Research Article
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Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria

Year 2025, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 38 - 55


Nigeria, as a nation endowed with vast reserves of stranded hydrocarbon resources and she is faced with the challenge of monetizing these resources, which are often flared due to lack of appropriate infrastructures for utilization. This has led the country into exploring different innovative approaches to unlock the economic potential of these resources. Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) technology has been seen as one of the major technologies that provide answers that can assist the country to grow in its economy. This study delves into the economic analysis of Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) technologies to monetize stranded hydrocarbon reserves in Nigeria. The economic analysis of the GTL technologies in Nigeria was done taking the Fischer-Tropsch GTL (FT-GTL) plant in Niger Delta as a case study. It was economically evaluated for a plant capacity of 1,000 MMSCF/D of natural gas. This plant is primarily affected by the crude oil price. The major aspect of this economic analysis was done by using a Microsoft Excel template developed for this study. The template considered the various variables that affect the variability of the projects such as plant life, construction period, capital expenditure, tax, operating expenditure, depreciation schedules, etc. The economic model used four economic indicators namely net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), profitability index (PI) and payback period (PP) to analyze both projects in this study. The financial and economic analysis of each indicator was carried out using the technique of discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis. DCF analysis yielded project performance criteria such as net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), which were obtained from the projects' cash flow under consideration. Sensitivity analyses were then carried out with different tornado plots by varying the values of some of the economic parameters and determining their impacts on the project performance criteria within predetermined ranges. The results revealed that the higher the CAPEX for each of the cases, the lower the NPV and hence the profitability of the project is seen. For GTL technology to be viable as a project and profitable, the CAPEX is a factor to be extensively considered and reviewed periodically to ensure that it is not unreasonably high. Furthermore, the results of the economic analysis obtained at the different case scenarios using the most likely values of the economic input parameters indicate that FT-GTL profitability is highly dependent on the crude oil price, capital expenditure (CAPEX), operating expenditure (OPEX) and discounting factors should each be given proper considerations and review before embarking on future GTL projects. Increased operating expenditures from the FT-GTL technology reduced the NPV and IRR thereby affecting project profitability and extending the payback period, increasing the time to recoup initial investments of the FT-GTL technology plant.

Ethical Statement

Intellectual property

Supporting Institution

University of Benin




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There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects General Geology
Journal Section Articles

Sunday Agbons Igbinere 0000-0003-1908-389X

Marvellous Eka This is me

Publication Date
Submission Date January 22, 2025
Acceptance Date February 24, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Igbinere, S. A., & Eka, M. (n.d.). Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, 20(1), 38-55.
AMA Igbinere SA, Eka M. Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 20(1):38-55.
Chicago Igbinere, Sunday Agbons, and Marvellous Eka. “Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20, no. 1 n.d.: 38-55.
EndNote Igbinere SA, Eka M Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20 1 38–55.
IEEE S. A. Igbinere and M. Eka, “Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria”, J. Int. Environmental Application & Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 38–55.
ISNAD Igbinere, Sunday Agbons - Eka, Marvellous. “Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science 20/1 (n.d.), 38-55.
JAMA Igbinere SA, Eka M. Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science.;20:38–55.
MLA Igbinere, Sunday Agbons and Marvellous Eka. “Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria”. Journal of International Environmental Application and Science, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 38-55.
Vancouver Igbinere SA, Eka M. Monetizing Stranded Gas: Economic Analysis of Gas to Liquid Technologies in Nigeria. J. Int. Environmental Application & Science. 20(1):38-55.

“Journal of International Environmental Application and Science”