Checklist/Control List


The checklist must be completed.

What should be in the article;

-Editor to Presentation Page

- Title Page

• Ethical Status,

•Conflict of Interest

• Financial Disclosure

• Author Contributions

• Orcid numbers and author information should be on this page.

-Main Text

- Copyright Transfer Form

1. Presentation Page to the Editor: It should be written by the responsible author addressed to the editor. Phone and E-mail must be added. The title, short name of the submitted article, Unpublished previously, has not been sent to any journal for review and is the original work of the authors ”should include a Conflict of Interest Statement“.

2. Title Page: English Article titles/Short titles, Authors and Institutions, Corresponding Author's postal address, and telephone, Orcid no (mandatory since January 2019) and E-mail addresses of all authors. Special names and lowercase letters should be used in the title.

3. Main Pages of the Article: English Article Titles/Short Titles, English Abstract and Keywords, Article Text, References, Tables, Graphics, Pictures and Figures Titles. This page will not contain author names or institution information.

4. Font: Titles should be “Times New Roman and 12 pt, the other parts of the article should be written with 11 pt, double-spaced line spacing, and 2.5 cm indentation in all areas.

5. Abstract: The English abstract should begin with the title ABSTRACT and include the sections “Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

6. Keywords should be added under the abstract in “Keywords, under English Abstract”. Keywords should be at least 3, at most 6 words/words, separated by commas, and should be MeSH-compliant.

7. Methods section should indicate the approval of the Ethics Committee (it is recommended to include the place, date, ethics committee number). In articles that do not require Ethics Committee Approval, it should be stated that the Approval/Permission of the Institution has been obtained (in order to avoid Conflict of Interest). Related documents should be sent on request. It should be noted that the author (s) is responsible for ethical problems.

8. Statistical Terms (such as p, r, α) should not be used in the discussion.

9. “Financial Support/Conflict of Interest Status; should be stated before the bibliography and“ Acknowledgment ”should be written before the bibliography.

10. Ethıcal Declaratıons (Sample)
Ethics Committee Approval: The study was initiated with the approval of the XXXXXXX University Medical Faculty Clinical Researches Ethics Committee (Date: 2014, Decision No: 87).
Etik kurul kararı gerekmiyorsa gerekçesiyle belirtilmelidir.
Informed Consent (Retrospective study): Because the study was designed retrospectively, no written informed consent form was obtained from patients.
Informed Consent (Prospective study): Written consent was obtained from the patient participating in this study.)
Referee Evaluation Process: Externally peer-reviewed.
Conflict of Interest Statement: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
Financial Disclosure: The authors declared that this study has received no financial support.
Author Contributions: All of the authors declare that they have all participated in the design, execution, and analysis of the paper, and that they have approved the final version.
Acknowledgement (If any): Our research’s data was presented in XXX as ‘Oral Presentation’ on XXX.

11. References Representation; should be as detailed in the spelling rules. Journal's number, etc. number “(2) is not in the bibliography. In articles with up to six authors, the names of all authors should be written (with the first letter of surname and first name), and for articles with seven or more authors, the first three authors should be cited as et al (et al.). The name of the manuscript should be in the form of sentence usage (except for special names and first letter). The journal should be given a short name. Space must be left between the punctuation marks after the journal name.

12. Tables, Graphics, Pictures, and Figures should be placed under a separate title after the bibliography. Figures / Images (at least 300 dpi resolution, must be jpeg file) and Tables should be submitted as one or more separate files.

13. Copyright Transfer Form: Must be filled in English. It must be signed by all authors. In the absence of the signature of all authors, the Corresponding Author may take responsibility and sign on behalf of all authors.

Last Update Time: 12/26/22, 1:34:24 AM

Interuniversity Board (UAK) Equivalency: Article published in Ulakbim TR Index journal [10 POINTS], and Article published in other (excuding 1a, b, c) international indexed journal (1d) [5 POINTS].

The Directories (indexes) and Platforms we are included in are at the bottom of the page.

Note: Our journal is not WOS indexed and therefore is not classified as Q.

You can download Council of Higher Education (CoHG) [Yüksek Öğretim Kurumu (YÖK)] Criteria) decisions about predatory/questionable journals and the author's clarification text and journal charge policy from your browser.

The indexes of the journal are ULAKBİM TR Dizin, Index Copernicus, ICI World of Journals, DOAJ, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact Factor, ASOS Index, WorldCat (OCLC), MIAR, EuroPub, OpenAIRE, Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index, Scilit, etc.











The platforms of the journal are Google Scholar, CrossRef (DOI), ResearchBib, Open Access, COPE, ICMJE, NCBI, ORCID, Creative Commons, etc.







Our Journal using the DergiPark system indexed are;

Ulakbim TR Dizin,  Index Copernicus, ICI World of JournalsDirectory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), General Impact FactorASOS Index, OpenAIRE, MIAR,  EuroPub, WorldCat (OCLC)DOAJ,  Türkiye Citation Index, Türk Medline Index, InfoBase Index

Our Journal using the DergiPark system platforms are;

Google, Google Scholar, CrossRef (DOI), ResearchBib, ICJME, COPE, NCBI, ORCID, Creative Commons, Open Access, and etc.

Journal articles are evaluated as "Double-Blind Peer Review". 

Our journal has adopted the Open Access Policy and articles in JHSM are Open Access and fully comply with Open Access instructions. All articles in the system can be accessed and read without a journal user.  https//

Journal charge policy

Editor List for 2022

Assoc. Prof. Alpaslan TANOĞLU (MD)  

Prof. Aydın ÇİFCİ (MD)

Prof. İbrahim Celalaettin HAZNEDAROĞLU (MD)

Prof. Murat KEKİLLİ (MD)

Prof. Yavuz BEYAZIT (MD) 

Prof. Ekrem ÜNAL (MD)

Prof. Ahmet EKEN (MD)

Assoc. Prof. Ercan YUVANÇ (MD)

Assoc. Prof. Bekir UÇAN (MD) 

Assoc. Prof. Mehmet Sinan DAL (MD)

Our journal has been indexed in DOAJ as of May 18, 2020.

Our journal has been indexed in TR-Dizin as of March 12, 2021.


Articles published in the Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine have open access and are licensed under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International License.