Investigation of Effect of Aluminium Oxides Nanoparticles on Some Rheological Properties of Water Based Mud
Year 2025,
Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 70 - 79
Sunday Agbons Igbinere
Maureen Oisakede
The success of well-drilling operations is heavily dependent on the drilling fluid because, it cools down and lubricates the drill bit, remove cuttings, prevent formation damage, suspend cuttings and cake off the permeable formation, thus retarding the passage of fluid into the formation. Drilling through subsurface formations with induced and natural fractures attracts huge drilling fluid losses that lead to higher operational expenses. It is therefore vital to design the drilling fluid in such a way that minimizes the mud invasion into formation to prevent lost circulation. This research investigates the effects of a nano base fluid as additives on the rheological properties of water base mud. Baravis and polyanionic cellulose (PAC) were also used as additives and added to fresh water-based mud. The nano base fluid was obtained from aluminium oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs) and its effects on rheological properties of water-based mud were compared with water based mud mixed with baravis and polyanionic cellulose. The laboratory measurements included measuring filtrate losses and some rheological properties as well as filtration properties of water-based nano mud and local additives drilling fluids under static conditions. The lowest filtrate loss value of 14.4ml occurred for an addition of 1.0g of aluminium oxide nanoparticles without any additional materials or additives, and this result was obtained when Al2O3 NPs was acting as the loss circulation materials. More than 70% reduction in fluid loss was achieved in the presence of 0.5-2.0 grams of Al2O3 NPs. These results have also shown that the filter cake developed during the nano and local additives-based drilling fluid filtration was thin, which implies high potential for reducing the differential pressure sticking problem, formation damage and torque and drag problems while drilling. Nano-based drilling fluid with specific characteristics is thus expected to play a promising role in solving the circulation loss and other technical challenges faced with commercial drilling fluid during oil and gas drilling operation in any subsurface formation.
Ethical Statement
Academic research articles are intellectual property
Supporting Institution
University of Benin
Deepest Appreciation to the Intellectual Team of Scholars
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