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The relationship between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and caffeine intake

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 47 - 56, 18.02.2025


Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (NAYKH), karaciğer hastalıkları arasında en yaygın görülenlerden biridir. Obezite, diyabet ve hipertansiyon gibi metabolik sendrom bileşenleri ile yakından ilişkili olan NAYKH’ın görülme sıklığı, bu bileşenlerin prevalansının artışına paralel olarak tüm dünyada artmaktadır. NAYKH için henüz kanıtlanmış standart bir tedavi yöntemi bulunmamaktadır. Hastalığın tedavisinin temelinde sağlıklı beslenme ve artmış fiziksel aktiveyi içeren yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri yer almaktadır. Kafein, başta çay, kahve olmak üzere kakao, çikolata, enerji içecekleri ve bazı ilaçlarda bulunan bir psikoaktif bileşendir. Yapılan çalışmalarda kafein alımının NAYKH oluşumu ve gelişiminde rol oynadığı rapor edilmiştir.


  • Li W, Alazawi W. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Medicine. 2020;20(5):509–12.
  • Teng ML-P, Ng CH, Huang DQ, Chan KE, Tan DJ-H, Lim WH, et al. Global inci-dence and prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Molecular Hepato-logy. 2023;29:32–42.
  • Pouwels S, Sakran N, Graham Y, Leal A, Pintar T, Yang W, et al. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A review of pat-hophysiology, clinical management and effects of weight loss. BMC Endocrine Di-sorders. 2022;22:63.
  • Wijarnpreecha K, Aby ES, Ahmed A, Kim D. Evaluation and management of extrahepatic manifestations of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Molecular Hepa-tology. 2021;27(2):221–35.
  • Harpaz E, Tamir S, Weinstein A, Weins-tein Y. The effect of caffeine on energy balance. Journal of Basic and Clinical Phy-siology and Pharmacology. 2017;28:1–10.
  • Ebadi M, Ip S, Bhanji RA, Montano-Loza AJ. Effect of Coffee Consumption on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Inciden-ce, Prevalence and Risk of Significant Liver Fibrosis: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Nutri-ents. 2021;13(9):3042.
  • Buzzetti E, Pinzani M, Tsochatzis EA. The multiple-hit pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Me-tabolism. 2016;65(8):1038-48.
  • Kim D, Touros A, Kim WR. Nonal-coholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Clinics in Liver Disease. 2018;22:133–40.
  • Eslam M, Newsome PN, Sarin SK. A new definition for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: An internatio-nal expert consensus statement. J Hepatol. 2020;73:202-9.
  • Eslam M, Sanyal AJ, George J. In-ternational Consensus Panel. MAFLD: A consensus-driven proposed nomenclature for metabolic associated fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology. 2020;158:1999-2014.e1.
  • Karaköse M. Dispepsiyle başvuran hastalarda metabolik disfonksiyon ilişkili yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (MAFLD) sıklığının araştırılması. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, 2023.
  • Grander C, Grabherr F, Tilg H. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: pathophysiolo-gical concepts and treatment options. Cardi-ovascular Research. 2023;119:1787-98.
  • Berardo C, Di Pasqua LG, Cagna M, Richelmi P, Vairetti M, Ferrigno A. Nonal-coholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: current issues and future perspectives in preclinical and clinical rese-arch. International Journal of Molecular Sci. 2020;21(1):1-30.
  • Türk Karaciğer Araştırmaları Derne-ği. Alkol Dışı Yağlı Karaciğer Hastalığı (NAFLD) Klinik Rehberi. Yayınlanma tarihi 2021.
  • Tamer F, Nergiz Ünal R. Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis and dietary satu-rated fatty acids: A current overview of pos-sible mechanisms. Akdeniz Medical Journal. 2019;7:123–9.
  • Anania C, Perla FM, Olivero F, Paci-fico L, Chiesa C. Mediterranean diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. World Jo-urnal of Gastroenterology. 2018;24:2083-94.
  • Uçar K. Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığında kafein tüketiminin serum CK18 proteinine etkisi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniver-sitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • Yapalı S, Çiçek B. Yağlı karaciğer hastalığı: Yeni terminolojilerin anlaşılması ve klinik yönetim. Güncel Gastroenteroloji Dergisi. 2023;25(3):133-144.
  • Younossi ZM. Review article: Cur-rent management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepati-tis. Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics. 2008;28:2–12.
  • Oh MK, Winn J, Poordad F. Review article: Diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics. 2008;28:503–22.
  • Özen Alahdab Y, Yılmaz Y. Tran-sient elastografi (Fibroscan®): Karaciğer fibrozisinin değerlendirilmesinde yeni ufuk. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Kliniği, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalı, İstanbul. Mart 2013.
  • Oseini AM, Sanyal AJ. Therapies in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Liver International. 2017;37:97– 103.
  • Rong L, Zou J, Ran W, Qi X, Chen Y, Cui H, et al. Advancements in the treat-ment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023;13: 1087260.
  • Jennison E, Patel J, Scorletti E, Byrne CD. Diagnosis and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Postgradu-ate Medical Journal. 2019;95:314–22.
  • Šmíd V, Dvořák K, Šedivý P, Kosek V, Leníček M, Dezortová M, et al. Effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on li-pidmetabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome and NAFLD. Hepatology Com-munications. 2022;6(6): 1336-49.
  • Arpacık Y. Atık suda kafein analizi için sıvı kromatografisi-ardışık kütle spekt-rometresi ile yöntem geliştirilmesi. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Adli Tıp ve Adli Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019
  • McLellan TM, Caldwell JA, Lieber-man HR. A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive, physical and occupational per-formance. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2016;71:294–312.
  • Mejia EG, Ramirez-Mares MV. Im-pact of caffeine and coffee on our health. Trends in Endocrinology Metabolism. 2014;25(10):489–92.
  • Magkos F, Kavouras SA. Caffeine use in sports, pharmacokinetics in man, and cellular mechanisms of action. Critical Re-views in Food Science and Nutrition. 2005;45(7-8):535–62.
  • Uçar K, Göktaş Z. Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ve kafein. Journal of Nut-rition and Dietetics. 2018;46(2):183–91.
  • Senta I, Gracia-Lor E, Borsotti A, Zuccato E, Castiglioni S. Wastewater analy-sis to monitor use of caffeine and nicotine and evaluation of their metabolites as bio-markers for population size assessment. Water Research. 2015;74:23–33.
  • Rehm CD, Ratliff JC, Riedt CS, Drewnowski A. Coffee consumption among adults in the United States by demographic variables and purchase location: Analyses of NHANES 2011-2016 data. Nutrients. 2020;12(8):2463.
  • Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araş-tırması. 15 Yaş ve Üzeri Bireylerde Besin Tüketim Sıklığı Dağılımı, 2017. Yayınlanma tarihi 2019.
  • European Food Safety Authority. Scientific Opinion on the Safety of Caffei-ne. Yayınlanma tarihi 27.05.2015
  • Verster JC, Koenig J. Caffeine inta-ke and its sources: A review of national representative studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018;58(8):1250–9.
  • Saab S, Mallam D, Cox 2nd GA, Tong MJ. Impact of coffee on liver disea-ses: a systematic review. Liver International. 2014;34(4):495–504.
  • Feld JJ, Lavoie EG, Fausther M, Dranoff JA. I drink for my liver, Doc: emerging evidence that coffee prevents cirr-hosis. F1000Res. 2015;4:95.
  • Okano J, Nagahara T, Matsumoto K, Murawaki Y. Caffeine inhibits the prolifera-tion of liver cancer cells and activates the MEK/ERK/EGFR signalling pathway. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2008;102(6):543-551.
  • McMahon M, Itoh K, Yamamoto M, Chanas SA, Henderson CJ, McLellan LI, et al. The Cap’n’Collar basic leucine zipper transcription factor Nrf2 (NF-E2 p45-related factor 2) controls both constitutive and in-ducible expression of intestinal detoxifica-tion and glutathione biosynthetic enzymes. Cancer Res. 2001;61(8):3299-3307.
  • Gressner OA, Lahme B, Rehbein K, Siluschek M, Weiskirchen R, Gressner AM. Pharmacological application of caffeine inhibits TGFbeta-stimulated connective tis-sue growth factor expression in hepatocytes via PPARgamma and SMAD2/3-dependent pathways. J Hepatol. 2008;49(5):758-767.
  • Huang YW, Wang LT, Zhang M, Nie Y, Yang JB, Meng WL, et al. Caffeine can alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by augmenting LDLR expression via targeting EGFR. Food & Function. 2023 Apr 3;14(7):3269-3278.
  • Hayat U, Siddiqui AA, Okut H, Af-roz S, Tasleem S, Haris A. The effect of coffee consumption on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis: A meta-analysis of 11 epidemiological studies. Ann Hepatol. 2021 Jan-Feb;20:100254.
  • Molloy JW, Calcagno CJ, Williams CD, Jones FJ, Torres DM, Harrison SA. As-sociation of coffee and caffeine consump-tion with fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and degree of hepatic fibro-sis. Hepatology. 2012;55(2):429-436.
  • Bambha K, Wilson L, Unalp A, Lo-omba R, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Brunt EM, et al. Coffee consumption in NAFLD patients with lower insulin resistance is as-sociated with lower risk of severe fibrosis. Hepatology. 2012 Oct;56():242A.
  • Chen S, Teoh NC, Chitturi S, Farrell GC. Coffee and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: brewing evidence for hepatoprotec-tion? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;29(3):435-441
  • Shen H, Rodriguez AC, Shiani A, Lipka S, Shahzad G, Kumar A, et al. Asso-ciation between caffeine consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ther Adv Gastro-enterol. 2016;9(2):113-120.
  • Mansour A, Mohajeri-Tehrani MR, Samadi M, Qorbani M, Merat S, Adibi H, et al. Effects of supplementation with main coffee components including caffeine and/or chlorogenic acid on hepatic, metabo-lic, and inflammatory indices in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Nutrition Journal. 2021;20(1):35.
  • Zelber-Sagi S, Salomone F, Webb M, Lotan R, Yeshua H, Halpern Z, et al. Coffee consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver onset: a prospective study in the general population. Transl Res 2015;165(3):428-436.
  • Kositamongkol C, Ngaohirunpat S, Samchusri S, Chaisathaphol T, Srivanicha-korn W, Washirasaksiri C, et al. Beverage consumption in patients with metabolic syndrome and its association with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2024 Jan 22;11:1257969.
  • Imatoh T, Kamimura S, Miyazaki M. Coffee but not green tea consumption is associated with prevalence and severity of hepatic steatosis: the impact on leptin level. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2015 March 25;69(9):1023-1027.
  • Anty R, Marjoux S, Iannelli A, Pato-uraux S, Schneck AS, Bonnafous S, et al. Regular coffee but not espresso drinking is protective against fibrosis in a cohort mainly composed of morbidly obese European women with NAFLD undergoing bariatric surgery. Journal of Hepatology. 2012;57(5):1090-6.

Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1, 47 - 56, 18.02.2025


Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (NAYKH), karaciğer hastalıkları arasında en yaygın görülenlerden biridir. Obezite, diyabet ve hipertansiyon gibi metabolik sendrom bileşenleri ile yakından ilişkili olan NAYKH’ın görülme sıklığı, bu bileşenlerin prevalansının artışına paralel olarak tüm dünyada artmaktadır. NAYKH için henüz kanıtlanmış standart bir tedavi yöntemi bulunmamaktadır. Hastalığın tedavisinin temelinde sağlıklı beslenme ve artmış fiziksel aktiveyi içeren yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri yer almaktadır. Kafein, başta çay, kahve olmak üzere kakao, çikolata, enerji içecekleri ve bazı ilaçlarda bulunan bir psikoaktif bileşendir. Yapılan çalışmalarda kafein alımının NAYKH oluşumu ve gelişiminde rol oynadığı rapor edilmiştir.


  • Li W, Alazawi W. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Medicine. 2020;20(5):509–12.
  • Teng ML-P, Ng CH, Huang DQ, Chan KE, Tan DJ-H, Lim WH, et al. Global inci-dence and prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Molecular Hepato-logy. 2023;29:32–42.
  • Pouwels S, Sakran N, Graham Y, Leal A, Pintar T, Yang W, et al. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): A review of pat-hophysiology, clinical management and effects of weight loss. BMC Endocrine Di-sorders. 2022;22:63.
  • Wijarnpreecha K, Aby ES, Ahmed A, Kim D. Evaluation and management of extrahepatic manifestations of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Clinical Molecular Hepa-tology. 2021;27(2):221–35.
  • Harpaz E, Tamir S, Weinstein A, Weins-tein Y. The effect of caffeine on energy balance. Journal of Basic and Clinical Phy-siology and Pharmacology. 2017;28:1–10.
  • Ebadi M, Ip S, Bhanji RA, Montano-Loza AJ. Effect of Coffee Consumption on Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Inciden-ce, Prevalence and Risk of Significant Liver Fibrosis: Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies. Nutri-ents. 2021;13(9):3042.
  • Buzzetti E, Pinzani M, Tsochatzis EA. The multiple-hit pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Me-tabolism. 2016;65(8):1038-48.
  • Kim D, Touros A, Kim WR. Nonal-coholic fatty liver disease and metabolic syndrome. Clinics in Liver Disease. 2018;22:133–40.
  • Eslam M, Newsome PN, Sarin SK. A new definition for metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease: An internatio-nal expert consensus statement. J Hepatol. 2020;73:202-9.
  • Eslam M, Sanyal AJ, George J. In-ternational Consensus Panel. MAFLD: A consensus-driven proposed nomenclature for metabolic associated fatty liver disease. Gastroenterology. 2020;158:1999-2014.e1.
  • Karaköse M. Dispepsiyle başvuran hastalarda metabolik disfonksiyon ilişkili yağlı karaciğer hastalığı (MAFLD) sıklığının araştırılması. Erzurum: Atatürk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı, 2023.
  • Grander C, Grabherr F, Tilg H. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: pathophysiolo-gical concepts and treatment options. Cardi-ovascular Research. 2023;119:1787-98.
  • Berardo C, Di Pasqua LG, Cagna M, Richelmi P, Vairetti M, Ferrigno A. Nonal-coholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: current issues and future perspectives in preclinical and clinical rese-arch. International Journal of Molecular Sci. 2020;21(1):1-30.
  • Türk Karaciğer Araştırmaları Derne-ği. Alkol Dışı Yağlı Karaciğer Hastalığı (NAFLD) Klinik Rehberi. Yayınlanma tarihi 2021.
  • Tamer F, Nergiz Ünal R. Non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis and dietary satu-rated fatty acids: A current overview of pos-sible mechanisms. Akdeniz Medical Journal. 2019;7:123–9.
  • Anania C, Perla FM, Olivero F, Paci-fico L, Chiesa C. Mediterranean diet and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. World Jo-urnal of Gastroenterology. 2018;24:2083-94.
  • Uçar K. Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığında kafein tüketiminin serum CK18 proteinine etkisi. Ankara: Hacettepe Üniver-sitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü; 2018.
  • Yapalı S, Çiçek B. Yağlı karaciğer hastalığı: Yeni terminolojilerin anlaşılması ve klinik yönetim. Güncel Gastroenteroloji Dergisi. 2023;25(3):133-144.
  • Younossi ZM. Review article: Cur-rent management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepati-tis. Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics. 2008;28:2–12.
  • Oh MK, Winn J, Poordad F. Review article: Diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics. 2008;28:503–22.
  • Özen Alahdab Y, Yılmaz Y. Tran-sient elastografi (Fibroscan®): Karaciğer fibrozisinin değerlendirilmesinde yeni ufuk. Fatih Sultan Mehmet Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi Gastroenteroloji Kliniği, Marmara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji Bilim Dalı, İstanbul. Mart 2013.
  • Oseini AM, Sanyal AJ. Therapies in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Liver International. 2017;37:97– 103.
  • Rong L, Zou J, Ran W, Qi X, Chen Y, Cui H, et al. Advancements in the treat-ment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023;13: 1087260.
  • Jennison E, Patel J, Scorletti E, Byrne CD. Diagnosis and management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Postgradu-ate Medical Journal. 2019;95:314–22.
  • Šmíd V, Dvořák K, Šedivý P, Kosek V, Leníček M, Dezortová M, et al. Effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on li-pidmetabolism in patients with metabolic syndrome and NAFLD. Hepatology Com-munications. 2022;6(6): 1336-49.
  • Arpacık Y. Atık suda kafein analizi için sıvı kromatografisi-ardışık kütle spekt-rometresi ile yöntem geliştirilmesi. İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi-Cerrahpaşa Adli Tıp ve Adli Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2019
  • McLellan TM, Caldwell JA, Lieber-man HR. A review of caffeine’s effects on cognitive, physical and occupational per-formance. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 2016;71:294–312.
  • Mejia EG, Ramirez-Mares MV. Im-pact of caffeine and coffee on our health. Trends in Endocrinology Metabolism. 2014;25(10):489–92.
  • Magkos F, Kavouras SA. Caffeine use in sports, pharmacokinetics in man, and cellular mechanisms of action. Critical Re-views in Food Science and Nutrition. 2005;45(7-8):535–62.
  • Uçar K, Göktaş Z. Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ve kafein. Journal of Nut-rition and Dietetics. 2018;46(2):183–91.
  • Senta I, Gracia-Lor E, Borsotti A, Zuccato E, Castiglioni S. Wastewater analy-sis to monitor use of caffeine and nicotine and evaluation of their metabolites as bio-markers for population size assessment. Water Research. 2015;74:23–33.
  • Rehm CD, Ratliff JC, Riedt CS, Drewnowski A. Coffee consumption among adults in the United States by demographic variables and purchase location: Analyses of NHANES 2011-2016 data. Nutrients. 2020;12(8):2463.
  • Türkiye Beslenme ve Sağlık Araş-tırması. 15 Yaş ve Üzeri Bireylerde Besin Tüketim Sıklığı Dağılımı, 2017. Yayınlanma tarihi 2019.
  • European Food Safety Authority. Scientific Opinion on the Safety of Caffei-ne. Yayınlanma tarihi 27.05.2015
  • Verster JC, Koenig J. Caffeine inta-ke and its sources: A review of national representative studies. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018;58(8):1250–9.
  • Saab S, Mallam D, Cox 2nd GA, Tong MJ. Impact of coffee on liver disea-ses: a systematic review. Liver International. 2014;34(4):495–504.
  • Feld JJ, Lavoie EG, Fausther M, Dranoff JA. I drink for my liver, Doc: emerging evidence that coffee prevents cirr-hosis. F1000Res. 2015;4:95.
  • Okano J, Nagahara T, Matsumoto K, Murawaki Y. Caffeine inhibits the prolifera-tion of liver cancer cells and activates the MEK/ERK/EGFR signalling pathway. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. 2008;102(6):543-551.
  • McMahon M, Itoh K, Yamamoto M, Chanas SA, Henderson CJ, McLellan LI, et al. The Cap’n’Collar basic leucine zipper transcription factor Nrf2 (NF-E2 p45-related factor 2) controls both constitutive and in-ducible expression of intestinal detoxifica-tion and glutathione biosynthetic enzymes. Cancer Res. 2001;61(8):3299-3307.
  • Gressner OA, Lahme B, Rehbein K, Siluschek M, Weiskirchen R, Gressner AM. Pharmacological application of caffeine inhibits TGFbeta-stimulated connective tis-sue growth factor expression in hepatocytes via PPARgamma and SMAD2/3-dependent pathways. J Hepatol. 2008;49(5):758-767.
  • Huang YW, Wang LT, Zhang M, Nie Y, Yang JB, Meng WL, et al. Caffeine can alleviate non-alcoholic fatty liver disease by augmenting LDLR expression via targeting EGFR. Food & Function. 2023 Apr 3;14(7):3269-3278.
  • Hayat U, Siddiqui AA, Okut H, Af-roz S, Tasleem S, Haris A. The effect of coffee consumption on the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fibrosis: A meta-analysis of 11 epidemiological studies. Ann Hepatol. 2021 Jan-Feb;20:100254.
  • Molloy JW, Calcagno CJ, Williams CD, Jones FJ, Torres DM, Harrison SA. As-sociation of coffee and caffeine consump-tion with fatty liver disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, and degree of hepatic fibro-sis. Hepatology. 2012;55(2):429-436.
  • Bambha K, Wilson L, Unalp A, Lo-omba R, Neuschwander-Tetri BA, Brunt EM, et al. Coffee consumption in NAFLD patients with lower insulin resistance is as-sociated with lower risk of severe fibrosis. Hepatology. 2012 Oct;56():242A.
  • Chen S, Teoh NC, Chitturi S, Farrell GC. Coffee and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: brewing evidence for hepatoprotec-tion? J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2014;29(3):435-441
  • Shen H, Rodriguez AC, Shiani A, Lipka S, Shahzad G, Kumar A, et al. Asso-ciation between caffeine consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ther Adv Gastro-enterol. 2016;9(2):113-120.
  • Mansour A, Mohajeri-Tehrani MR, Samadi M, Qorbani M, Merat S, Adibi H, et al. Effects of supplementation with main coffee components including caffeine and/or chlorogenic acid on hepatic, metabo-lic, and inflammatory indices in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes. Nutrition Journal. 2021;20(1):35.
  • Zelber-Sagi S, Salomone F, Webb M, Lotan R, Yeshua H, Halpern Z, et al. Coffee consumption and nonalcoholic fatty liver onset: a prospective study in the general population. Transl Res 2015;165(3):428-436.
  • Kositamongkol C, Ngaohirunpat S, Samchusri S, Chaisathaphol T, Srivanicha-korn W, Washirasaksiri C, et al. Beverage consumption in patients with metabolic syndrome and its association with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional study. Frontiers in Nutrition. 2024 Jan 22;11:1257969.
  • Imatoh T, Kamimura S, Miyazaki M. Coffee but not green tea consumption is associated with prevalence and severity of hepatic steatosis: the impact on leptin level. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2015 March 25;69(9):1023-1027.
  • Anty R, Marjoux S, Iannelli A, Pato-uraux S, Schneck AS, Bonnafous S, et al. Regular coffee but not espresso drinking is protective against fibrosis in a cohort mainly composed of morbidly obese European women with NAFLD undergoing bariatric surgery. Journal of Hepatology. 2012;57(5):1090-6.
Toplam 51 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Beslenme Epidemiyolojisi
Bölüm Derleme

İzel Akkaya 0000-0002-6127-1483

İlknur Gökçe Yıldırım 0000-0001-8788-2242

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Şubat 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 29 Eylül 2024
Kabul Tarihi 23 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Akkaya, İ., & Yıldırım, İ. G. (2025). Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki. Sağlık Profesyonelleri Araştırma Dergisi, 7(1), 47-56.
AMA Akkaya İ, Yıldırım İG. Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki. Sağlık Pro Arş Dergisi. Şubat 2025;7(1):47-56. doi:10.57224/jhpr.1555046
Chicago Akkaya, İzel, ve İlknur Gökçe Yıldırım. “Non Alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı Ile Kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki”. Sağlık Profesyonelleri Araştırma Dergisi 7, sy. 1 (Şubat 2025): 47-56.
EndNote Akkaya İ, Yıldırım İG (01 Şubat 2025) Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki. Sağlık Profesyonelleri Araştırma Dergisi 7 1 47–56.
IEEE İ. Akkaya ve İ. G. Yıldırım, “Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki”, Sağlık Pro Arş Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 1, ss. 47–56, 2025, doi: 10.57224/jhpr.1555046.
ISNAD Akkaya, İzel - Yıldırım, İlknur Gökçe. “Non Alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı Ile Kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki”. Sağlık Profesyonelleri Araştırma Dergisi 7/1 (Şubat 2025), 47-56.
JAMA Akkaya İ, Yıldırım İG. Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki. Sağlık Pro Arş Dergisi. 2025;7:47–56.
MLA Akkaya, İzel ve İlknur Gökçe Yıldırım. “Non Alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı Ile Kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki”. Sağlık Profesyonelleri Araştırma Dergisi, c. 7, sy. 1, 2025, ss. 47-56, doi:10.57224/jhpr.1555046.
Vancouver Akkaya İ, Yıldırım İG. Non alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığı ile kafein alımı arasındaki ilişki. Sağlık Pro Arş Dergisi. 2025;7(1):47-56.