Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 18



  • Ahmed MF, (2002) An assessment of arsenic problems in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Arsenic Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14-16 January 2002. Dhaka: Local Government Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh, 2002: 15-20.
  • Alagbe SA, (2006) Preliminary evaluation of hydrochemistry of the Kalambaina formation, Sokoto Basin, Nigeria. Environ Geol 51: 39–45. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0302-5.
  • America Public Health Association (1995) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th edition, Washington, DC.
  • Anku YS, Banoeng-Yakubo B, Asiedu DK, Yidana SM, (2009) Water quality analysis of groundwater in crystalline basement rocks, northern Ghana. Environmental Geology. 2009;58(5):989–997. doi: 10.1007/s00254-008-1578-4.
  • Anornu GK, Kortatsi BK, Saeed ZM, (2009) Evaluation of groundwater resources potential in the Ejisu-Juaben District of Ghana. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 3 (10): 332 - 340.
  • Appelo CAJ, Postma D, (2005) Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution, 2nd edition.
  • Aral MM, Maslia ML, Ulirsch GV, Reyes JJ (1996) Estimating Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds from Municipal Water-Supply Systems: Use of a Better Computational Model. Archives of Environmental Health: An Int. J., 51(4), 300-309. DOI: 10.1080/00039896.1996.9936029
  • Baba A, Tayfur G, (2011) Groundwater contamination and its effect on health in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Environ Monit Assess, 183(1-4), 77-94.
  • Babiker IS, Mohamed AM, Hiyama T, (2007) Assessing groundwater quality using GIS. Water Resour. Manage. 21(4): 699 –715.
  • Cederstorm DJ (1946) Genesis of groundwater in the coastal plain of Virginia. Environmental Geology 41:218–245.
  • Celesceri L, Greenberg AE, Eaten AD (1998) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, p 134.
  • Central Ashanti Gold Limited (2010) Environmental impact statement central Ashanti Gold Project. Volume 1 Final. March 2010.
  • Couillard D and Lefebvre Y (1985) Analysis of Water Quality Indices. Journal of Environmental Management 21:161-179.
  • CSIR-WRI Database (2007) Existing Boreholes in Upper Denkyira District.
  • Dickson KB, Benneh G, (1980) “A New Geography of Ghana,” Longman, London. European Environment Agency (1999) Groundwater Quality and Quantity in Europe: Data and Basic Information. Technical report, Copenhagen.
  • Domenico PA, Schwartz FW (1990) Physical and chemical hydrology. Wiley, New York.
  • Doneen LD (1964) Water quality for agriculture. Department of Irrigation, University of California, Davis, p 48
  • Drever JI (1988) The geochemistry of natural waters. 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall, New York.
  • Freeze RA, Cherry JA (1979) Groundwater. NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs; 1979.
  • Ganyaglo SY, Osae S, Dampare SB, Fianko JR, Bhuiyan MAH, Gibrilla A, Bam E, Ahialey E, Osei J. (2012) Preliminary groundwater quality assessment in the central region of Ghana. Environ Earth Sci (2012) 66:573–587 DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1266-7
  • Garrels RM. and Mackenzie ET (1967) Origin of the chemical compositions of some springs and lakes. Advance Chemical. Ser. 67: 222-242. Géology Minière, France. 88:40 p.
  • Ghana Statistical Service (2021) 2020 Population and Housing Census Summary Report on Final Results. Medialite Co. Ltd., Accra.
  • Gibbs RJ (1970) Mechanisms controlling world water chemistry. Science Journal 170:795–840. Goodchild, M. F. (2000) Part 1 Spatial analysts and GIS practitioners. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2(1), 5-10.
  • Griffis RJ, Barning K, Agezo FL, Akosah FK (2002) Gold deposits of Ghana. Minerals Commission Report.
  • Gupta PK (2005) Methods in environmental analysis: water, soil and air. Agrobios, Jodhpur, pp 1–127
  • Gyau-Boakye PK, Kankam-Yeboah PK, Darko S, Dapaah-Siakwan and Duah AA (2008) Groundwater as a vital resource for rural development: example from Ghana, In: Adelana S.M.A. and MacDonald A.M. Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa. International Applied Hydrogeology Selected Papers on Hydrogeology, 13, 149-170.
  • Hann WM, (1993) Dispersant: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technique. Volume 8. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 293-311.
  • Hem JD (1991) Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural waters, Book 2254, 3rd edn. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur. Holden WS (1971) Water treatment and examination. Churchill, London.
  • Hem JD, (1985) Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water. 3rd Edition. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2254, P. 263.
  • ISI (1983) Indian standard specification for drinking water. IS: 10500, Indian Standard Institute, India. Jamshaid M, Khan AA, Ahmed K, Saleem M (2018) Heavy metal in drinking water its effect on human health and its treatment techniques. Int. J Biol Sci. 2018;12: 223-240.
  • Jansen N, Hartmann J, Lauerwald R, Durr HH, Kempe S, Loos S, Middelkoop H (2010) Dissolved silica mobilization in the conterminous USA. Chemical Geology, 270: 90-109.
  • Junner NR, (1935) Gold in the Gold Coast, Gold Coast Geological Survey Me,morandum no. 4, Accra, 67pp.
  • Karanth KR (1987) Groundwater assessment, development and management. Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
  • Karanth KR (1997) Groundwater assessment, development and management. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. Kesse GO (1985) The Mineral and Rock Resources of Ghana, Ballkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 610pp.
  • Kortatsi BK (1994) Groundwater utilization in Ghana, Proceedings of the Helsinki Conference, IAHS Publ. No. 222.
  • Kumar RA, Riyazuddin P (2008) Application of chemometric
  • Langmuir D. Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry. River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall Upper Saddle; 1997.
  • Leube A, Hirdes W, Mauer R, Kesse GO, (1990) The Early Proterozoic Birimian Supergroup of Ghana and Some Aspects of Its Associated Gold Mineralization. Precambrian Res. 46, 139–165.
  • Li PY, Qian H and Wu JH (2010) Groundwater Quality Assessment Based on Improved Water Quality Index in Pengyang County, Ningxia, Northwest China. E-Journal of Chemistry, 7(S1).
  • Margat J, and van-der JG, (2013) Groundwater around the World. CRC Press/Balkema.
  • Nagaraju AS, Killham SK, and Hudson-Edwards K, (2006), Hydrogeochemistry of Waters of Mangampeta Barite Mining Area, Cuddapah Basin, and Hra Pradesh, India. Turkish Journal of Engeneering and Environmental Science. 30: 203-219.
  • Narsimha A, Sudarshan V, Swathi P, (2013) International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment, (2), 196-200.
  • Osiakwan GM, Gibrilla A, Kabo-Bah AT, Appiah-Adjei EK, Anornu G (2022) Delineation of groundwater potential zones in the Central Region of Ghana using GIS and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment volume 8, pages 5305–5326.
  • Paliwal KV and Singh S, (1967) Effect of Gypsum Application on the Quality of Irrigation Water”. The Madras Agricultural Journal. 59:646647pp.
  • Piper AM (1944) A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. – Trans. American Geophysical Union, 25, 914–928.
  • Rahman M, (2002) Arsenic Contamination of Drinking-water in Bangladesh: A Public-health Perspective. J Health Popul Nutr. Sep; 20(3):193-197. ISSN 1606 – 0997.
  • Raju NJ, Shukla UK, Ram P, (2011). Hydrogeochemistry for the assessment of groundwater quality in Varanasi: a fast-urbanizing center in Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173: 279–300.
  • Reghunath R, Murthy TRS, Raghavan BR, (2002) The utility of multivariate statistical techniques in hydrogeochemical studies: an example from Karnataka, India. Water Res 36: 2437-2442
  • Schoeller H, (1965) Qualitative evaluation of groundwater resource. In: Methods and techniques of groundwater investigation and development. UNESCO, pp 54-83.
  • Stumm W, Morgan JJ (1981) Aquatic Chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York.
  • Sundaray SK, Nayak BB, Bhatta D (2009) Environmental studies on river water quality with reference to suitability for agricultural purposes: Mahanadi river estuarine system, India—a case study. Environ Monit Assess 155:227–243
  • Tank DK, Chandel CPS, (2010) A hydrochemical elucidation of the groundwater composition under domestic and irrigated land inJaipur City. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 166(1–4):69–77.
  • Thorne DW, Peterson HB (1954) Irrigated soils. Constable and Company, London.
  • Tiwari AK, Singh AK, (2014) Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Groundwater Quality Assessment of Pratapgarh District, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 83(3):329-343p.
  • Todd DK (1980) Groundwater hydrology. Wiley, New York.
  • Twigg L. (1990) Health based geographical information systems: Their potential examined in the light of existing data sources. Social Science & Medicine, 30(1), 143-155.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2004) Groundwater Resources of the World and their Use. I.S. Zektser and L.G. Everett, eds. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 6. ISBN 92-9220-007-0. Paris.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency, (1998) Land farming. Office of the Underground Storage Tank, US Environmental Protection Agency. 510-B-95-007.
  • United States Salinity Laboratory (1954) Diagnosis and Improvements of Saline and Alkali Soils. US
  • Department of Agricultural Soils, US Department of Agricul-tural Hand Book 60, Washington.
  • US Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Department of Agricultural Soils. US Department of Agricultural Handbook 60, Washington.
  • Wilcox LV (1955) Classification and use of irrigation waters. U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 969. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. Agric., pp. 19.
  • World Health Organization (1984) Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • World Health Organization (2008) Guidelines for drinking-water quality: incorporating 1st and 2nd addenda, Vol.1, Recommendations 978 92 4 1547611.
  • Yogendra K, Puttaiah ET, (2008) Determination of water quality index and suitability of an urban waterbody in Shimoga Town, Karnataka, Proceedings of 12th World Lake Conference, pp. 342-346.
  • Zaporozec A, (1972) Graphical interpretation of water quality Groundwater. 10(2):32-43.

Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 1 - 18


The Upper Denkyira East and West Districts heavily rely on groundwater for all of their various water needs. The rising levels of surface water pollution brought on by mining, farming, improper waste disposal, and galamsey activities necessitate evaluating the quality of the groundwater for drinking, domestic use, and irrigation. Finding out whether the groundwater was suitable for drinking, domestic use, and irrigation was the goal of the study. Groundwater in the area can be classified as mixed water, NaCl, CaHCO3, and CaMgSO4. Three processes including rock mineral dissolution, ion exchange, and the effects of anthropogenic activities are major factors influencing the chemistry and overall quality of the groundwater in the area. The water quality index indicates that 38%, 38%, 3% and 21% of the water samples are of excellent, good, poor and very poor qualities respectively for drinking. The groundwater is unfit for drinking without prior treatment due to its low pH, high pH, high Fe, high Mn, and high PO4- levels. The quality of groundwater is impacted by both geological processes and anthropogenic activities like improper agrochemical application, galamsey, and improper waste disposal. The study discovered that 48% of the groundwater types were excellent, 34% were good, 14% were moderate, and 3% were poor based on IWSI. The IWSI was calculated using EC, SAR, Na%, RSC, KI, PI, MH, and CR. The IWSI results and the USSL and Wilcox diagrams, which demonstrated that the groundwater falls within the excellent to good categories, concur. The study has shown that the IWSI method is reliable technique for assessing irrigation water quality.

Ethical Statement

Compliance with Ethical Standards Funding: The author received no funding for this study. Conflict of Interest: The author declares that he has no conflict of interest. Availability of data: All data used for this study are included within the manuscript.


Acknowledgment: The author appreciates the Management of the CWSA, Cape Coast for making data for this study available.


  • Ahmed MF, (2002) An assessment of arsenic problems in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Arsenic Mitigation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 14-16 January 2002. Dhaka: Local Government Division, Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives, Government of Bangladesh, 2002: 15-20.
  • Alagbe SA, (2006) Preliminary evaluation of hydrochemistry of the Kalambaina formation, Sokoto Basin, Nigeria. Environ Geol 51: 39–45. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0302-5.
  • America Public Health Association (1995) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 19th edition, Washington, DC.
  • Anku YS, Banoeng-Yakubo B, Asiedu DK, Yidana SM, (2009) Water quality analysis of groundwater in crystalline basement rocks, northern Ghana. Environmental Geology. 2009;58(5):989–997. doi: 10.1007/s00254-008-1578-4.
  • Anornu GK, Kortatsi BK, Saeed ZM, (2009) Evaluation of groundwater resources potential in the Ejisu-Juaben District of Ghana. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 3 (10): 332 - 340.
  • Appelo CAJ, Postma D, (2005) Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution, 2nd edition.
  • Aral MM, Maslia ML, Ulirsch GV, Reyes JJ (1996) Estimating Exposure to Volatile Organic Compounds from Municipal Water-Supply Systems: Use of a Better Computational Model. Archives of Environmental Health: An Int. J., 51(4), 300-309. DOI: 10.1080/00039896.1996.9936029
  • Baba A, Tayfur G, (2011) Groundwater contamination and its effect on health in Turkey. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Environ Monit Assess, 183(1-4), 77-94.
  • Babiker IS, Mohamed AM, Hiyama T, (2007) Assessing groundwater quality using GIS. Water Resour. Manage. 21(4): 699 –715.
  • Cederstorm DJ (1946) Genesis of groundwater in the coastal plain of Virginia. Environmental Geology 41:218–245.
  • Celesceri L, Greenberg AE, Eaten AD (1998) Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, Washington, p 134.
  • Central Ashanti Gold Limited (2010) Environmental impact statement central Ashanti Gold Project. Volume 1 Final. March 2010.
  • Couillard D and Lefebvre Y (1985) Analysis of Water Quality Indices. Journal of Environmental Management 21:161-179.
  • CSIR-WRI Database (2007) Existing Boreholes in Upper Denkyira District.
  • Dickson KB, Benneh G, (1980) “A New Geography of Ghana,” Longman, London. European Environment Agency (1999) Groundwater Quality and Quantity in Europe: Data and Basic Information. Technical report, Copenhagen.
  • Domenico PA, Schwartz FW (1990) Physical and chemical hydrology. Wiley, New York.
  • Doneen LD (1964) Water quality for agriculture. Department of Irrigation, University of California, Davis, p 48
  • Drever JI (1988) The geochemistry of natural waters. 2nd edn. Prentice-Hall, New York.
  • Freeze RA, Cherry JA (1979) Groundwater. NJ, USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs; 1979.
  • Ganyaglo SY, Osae S, Dampare SB, Fianko JR, Bhuiyan MAH, Gibrilla A, Bam E, Ahialey E, Osei J. (2012) Preliminary groundwater quality assessment in the central region of Ghana. Environ Earth Sci (2012) 66:573–587 DOI 10.1007/s12665-011-1266-7
  • Garrels RM. and Mackenzie ET (1967) Origin of the chemical compositions of some springs and lakes. Advance Chemical. Ser. 67: 222-242. Géology Minière, France. 88:40 p.
  • Ghana Statistical Service (2021) 2020 Population and Housing Census Summary Report on Final Results. Medialite Co. Ltd., Accra.
  • Gibbs RJ (1970) Mechanisms controlling world water chemistry. Science Journal 170:795–840. Goodchild, M. F. (2000) Part 1 Spatial analysts and GIS practitioners. Journal of Geographical Systems, 2(1), 5-10.
  • Griffis RJ, Barning K, Agezo FL, Akosah FK (2002) Gold deposits of Ghana. Minerals Commission Report.
  • Gupta PK (2005) Methods in environmental analysis: water, soil and air. Agrobios, Jodhpur, pp 1–127
  • Gyau-Boakye PK, Kankam-Yeboah PK, Darko S, Dapaah-Siakwan and Duah AA (2008) Groundwater as a vital resource for rural development: example from Ghana, In: Adelana S.M.A. and MacDonald A.M. Applied Groundwater Studies in Africa. International Applied Hydrogeology Selected Papers on Hydrogeology, 13, 149-170.
  • Hann WM, (1993) Dispersant: Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technique. Volume 8. 2nd Edition. New York: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 293-311.
  • Hem JD (1991) Study and interpretation of the chemical characteristics of natural waters, Book 2254, 3rd edn. Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur. Holden WS (1971) Water treatment and examination. Churchill, London.
  • Hem JD, (1985) Study and Interpretation of the Chemical Characteristics of Natural Water. 3rd Edition. U.S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2254, P. 263.
  • ISI (1983) Indian standard specification for drinking water. IS: 10500, Indian Standard Institute, India. Jamshaid M, Khan AA, Ahmed K, Saleem M (2018) Heavy metal in drinking water its effect on human health and its treatment techniques. Int. J Biol Sci. 2018;12: 223-240.
  • Jansen N, Hartmann J, Lauerwald R, Durr HH, Kempe S, Loos S, Middelkoop H (2010) Dissolved silica mobilization in the conterminous USA. Chemical Geology, 270: 90-109.
  • Junner NR, (1935) Gold in the Gold Coast, Gold Coast Geological Survey Me,morandum no. 4, Accra, 67pp.
  • Karanth KR (1987) Groundwater assessment, development and management. Tata McGraw Hill publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
  • Karanth KR (1997) Groundwater assessment, development and management. Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi. Kesse GO (1985) The Mineral and Rock Resources of Ghana, Ballkema Publishers, Rotterdam, 610pp.
  • Kortatsi BK (1994) Groundwater utilization in Ghana, Proceedings of the Helsinki Conference, IAHS Publ. No. 222.
  • Kumar RA, Riyazuddin P (2008) Application of chemometric
  • Langmuir D. Aqueous Environmental Geochemistry. River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall Upper Saddle; 1997.
  • Leube A, Hirdes W, Mauer R, Kesse GO, (1990) The Early Proterozoic Birimian Supergroup of Ghana and Some Aspects of Its Associated Gold Mineralization. Precambrian Res. 46, 139–165.
  • Li PY, Qian H and Wu JH (2010) Groundwater Quality Assessment Based on Improved Water Quality Index in Pengyang County, Ningxia, Northwest China. E-Journal of Chemistry, 7(S1).
  • Margat J, and van-der JG, (2013) Groundwater around the World. CRC Press/Balkema.
  • Nagaraju AS, Killham SK, and Hudson-Edwards K, (2006), Hydrogeochemistry of Waters of Mangampeta Barite Mining Area, Cuddapah Basin, and Hra Pradesh, India. Turkish Journal of Engeneering and Environmental Science. 30: 203-219.
  • Narsimha A, Sudarshan V, Swathi P, (2013) International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment, (2), 196-200.
  • Osiakwan GM, Gibrilla A, Kabo-Bah AT, Appiah-Adjei EK, Anornu G (2022) Delineation of groundwater potential zones in the Central Region of Ghana using GIS and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment volume 8, pages 5305–5326.
  • Paliwal KV and Singh S, (1967) Effect of Gypsum Application on the Quality of Irrigation Water”. The Madras Agricultural Journal. 59:646647pp.
  • Piper AM (1944) A graphic procedure in the geochemical interpretation of water analyses. – Trans. American Geophysical Union, 25, 914–928.
  • Rahman M, (2002) Arsenic Contamination of Drinking-water in Bangladesh: A Public-health Perspective. J Health Popul Nutr. Sep; 20(3):193-197. ISSN 1606 – 0997.
  • Raju NJ, Shukla UK, Ram P, (2011). Hydrogeochemistry for the assessment of groundwater quality in Varanasi: a fast-urbanizing center in Uttar Pradesh, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 173: 279–300.
  • Reghunath R, Murthy TRS, Raghavan BR, (2002) The utility of multivariate statistical techniques in hydrogeochemical studies: an example from Karnataka, India. Water Res 36: 2437-2442
  • Schoeller H, (1965) Qualitative evaluation of groundwater resource. In: Methods and techniques of groundwater investigation and development. UNESCO, pp 54-83.
  • Stumm W, Morgan JJ (1981) Aquatic Chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York.
  • Sundaray SK, Nayak BB, Bhatta D (2009) Environmental studies on river water quality with reference to suitability for agricultural purposes: Mahanadi river estuarine system, India—a case study. Environ Monit Assess 155:227–243
  • Tank DK, Chandel CPS, (2010) A hydrochemical elucidation of the groundwater composition under domestic and irrigated land inJaipur City. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 166(1–4):69–77.
  • Thorne DW, Peterson HB (1954) Irrigated soils. Constable and Company, London.
  • Tiwari AK, Singh AK, (2014) Hydrogeochemical Investigation and Groundwater Quality Assessment of Pratapgarh District, Uttar Pradesh. Journal of the Geological Society of India, 83(3):329-343p.
  • Todd DK (1980) Groundwater hydrology. Wiley, New York.
  • Twigg L. (1990) Health based geographical information systems: Their potential examined in the light of existing data sources. Social Science & Medicine, 30(1), 143-155.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2004) Groundwater Resources of the World and their Use. I.S. Zektser and L.G. Everett, eds. IHP-VI, Series on Groundwater No. 6. ISBN 92-9220-007-0. Paris.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency, (1998) Land farming. Office of the Underground Storage Tank, US Environmental Protection Agency. 510-B-95-007.
  • United States Salinity Laboratory (1954) Diagnosis and Improvements of Saline and Alkali Soils. US
  • Department of Agricultural Soils, US Department of Agricul-tural Hand Book 60, Washington.
  • US Salinity Laboratory Staff (1954) Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkali soils. US Department of Agricultural Soils. US Department of Agricultural Handbook 60, Washington.
  • Wilcox LV (1955) Classification and use of irrigation waters. U.S. Department of Agriculture Circular 969. Washington, DC: U.S. Dept. Agric., pp. 19.
  • World Health Organization (1984) Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality. World Health Organization, Geneva.
  • World Health Organization (2008) Guidelines for drinking-water quality: incorporating 1st and 2nd addenda, Vol.1, Recommendations 978 92 4 1547611.
  • Yogendra K, Puttaiah ET, (2008) Determination of water quality index and suitability of an urban waterbody in Shimoga Town, Karnataka, Proceedings of 12th World Lake Conference, pp. 342-346.
  • Zaporozec A, (1972) Graphical interpretation of water quality Groundwater. 10(2):32-43.
There are 66 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects General Geology
Journal Section Articles

Vıctor Oforı Agyemang

Publication Date
Submission Date October 2, 2024
Acceptance Date February 17, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Oforı Agyemang, V. (n.d.). Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 20(1), 1-18.
AMA Oforı Agyemang V. Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 20(1):1-18.
Chicago Oforı Agyemang, Vıctor. “Groundwater Suitability Assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20, no. 1 n.d.: 1-18.
EndNote Oforı Agyemang V Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20 1 1–18.
IEEE V. Oforı Agyemang, “Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana”, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1–18.
ISNAD Oforı Agyemang, Vıctor. “Groundwater Suitability Assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20/1 (n.d.), 1-18.
JAMA Oforı Agyemang V. Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science.;20:1–18.
MLA Oforı Agyemang, Vıctor. “Groundwater Suitability Assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 1-18.
Vancouver Oforı Agyemang V. Groundwater suitability assessment in the Upper Denkyira East and West Districts of Ghana. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 20(1):1-18.

“Journal of International Environmental Application and Science”