, A. 2009. Guidelines For Plant Phenological Observations. EUR 23922 — COST Action 725 — Final Scientific Report — Establishing a European dataplatform for climatological applications. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Lavadinović, V., Koprivica, M., 1996. Development of young Dougla-fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt.) stands of different provenances on beech sites in Serbia. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference Modeling Regeneration Success and Early Growth of Forest stands. Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 390-399.
  • Lavadinović, V., Koprivica M., 1999. Development of Young Douglas-fir Stands of Different Provenances on Oak Site in Serbia. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference Empirical and Process-based Models for Forest Tree and Stand Growth Simulation. Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 231-241.
  • Lavadinović, V., Isajev, V., Koprivica, M., 2001. Influence of provenenaces gene pool of Douglas-fir on height increment of trees in experimental test in East Serbia. Genetika 33 (1-2):11-17.
  • Li, P., Adams, W.T., 1993. Genetic control of bud phenology in pole-size trees and seedlings of coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:1043–1051.
  • Linnaeus, C., 1751. Philosophia Botanica. Stockholm & Amsterdam (the 1st ed).
  • Myking, T., Heide, O.M., 1995. Dormancy release and chilling requirement of buds of latitudinal ecotypes of Betula pendula and B. pubescens. Tree Physiology 15:697–704.
  • Nekovar, J., Koch, E., Kubin, E., Nejedlik, P., Sparks, T., Wielgolaski, F.E., 2008. The history and current status of plant phenology in Europe. COST Action 725. COST, Brussels.
  • Partanen, J., Koski, V., Hänninen, H., 1998. Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the timing of bud burst in Norway spruce (Picea abies). Oxford Journal.Tree Physiol 18 (12):811-816.
  • Sakai, A., and W. Larcher, 1987. Frost survival of plants: responses and adaptation to freezing stress. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN-13:978-3-642-71747-5. 001: 10.1007/978-3-642-71745-1.
  • Sparks, T.H., Menzel, A., Stenseth, N., 2009a. European cooperation in plant phenology. Climate Research 39: 175–177. Doi: 10.3354/cr00829
  • Sparks, T.H., Jaroszewicz, B., Krawczyk, M., Tryjanowski, P., 2009b. Advancing phenology in Europe’s last lowland primeval forest: non-linear temperature response. Climate Research 39:221-226. Doi: 10.3354/cr00829
  • Vesk, P.A., Westoby, M., 2004. Funding the bud bank: a review of the costs of buds. Oikos 106:200–208. DOI: 10.1111/j.0030-1299.2004.13204.x
  • White, T.L., Ching, K.K., Walters, J., 1979. Effects of provenance, years, and planting location on bud burst of Douglas-fir. Forest Science 25:161–167.
  • Ziello, C., Estrella, N., Kostova, M., Koch, E., Menzel, A., 2009. Influence of altitude on phenology of selected plant species in the Alpine region (1971–2000). Climate Research 39:227–234. Doi: 10.3354/cr0082

Sırbistan’da Douglas göknarının gelişim özellikleri ile yapraklanma fenolojisi arasındaki korelasyon

Year 2018, Volume: 68 Issue: 1, 16 - 21, 01.01.2018


bitki hayat döngüsü olaylarını inceleyen fenoloji, türlerin başlangıç süreci ve
de yeni çevre koşullarına adaptasyon sürecinde önemlidir. Yapraklanma sürecinin
bitkinin büyüme unsurlarıyla ilişkili olduğunu düşündük. Bu çalışmada, Sırbistan
da Douglas göknar ağacının yetiştirilmesi için en
uygun olan kaynakları seçmek amacıyla bu faktörlere odaklandık. Yapraklanmanın
yükseklik, çap ve yükseklik artışına olan bağımlılığının incelenmesi amaçlandı.
Deney Kuzey Amerika
da doğal Douglas göknarı dağılımı gösteren bölgeden
farklı kaynaklardan alınan doğal tohum materyali kullanılarak yapıldı. Bu
nedenle, bitkinin gelişimi unsurları üzerinde anlamlı etkiler gözlendi. Elde
edilen veriler tanımlayıcı istatikler, varyans analizi, regresyon ve korelasyon
kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Yapraklanma (tomurcukların patlaması) zamanı ile
farklı kaynaklardan alınan Douglas göknarının morfolojik özellikleri arasındaki
korelasyon istatiksel olarak zayıftı. Diğer yandan, yapraklanma zamanı ile
bitkilerin yükseklikleri arasında daha güçlü bir ilişki izlendi.


  • Bailey, J.D., Harrington, C.A., 2006. Temperature regulation of bud-burst phenology within and among years in a young Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) plantation in western Washington, USA. Tree Physiology 26: 421–430.
  • Campbell, R.K., Sugano, A.I., 1975. Phenology and bud burst in Douglas-fir related to provenance, photoperiod, chilling and flushing temperature. Botanical Gazette 136:290–298.
  • Campbell, R.K., Sugano, A.I., 1979. Genecology of bud-burst phenology in Douglas-fir: response to flushing temperature and chilling. Botanical Gazette 140 (2):223-231.
  • Caroline, A.P., Primack, R.B., 2011. Leaf-out phenology of temperate woody plants: from trees to ecosystems. New Phytologist 191:926–941.
  • Hannerz, M., 1999. Evaluation of temperature models for predicting bud burst in Norway spruce. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 29: 9–19.
  • Harrington, T. B., Chain, S.S., 1994. Changes in physiology and morphology of conifer seedlings following forest vegetation management. In: Proceedings of a presentation at the workshop on forest vegetation management without herbicides, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, pp 10-17.
  • Heide, O.M., 2003. High autumn temperature delays spring bud burst in boreal trees, counterbalancing the effect of climatic warming. Tree Physiology 23:931–936.
  • Jovanović, B., 1967. Dendrologija sa osnovima fitocenologije. Zavod za izdavanje udženika Narodne Republike Srbije, Srbija. [Dendrology with basics phytocenology. Institute for publishing textbooks of People's Republic of Serbia, Serbia].
  • Koch, E., Scheifinger, H., 2004. Phenology as a biological indicator for a warming Europe. World Resource Review 16 (2): 173-182.
  • Koch, E., Bruns, E., Chmielewski, F.M., Defila, C., Lipa, W., Menzel, A. 2009. Guidelines For Plant Phenological Observations. EUR 23922 — COST Action 725 — Final Scientific Report — Establishing a European dataplatform for climatological applications. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
  • Lavadinović, V., Koprivica, M., 1996. Development of young Dougla-fir (Pseudotsuga taxifolia Britt.) stands of different provenances on beech sites in Serbia. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference Modeling Regeneration Success and Early Growth of Forest stands. Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 390-399.
  • Lavadinović, V., Koprivica M., 1999. Development of Young Douglas-fir Stands of Different Provenances on Oak Site in Serbia. In: Proceedings of IUFRO Conference Empirical and Process-based Models for Forest Tree and Stand Growth Simulation. Lisboa, Portugal, pp. 231-241.
  • Lavadinović, V., Isajev, V., Koprivica, M., 2001. Influence of provenenaces gene pool of Douglas-fir on height increment of trees in experimental test in East Serbia. Genetika 33 (1-2):11-17.
  • Li, P., Adams, W.T., 1993. Genetic control of bud phenology in pole-size trees and seedlings of coastal Douglas-fir. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 23:1043–1051.
  • Linnaeus, C., 1751. Philosophia Botanica. Stockholm & Amsterdam (the 1st ed).
  • Myking, T., Heide, O.M., 1995. Dormancy release and chilling requirement of buds of latitudinal ecotypes of Betula pendula and B. pubescens. Tree Physiology 15:697–704.
  • Nekovar, J., Koch, E., Kubin, E., Nejedlik, P., Sparks, T., Wielgolaski, F.E., 2008. The history and current status of plant phenology in Europe. COST Action 725. COST, Brussels.
  • Partanen, J., Koski, V., Hänninen, H., 1998. Effects of photoperiod and temperature on the timing of bud burst in Norway spruce (Picea abies). Oxford Journal.Tree Physiol 18 (12):811-816.
  • Sakai, A., and W. Larcher, 1987. Frost survival of plants: responses and adaptation to freezing stress. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN-13:978-3-642-71747-5. 001: 10.1007/978-3-642-71745-1.
  • Sparks, T.H., Menzel, A., Stenseth, N., 2009a. European cooperation in plant phenology. Climate Research 39: 175–177. Doi: 10.3354/cr00829
  • Sparks, T.H., Jaroszewicz, B., Krawczyk, M., Tryjanowski, P., 2009b. Advancing phenology in Europe’s last lowland primeval forest: non-linear temperature response. Climate Research 39:221-226. Doi: 10.3354/cr00829
  • Vesk, P.A., Westoby, M., 2004. Funding the bud bank: a review of the costs of buds. Oikos 106:200–208. DOI: 10.1111/j.0030-1299.2004.13204.x
  • White, T.L., Ching, K.K., Walters, J., 1979. Effects of provenance, years, and planting location on bud burst of Douglas-fir. Forest Science 25:161–167.
  • Ziello, C., Estrella, N., Kostova, M., Koch, E., Menzel, A., 2009. Influence of altitude on phenology of selected plant species in the Alpine region (1971–2000). Climate Research 39:227–234. Doi: 10.3354/cr0082
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Articles (Araştırma Makalesi)

Vera S. Lavadinovic

Vukan M. Lavadinović This is me

Ljubinko Rakonjac This is me

Zoran Poduška This is me

İlija Djordjević This is me

Publication Date January 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 68 Issue: 1


APA Lavadinovic, V. S., Lavadinović, V. M., Rakonjac, L., Poduška, Z., et al. (2018). Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 68(1), 16-21.
AMA Lavadinovic VS, Lavadinović VM, Rakonjac L, Poduška Z, Djordjević İ. Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. January 2018;68(1):16-21.
Chicago Lavadinovic, Vera S., Vukan M. Lavadinović, Ljubinko Rakonjac, Zoran Poduška, and İlija Djordjević. “Correlation Between the Phenology of Leafing and Growth Characteristics of Douglas-Fir Provenances in Serbia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 68, no. 1 (January 2018): 16-21.
EndNote Lavadinovic VS, Lavadinović VM, Rakonjac L, Poduška Z, Djordjević İ (January 1, 2018) Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 68 1 16–21.
IEEE V. S. Lavadinovic, V. M. Lavadinović, L. Rakonjac, Z. Poduška, and İ. Djordjević, “Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia”, J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 16–21, 2018.
ISNAD Lavadinovic, Vera S. et al. “Correlation Between the Phenology of Leafing and Growth Characteristics of Douglas-Fir Provenances in Serbia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University 68/1 (January 2018), 16-21.
JAMA Lavadinovic VS, Lavadinović VM, Rakonjac L, Poduška Z, Djordjević İ. Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2018;68:16–21.
MLA Lavadinovic, Vera S. et al. “Correlation Between the Phenology of Leafing and Growth Characteristics of Douglas-Fir Provenances in Serbia”. Journal of the Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, vol. 68, no. 1, 2018, pp. 16-21.
Vancouver Lavadinovic VS, Lavadinović VM, Rakonjac L, Poduška Z, Djordjević İ. Correlation between the phenology of leafing and growth characteristics of Douglas-fir provenances in Serbia. J FAC FOR ISTANBUL U. 2018;68(1):16-21.