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The overview of postgraduate thesis within the department of midwifery site (2004-2017) in Turkey

Year 2019, , 44 - 48, 01.04.2019


Introduction: The aim of this study
is to examine postgraduate thesis in the department of midwifery in Turkey.

and Method
: A
qualitative research conducted and the data were collected by means of document
analysis. The number of 156 theses, which were enrolled in the National Thesis
Center of the Council of Higher Education between the years of 2004-2017, are
classified in terms of various variables. Theses are examined using a form by
researchers. The collected data are expressed in numbers and percentages.

Results: The results of the research showed that, total number
of theses were prepared in midwifery department as master thesis and most of
them were belong to Ege University (n: 29). Theses were measuring; perception,
attitude, skill and problem in descriptive studies (n: 71). The most submitted
number of thesis were in the year of 2016 (n: 29). The largest number of sample
were chosen as pregnants (n: 54).

Conclusion: We believe that the outcomes of this research will
shed light on the future of midwifery research and provide insight for new
researches in the field.


  • 1. Arslan H, Karahan N, Cam Ç. The effect on the nature and nature of the eagle. MÜ Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Derg. 2008; 1(2), 54-59.
  • 2. Power A. Contemporary midwifery practice: Art, science or both?. Br J Midwifery 2015; 23(9), 20-28.
  • 3. McInnes R., Mc Intosh C. What future for midwifery?. J Nurs Educ Pract 2012; 12(5), 297-300.
  • 4. Karacam Z. The State of The Midwifery as a Professional Career In Turkey: Legal Regulations, Education And Research. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi 2016; 6(3), 128-136.
  • 5. Ünsal A. The effect of education on nursing students' knowledge level about the graduate education. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 2010; 5: 15, 45-57.
  • 6. Yücel U, Ekşioglu A, Demirelöz M, Baykal Akmeşe Z, Çakır Koçak Y, Soğukpınar N. Profile analysis of post graduate education of midwifery in Turkey. Int J Human Sci 2013; 10(1), 1342-354
  • 7. Yörük S. Midwifery Education in the World. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg 2016; 6(1), 46-50.
  • 8. Berat A.H. İ., Kıldan A. O. Investigation of graduate thesis written in the field of pre-school education in Turkey (2002-2011). MAKÜ Eğitim Fak Derg 2013; 1(27), 23-46.
  • 9. Tel H., Sabancıoğulları S. Characteristics of doctoral dissertations in psychiatric nursing. DEÜ Hemşirelik Fak Elektr Derg 2014; 7(3).
  • 10. Bağçıvan G. Uysal N, Karaaslan A, Kapucu S, Talas M. S, Terakye G. Examining made in the field of oncology nursing research which was published in Turkey between the years 2009-2013: systematic review. Turkish J Oncology 2015; 30(2), 5-15.
  • 11. Öncel S. Sümen A. Evaluation of graduate thesis conducted in the field of public health nursing in Turkey. Turkiye Klinikleri J Public Health Nurs-Special Topics 2017; 3(1):20-8
  • 12. Zengin O, Çalış N. Social Work Research in Turkey last 10 years, an examination of the thesis written at the Department of Social Services. İtobiad 2017; 6(2), 1260-1273.
  • 13. Fenwick J, Butt J, Downie J, Monterosso L, Wood J. Priorities for midwifery research in Perth, Western Australia: a Delphi study. Int J Nurs Pract 2006; 12(2), 78-93.
  • 14. Sun C, Dohrn J, Omoni G, Malata A, Klopper H, Larson E. Clinical nursing and midwifery research: grey literature in African countries. Int Nurs Rev 2016; 63(1), 104-110.
  • 15. Büyüköztürk S, Çakmak E. K, Akgün, O. E, Karadeniz S, Demirel F. Scientific research methods. Ankara: Pegem Atıf İndeksi;2017: 1-360.

Türkiye’ de ebelik anabilim dalında yapılan (2004-2017) lisansüstü tezlerin incelenmesi

Year 2019, , 44 - 48, 01.04.2019


Giriş: Bu
çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de ebelik anabilim dalı alanında yapılmış lisansüstü
tezlerin incelenmesidir.

Gereç ve
Araştırma nitel bir araştırma olup veriler
doküman analizi yöntemiyle toplanmıştır. Yükseköğretim Kurulu Ulusal Tez
Merkezi’nde ebelik alanına kayıtlı, 2004-2017 yılları arasında yapılan 156 tez
çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmiştir. Ulaşılan tezleri incelemek üzere
araştırmacılar tarafından değişkenlerin yer aldığı bir form kullanılmıştır.
Veriler sayı ve yüzde olarak ifade edilmiştir.

Tezlerin tamamının yüksek lisans tezi olduğu, en çok tezin Ege
Üniversitesine (n:29) ait olduğu, en fazla tezin 2016 yılında (n:29) hazırlandığı,
çalışılan tez konularının en çok algı, tutum, beceri, sorun ölçen (n:33)
tanımlayıcı çalışmalar (n:71) olduğu ve tezlerde örneklem olarak en çok
gebelerin (n:54) seçildiği saptanmıştır.

Sonuç: Bu
araştırma ile elde edilen verilerin gelecek ebelik araştırmalarına ışık tutacağı
ve yeni araştırmalar için fikir sağlayacağı olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Arslan H, Karahan N, Cam Ç. The effect on the nature and nature of the eagle. MÜ Hemşirelik Bilim ve Sanatı Derg. 2008; 1(2), 54-59.
  • 2. Power A. Contemporary midwifery practice: Art, science or both?. Br J Midwifery 2015; 23(9), 20-28.
  • 3. McInnes R., Mc Intosh C. What future for midwifery?. J Nurs Educ Pract 2012; 12(5), 297-300.
  • 4. Karacam Z. The State of The Midwifery as a Professional Career In Turkey: Legal Regulations, Education And Research. Mersin Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Lokman Hekim Tıp Tarihi ve Folklorik Tıp Dergisi 2016; 6(3), 128-136.
  • 5. Ünsal A. The effect of education on nursing students' knowledge level about the graduate education. Fırat Sağlık Hizmetleri Dergisi 2010; 5: 15, 45-57.
  • 6. Yücel U, Ekşioglu A, Demirelöz M, Baykal Akmeşe Z, Çakır Koçak Y, Soğukpınar N. Profile analysis of post graduate education of midwifery in Turkey. Int J Human Sci 2013; 10(1), 1342-354
  • 7. Yörük S. Midwifery Education in the World. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg 2016; 6(1), 46-50.
  • 8. Berat A.H. İ., Kıldan A. O. Investigation of graduate thesis written in the field of pre-school education in Turkey (2002-2011). MAKÜ Eğitim Fak Derg 2013; 1(27), 23-46.
  • 9. Tel H., Sabancıoğulları S. Characteristics of doctoral dissertations in psychiatric nursing. DEÜ Hemşirelik Fak Elektr Derg 2014; 7(3).
  • 10. Bağçıvan G. Uysal N, Karaaslan A, Kapucu S, Talas M. S, Terakye G. Examining made in the field of oncology nursing research which was published in Turkey between the years 2009-2013: systematic review. Turkish J Oncology 2015; 30(2), 5-15.
  • 11. Öncel S. Sümen A. Evaluation of graduate thesis conducted in the field of public health nursing in Turkey. Turkiye Klinikleri J Public Health Nurs-Special Topics 2017; 3(1):20-8
  • 12. Zengin O, Çalış N. Social Work Research in Turkey last 10 years, an examination of the thesis written at the Department of Social Services. İtobiad 2017; 6(2), 1260-1273.
  • 13. Fenwick J, Butt J, Downie J, Monterosso L, Wood J. Priorities for midwifery research in Perth, Western Australia: a Delphi study. Int J Nurs Pract 2006; 12(2), 78-93.
  • 14. Sun C, Dohrn J, Omoni G, Malata A, Klopper H, Larson E. Clinical nursing and midwifery research: grey literature in African countries. Int Nurs Rev 2016; 63(1), 104-110.
  • 15. Büyüköztürk S, Çakmak E. K, Akgün, O. E, Karadeniz S, Demirel F. Scientific research methods. Ankara: Pegem Atıf İndeksi;2017: 1-360.
There are 15 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Original Article

Seda Göncü Serhatlıoğlu 0000-0002-3329-5461

Gülümser Dolgun 0000-0003-2988-9280

Publication Date April 1, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


AMA Göncü Serhatlıoğlu S, Dolgun G. The overview of postgraduate thesis within the department of midwifery site (2004-2017) in Turkey. J Health Sci Med /JHSM /jhsm. April 2019;2(2):44-48. doi:10.32322/jhsm.484290

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