Research Article
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Year 2022, , 966 - 968, 20.07.2022



  • Shaffer E. Epidemiology of gallbladder stone disease. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2006; 6: 981-6.
  • Yoshida M, Hasegawa H, Norimizu S. Accuracy of the Tokyo Guidelines for the diagnosis of acutecholangitis and cholecystitis taking into consideration the clinical practice pattern in Japan. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2011; 18: 250–7.
  • Ateş B, Ünal İ. Kolesistit, Safra Taşları, Risk Faktörleri ve Beslenme İle İlişkisi. Güncel gastroenteroloji 2016; 20: 317-1.
  • Laura M, Eldon A, Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut and Liver 2012; 2: 172-7.
  • Menéndez-Sánchez P, León-Salinas C, Amo-Salas M, Méndez-Cea B, García-Carranza A.Association of laboratory and radiologic Parameters in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2019; 84: 449-4.
  • Pehlivan T, Alper Çevik A, Ateş E. Relationships among ultrasonographic and demographic, clinical, laboratory findings of patients with acute cholecystitis. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2005; 11: 134-0.
  • Shabanzadeh DM. Incidence of gallstone disease and complications. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2018; 34: 81-9.
  • Bonfrate L, Wang DQ, Garruti G, Portincasa P. Obesity and the risk and prognosis of gallstone disease and pancreatitis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2014; 28: 623-35.
  • Constantinescu T, Huwood Al Jabouri AK, Brãtucu E, Olteanu C, Toma M, Stoiculescu A. Gallstone disease in young population: incidence, complications, therapeutic approach. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2012; 107: 579-82.
  • Saleem Ansari, Hasan Haboubi, Nadim Haboubi. Adult obesity complications: challenges and clinical impact. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab 2020; 11: 22
  • Mendez Sanchez N, Chavez Tapia C, Motola Kuba D. Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for gallstone disease. World J Gastroenterol 2005: 11: 1653–7.
  • Ata N, Kucukazman M, Yavuz B. The metabolic syndrome is associated with complicated gallstone disease. Can J-Gastroenterol 2010; 25: 274-6.
  • Mutlu P, Mirici A, Gönlügür U, et al. Evaluating the clinical, radiological, microbiological, biochemical parameters and the treatment response in COVID-19 pneumonia. J Health Sci Med 2022: 5; 544–551
  • Tang Y, Hu L, Liu Y, et al. Possible mechanisms of cholesterol elevation aggravating COVID-19. Int J Med Sci 2021; 18: 3533-43
  • Uyaroğlu O, Murat Özdede M, Başaran N, et al. Hyperlipidemia in Post-COVID patients; a unique observational follow-up study on lipid levels in post-COVID patients. J Health Sci Med 2022; 5: 220 - 26.
  • Rathmann W, Kuss O, Kostev K. Incidence of newly diagnosed diabetes after COVID-19. Diabetologia 2022; 16:1-6.

The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic period on the cases of acute cholecystitis

Year 2022, , 966 - 968, 20.07.2022


Aim: A gallstone is a stone formed within the gallbladder out of precipitated bile components. Risk factors for gallstones include a family history of gallstones, age, genetic and environmental factors, sedentary lifestyle, high-fat diet, obesity. In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of the pandemic process on acute cholecystitis cases.
Material and Method: Patients who applied to hospital between 1st January 2018 and 1st January 2022 and were diagnosed with Acute Cholecystitis were retrospectively screened. The demographic data as age and sex were recorded by dividing the patients into two groups, two years before and two years after the COVID-19 pandemic period.
Results: The 2-year retrospective evaluation before and after the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant increase was found in cases of acute cholecystitis after the pandemic (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Sedentary lifestyle and obesity are important factors in the etiology of acute cholecystitis. The COVID-19 pandemic, an increase in the number of acute cholecystitis have been clearly demonstrated by this single center data.


  • Shaffer E. Epidemiology of gallbladder stone disease. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2006; 6: 981-6.
  • Yoshida M, Hasegawa H, Norimizu S. Accuracy of the Tokyo Guidelines for the diagnosis of acutecholangitis and cholecystitis taking into consideration the clinical practice pattern in Japan. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci 2011; 18: 250–7.
  • Ateş B, Ünal İ. Kolesistit, Safra Taşları, Risk Faktörleri ve Beslenme İle İlişkisi. Güncel gastroenteroloji 2016; 20: 317-1.
  • Laura M, Eldon A, Epidemiology of gallbladder disease: cholelithiasis and cancer. Gut and Liver 2012; 2: 172-7.
  • Menéndez-Sánchez P, León-Salinas C, Amo-Salas M, Méndez-Cea B, García-Carranza A.Association of laboratory and radiologic Parameters in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Rev Gastroenterol Mex 2019; 84: 449-4.
  • Pehlivan T, Alper Çevik A, Ateş E. Relationships among ultrasonographic and demographic, clinical, laboratory findings of patients with acute cholecystitis. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2005; 11: 134-0.
  • Shabanzadeh DM. Incidence of gallstone disease and complications. Curr Opin Gastroenterol 2018; 34: 81-9.
  • Bonfrate L, Wang DQ, Garruti G, Portincasa P. Obesity and the risk and prognosis of gallstone disease and pancreatitis. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2014; 28: 623-35.
  • Constantinescu T, Huwood Al Jabouri AK, Brãtucu E, Olteanu C, Toma M, Stoiculescu A. Gallstone disease in young population: incidence, complications, therapeutic approach. Chirurgia (Bucur) 2012; 107: 579-82.
  • Saleem Ansari, Hasan Haboubi, Nadim Haboubi. Adult obesity complications: challenges and clinical impact. Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab 2020; 11: 22
  • Mendez Sanchez N, Chavez Tapia C, Motola Kuba D. Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for gallstone disease. World J Gastroenterol 2005: 11: 1653–7.
  • Ata N, Kucukazman M, Yavuz B. The metabolic syndrome is associated with complicated gallstone disease. Can J-Gastroenterol 2010; 25: 274-6.
  • Mutlu P, Mirici A, Gönlügür U, et al. Evaluating the clinical, radiological, microbiological, biochemical parameters and the treatment response in COVID-19 pneumonia. J Health Sci Med 2022: 5; 544–551
  • Tang Y, Hu L, Liu Y, et al. Possible mechanisms of cholesterol elevation aggravating COVID-19. Int J Med Sci 2021; 18: 3533-43
  • Uyaroğlu O, Murat Özdede M, Başaran N, et al. Hyperlipidemia in Post-COVID patients; a unique observational follow-up study on lipid levels in post-COVID patients. J Health Sci Med 2022; 5: 220 - 26.
  • Rathmann W, Kuss O, Kostev K. Incidence of newly diagnosed diabetes after COVID-19. Diabetologia 2022; 16:1-6.
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Gülçin Türkmen Sarıyıldız 0000-0002-3331-6429

Publication Date July 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


AMA Türkmen Sarıyıldız G. The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic period on the cases of acute cholecystitis. J Health Sci Med /JHSM /jhsm. July 2022;5(4):966-968. doi:10.32322/jhsm.1086679

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