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Avrupa Kültürü ve Sovyet Mirasının Çatışma Alanı: Rusya İşgalinin “Ukrayna Milliyetçiliği” Nedenleri

Year 2023, Issue: 8, 1 - 26, 31.08.2023


Devletlerin mutlak ve ebedi gücünün sınırlarını belirleyen coğrafyalardaki yetkisine yönelik diğer devletlerin hak iddia etmesi, egemenlik kavramına yöneltilen tehditler olarak algılanır. Devletlerin hak iddiası, kimi zaman kültürel mirasın korunmasına yönelik olurken; kimi zamanda bu iddia, jeopolitik bir saplantıya dönüşebilmektedir. Rusya’nın Ukrayna’ya yönelik başlattığı işgal girişimi, hem kendi tarihsel mirasının korunması, hem de jeoplitik bir saplantının askeri sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmıştır.
Bu çalışma, Rusya’nın Ukrayna’daki “denazifikasyon” söylemli işgal girişimini, Ukrayna milliyetçiliği üzerinden açıklamak amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma, Avrupa kültürü ve Sovyet mirasının çatışma alanı haline gelen Ukrayna topraklarının, “Batı” tarafında n yapay milliyetçilik duvarları ile Rusya’yı, Avrupa’nın politik sınırları dışında tutabilmek amacıyla kullandığı sonucuna ulaşmıştır.


Emekleri için jüriye ve siz değerli hocalarımıza teşekkür ederim


  • Aref'ev, A L. (2018). Russian-language education in Ukraine: History and present situation. Russ. Acad. Sci., 454-464, (
  • Armaoğlu, F. (2021). 20. yüzyıl siyasi tarihi (1914-1995). Kronik Kitap.
  • Bekcan, U. (2013). Devrimden sonra: Bolşeviklerin zorunlu dış politikası 1917-1925. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 68(4), 73-102.
  • Bilinsky, See Y. (1964). The second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine after World War II . New Brunswick.
  • Bilinsky, Y. (1965). The Second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine After World War II.. Cambridge University Press, 1965.
  • Boshyk, Y. (1986). Ukraine during World War II: History and its aftermath. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data.
  • Brzezinski, Z. (2019). Büyük satranç tahtası: Amerika'nın küresel üstünlüğü ve bunun jeostratejik gerekliliği. İnkılap Yayınları.
  • Budurowycz, B. (1983). Poland and the Ukrainian problem, 1921-1939. Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, 25(4), 473-500.
  • Bulatov, V V. (2011). Об Экономических Последствиях Брест-Литовского Мира. Экономическая Теория. Экономическая История, 34-39.
  • CIA Archive. (1950). Organizations, personalites of Ukrainian liberation movement. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022),
  • Dahlburg, J T. (1991). Bush’s ‘Chicken Kiev’ talk--an ill-fated U.S policy: Ukraine: Efforts to keep the Soviet Union intact are recalled with bitterness by some in new nation. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 03.11.2022).
  • Dallin, A. (1981). German rule in Russia 1941-1945: A study of occupation policies (2d rev.). Boulder, Colo.
  • Dawidowsicz, L. S. (1975). The war against the Jews 1933-1945. Open Road.
  • Doroshenko, D. (1975). A survey of Ukrainian history. Humeniuk Publication Foundation,
  • Felder, B., Weindling, P J ve eds. (2013). Baltic Eugenics: Bio-politics, race and nation in interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918–1940. Brill.
  • Fisher, L. (1960). The Soviet in world affairs. Rondom House Vintage Books.
  • Golubov, A. (2014). Arsen Avakov: Mir nuzhen, no ne lyuboi tsenoi,”. Fokus. Erişim Adresi:
  • Gross, J. (1988). Revolution from abroad . Princeton University Press.
  • Gross, J. T. (1979). Polish society under German occupation: The generalgouvernement, 1939-1944. Princeton Legacy Library.
  • Heim, D. L. (2016). Battle for the people: Ideological conflict between Soviet partisans, the German military, and Ukrainian nationalists in Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Student Publication.
  • Hryciuk, G. (2005). Przemiany narodowościowe i ludniościowe w Galicji Wschodniej i na Wołyniu w latach 1931–1948 . Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
  • Hurip, S. Krakivski visti. 9 Kasım 1941, 28 Aralık 1941, 24 Şubat 1942, 1941.
  • Ianevs'kyi, D. (2003). Politychni systemy Ukraïny 1917–1920 Rokiv. Sproby Tvorennia i Prychyny Porazky, 428–430.
  • Isajiw, W. W., Gregorovich, A., Romanyschyn, O. S. (2013). Between Hitler and Stalin Ukraine in World War II: The untold story. Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre.
  • Kabanen, H. J. (2021). Положение русского языка на Украине: право или угроза? . Polozhenie russkogo jazyka.
  • Kasianov, G. (1978). The emergence of Ukraine self-determination, occupation, and war in Ukraine, 1917–1922. Ukrainian efforts at state-building between independence içinde. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press.
  • Katchanovski, I. (2015). Terrorists or national heroes? Politics and perceptions of the OUN and the UPA in Ukraine. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 48(2-3), 217-228.
  • Katchanovski, I. (2013). The organization of Ukrainian nationalists, the Ukrainian insurgent army, and the Nazi genocide in Ukraine. Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust.
  • Kenez, P. (2006). A history of the Soviet Union from the beginning to the end (Secont Edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Khromeychuk, O. (2016). Ukrainians in the German armed forces during the Second World War. History, 704-724.
  • Khromeychuk, O. (2015). Ukrainians in the German armed forces during the Second World War. Wiley, 100(5), 704-724.
  • Kissenger, H. (2014). Dünya düzeni (Beşinci Baskı). Boyner Yayınları.
  • Krawchenko, B. (1986). Soviet Ukraine under Nazi occupation, 1941-4. Ukraine during World War II: History and its aftermath içinde. (pp. 15-38). (Ed.Yuri Boshyk). University of Toronto Press.
  • Lebedeva, M M. (2019). Окончание Первой мировой войны: формирование глобальных межгосударственных структур и мирополитических трендов. Вестник СанктПетербургского университета. Международные отношения, 264-275-
  • Magocsi, P. R. (2010). A history of Ukraine: The land and its peoples (Second Edition). University of Toronto Press.
  • Marples, D. R. (1985). Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia under Soviet occupation: The development of socialist farming, 1939-1941. Revue Canadienne XXXVII(2), 158-177.
  • Marples, D R. (1992). Stalinism in Ukraine in the 1940s. Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Moffat, Lan C. D. (2015). The allied intervention in Russia, 1918–1920: The diplomacy of chaos. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Musial, B. (2015). The Ukrainian policy of Bolshevik Russia. The emerge of Ukraine içinde. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press.
  • Nyhart, Lynn K. (2017). The political organism: Carl Vogt on animals and states in the 1840s and 50s. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 47(5), 602-628.
  • Polat, D. Ş. (2020). Kuruluşundan çöküşüne Milletler Cemiyeti sistemi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1950-1967.
  • Portnoz, A. (2016). Bandera mythologies and their traps for Ukraine. Open Democracy, 22(June).
  • Prociuk, S. G. (1973). Human losses in the Ukraine in World War I and II. Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States.
  • Rudling, A. P. (2019). Eugenics and racial anthropology in the Ukrainian radical nationalist tradition. Science in Context, 67-91.
  • Rudling, A. P. (2021). The far-right Ukrainian diaspora’s policing of history. The Many Faces of the Far Right in the Post-Communist Space: A Comparative Study of Far-Right Movements and Identity in the Region içinde. (pp. 42-60).
  • Saltan, H (2023). Büyük güçler rekabetinin jeopolitik sonuçları: Westland ve Ruland temelinde Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı. Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Shulman, S. (2002). Sources of civic and ethnic nationalism in Ukraine. The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 1-30. DOI: 10.1080/714003618.
  • Smith, Woodruff D. (1980). Friedrich Ratzel and the origins of Lebensraum. German Studies Review, 3(1), 51-68.
  • Snyder, T. (1999). “To Resolve the Ukrainian Problem Once and for All” The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland. Journal of Cold War Studies, 1(2), 86-120.
  • Snyder, T. (2008). The ethnic cleansing of western Ukraine (1939–1945). The reconstruction of nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999 içinde (pp. 154-178). Yale University Press.
  • Stone, D. R. (2015). Operations on the eastern front, 1941–1945. Fighting the war (Volume 1) içinde, (Eds. John Ferris ve Evan Mawdslet) (pp 331-357). Cambridge University Press.
  • Struve, K. (2015). Deutsche Herrschaft. Ukrainischer Nationalismus, Antijüdische Gewalt: Der Sommer 1941 in der Westukraine.
  • Subtelny, O. (1991). The Soviet occupation of western Ukraine, 1939-41. Ukraine: A history içinde, (Ed. Yury Boshyk). Toronto Univesity,
  • Subtelny, O. (2009). Ukraine: A history (Fourth Edition). University of Toronto Press.
  • Turda, M., Weindling, J. (2007). Blood and homeland: Eugenics and racial nationalism in central and southeast Europe 1900-1940. CEU Press.
  • Umland, A. (2019). Irregular militias and radical nationalism in Post-Euromaydan Ukraine: The prehistory and emergence of the “Azov” battalion in 2014. Terroiısm and Polıtıcal Violence, 31(1), 105–131.
  • Umland, A. (2021). Крайне Правые В Украине До И После Евромайдана: От Ультранационалистической Партийной Политики К Этно-Центристскому «Негражданскому» Обществу. Материалы Для Дискуссии, DOI: 10.24411/2221-3279-2021-10008
  • Wheeler-Bennett, J. W. (1040). From Brest-Litovsk to Brest Litovsk. Council on Foreign Relations, 196-210.
  • Wheeler-Bennett, J. W. (1938). The meaning of Brest-Litovsk today. Foreign Affairs, 17(1), 137-152.
  • Wolczuk, K. (2001). The moulding of Ukraine: The constitutional politics of state formation. Central European University Press.
  • Yekelchyk, S. (2015). The conflict in Ukraine: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press,
  • Zeman, Z. A. B. (1989). Pursued by a bear: The making of eastern Europe. First edition. Chatto & Windus.
  • Zhigalov, B S. (2013). Германия И Ссср: Экономические И Политические Отношения (март 1918 – июнь 1941 гг.). Томск :Томский государственный университет: (Erişim Tarihi: 09-11-2022).

Reasons For “Ukraine Nationalism” of the Invasion of Russia: The Conflict Area of European Culture and Soviet Heritage

Year 2023, Issue: 8, 1 - 26, 31.08.2023


The claims of other states to the authority of the states in the geographies that determine the limits of their absolute and eternal power are perceived as threats to the concept of sovereignty. While the claims of states are sometimes for the protection of cultural heritage; sometimes this claim can turn into a geopolitical obsession. Russia's invasion attempt against Ukraine emerged as a military result of both the preservation of its historical heritage and a geopolitical obsession.
This study has been prepared to explain Russia's "denazification" rhetorical invasion attempt in Ukraine through Ukrainian nationalism. The study concluded that the territory of Ukraine, which became the conflict area of European culture and Soviet heritage, was used by the "West" to keep Russia out of the political borders of Europe with artificial nationalism walls.


  • Aref'ev, A L. (2018). Russian-language education in Ukraine: History and present situation. Russ. Acad. Sci., 454-464, (
  • Armaoğlu, F. (2021). 20. yüzyıl siyasi tarihi (1914-1995). Kronik Kitap.
  • Bekcan, U. (2013). Devrimden sonra: Bolşeviklerin zorunlu dış politikası 1917-1925. Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, 68(4), 73-102.
  • Bilinsky, See Y. (1964). The second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine after World War II . New Brunswick.
  • Bilinsky, Y. (1965). The Second Soviet Republic: The Ukraine After World War II.. Cambridge University Press, 1965.
  • Boshyk, Y. (1986). Ukraine during World War II: History and its aftermath. Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data.
  • Brzezinski, Z. (2019). Büyük satranç tahtası: Amerika'nın küresel üstünlüğü ve bunun jeostratejik gerekliliği. İnkılap Yayınları.
  • Budurowycz, B. (1983). Poland and the Ukrainian problem, 1921-1939. Canadian Slavonic Papers / Revue Canadienne des Slavistes, 25(4), 473-500.
  • Bulatov, V V. (2011). Об Экономических Последствиях Брест-Литовского Мира. Экономическая Теория. Экономическая История, 34-39.
  • CIA Archive. (1950). Organizations, personalites of Ukrainian liberation movement. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 10.11.2022),
  • Dahlburg, J T. (1991). Bush’s ‘Chicken Kiev’ talk--an ill-fated U.S policy: Ukraine: Efforts to keep the Soviet Union intact are recalled with bitterness by some in new nation. Erişim Adresi: (Erişim Tarihi: 03.11.2022).
  • Dallin, A. (1981). German rule in Russia 1941-1945: A study of occupation policies (2d rev.). Boulder, Colo.
  • Dawidowsicz, L. S. (1975). The war against the Jews 1933-1945. Open Road.
  • Doroshenko, D. (1975). A survey of Ukrainian history. Humeniuk Publication Foundation,
  • Felder, B., Weindling, P J ve eds. (2013). Baltic Eugenics: Bio-politics, race and nation in interwar Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 1918–1940. Brill.
  • Fisher, L. (1960). The Soviet in world affairs. Rondom House Vintage Books.
  • Golubov, A. (2014). Arsen Avakov: Mir nuzhen, no ne lyuboi tsenoi,”. Fokus. Erişim Adresi:
  • Gross, J. (1988). Revolution from abroad . Princeton University Press.
  • Gross, J. T. (1979). Polish society under German occupation: The generalgouvernement, 1939-1944. Princeton Legacy Library.
  • Heim, D. L. (2016). Battle for the people: Ideological conflict between Soviet partisans, the German military, and Ukrainian nationalists in Nazi-occupied Ukraine. Student Publication.
  • Hryciuk, G. (2005). Przemiany narodowościowe i ludniościowe w Galicji Wschodniej i na Wołyniu w latach 1931–1948 . Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek.
  • Hurip, S. Krakivski visti. 9 Kasım 1941, 28 Aralık 1941, 24 Şubat 1942, 1941.
  • Ianevs'kyi, D. (2003). Politychni systemy Ukraïny 1917–1920 Rokiv. Sproby Tvorennia i Prychyny Porazky, 428–430.
  • Isajiw, W. W., Gregorovich, A., Romanyschyn, O. S. (2013). Between Hitler and Stalin Ukraine in World War II: The untold story. Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre.
  • Kabanen, H. J. (2021). Положение русского языка на Украине: право или угроза? . Polozhenie russkogo jazyka.
  • Kasianov, G. (1978). The emergence of Ukraine self-determination, occupation, and war in Ukraine, 1917–1922. Ukrainian efforts at state-building between independence içinde. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press.
  • Katchanovski, I. (2015). Terrorists or national heroes? Politics and perceptions of the OUN and the UPA in Ukraine. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 48(2-3), 217-228.
  • Katchanovski, I. (2013). The organization of Ukrainian nationalists, the Ukrainian insurgent army, and the Nazi genocide in Ukraine. Collaboration in Eastern Europe during World War II and the Holocaust.
  • Kenez, P. (2006). A history of the Soviet Union from the beginning to the end (Secont Edition). Cambridge University Press.
  • Khromeychuk, O. (2016). Ukrainians in the German armed forces during the Second World War. History, 704-724.
  • Khromeychuk, O. (2015). Ukrainians in the German armed forces during the Second World War. Wiley, 100(5), 704-724.
  • Kissenger, H. (2014). Dünya düzeni (Beşinci Baskı). Boyner Yayınları.
  • Krawchenko, B. (1986). Soviet Ukraine under Nazi occupation, 1941-4. Ukraine during World War II: History and its aftermath içinde. (pp. 15-38). (Ed.Yuri Boshyk). University of Toronto Press.
  • Lebedeva, M M. (2019). Окончание Первой мировой войны: формирование глобальных межгосударственных структур и мирополитических трендов. Вестник СанктПетербургского университета. Международные отношения, 264-275-
  • Magocsi, P. R. (2010). A history of Ukraine: The land and its peoples (Second Edition). University of Toronto Press.
  • Marples, D. R. (1985). Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia under Soviet occupation: The development of socialist farming, 1939-1941. Revue Canadienne XXXVII(2), 158-177.
  • Marples, D R. (1992). Stalinism in Ukraine in the 1940s. Palgrave Macmillan,
  • Moffat, Lan C. D. (2015). The allied intervention in Russia, 1918–1920: The diplomacy of chaos. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Musial, B. (2015). The Ukrainian policy of Bolshevik Russia. The emerge of Ukraine içinde. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press.
  • Nyhart, Lynn K. (2017). The political organism: Carl Vogt on animals and states in the 1840s and 50s. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences, 47(5), 602-628.
  • Polat, D. Ş. (2020). Kuruluşundan çöküşüne Milletler Cemiyeti sistemi. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 1950-1967.
  • Portnoz, A. (2016). Bandera mythologies and their traps for Ukraine. Open Democracy, 22(June).
  • Prociuk, S. G. (1973). Human losses in the Ukraine in World War I and II. Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the United States.
  • Rudling, A. P. (2019). Eugenics and racial anthropology in the Ukrainian radical nationalist tradition. Science in Context, 67-91.
  • Rudling, A. P. (2021). The far-right Ukrainian diaspora’s policing of history. The Many Faces of the Far Right in the Post-Communist Space: A Comparative Study of Far-Right Movements and Identity in the Region içinde. (pp. 42-60).
  • Saltan, H (2023). Büyük güçler rekabetinin jeopolitik sonuçları: Westland ve Ruland temelinde Ukrayna-Rusya savaşı. Ege Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Shulman, S. (2002). Sources of civic and ethnic nationalism in Ukraine. The Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics, 1-30. DOI: 10.1080/714003618.
  • Smith, Woodruff D. (1980). Friedrich Ratzel and the origins of Lebensraum. German Studies Review, 3(1), 51-68.
  • Snyder, T. (1999). “To Resolve the Ukrainian Problem Once and for All” The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in Poland. Journal of Cold War Studies, 1(2), 86-120.
  • Snyder, T. (2008). The ethnic cleansing of western Ukraine (1939–1945). The reconstruction of nations: Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, 1569–1999 içinde (pp. 154-178). Yale University Press.
  • Stone, D. R. (2015). Operations on the eastern front, 1941–1945. Fighting the war (Volume 1) içinde, (Eds. John Ferris ve Evan Mawdslet) (pp 331-357). Cambridge University Press.
  • Struve, K. (2015). Deutsche Herrschaft. Ukrainischer Nationalismus, Antijüdische Gewalt: Der Sommer 1941 in der Westukraine.
  • Subtelny, O. (1991). The Soviet occupation of western Ukraine, 1939-41. Ukraine: A history içinde, (Ed. Yury Boshyk). Toronto Univesity,
  • Subtelny, O. (2009). Ukraine: A history (Fourth Edition). University of Toronto Press.
  • Turda, M., Weindling, J. (2007). Blood and homeland: Eugenics and racial nationalism in central and southeast Europe 1900-1940. CEU Press.
  • Umland, A. (2019). Irregular militias and radical nationalism in Post-Euromaydan Ukraine: The prehistory and emergence of the “Azov” battalion in 2014. Terroiısm and Polıtıcal Violence, 31(1), 105–131.
  • Umland, A. (2021). Крайне Правые В Украине До И После Евромайдана: От Ультранационалистической Партийной Политики К Этно-Центристскому «Негражданскому» Обществу. Материалы Для Дискуссии, DOI: 10.24411/2221-3279-2021-10008
  • Wheeler-Bennett, J. W. (1040). From Brest-Litovsk to Brest Litovsk. Council on Foreign Relations, 196-210.
  • Wheeler-Bennett, J. W. (1938). The meaning of Brest-Litovsk today. Foreign Affairs, 17(1), 137-152.
  • Wolczuk, K. (2001). The moulding of Ukraine: The constitutional politics of state formation. Central European University Press.
  • Yekelchyk, S. (2015). The conflict in Ukraine: What everyone needs to know. Oxford University Press,
  • Zeman, Z. A. B. (1989). Pursued by a bear: The making of eastern Europe. First edition. Chatto & Windus.
  • Zhigalov, B S. (2013). Германия И Ссср: Экономические И Политические Отношения (март 1918 – июнь 1941 гг.). Томск :Томский государственный университет: (Erişim Tarihi: 09-11-2022).
There are 63 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects European and Region Studies, Defence Studies, Conflict Resolution
Journal Section Research Articles

Hüseyin Saltan 0000-0001-5362-3541

Early Pub Date August 30, 2023
Publication Date August 31, 2023
Submission Date June 15, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Issue: 8


APA Saltan, H. (2023). Reasons For “Ukraine Nationalism” of the Invasion of Russia: The Conflict Area of European Culture and Soviet Heritage. Journal of International Relations and Political Science Studies(8), 1-26.