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20. Yüzyılın Başlarında Müslüman Kentsel Kültürlerine İlişkin Bilgilerin Tatar Kamusal Söyleminden Ukrayna Kamusal Söylemine Aktarılması (İsmail Gasprinskiy ve Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)

Year 2024, , 317 - 330, 28.12.2024


Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi, 19. yüzyılın sonu ile 20. yüzyılın başında yaşamış Ukraynalı bir yazar, gazeteci ve siyasi aktivisttir. Ukrayna edebiyatının en yetenekli temsilcilerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. Zarif bir empresyonist ve psikolojik düzyazı ustası olarak tanınır. 1890'larda hayatının toplam iki yılını Kırım'da geçirdi. Sonuç olarak “Kırım serisini” yazdı (üç kısa öykü: “Şeytanın Zincirlerinde”, “Taşın Üstünde” ve “Minarelerin Altında”).
Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi'nin Kırım Yarımadası'na yaptığı gezi, kronolojik olarak Kırım kamusal söylemindeki ilerici fikirlerin varlığıyla örtüşmektedir. Kırım'da Avrupa tarzı reformların ateşli destekçileri vardı. Bu tür hareketlerin önde gelen isimlerinden biri, Tatar bir aydın ve Pan-Türkist olan İsmail Gaspıralı'ydı. Bazı Batılı unsurların uyarlanması yoluyla Müslüman kültürlerinin modernleşmesi kavramını destekledi. İsmail Gaspıralı, gelenekselciliğin Müslüman toplumların gelişimi üzerindeki olumsuz etkisine ikna olmuştu. Kotsiubynskyi'nin kısa öykülerinin içeriği, 20. yüzyılın başlarındaki Kırım gerçekliği ve Gaspıralı'nın anlatısıyla önemli ölçüde örtüşmektedir.
Bu makale, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi'nin 20. yüzyılın başlarında Müslüman kentsel kültürleri hakkındaki bilgilerin Tatar kamu söyleminden Ukrayna söylemine aktarılmasındaki rolünü incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.


  • A.A., Rasporyazhenie heneral-hubernatora Khlebova po sluchayu proezda tureckoho poslannika cherez h. Kiev [Order of Governor General Glebov on the occasion of the Turkish envoy's passage through Kyiv] Kievskaya starina, Vol. XXXVI, 1892, January, p. 146-148.
  • A.L., «List» pecherskoho arxymandrita Innokentiya Hizelya na sbor mylostyni dlya vykupa u tatar plennika [Letter of the Pechersk Archimandrite Innokenty Gizel to collect alms for the ransom of a prisoner from the Tatars], Kievskaya starina, Vol. XLVIII, 1895, February, p. 53-54.
  • Asanova, Elmaz, Ismail Gasprinsky – providnyk modernizatsii islamskogo prosvitytelstva ta kultury v Krymu [Ismail Gasprinsky – the guide of Islamic enlightenment and culture in Cremea.], URL:, (10.07.2023).
  • Gankevych, V.Yu, S.P. Shendrykova, Vyneknenya pershogo krymskotatarskogo zhinochogo periodychnogo vydanya [The establishment of the first Crimean Tatar women’s periodical], URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Gasprinsky, Ismail, “Molla Abbas”. Vybrani literaturni tvory: krymskotatarska proza ukrainskoiu /Per. Z krymskotatarskoi i rosiiskoi movy [Molla Abbas. The selected literary works: Crimean-Tatarian prose in Ukrainian], Kyiv: «Maister Knyh», 2021
  • Gimadeeva, L.I., “Historical and linguistic analysis of the language of the newspaper «Tercüman» (1883-1918) by Ismail Gaspirali”, Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences, Kazan, 2000.
  • Kandym, Yu, Ne zaroste travoyu pole boyu [Battlefield won’t be covered with grass], Ichnya, 2017, p. 363.
  • Komarova, Galyna, Roksolana, Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХV, 1904, June, p.597-604.
  • Kotsiubynskyi, Mykhailo, Pid Minaretamy (Opovidannia) [Under the Minarets (Short Stories)], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХVІІІ, 1905, March, p. 373-422.
  • Kotsiubynskyi, Mykhailo, Tvory v semy tomakh. [Works in the seven volumes], Kyiv, 1974, Vol. 5.
  • Kovalchuk, O.G., Visualne u tvorchosti M. Kotsiubynskogo: monografia [The Visuals in Kotsiubynskyi’s creativity: monography], Nizhyn, 2015, p. 232.
  • Lazanska, Tamara Ivanivna, Kotsiubynsky Mykhailo Mykhailovych, URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Malynovska, Natalia, “Genderna polityka krymskykh tatar u natsiotvorchykh protsesakh pershoyi polovyny XX stolittia” [The Crimean Tatar’s gender policy in the process of national development of the first half of 20th century] // Materialy V Vseukrainskoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi conferentsiyi “Polityka pamyati v teoretychnomu ta practychnomu vymirakh”, Rivne, 2018 – URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Malynovska, Natalia, Uryvky z istorii krymskykh tatarok u naziotvorchykh protsesakh Krymu 1905-1917 rokiv: gendernyi analiz komemoratsiy v Ukraini [Fragments of Crimean Tatar female history in the processes of Crimean national development in 1905-1917: a gender analysis of commemorations in Ukraine], URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Melnyk, K., Svedeniya o pokhode v Krym Mykhayla Doroshenka [Information about Mikhail Doroshenko`s Crimean campaign], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LV, 1896, November, p.274-286.
  • M. L., Ostannij Hyrej [The Last Girey], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХV, 1904, April, p. 74-102.
  • Pys'ma protoyereya Arseniya Lebedinceva, b. blahochynnoho tserkvej yuzhnoho bereha Kryma, k preosvyashhennomu Innokentiyu, arxyepyskopu Khersonskomu y Tavricheskomu, s doneseniyamy o hode voennykh dejstvyj i sostoyaniy tserkvej y dukhovenstva vo vremya 11-ty mesyachnoj osady Sevastopolya [Letters of Archpriest Arseniy Lebedintsev… on the course of hostilities and the state of churches and clergy during the 11-month siege of Sevastopol], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LII, 1896, January, p.1-9
  • Storozhenko, A., Hde zhyly Pereyaslavskye torky? [Where did the Pereyaslav Torcs Live?], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХІV, 1899, February, p. 283-290.
  • Stranstvovaniya chumaka, bursaka i raba [Travels of a Chumak, a Bursak, and a Slave], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LІХ, 1897, October, p. 16-20.
  • Tsykhovska, E, “Ostriv yak vtecha viddiysnostiu tvorchosti L. Staffa i M. Kotsiubynskogo: struktura “Ya - Inshyi” [The Island as an escape from reality in the creativity of L. Staff and M. Kotsiubynskyi: the structure of” I’m Different”], Literaturoznavchi studii; zb. Nauk.prats, Kyiv, 2010, No. 29, p. 408-415.
  • Usmanov, M.A., O triupfe I tragedii idey Gasprinskogo [About the triumph and tragedy of Gasprinsky’s ideas. Kazan, 1993.
  • Vivchar, Solomiia, Ukrainski prosvityteli ta islam [The Ukrainian enlighteners and Islam], Kyiv, 2020, p.224.
  • Vivchar, Solomiia, “Krymskotatarski motyvy v opovidanniakh M. Kotsiubynskoho” [The Crimean-Tatarian motifs in the M. Kotsiubynsky’s short stories], Islam v Ukraini. URL: (24.05.2023).
  • Vovk, Fedir, Zadunaiskaya Siech [The Danubian Sich], Kievskaya starina, Vol. V, 1883, January, p. 27-66.

The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)

Year 2024, , 317 - 330, 28.12.2024


Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi is a Ukrainian author, journalist, and political activist of the late 19th – early 20th century. He is considered one of the most talented representatives of Ukrainian literature. He is known as an elegant impressionist and master of psychological prose. In the 1890’s he spent a total of two years of his life in Crimea. As a result, he wrote the «Crimean series» (three short stories: “In the Shaytan’s Chains”, “On the Stone”, and “Under the Minarets”).
Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi's trip to the Crimean Peninsula coincides chronologically with the presence of progressive ideas in the Crimean public discourse. There were passionate supporters of European-style reform in Crimea. One of the leading figures for such movements was Ismail Gasprinsky - a Tatar enlightener and Pan-Turkist. He supported the concept of the modernization of Muslim cultures through the adaptation of some Western elements. Ismail Gasprinsky was convinced of the negative influence of traditionalism on the development of Muslim societies. The content of Kotsiubynskyi's short stories matches the Crimean reality of the early 20th century and Gasprinsky’s narrative considerably.
The paper aims to examine Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi's role in the transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century.


  • A.A., Rasporyazhenie heneral-hubernatora Khlebova po sluchayu proezda tureckoho poslannika cherez h. Kiev [Order of Governor General Glebov on the occasion of the Turkish envoy's passage through Kyiv] Kievskaya starina, Vol. XXXVI, 1892, January, p. 146-148.
  • A.L., «List» pecherskoho arxymandrita Innokentiya Hizelya na sbor mylostyni dlya vykupa u tatar plennika [Letter of the Pechersk Archimandrite Innokenty Gizel to collect alms for the ransom of a prisoner from the Tatars], Kievskaya starina, Vol. XLVIII, 1895, February, p. 53-54.
  • Asanova, Elmaz, Ismail Gasprinsky – providnyk modernizatsii islamskogo prosvitytelstva ta kultury v Krymu [Ismail Gasprinsky – the guide of Islamic enlightenment and culture in Cremea.], URL:, (10.07.2023).
  • Gankevych, V.Yu, S.P. Shendrykova, Vyneknenya pershogo krymskotatarskogo zhinochogo periodychnogo vydanya [The establishment of the first Crimean Tatar women’s periodical], URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Gasprinsky, Ismail, “Molla Abbas”. Vybrani literaturni tvory: krymskotatarska proza ukrainskoiu /Per. Z krymskotatarskoi i rosiiskoi movy [Molla Abbas. The selected literary works: Crimean-Tatarian prose in Ukrainian], Kyiv: «Maister Knyh», 2021
  • Gimadeeva, L.I., “Historical and linguistic analysis of the language of the newspaper «Tercüman» (1883-1918) by Ismail Gaspirali”, Abstract of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of philological sciences, Kazan, 2000.
  • Kandym, Yu, Ne zaroste travoyu pole boyu [Battlefield won’t be covered with grass], Ichnya, 2017, p. 363.
  • Komarova, Galyna, Roksolana, Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХV, 1904, June, p.597-604.
  • Kotsiubynskyi, Mykhailo, Pid Minaretamy (Opovidannia) [Under the Minarets (Short Stories)], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХVІІІ, 1905, March, p. 373-422.
  • Kotsiubynskyi, Mykhailo, Tvory v semy tomakh. [Works in the seven volumes], Kyiv, 1974, Vol. 5.
  • Kovalchuk, O.G., Visualne u tvorchosti M. Kotsiubynskogo: monografia [The Visuals in Kotsiubynskyi’s creativity: monography], Nizhyn, 2015, p. 232.
  • Lazanska, Tamara Ivanivna, Kotsiubynsky Mykhailo Mykhailovych, URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Malynovska, Natalia, “Genderna polityka krymskykh tatar u natsiotvorchykh protsesakh pershoyi polovyny XX stolittia” [The Crimean Tatar’s gender policy in the process of national development of the first half of 20th century] // Materialy V Vseukrainskoyi naukovo-praktychnoyi conferentsiyi “Polityka pamyati v teoretychnomu ta practychnomu vymirakh”, Rivne, 2018 – URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Malynovska, Natalia, Uryvky z istorii krymskykh tatarok u naziotvorchykh protsesakh Krymu 1905-1917 rokiv: gendernyi analiz komemoratsiy v Ukraini [Fragments of Crimean Tatar female history in the processes of Crimean national development in 1905-1917: a gender analysis of commemorations in Ukraine], URL: (10.07.2023).
  • Melnyk, K., Svedeniya o pokhode v Krym Mykhayla Doroshenka [Information about Mikhail Doroshenko`s Crimean campaign], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LV, 1896, November, p.274-286.
  • M. L., Ostannij Hyrej [The Last Girey], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХХХV, 1904, April, p. 74-102.
  • Pys'ma protoyereya Arseniya Lebedinceva, b. blahochynnoho tserkvej yuzhnoho bereha Kryma, k preosvyashhennomu Innokentiyu, arxyepyskopu Khersonskomu y Tavricheskomu, s doneseniyamy o hode voennykh dejstvyj i sostoyaniy tserkvej y dukhovenstva vo vremya 11-ty mesyachnoj osady Sevastopolya [Letters of Archpriest Arseniy Lebedintsev… on the course of hostilities and the state of churches and clergy during the 11-month siege of Sevastopol], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LII, 1896, January, p.1-9
  • Storozhenko, A., Hde zhyly Pereyaslavskye torky? [Where did the Pereyaslav Torcs Live?], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LХІV, 1899, February, p. 283-290.
  • Stranstvovaniya chumaka, bursaka i raba [Travels of a Chumak, a Bursak, and a Slave], Kievskaya starina, Vol. LІХ, 1897, October, p. 16-20.
  • Tsykhovska, E, “Ostriv yak vtecha viddiysnostiu tvorchosti L. Staffa i M. Kotsiubynskogo: struktura “Ya - Inshyi” [The Island as an escape from reality in the creativity of L. Staff and M. Kotsiubynskyi: the structure of” I’m Different”], Literaturoznavchi studii; zb. Nauk.prats, Kyiv, 2010, No. 29, p. 408-415.
  • Usmanov, M.A., O triupfe I tragedii idey Gasprinskogo [About the triumph and tragedy of Gasprinsky’s ideas. Kazan, 1993.
  • Vivchar, Solomiia, Ukrainski prosvityteli ta islam [The Ukrainian enlighteners and Islam], Kyiv, 2020, p.224.
  • Vivchar, Solomiia, “Krymskotatarski motyvy v opovidanniakh M. Kotsiubynskoho” [The Crimean-Tatarian motifs in the M. Kotsiubynsky’s short stories], Islam v Ukraini. URL: (24.05.2023).
  • Vovk, Fedir, Zadunaiskaya Siech [The Danubian Sich], Kievskaya starina, Vol. V, 1883, January, p. 27-66.
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Late Modern History (Other)
Journal Section Articles

Yevhen Filianin 0000-0001-5934-5263

Publication Date December 28, 2024
Submission Date May 8, 2024
Acceptance Date September 23, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Filianin, Y. (2024). The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi). Journal of International Eastern European Studies, 6(2), 317-330.
AMA Filianin Y. The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi). Journal of International Eastern European Studies. December 2024;6(2):317-330. doi:10.59839/jiees.1479119
Chicago Filianin, Yevhen. “The Transfer of Information about Muslim Urban Cultures from the Tatar Public Discourse to the Ukrainian One in the Early 20th Century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)”. Journal of International Eastern European Studies 6, no. 2 (December 2024): 317-30.
EndNote Filianin Y (December 1, 2024) The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi). Journal of International Eastern European Studies 6 2 317–330.
IEEE Y. Filianin, “The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)”, Journal of International Eastern European Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 317–330, 2024, doi: 10.59839/jiees.1479119.
ISNAD Filianin, Yevhen. “The Transfer of Information about Muslim Urban Cultures from the Tatar Public Discourse to the Ukrainian One in the Early 20th Century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)”. Journal of International Eastern European Studies 6/2 (December 2024), 317-330.
JAMA Filianin Y. The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi). Journal of International Eastern European Studies. 2024;6:317–330.
MLA Filianin, Yevhen. “The Transfer of Information about Muslim Urban Cultures from the Tatar Public Discourse to the Ukrainian One in the Early 20th Century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi)”. Journal of International Eastern European Studies, vol. 6, no. 2, 2024, pp. 317-30, doi:10.59839/jiees.1479119.
Vancouver Filianin Y. The transfer of information about Muslim urban cultures from the Tatar public discourse to the Ukrainian one in the early 20th century (Ismail Gasprinsky and Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi). Journal of International Eastern European Studies. 2024;6(2):317-30.