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İnceltilmiş uçlu prefabrik kirişlerin yönetmelikler ve yeni yaklaşımlara göre tasarımının karşılaştırılması

Year 2025, , 243 - 261, 31.01.2025


Prefabrike yapılar fabrikada üretilen yapı elemanlarının şantiyede birleştirilmesi ile oluşmaktadır ve bağlantılar, yapısal sistemin önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaktadır. Bağlantı bölgesi, sadece elemanların birleştiği alanla sınırlı değildir, kuvvet aktarımı ve gerilme dağılımlarının gerçekleştiği her iki elemana bitişik bölgelerin tasarımı ve detaylandırmasından etkilenmektedir. Prefabrike taşıyıcı sistemlerde kolon-kiriş bağlantı bölgesinde kolon yüzeylerinde mevcut kısa konsollar ile kiriş birleşimlerinin yapılabilmesi için eleman uç kesitleri küçültülmekte ve kiriş uçları inceltildikçe bu bölgede kesme kuvveti artmaktadır. Bu sebeple prefabrike bir çerçeve sistemde kolon-kiriş bağlantı bölgesinde oluşan kuvvetlerin ve gerilmelerin izlediği yola göre elemanların birleşime bitişik bölgeleri tasarlanmalıdır. Sunulan çalışmada yayılı yük etkisindeki inceltilmiş uçlu prefabrike kirişin yürürlükteki yönetmelikler ve yeni yaklaşımlara göre tasarım adımları karşılaştırılmıştır. Bu kapsamda örnek olarak seçilen inceltilmiş uçlu prefabrike kiriş bağlantı bölgesi Beton Prefabrikasyon El Kitabı, Amerikan Prefabrike Beton Enstitüsü’nün (PCI Tasarım El Kitabı) tasarım el kitabı ve çubuk analojisi yöntemi esas alınarak tasarlanmıştır. Analiz sonuçları karşılaştırıldığında, çubuk analojisi yöntemine göre belirlenen toplam donatı alanının diğer yaklaşımlara göre daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Bununla birlikte PCI Tasarım El Kitabı kriterlerine göre belirlenen toplam donatı alanının, Beton Prefabrikasyon El Kitabı'na göre belirlenen toplam donatı alanından daha fazla olduğu ve bu nedenle güvenli tarafta kaldığı tespit edilmiştir.


  • Binti Nur SJ 2013) Analysıs of reınforced concrete dapped-end beams usıng Vector2. Dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Petronas.
  • Şeren C (2006) Depreme dayanıklı prefabrike betonarme yapı tasarımı ve güçlendirilmesi. Dissertation, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Barka G, Ataköy H, Yüksel E (2018) Beton Prefabrikasyon El Kitabı, Tasarım, Üretim ve Montaj Esasları, Türkiye Prefabrik Birliği, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Design and typical details of connections for precast and prestressed concrete (PCI) (2010) Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, USA.
  • Özkılıç YO, Aksoylu C, Yazman Ş, Gemi L, Arslan MH (2019) Prefabrike inceltilmiş aşık uçlarının deneysel ve numerik sonlu eleman analizlerinin karşılaştırılması. International Science and Academic Congress, Konya, Türkiye, sayfa 303-310.
  • Mata-Falcón J, Pallarés L, Miguel PF (2019) Proposal and experimental validation of simplified strut-and-tie models on dapped-end beams. Eng Struct 183:594-609.
  • Aswin M, Mohammed BS, Liew MS, Syed ZI (2015) Shear failure of rc dapped-end beams. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 309135.
  • Aswin M, Syed ZI, Wee T, Liew MS (2014) Prediction of failure loads of RC dapped-end beams. Applied Mechanics and Materials 567:463-468.
  • Wang O, Guo Z (2005) Experimental investigation on the shear capacity of RC dapped end beams and design recommendations. Struct Eng Mech 21(2):221-235.
  • Mohammed BS, Aswin M, Liew MS, Zawawi NAWA (2019) Structural performance of RC and R-ECC dapped-end beams based on the role of hanger or diagonal reinforcements combined by ECC. Int J Concr Struct Mater 13, 44.
  • Abdal-Moniem AEN, Madkour H, Farah K, Abdullah A (2020) Numerical investigation of reinforced-concrete beams with half-joints. Struct Build 173(10):715-729.
  • Abdul-Jawad HM (2018) Modelling of dapped-end beams using Abaqus software. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 9(1):1-10.
  • Ahmad S, Elahi A, Hafeez J, Fawad M, Ahsan Z (2013) Evaluation of the shear strength of dapped ended beam. Life Science Journal 10(3):1038-1044.
  • Taher SEDF (2005) Strengthening of critically designed girders with dapped-ends. Struct. Build 158:141-152.
  • Nagy-György T, Sas G, Daescu AC, Barros JAO, Stoian V (2012) Experimental and numerical assessment of the effectiveness of FRP-based strengthening configurations for dapped-end RC beams. Eng Struct 44:291-303.
  • Jirawattanasomkul T, Kongwang N, Likitlersuang S, Yodsudjai W, Charuvisit S, Sato Y. (2021) Failure analysis of dapped-end cracking in posttensioned bridge girder. American Society of Civil Engineers, J. Bridge Eng 26(11):04021082.
  • Moreno-Martínez YJ, Meli R (2014) Experimental study on the structural behavior of concrete dapped-end beams. Eng Struct 75:152-163.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2016) Impact of the reinforcement layout on the load capacity of reinforced concrete half-joints. Eng Struct 127:227–239.
  • Özkılıç YO, Aksoylu C, Arslan MH (2021) Experimental and numerical investigations of steel fiber reinforced concrete dapped-end purlins. J Build Eng 36:102119.
  • Aswin M, Al-Fakih A, Syed ZI, Liew MS (2023) Influence of different dapped-end reinforcement configurations on structural behavior of rc dapped-end beam. Build 13, 116.
  • Lu WY, Chen TC, Lin IJ (2015) Shear strength of reınforced concrete dapped-end beams wıth shear span-to-depth ratıos larger than unıty. J Mar Sci Technol 23(4): 431-442.
  • Hussain HN, Shakir QM (2019) Experimental study of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with composite dapped end under effect of static and repeated loads. Int J Appl Sci Technol 2, 1.
  • Rentería-Soto J, Cruz-Solís JJ, Betancourt-Chávez JR, Narayanasamy R (2019) Experımental study of two strut and tıe models for dapped-end beams. International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering 6, 7.
  • Aksoylu C, Özkılıç YO, Arslan MH (2020) Damages on prefabricated concrete dapped-end purlins due to snow loads and a novel reinforcement detail. Eng Struct 225:111225.
  • Syed ZI, Kewalramani M, Hejah ES (2019) Structural reliability of dapped end beams with different reinforcement layouts under dynamic loading. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 575:012003.
  • Rajapakse C, Degee H, Mihaylov B (2022) Investigation of shear and flexural failures of dapped-end connections with orthogonal reinforcement. Eng Struct 260:114233.
  • Mohamed RN, Elliott KS (2008) Shear strength of short recess precast dapped-end beams made of steel fiber self compacting concrete. Singapore Concrete Institute.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2017) The effect of local reinforcing bar reductions and anchorage zone cracking on the load capacity of RC half-joints. Eng Struct 152:865–877.
  • Oviedo R, Gutiérrez S, María HS (2016) Experimental evaluation of optimized strut-and-tie models for a dapped beam. Struct Concr 17, 3.
  • Atta A, Taman M (2016) Innovative method for strengthening dapped-end beams using an external prestressing technique. Mater Struct 49:3005–3019.
  • Shakir QM, Alliwe R (2019) Behavior of self-compacting reinforced concrete dapped end beams. Int J of Appl Sci 2,1.
  • Fayed S, Madenci E, Özkılıç YO (2022) Flexural behavior of rc beams with an abrupt change in depth: experimental work. Build 12, 2176.
  • Syed ZI, Hejah ES, Mohamed OA (2017) Modelling of dapped-end beams under dynamic loading. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 6, 3.
  • Shakir QM, Al-Sahlawi YM, Abd BB, Hamad SA (2023) Nonlinear finite element analysis of high-strength reinforced concrete beams with severely disturbed regions. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 17, 1.
  • Aksoylu C, Özkılıç YO, Yazman Ş, Gemi L, Arslan MH (2021) İnceltilmiş uçlu önüretimli aşık kirişlerinin yük taşıma kapasitelerinin deneysel ve numerik olarak irdelenmesi ve çözüm önerileri. Teknik Dergi 32(3):10823-10858.
  • Zamri NF, Mohamed RN, Elliott KS (2021) Shear capacity of precast half-joint beams with steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Constr Build Mater 272:121813.
  • Don W, Suryanto B, Tambusay A, Suprobo P (2022) Forensic assessments of the influence of reinforcement detailing in reinforced concrete half-joints: A nonlinear finite element study. Struct 38:689–703.
  • Shakir QM, Hamad SA (2021) Behavior of pocket-type high-strength rc beams without or with dapped ends, Pract Period Struct Des Constr, 26(4):04021048.
  • Al-Maliki HNG, Hussain AJ, Fahad JJ (2018) Comparative study on experimental behavior of r.c. ınverted dapped-end girders with openings strengthened by vertical normal bolts. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences 1, 25.
  • Santarsiero G, Picciano V (2024) Post-tension retrofitting of RC dapped-end beams: A numerical investigation. Structural Concrete 1–19.
  • Mihaylov BI (2024) Model for rapid evaluation of corner crack widths in reinforced concrete dapped-end conections. Engineering Structures 303, 117497.
  • El-Metwally SEE, Chen W (2018) Structural Concrete strut and tie models for unified design. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2018) Strut-and-tie models for deteriorated reinforced concrete half-joints. Eng Struct 161:41-54.
  • Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) (2019). American Concrete Institute, Michigan, USA.
  • Yapı Elemanları, Taşıyıcı Sistemler ve Binalar-Prefabrike Betonarme ve Öngerilmeli Betondan-Hesap Esasları ile İmalat ve Montaj Kuralları (TS 9967) (1992),Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Öndökümlü Beton Mamuller - Genel Kurallar (TS EN 13369) (2010). Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.

Comparison on the design of dapped-end precast beams according to design codes and new approaches

Year 2025, , 243 - 261, 31.01.2025


The prefabricated structures are constructed by assembling the factory manufactured structural members at the construction site and the connections in these structures constitute an important part of the structural system. In the beam-column connection zone in prefabricated structural systems, the beam end section is reduced in order to make the beam connection with the short cantilever on the column surface. The shear force increases in this region as the beam ends are thinned and this should be considered in the design. In the present study, the design steps of the dapped-end precast beam under distributed load are compared according to the current regulations and new approaches. In this context, the dapped-end precast beam connection area selected as an example was designed based on the Concrete Prefabrication Handbook, the design handbook of the American Precast Concrete Institute (PCI Design Handbook) and the strut-and-tie method. When the analysis results were compared, it was seen that the total reinforcement area determined according to the stut-and-tie method was greater than the other approaches. However, it was determined that the total reinforcement area determined according to the PCI Design Handbook criteria was greater than the total reinforcement area determined according to the Concrete Prefabrication Handbook and therefore remained on the safe side.


  • Binti Nur SJ 2013) Analysıs of reınforced concrete dapped-end beams usıng Vector2. Dissertation, Universiti Teknologi Petronas.
  • Şeren C (2006) Depreme dayanıklı prefabrike betonarme yapı tasarımı ve güçlendirilmesi. Dissertation, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi.
  • Barka G, Ataköy H, Yüksel E (2018) Beton Prefabrikasyon El Kitabı, Tasarım, Üretim ve Montaj Esasları, Türkiye Prefabrik Birliği, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Design and typical details of connections for precast and prestressed concrete (PCI) (2010) Prestressed Concrete Institute, Chicago, USA.
  • Özkılıç YO, Aksoylu C, Yazman Ş, Gemi L, Arslan MH (2019) Prefabrike inceltilmiş aşık uçlarının deneysel ve numerik sonlu eleman analizlerinin karşılaştırılması. International Science and Academic Congress, Konya, Türkiye, sayfa 303-310.
  • Mata-Falcón J, Pallarés L, Miguel PF (2019) Proposal and experimental validation of simplified strut-and-tie models on dapped-end beams. Eng Struct 183:594-609.
  • Aswin M, Mohammed BS, Liew MS, Syed ZI (2015) Shear failure of rc dapped-end beams. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 309135.
  • Aswin M, Syed ZI, Wee T, Liew MS (2014) Prediction of failure loads of RC dapped-end beams. Applied Mechanics and Materials 567:463-468.
  • Wang O, Guo Z (2005) Experimental investigation on the shear capacity of RC dapped end beams and design recommendations. Struct Eng Mech 21(2):221-235.
  • Mohammed BS, Aswin M, Liew MS, Zawawi NAWA (2019) Structural performance of RC and R-ECC dapped-end beams based on the role of hanger or diagonal reinforcements combined by ECC. Int J Concr Struct Mater 13, 44.
  • Abdal-Moniem AEN, Madkour H, Farah K, Abdullah A (2020) Numerical investigation of reinforced-concrete beams with half-joints. Struct Build 173(10):715-729.
  • Abdul-Jawad HM (2018) Modelling of dapped-end beams using Abaqus software. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 9(1):1-10.
  • Ahmad S, Elahi A, Hafeez J, Fawad M, Ahsan Z (2013) Evaluation of the shear strength of dapped ended beam. Life Science Journal 10(3):1038-1044.
  • Taher SEDF (2005) Strengthening of critically designed girders with dapped-ends. Struct. Build 158:141-152.
  • Nagy-György T, Sas G, Daescu AC, Barros JAO, Stoian V (2012) Experimental and numerical assessment of the effectiveness of FRP-based strengthening configurations for dapped-end RC beams. Eng Struct 44:291-303.
  • Jirawattanasomkul T, Kongwang N, Likitlersuang S, Yodsudjai W, Charuvisit S, Sato Y. (2021) Failure analysis of dapped-end cracking in posttensioned bridge girder. American Society of Civil Engineers, J. Bridge Eng 26(11):04021082.
  • Moreno-Martínez YJ, Meli R (2014) Experimental study on the structural behavior of concrete dapped-end beams. Eng Struct 75:152-163.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2016) Impact of the reinforcement layout on the load capacity of reinforced concrete half-joints. Eng Struct 127:227–239.
  • Özkılıç YO, Aksoylu C, Arslan MH (2021) Experimental and numerical investigations of steel fiber reinforced concrete dapped-end purlins. J Build Eng 36:102119.
  • Aswin M, Al-Fakih A, Syed ZI, Liew MS (2023) Influence of different dapped-end reinforcement configurations on structural behavior of rc dapped-end beam. Build 13, 116.
  • Lu WY, Chen TC, Lin IJ (2015) Shear strength of reınforced concrete dapped-end beams wıth shear span-to-depth ratıos larger than unıty. J Mar Sci Technol 23(4): 431-442.
  • Hussain HN, Shakir QM (2019) Experimental study of the behavior of reinforced concrete beams with composite dapped end under effect of static and repeated loads. Int J Appl Sci Technol 2, 1.
  • Rentería-Soto J, Cruz-Solís JJ, Betancourt-Chávez JR, Narayanasamy R (2019) Experımental study of two strut and tıe models for dapped-end beams. International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering 6, 7.
  • Aksoylu C, Özkılıç YO, Arslan MH (2020) Damages on prefabricated concrete dapped-end purlins due to snow loads and a novel reinforcement detail. Eng Struct 225:111225.
  • Syed ZI, Kewalramani M, Hejah ES (2019) Structural reliability of dapped end beams with different reinforcement layouts under dynamic loading. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 575:012003.
  • Rajapakse C, Degee H, Mihaylov B (2022) Investigation of shear and flexural failures of dapped-end connections with orthogonal reinforcement. Eng Struct 260:114233.
  • Mohamed RN, Elliott KS (2008) Shear strength of short recess precast dapped-end beams made of steel fiber self compacting concrete. Singapore Concrete Institute.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2017) The effect of local reinforcing bar reductions and anchorage zone cracking on the load capacity of RC half-joints. Eng Struct 152:865–877.
  • Oviedo R, Gutiérrez S, María HS (2016) Experimental evaluation of optimized strut-and-tie models for a dapped beam. Struct Concr 17, 3.
  • Atta A, Taman M (2016) Innovative method for strengthening dapped-end beams using an external prestressing technique. Mater Struct 49:3005–3019.
  • Shakir QM, Alliwe R (2019) Behavior of self-compacting reinforced concrete dapped end beams. Int J of Appl Sci 2,1.
  • Fayed S, Madenci E, Özkılıç YO (2022) Flexural behavior of rc beams with an abrupt change in depth: experimental work. Build 12, 2176.
  • Syed ZI, Hejah ES, Mohamed OA (2017) Modelling of dapped-end beams under dynamic loading. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 6, 3.
  • Shakir QM, Al-Sahlawi YM, Abd BB, Hamad SA (2023) Nonlinear finite element analysis of high-strength reinforced concrete beams with severely disturbed regions. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 17, 1.
  • Aksoylu C, Özkılıç YO, Yazman Ş, Gemi L, Arslan MH (2021) İnceltilmiş uçlu önüretimli aşık kirişlerinin yük taşıma kapasitelerinin deneysel ve numerik olarak irdelenmesi ve çözüm önerileri. Teknik Dergi 32(3):10823-10858.
  • Zamri NF, Mohamed RN, Elliott KS (2021) Shear capacity of precast half-joint beams with steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete. Constr Build Mater 272:121813.
  • Don W, Suryanto B, Tambusay A, Suprobo P (2022) Forensic assessments of the influence of reinforcement detailing in reinforced concrete half-joints: A nonlinear finite element study. Struct 38:689–703.
  • Shakir QM, Hamad SA (2021) Behavior of pocket-type high-strength rc beams without or with dapped ends, Pract Period Struct Des Constr, 26(4):04021048.
  • Al-Maliki HNG, Hussain AJ, Fahad JJ (2018) Comparative study on experimental behavior of r.c. ınverted dapped-end girders with openings strengthened by vertical normal bolts. Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Sciences 1, 25.
  • Santarsiero G, Picciano V (2024) Post-tension retrofitting of RC dapped-end beams: A numerical investigation. Structural Concrete 1–19.
  • Mihaylov BI (2024) Model for rapid evaluation of corner crack widths in reinforced concrete dapped-end conections. Engineering Structures 303, 117497.
  • El-Metwally SEE, Chen W (2018) Structural Concrete strut and tie models for unified design. Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton.
  • Desnerck P, Lees JM, Morley CT (2018) Strut-and-tie models for deteriorated reinforced concrete half-joints. Eng Struct 161:41-54.
  • Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-19) (2019). American Concrete Institute, Michigan, USA.
  • Yapı Elemanları, Taşıyıcı Sistemler ve Binalar-Prefabrike Betonarme ve Öngerilmeli Betondan-Hesap Esasları ile İmalat ve Montaj Kuralları (TS 9967) (1992),Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • Öndökümlü Beton Mamuller - Genel Kurallar (TS EN 13369) (2010). Türk Standartları Enstitüsü, Ankara, Türkiye.
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Reinforced Concrete Buildings
Journal Section Research Articles

Hacer Tülen 0000-0002-3859-0662

Hilal Meydanlı Atalay 0000-0003-2231-0483

Publication Date January 31, 2025
Submission Date July 10, 2024
Acceptance Date November 28, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2025


APA Tülen, H., & Meydanlı Atalay, H. (2025). İnceltilmiş uçlu prefabrik kirişlerin yönetmelikler ve yeni yaklaşımlara göre tasarımının karşılaştırılması. Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science, 5(1), 243-261.

Journal of Innovative Engineering and Natural Science by İdris Karagöz is licensed under CC BY 4.0