Research Article
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Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City

Year 2016, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 8 - 17, 30.03.2016


The present study aims to assess the concentrations of Copper and Zinc in collected benthic
invertebrates from Tigris River.

Four stations were chosen on Tigris River along Baghdad City, the samples were
collected every 60 days from November 2010 to September 2011. The benthic
invertebrates which collected were: Bivalves: Corbiculla fluminalis, Gastropods:Melanopsis
, Theodoxusis jordani and Physa gyrina, Oligocheates:
aquatic worm, and dragon flies nymphs. The annual concentration of Cu in C.
soft tissue was 96.45 µg/g, while in the shell was 10.35µg/g.
The Zn concentration in soft tissue was 201.7 µg/g, while in the shell was17.8
µg/g. In M. nodosa soft tissue had Cu concentration of 64.0µg/g, while
the shell had 6.1µg/g. On other hand, Zn concentration in soft tissue was 297.5
µg/g, and in the shell was 21.1 µg/g., While in the T. jordani the
concentration of Cu was 24.2 µg/g and the Zn concentration was 62.35 µg/g. Whereas
in P. gyrina it found that the concentration of Cu was 32.4 µg/g, while
the concentration of Zn was 76.2 µg/g. Aquatic worm had the concentration of Cu
127.0 µg/g and for Zn was 277.2 µg/g. The concentration of Cu and Zn were
undetectable in Dragon flies nymphs that collected in spring and autumn. The
benthic invertebrates, oligochaetes had the highest concentration of Cu, while
M. nodosa
had the highest Zn among the collected benthos, while soft tissue
of bivalve C. fluminalis had the highest concentration of Cu and Zn than
gastropods except soft tissue of M. nodosa. Depend on the statistical
analysis results the soft tissues of bivalves and gastropods had higher
concentrations of Cu and Zn than the concentration in the shell. In general,
the Zn concentrations in all collected organisms were higher than Cu


  • APHA (American Public Health Association), (1992) Standard Methods for the Examination of water and Wastewater, 18th Ed. Washington D.C.
  • Arumugtan M, Ravindranath MH, (1987) Copper toxicity in the crab, Scyllam serrate, Cu levels in tissues and regulation after exposure to a Cu rich medium. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol., 39:708-15.
  • Bat L, Gӧnlügür G, Andac M, Öztürk M, (2000) Heavy Metals concentrations in Sea Snail Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) From Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. Turkish J. Mar. Sci., 6: 227-240.
  • Beldi H, Gimbert F,Mass S, Scheifler R, Soltani N, (2006) Seasonal variation of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the edible mollusc Donax trunculus (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from the golf of Annaba, Algeria. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 4: 85-90.
  • Brown BE, (1982) The form and function of metal- containing “granules” in invertebrate’s tissues. Biol. Rev. Cam. Philos. Soc., 57: 621-667.
  • Bryan G W, (1979) Bioaccumulation of marine pollutants. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. Biol. Sci., 286: 483-505.
  • Byrne M,(2000) Calcium concretions in the interstitial tissues of the Australian freshwater mussel Hyridella depressa (Hyriidae). In: The Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia. E.M. Harper, J.D. Taylor, J.A. Crame (Eds.). Geological Society, 177: 329-337.
  • Byrne M, Vesk P A, (2000) Elemental composition of mantle tissue granules in Hyridella depressa (Unionida) from the Hawkesbury – Nepean River system, Australia: 2: 51-56.
  • Campbell P G C, (1995) Interactions between trace metals and aquatic organisms: A critique of the free‐ion activity model. In: Metal speciation and bioavailability in aquatic systems. Ediled by A. Tessier & DR. Turner (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.: 45‐ 102p.
  • Campbell PGC, Tessier A, (1996) Ecotoxicology of metals in aquatic environments: Geochemical aspects. In: Ecotoxicology: A hierarchical treatment, M.C. Newman and C.H. Jagoe, (Eds.). Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.11-58p.
  • Canli M, Stagg RM, (1997) The induction of metallothioein in tissues of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus following exposure to Cd, Cu, and Zn: the relationships between metallothioein and the metals. Environ. Pollut., 96, 343–50.
  • Dambo WB, Ekweozor IKE, (2000) The determination of lead in mangrove oyster, Crassostrea gasar from the lower Bonny estuary, Nigeria. J. App. Sc.& Environ. Mgt., 4, 101-108.
  • Elangovan R , White KN, Mc Crohan CR, (1997) Bioaccumulation of aluminium in the freshwater snail Lymnaea staynalis at natural pH. Environ. Poll., 96, 29-33.
  • Gonzalez M, Pomares M, Ramirez M, Torres I, (1999) Heavy metals in organism and sediment from the Havanna City Cuba. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 38, 1048-1105.
  • Gostafson D L, (1996) Oligochaeta. USEPA. Montana. AIM. Harding JS, (2005) Impact of Metals and Mining on stream communities. In: Metal contaminants in New Zealand. Moor, T.A. (Eds.). Resolutionz press. Christchurch, NZ.,: 343-357pp.
  • Hartwig A, (1995) Current aspects in metal genotoxicity. Bio-metals, 8, 3-11.
  • Ireland HV, Kuwabara JS, (1985) Heavy metals uptake and tissue distribution in earthworm. In: Earthworm Ecology. Satchell, J.E. (Eds.) London. Chapman & Hall. 247-265pp.
  • Jeffree R A, Markich S J, and Brown P L,(1993) Comparative accumulation of alkaline-earth metals by two freshwater mussel species from the Nepean River, Australia: consistencies and a resolved paradox. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 44, 609-634.
  • Kelly M, (1988) Mining and the freshwater environment. Elsevier Applied Science, London.
  • Kotickhoff SW, (1983) Pollutant sorption in environmental systems. EPA- 600ID, 80 -83, NTTS, Spring Field, VA.
  • Lev L, Boaretto E, Heller J, Marco S ,Stein M, (2007) The feasibility of using Melanopsis shells as Radiocarbon chronometers. Arizona Board of Regents, university of Arizona. Radiocarbon., 49, 1003-1015.
  • Luoma SN, (1983) Bioavailability of trace metals to aquatic organisms. A review: Sci. tot. Environ., 28, 1-22.
  • Mason RP, Sheu GR, (2002) Role of the ocean in the global mercury cycle. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycle., 16, 1093.
  • Mc Mahon RB, Bogan AE, (2001) Mollusca: Bivalvia. In: Throp, J.H. (Eds.), Ecology and Classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. Academic Press, San Diego, C.A.,: 331-397pp.
  • Metcalfe-Smith JL, (1994) Influence of species and sex on metal residues in fresh water mussels (family Unionidae) from the St. Lawrence River, with implications for biomonitoring programs. Environ. Toxicol. and Chem., 13: 1433-1443.
  • Metcalfe-Smith J L,Green R H and Grapentine L C, (1996) Influence of biological factors on concentrations of metals in the tissues of freshwater mussels (Elliptio complanata and Lampsilis radiata radiata) from the St. LawrenceRiver. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 53: 205-219.
  • Michael H, (2008) Trace Metals in the Tissues and Shells of Tympanotonus Fuscatus var. Radula from the Mangrove Swamps of the Bukuma Oil Field, Niger Delta. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24 (4): 468-476. Mustafa YZ, (1985) Mussel Corbicula fluminca (Muller 1774) as bioindicator of heavy metals pollution in Shatt Al‐Arab River. MSc. Thesis, Collage of Science University of Basrah.
  • Mutvei H and Westermark T,(2001) How invironmental information can be obtained from Naiad Shell. In: Ecology and evolution of the freshwater mussels Unionida. G. Bauer (Eds.), Ecological Studies, 145, 367-379. Osman GMA, Kloas W,(2010) Water Quality and Heavy Metal Monitoring in Water, Sediments, and Tissues of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from the River Nile, Egypt, J. Environ. Prot., 1, 389-400.
  • Philips DJH, (1976) The common mussels Mytilus edulis as an indicator of pollution by Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Copper. Effects of environmental variables on uptake of metals. Mar. Biol., 38, 59-69.
  • Philips DJH, Rainbow PS, (1993) Biomonitoring of traceAquatic Contaminants. (Series Editors J. Cairns Jnr. and Harrison R.M.) Elsevier Applied Science. London: 371pp.
  • Price GD, Preace NJG, (1997) Biomonitoring of pollution by Cerastoderma edule from the British Isles: a laser ablation ICP-MS Study. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 34, 125-131.
  • Ravera O, (2001) Monitoring of the aquatic environment by species accumulator of pollutants. J. Limnol., 60, 63-78.
  • Ravera O, Beone GM, Cenci R, Lodigiani P, (2003) Metal concentrations in Unio pictorum mancus (Mollusca: Lamellibranchia) from of 12 Northern Italian lakes in relation to their trophic level. J. Limnol. 62, 121-138.
  • Ridley WP, (1977) Biomethylation of toxic elements in the environment. Environ. Sci., 197, 329-332. Roesijadi G, (1981) The Significance of low molecular weight, metallothionein-like proteins in marine invertebrates: current status. Mar. Environ. Res., 4, 167-179.
  • Roesijadi G, (1992) Metallothioneins in metal regulation and toxicity in aquatic animals. Aquat. Toxicol. 22, 81-114.
  • Salman JM, (2006) Environmental study of some possible pollutant of Euphrates River between Al‐Hindiyah Dam and Al‐Kufa River, Iraq, PhD. Thesis, Collage of Science, Babylon Uni.
  • Simkiss K, (1984) Effect of metal ions or respiratory structures. In: Bolis, L. (Eds.) Toxic, drugs and pollutants in marine animals. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 137-146.
  • USEPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency), (2004) Human health and ecological risk. Assessment work plan. Regis paper company Site. Cass Lake, M.N.
  • Walshe BM, (1947) Feeding mechanisms of Chironomus larvae. Nature., 160, 474-485.
Year 2016, Volume: 11 Issue: 1, 8 - 17, 30.03.2016



  • APHA (American Public Health Association), (1992) Standard Methods for the Examination of water and Wastewater, 18th Ed. Washington D.C.
  • Arumugtan M, Ravindranath MH, (1987) Copper toxicity in the crab, Scyllam serrate, Cu levels in tissues and regulation after exposure to a Cu rich medium. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol., 39:708-15.
  • Bat L, Gӧnlügür G, Andac M, Öztürk M, (2000) Heavy Metals concentrations in Sea Snail Rapana venosa (Valenciennes, 1846) From Sinop Coasts of the Black Sea. Turkish J. Mar. Sci., 6: 227-240.
  • Beldi H, Gimbert F,Mass S, Scheifler R, Soltani N, (2006) Seasonal variation of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in the edible mollusc Donax trunculus (Mollusca, Bivalvia) from the golf of Annaba, Algeria. Afr. J. Agric. Res., 4: 85-90.
  • Brown BE, (1982) The form and function of metal- containing “granules” in invertebrate’s tissues. Biol. Rev. Cam. Philos. Soc., 57: 621-667.
  • Bryan G W, (1979) Bioaccumulation of marine pollutants. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B. Biol. Sci., 286: 483-505.
  • Byrne M,(2000) Calcium concretions in the interstitial tissues of the Australian freshwater mussel Hyridella depressa (Hyriidae). In: The Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia. E.M. Harper, J.D. Taylor, J.A. Crame (Eds.). Geological Society, 177: 329-337.
  • Byrne M, Vesk P A, (2000) Elemental composition of mantle tissue granules in Hyridella depressa (Unionida) from the Hawkesbury – Nepean River system, Australia: 2: 51-56.
  • Campbell P G C, (1995) Interactions between trace metals and aquatic organisms: A critique of the free‐ion activity model. In: Metal speciation and bioavailability in aquatic systems. Ediled by A. Tessier & DR. Turner (Eds.). John Wiley & Sons Ltd.: 45‐ 102p.
  • Campbell PGC, Tessier A, (1996) Ecotoxicology of metals in aquatic environments: Geochemical aspects. In: Ecotoxicology: A hierarchical treatment, M.C. Newman and C.H. Jagoe, (Eds.). Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.11-58p.
  • Canli M, Stagg RM, (1997) The induction of metallothioein in tissues of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus following exposure to Cd, Cu, and Zn: the relationships between metallothioein and the metals. Environ. Pollut., 96, 343–50.
  • Dambo WB, Ekweozor IKE, (2000) The determination of lead in mangrove oyster, Crassostrea gasar from the lower Bonny estuary, Nigeria. J. App. Sc.& Environ. Mgt., 4, 101-108.
  • Elangovan R , White KN, Mc Crohan CR, (1997) Bioaccumulation of aluminium in the freshwater snail Lymnaea staynalis at natural pH. Environ. Poll., 96, 29-33.
  • Gonzalez M, Pomares M, Ramirez M, Torres I, (1999) Heavy metals in organism and sediment from the Havanna City Cuba. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 38, 1048-1105.
  • Gostafson D L, (1996) Oligochaeta. USEPA. Montana. AIM. Harding JS, (2005) Impact of Metals and Mining on stream communities. In: Metal contaminants in New Zealand. Moor, T.A. (Eds.). Resolutionz press. Christchurch, NZ.,: 343-357pp.
  • Hartwig A, (1995) Current aspects in metal genotoxicity. Bio-metals, 8, 3-11.
  • Ireland HV, Kuwabara JS, (1985) Heavy metals uptake and tissue distribution in earthworm. In: Earthworm Ecology. Satchell, J.E. (Eds.) London. Chapman & Hall. 247-265pp.
  • Jeffree R A, Markich S J, and Brown P L,(1993) Comparative accumulation of alkaline-earth metals by two freshwater mussel species from the Nepean River, Australia: consistencies and a resolved paradox. Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 44, 609-634.
  • Kelly M, (1988) Mining and the freshwater environment. Elsevier Applied Science, London.
  • Kotickhoff SW, (1983) Pollutant sorption in environmental systems. EPA- 600ID, 80 -83, NTTS, Spring Field, VA.
  • Lev L, Boaretto E, Heller J, Marco S ,Stein M, (2007) The feasibility of using Melanopsis shells as Radiocarbon chronometers. Arizona Board of Regents, university of Arizona. Radiocarbon., 49, 1003-1015.
  • Luoma SN, (1983) Bioavailability of trace metals to aquatic organisms. A review: Sci. tot. Environ., 28, 1-22.
  • Mason RP, Sheu GR, (2002) Role of the ocean in the global mercury cycle. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycle., 16, 1093.
  • Mc Mahon RB, Bogan AE, (2001) Mollusca: Bivalvia. In: Throp, J.H. (Eds.), Ecology and Classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. Academic Press, San Diego, C.A.,: 331-397pp.
  • Metcalfe-Smith JL, (1994) Influence of species and sex on metal residues in fresh water mussels (family Unionidae) from the St. Lawrence River, with implications for biomonitoring programs. Environ. Toxicol. and Chem., 13: 1433-1443.
  • Metcalfe-Smith J L,Green R H and Grapentine L C, (1996) Influence of biological factors on concentrations of metals in the tissues of freshwater mussels (Elliptio complanata and Lampsilis radiata radiata) from the St. LawrenceRiver. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 53: 205-219.
  • Michael H, (2008) Trace Metals in the Tissues and Shells of Tympanotonus Fuscatus var. Radula from the Mangrove Swamps of the Bukuma Oil Field, Niger Delta. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24 (4): 468-476. Mustafa YZ, (1985) Mussel Corbicula fluminca (Muller 1774) as bioindicator of heavy metals pollution in Shatt Al‐Arab River. MSc. Thesis, Collage of Science University of Basrah.
  • Mutvei H and Westermark T,(2001) How invironmental information can be obtained from Naiad Shell. In: Ecology and evolution of the freshwater mussels Unionida. G. Bauer (Eds.), Ecological Studies, 145, 367-379. Osman GMA, Kloas W,(2010) Water Quality and Heavy Metal Monitoring in Water, Sediments, and Tissues of the African Catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) from the River Nile, Egypt, J. Environ. Prot., 1, 389-400.
  • Philips DJH, (1976) The common mussels Mytilus edulis as an indicator of pollution by Zinc, Cadmium, Lead, and Copper. Effects of environmental variables on uptake of metals. Mar. Biol., 38, 59-69.
  • Philips DJH, Rainbow PS, (1993) Biomonitoring of traceAquatic Contaminants. (Series Editors J. Cairns Jnr. and Harrison R.M.) Elsevier Applied Science. London: 371pp.
  • Price GD, Preace NJG, (1997) Biomonitoring of pollution by Cerastoderma edule from the British Isles: a laser ablation ICP-MS Study. Mar. Pollut. Bull., 34, 125-131.
  • Ravera O, (2001) Monitoring of the aquatic environment by species accumulator of pollutants. J. Limnol., 60, 63-78.
  • Ravera O, Beone GM, Cenci R, Lodigiani P, (2003) Metal concentrations in Unio pictorum mancus (Mollusca: Lamellibranchia) from of 12 Northern Italian lakes in relation to their trophic level. J. Limnol. 62, 121-138.
  • Ridley WP, (1977) Biomethylation of toxic elements in the environment. Environ. Sci., 197, 329-332. Roesijadi G, (1981) The Significance of low molecular weight, metallothionein-like proteins in marine invertebrates: current status. Mar. Environ. Res., 4, 167-179.
  • Roesijadi G, (1992) Metallothioneins in metal regulation and toxicity in aquatic animals. Aquat. Toxicol. 22, 81-114.
  • Salman JM, (2006) Environmental study of some possible pollutant of Euphrates River between Al‐Hindiyah Dam and Al‐Kufa River, Iraq, PhD. Thesis, Collage of Science, Babylon Uni.
  • Simkiss K, (1984) Effect of metal ions or respiratory structures. In: Bolis, L. (Eds.) Toxic, drugs and pollutants in marine animals. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, New York, 137-146.
  • USEPA (United State Environmental Protection Agency), (2004) Human health and ecological risk. Assessment work plan. Regis paper company Site. Cass Lake, M.N.
  • Walshe BM, (1947) Feeding mechanisms of Chironomus larvae. Nature., 160, 474-485.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Articles

Muhanned R. Nashaat This is me

Muhammad N. Al-azzawi This is me

Dhea′a S. Ahmed This is me

Publication Date March 30, 2016
Acceptance Date February 25, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 11 Issue: 1


APA Nashaat, M. R., Al-azzawi, M. N., & Ahmed, D. S. (2016). Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 11(1), 8-17.
AMA Nashaat MR, Al-azzawi MN, Ahmed DS. Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. March 2016;11(1):8-17.
Chicago Nashaat, Muhanned R., Muhammad N. Al-azzawi, and Dhea′a S. Ahmed. “Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11, no. 1 (March 2016): 8-17.
EndNote Nashaat MR, Al-azzawi MN, Ahmed DS (March 1, 2016) Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11 1 8–17.
IEEE M. R. Nashaat, M. N. Al-azzawi, and D. S. Ahmed, “Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City”, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 8–17, 2016.
ISNAD Nashaat, Muhanned R. et al. “Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 11/1 (March 2016), 8-17.
JAMA Nashaat MR, Al-azzawi MN, Ahmed DS. Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2016;11:8–17.
MLA Nashaat, Muhanned R. et al. “Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, vol. 11, no. 1, 2016, pp. 8-17.
Vancouver Nashaat MR, Al-azzawi MN, Ahmed DS. Concentrations of Copper and Zinc in Benthic Invertebrates Collected from the Tigris River at Baghdad City. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 2016;11(1):8-17.

“Journal of International Environmental Application and Science”