Writing Rules

1. JIEES, publishes Turkish and English summaries. So every article has to have summaries on both languages no more than 200 words.

2. In order to be indexed all the articles must have 4-5 keywords in both languages. 

3. In the article document author shouldn't write any name or institutional information about himself. Because JIEES uses a double blind review system, all the authors should be careful about this point. 

4. JIEES, used the system of Dergipark. In order to send articles, you should register to the system first. After your registration, you can upload your journal to the system or you can directly send your article to yonetici@piees.org e-mail address. About the review and publishing processes authors will be informed via e-mail.

5. Articles sent to JIEES must not be published before or should not be in review process of another article. Symposium papers should be published in the journal if this point is reported. 

6. JIEES uses plagiarism sofwares in order to prevent non-ethical uses of information. According to the journals ethic rules, articles which has 25% similarity rate will be returned to the author befor the review process. 

7. Authors should prepare their articles according to the rules below:

- Paper Size: Envelope C5 Vertical

- Margins: Up (2,5 cm), Down (2,5 cm), Left (2,5), Right (2,5)

- Indention: 0,5 cm

- Quotes: 0,5 cm/ Both Sides

- Font: Calibri

- Line Gap: single

- Font Size: 11 points (Bibliography and quotes: 10 points, )

- Paragraph Gap: 6 nk/ Above and Below


All the sources used in the article should be writen below the title Bibliography. Bibliography shoud be 10 points of size and similar to the examples below.


- Babinger, Franz, Osmanlı Tarih Yazarları ve Eserleri, Ankara 1992.

Uzunçarşılı, İsmail Hakkı, “Ali Suâvi ve Çırağan Sarayı Vak’ası”, Belleten, 8/ 29 (1994), s. 70-118.

-YAVUZ, FikrettinOsmanlı Devleti Dış Politikasında Ermeni Sorunu: 1896 Osmanlı Bankası Baskını, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Sakarya 2009.

- Namık Kemal, “Hasta Adam”, Hürriyet, 7 Ekim 1868.
- “Araplar ve Türkler”, Tanin, 8 Nisan 1910.
The Times, 03 Haziran 1867.

Archival Documents: 
BOA. HR. SYS. 36/77.
F. O. 424/210.



Footnotes should be under the related page. Sources used should be shown in footnotes as below: 

Number of the Footnote, Author name and surname, name of the book, published in, published on, referenced page numbers. 
-Korkut Boratav, Türkiye İktisat Tarihi 1908-2002, Ankara, 2003, p.46.

-Cahit Bilim, “Tercüme Odası”, OTAM, 1 (1990), s. 29.

-Zeynep İskefiyeli, Ermeni Meselesi Çerçevesinde 1893 Ankara Mahkemelerinin Yeri ve Önemi, Basılmamış Doktora Tezi, Sakarya 2008, s. 50.

- Namık Kemal, “Hasta Adam”, Hürriyet, 7 Ekim 1868.
- “Araplar ve Türkler”, Tanin, 8 Nisan 1910.
The Times, 03 Haziran 1867.

Archival Documents: 
BOA. İ. DUİT. 8/14 (Lef: Var ise).
F.O. 424/217, Ramsay’dan Hindistan Valisine, 19 Ekim 1908, Bağdat, No. 54, PRO.

Applying to the same source again: 

- Surname of the writer, ibid, referenced page number(s): 
-Yavuz, ibid, p. 45. 
- Bilim, ibid, p. 30.