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Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment

Year 2016, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 118 - 230, 30.12.2016


Activated carbon based
pomegranate peels with potassium hydroxide as activating agent has been
undertaken in the present study. Experiments were conducted to investigate the
influence of different process parameters: the impregnation ratio, the
temperature and the time of activation, followed by optimization. Activated
carbon prepared in the optimum conditions with high specific surface area of
1403 m2g-1 and total pore volume of 0.7 cm3g-1
was evaluated for its ability to remove the 2-Nitrophenol from an aqueous
solution in a batch process. Equilibrium studies were conducted in the range of
100-500 mg/L initial 2-Nitrophenol concentrations at temperature of 30°C. The
experimental data were analyzed by the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm
models. The kinetic models studies were also conducted. The pseudo-second order
equation was the best applicable model to describe the adsorption process of
2-Nitrophenol onto optimized activated carbon compared to the commercial


  • Amin NK, (2009) Removal of direct blue-106 dye from aqueous solution using new activated carbons developed from pomegranate peel: Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics, J. Hazard. Mat., 165, 52-62.
  • Apaydin-Varol E, Putun AE, Putun E, (2007) Slow pyrolysis of pistachio shell, Fuel 86, 1892-1899.
  • Basar CA, (2006) Applicability of the various adsorption models of three dyes adsorption onto activated carbon prepared waste apricot, J. Hazard. Mat., 135, 232–241.
  • Bhatnagar A, Minocha AK, (2009) Adsorptive removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from water utilizing Punica granatum peel waste and stabilization with cement, J. Hazard. Mat., 168, 1111-1117.
  • Bursey JT, Pellizzari ED, (1982) Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey, Contract No. 68-03-2867. Athens, GA: US EPA Environmental Research Laboratory 84.
  • Chern JM, Chien YW, (2002) Adsorption of nitrophenol onto activated carbon: isotherms and breakthrough curves, Water Res. 36, 647-655.
  • El Nemer A, (2009) Potential of pomegranate husk carbon for Cr (VI) removal from wastewater: Kinetic and isotherm studies, J. Hazard. Mat. 161, 132–141.
  • Evans MJB, Halliop E, MacDonald JAF, (1999) The production of chemically-activated carbon, Carbon, 37, 269-274. Freundlich HMF, (1906) Over the adsorption in solution, J. Physi. Chem., 57, 385-470.
  • Ghaedi M, Tavallali H, Sharifi M, Nasiri Kokhdan SN, Asghari A, (2012) Preparation of low cost activated carbon from Myrtus communis and pomegranate and their efficient application for removal of Congo red from aqueous solution, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molec & Biomol. Spect. 86, 107– 114.
  • Giles CH, MacEwan TH, Nakhwa SN, Smith D, (1960) Studies in adsorption. Part XI. A system of classification of solution adsorption isotherms and its use in diagnosis of adsorption mechanisms and in measurements of specific surface areas of solid, J. Chem. Soc., 10, 3973-93
  • Girish CR, Murty VR, (2012) Adsorption of phenol from wastewater using locally available adsorbents, J. Environ. Res. & Develop. 6. Hameed BH, Salman JM, Ahmad AL, (2009) Adsorption isotherm and kinetic modeling of 2, 4-D pesticide on activated carbon derived from date stones, J. Hazard. Mat., 163, 121–126.
  • Ho YS, Mckay G, Sorption of dye from aqueous solution by peat, (1998) Chemical Engineering Journal 70, 115-154.
  • Isichei TO, Okieimen FE, (2014) Adsorption of 2-Nitrophenol onto Water Hyacinth Activated Carbon-Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies, Environment and Pollution 3, 99-111.
  • Karim K, Gupta SK, (2001) Biotransformation of nitrophenols in up -flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, Bioresource Technology 80, 179-186. Karim K, Gupta SK, (2002) Effects of alteration carbon sources on biological transformation of nitrophenols, Biodegradation 13, 353-360.
  • Langergren S, (1898) Zurtheorie der sogenannten adsorption gelosterstoffe. Kungligasuenska, vetenskapsakademiens Hanalinger, 241-39.
  • Langmuir I, (1916) The constitution and fundamental properties of solids and liquids, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 38.
  • Lozano-Castello D, Lillo-Rodenas MA, Cazorla-Amoros D, Linares-Solano A, (2001) Preparation of Activated Carbons from Spanish Anthracite, I. Activation by KOH, Carbon 39, 741-749.
  • Lua AC, Yang T, Guo J, (2004) Effects of pyrolysis conditions on the properties of activated carbons prepared from pistachio-nut shells, J. Analy. & Appl. Pyrol. 72, 279–287.
  • Marsh H, Yan DS, O’Grady TM, Wennerberg A, (1984) Formation of active carbon from cokes using potassium hydroxide, Carbon 22, 603-11.
  • Moreno-Castilla C, Carrasco-Marin F, Lopez-Ramon MV, Alvarez-Merino MA, (2001) Chemical and physical activation of olive-mill waste water to produce activated carbons, Carbon 39, 1415-1420. Negi PS, Jayaprakasha GK, Jena BS, (2003) Antioxidant and antimutagenic activities of pomegranate peel extracts, Food Chemistry 80, 393-397.
  • Otowa T, Mltoh RT, (1993) Production and adsorption characteristics of MAXSORB: high-surface-area active carbon, Gas Separation & Purification 7, 241-245.
  • Otowa T, Nojima Y, Miyazaki T, (1997) Development of KOH activated high surface area carbon and its application to drinking water purification, Carbon 35, 1315-19.
  • Ouederni A, Souissi-Najar S, Ratel A, (2005) Adsorption of dyes onto activated carbon prepared from olive stones, J. Environ. Sci. 17, 998-1003.
  • Ruiz B, Ruisanchez E, Gil RR, Ferrera-lorenzo N, Lozano MS, Fuente E, (2015) Sustainable porous carbons from lignocellulosic wastes obtained from the extraction of tannins, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 209, 23-29.
  • Sayed A, Reham M, Abo El-enin M, El-Nabarawy Th, (2011) Adsorption properties of activated carbon prepared from pre-carbonized petroleum coke in the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution, Carbon Letters, , 12, 152-161.
  • Sudaryanto Y, Hartono SB, Irawaty W, Hindarso H, Ismadji S, (2006) High surface area activated carbon prepared from cassava peel by chemical activation, Bioresource Technology 97, 734-739.
  • Temkin MJ, Pyzhev V, (1940) Recent modifications to Langmuir isotherms, Acta Physiochem. USSR 12, 217-222.
  • Uberoi V, Bhattacharya SK, (1997) Toxicity and degradability of nitrophenols in anaerobic systems, Water Environ. Res. 69, 146-156.
  • Venckatesh R, Amudha T, Sivaraj R, Chandramohan M, Jambulingam M, (2010) Kinetics and equilibrium studies of adsorption of adsorption of direct red-28 onto Punica granatum carbon, Int. J. Eng. Sci. & Tech. 2, 2040-2050.
  • Webber TW, Chakkravorti RK, (1974) Pore and solid diffusion models for fixed-bed adsorbers, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. J. 20, 228–238.
  • Weber WJ, Morris JC, (1963) Kinetic of adsorption on carbon from solution, J. Sanit. Eng. Divis. 89, 31-59.
  • Yahiaoui N, (2012) Etude de l’adsorption des composes phénoliques des margines d’olive sur carbonate de calcium, hydroxypatite et charbon actif, Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou (Algérie).
  • Yakout SM, Sharaf El-Deen GS, (2011) Characterization of activated carbon prepared by phosphoric acid activation of olive stones, Ara. J. Chem.
  • Yang T, Lua AC, (2003) Characteristics of activated carbons prepared from pistachio-nut shells by potassium hydroxide activation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 63, 113-124.
Year 2016, Volume: 11 Issue: 4, 118 - 230, 30.12.2016



  • Amin NK, (2009) Removal of direct blue-106 dye from aqueous solution using new activated carbons developed from pomegranate peel: Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics, J. Hazard. Mat., 165, 52-62.
  • Apaydin-Varol E, Putun AE, Putun E, (2007) Slow pyrolysis of pistachio shell, Fuel 86, 1892-1899.
  • Basar CA, (2006) Applicability of the various adsorption models of three dyes adsorption onto activated carbon prepared waste apricot, J. Hazard. Mat., 135, 232–241.
  • Bhatnagar A, Minocha AK, (2009) Adsorptive removal of 2,4-dichlorophenol from water utilizing Punica granatum peel waste and stabilization with cement, J. Hazard. Mat., 168, 1111-1117.
  • Bursey JT, Pellizzari ED, (1982) Analysis of industrial wastewater for organic pollutants in consent decree survey, Contract No. 68-03-2867. Athens, GA: US EPA Environmental Research Laboratory 84.
  • Chern JM, Chien YW, (2002) Adsorption of nitrophenol onto activated carbon: isotherms and breakthrough curves, Water Res. 36, 647-655.
  • El Nemer A, (2009) Potential of pomegranate husk carbon for Cr (VI) removal from wastewater: Kinetic and isotherm studies, J. Hazard. Mat. 161, 132–141.
  • Evans MJB, Halliop E, MacDonald JAF, (1999) The production of chemically-activated carbon, Carbon, 37, 269-274. Freundlich HMF, (1906) Over the adsorption in solution, J. Physi. Chem., 57, 385-470.
  • Ghaedi M, Tavallali H, Sharifi M, Nasiri Kokhdan SN, Asghari A, (2012) Preparation of low cost activated carbon from Myrtus communis and pomegranate and their efficient application for removal of Congo red from aqueous solution, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molec & Biomol. Spect. 86, 107– 114.
  • Giles CH, MacEwan TH, Nakhwa SN, Smith D, (1960) Studies in adsorption. Part XI. A system of classification of solution adsorption isotherms and its use in diagnosis of adsorption mechanisms and in measurements of specific surface areas of solid, J. Chem. Soc., 10, 3973-93
  • Girish CR, Murty VR, (2012) Adsorption of phenol from wastewater using locally available adsorbents, J. Environ. Res. & Develop. 6. Hameed BH, Salman JM, Ahmad AL, (2009) Adsorption isotherm and kinetic modeling of 2, 4-D pesticide on activated carbon derived from date stones, J. Hazard. Mat., 163, 121–126.
  • Ho YS, Mckay G, Sorption of dye from aqueous solution by peat, (1998) Chemical Engineering Journal 70, 115-154.
  • Isichei TO, Okieimen FE, (2014) Adsorption of 2-Nitrophenol onto Water Hyacinth Activated Carbon-Kinetics and Equilibrium Studies, Environment and Pollution 3, 99-111.
  • Karim K, Gupta SK, (2001) Biotransformation of nitrophenols in up -flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, Bioresource Technology 80, 179-186. Karim K, Gupta SK, (2002) Effects of alteration carbon sources on biological transformation of nitrophenols, Biodegradation 13, 353-360.
  • Langergren S, (1898) Zurtheorie der sogenannten adsorption gelosterstoffe. Kungligasuenska, vetenskapsakademiens Hanalinger, 241-39.
  • Langmuir I, (1916) The constitution and fundamental properties of solids and liquids, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 38.
  • Lozano-Castello D, Lillo-Rodenas MA, Cazorla-Amoros D, Linares-Solano A, (2001) Preparation of Activated Carbons from Spanish Anthracite, I. Activation by KOH, Carbon 39, 741-749.
  • Lua AC, Yang T, Guo J, (2004) Effects of pyrolysis conditions on the properties of activated carbons prepared from pistachio-nut shells, J. Analy. & Appl. Pyrol. 72, 279–287.
  • Marsh H, Yan DS, O’Grady TM, Wennerberg A, (1984) Formation of active carbon from cokes using potassium hydroxide, Carbon 22, 603-11.
  • Moreno-Castilla C, Carrasco-Marin F, Lopez-Ramon MV, Alvarez-Merino MA, (2001) Chemical and physical activation of olive-mill waste water to produce activated carbons, Carbon 39, 1415-1420. Negi PS, Jayaprakasha GK, Jena BS, (2003) Antioxidant and antimutagenic activities of pomegranate peel extracts, Food Chemistry 80, 393-397.
  • Otowa T, Mltoh RT, (1993) Production and adsorption characteristics of MAXSORB: high-surface-area active carbon, Gas Separation & Purification 7, 241-245.
  • Otowa T, Nojima Y, Miyazaki T, (1997) Development of KOH activated high surface area carbon and its application to drinking water purification, Carbon 35, 1315-19.
  • Ouederni A, Souissi-Najar S, Ratel A, (2005) Adsorption of dyes onto activated carbon prepared from olive stones, J. Environ. Sci. 17, 998-1003.
  • Ruiz B, Ruisanchez E, Gil RR, Ferrera-lorenzo N, Lozano MS, Fuente E, (2015) Sustainable porous carbons from lignocellulosic wastes obtained from the extraction of tannins, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 209, 23-29.
  • Sayed A, Reham M, Abo El-enin M, El-Nabarawy Th, (2011) Adsorption properties of activated carbon prepared from pre-carbonized petroleum coke in the removal of organic pollutants from aqueous solution, Carbon Letters, , 12, 152-161.
  • Sudaryanto Y, Hartono SB, Irawaty W, Hindarso H, Ismadji S, (2006) High surface area activated carbon prepared from cassava peel by chemical activation, Bioresource Technology 97, 734-739.
  • Temkin MJ, Pyzhev V, (1940) Recent modifications to Langmuir isotherms, Acta Physiochem. USSR 12, 217-222.
  • Uberoi V, Bhattacharya SK, (1997) Toxicity and degradability of nitrophenols in anaerobic systems, Water Environ. Res. 69, 146-156.
  • Venckatesh R, Amudha T, Sivaraj R, Chandramohan M, Jambulingam M, (2010) Kinetics and equilibrium studies of adsorption of adsorption of direct red-28 onto Punica granatum carbon, Int. J. Eng. Sci. & Tech. 2, 2040-2050.
  • Webber TW, Chakkravorti RK, (1974) Pore and solid diffusion models for fixed-bed adsorbers, Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. J. 20, 228–238.
  • Weber WJ, Morris JC, (1963) Kinetic of adsorption on carbon from solution, J. Sanit. Eng. Divis. 89, 31-59.
  • Yahiaoui N, (2012) Etude de l’adsorption des composes phénoliques des margines d’olive sur carbonate de calcium, hydroxypatite et charbon actif, Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou (Algérie).
  • Yakout SM, Sharaf El-Deen GS, (2011) Characterization of activated carbon prepared by phosphoric acid activation of olive stones, Ara. J. Chem.
  • Yang T, Lua AC, (2003) Characteristics of activated carbons prepared from pistachio-nut shells by potassium hydroxide activation, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 63, 113-124.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Wafa Saadi This is me

Souad Najar Souissi This is me

Abdelmottaleb Ouederni This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2016
Acceptance Date September 12, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 11 Issue: 4


APA Saadi, W., Souissi, S. N., & Ouederni, A. (2016). Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 11(4), 118-230.
AMA Saadi W, Souissi SN, Ouederni A. Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. December 2016;11(4):118-230.
Chicago Saadi, Wafa, Souad Najar Souissi, and Abdelmottaleb Ouederni. “Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11, no. 4 (December 2016): 118-230.
EndNote Saadi W, Souissi SN, Ouederni A (December 1, 2016) Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11 4 118–230.
IEEE W. Saadi, S. N. Souissi, and A. Ouederni, “Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment”, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 118–230, 2016.
ISNAD Saadi, Wafa et al. “Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11/4 (December 2016), 118-230.
JAMA Saadi W, Souissi SN, Ouederni A. Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2016;11:118–230.
MLA Saadi, Wafa et al. “Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, vol. 11, no. 4, 2016, pp. 118-30.
Vancouver Saadi W, Souissi SN, Ouederni A. Pomegranate Peels Precursor Used in the Synthesis of Activated Carbon: Application in the Wastewater Treatment. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2016;11(4):118-230.

“Journal of International Environmental Application and Science”