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Year 2013, Volume: 47 Issue: 2, 20 - 29, 29.07.2013


Purpose: To compare the microleakage in class V cavities restored with different gum-colored resin composites.Material and Methods: Class V cavities were prepared on buccal and lingual surfaces of thirty human maxillary premolars. Clearfil SE Bond was used as an adhesive system. In the control group, cavities were restored with Filtek Ultimate. In the test groups, cavities were restored with Filtek Ultimate in combination with either PermaFlo Pink or Gradia Gum Shades, so as to evaluate the microleakage at the junction line, at the gingival and occlusal margins. Teeth were finished, thermocycled and evaluated for leakage. Dye penetration was evaluated with a stereomicroscope at x20 magnification. Data were analyzed statistically using Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney-U and Wilcoxon tests.Results: No statistically significant differences were determined between the microleakage values of the control and test groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: Both gum-colored resin composites demonstrated similar performance regarding marginal microleakage.


  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LŞ. Nanokompozitlerin mikrosızıntısında adeziflerin önemi. EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg, 2005; 26(1): 59-64. Swift EJ Jr, Perdigao J, Heymann HO. Bonding to enamel and dentin: a brief history and state of the art. Quintessence Int, 1995; 26(2): 95-110. Pashley DH, Carvalho RM. Dentin permeability and dentine adhesion. J Dent, 1997; 25(5): 355-72. Tay FR, Pashley DH. Aggressiveness of contemporary self-etching systems. I: Depth of penetration beyond dentin smear layers. Dent Mater, 2001; 17(4): 296-308. Haller B. Recent developments in dentin bonding. Am J Dent, 2000; 13(1): 44-50. Günay H, Geurtsen W, Lührs AK. Conservative treatment of periodontal recessions with class V-defects using gingiva-shaded composite - a systematic treatment concept. Dent Update, 2011; 38(2): 124-32.
  • An HS, Park JM, Park EJ. Evaluation of shear bond strengths of gingiva-colored composite resin to porcelain, metal and zirconia substrates. J Adv Prosthodont, 2011; 3(3): 166-71. Eligüzeloğlu E, Üçtaşlı MB, Ömürlü
  • H, Ateşağaoğlu A. Farklı tipte adeziv sistemlerin sınıf V kompomer restorasyonların mikrosızıntısı üzerine etkileri. GÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2006; 23(2): 71-77. Yaseen SM, Subba Reddy VV. Comparative evaluation of microleakage of two self-etching dentin bonding agents on primary and permanent teeth: an in vitro study.
  • Eur J Paediatr Dent, 2010; 11(3): 127-31. Kirk PC, Fitchie JG, Philips SM, Puckett AD. Microleakage evaluation of four self-etching adhesive systems. Gen Dent, 2010; 58(3): e104-09. Taylor MJ, Lynch E. Microleakage. J
  • Dent, 1992; 20(1): 3-10. Alani AH, Toh CG. Detection of microleakage around dental restorations: a review. Oper Dent, 1997; 22(4): 173-85. Pazinatto FB, Campos BB, Costa LC, Atta MT. Effect of the number of thermocycles on microleakage of resin composite restorations. Pesqui Odontol Bras, 2003; 17(4): 337 Erdilek D, Dörter C, Koray F, Kunzelmann KH, Efes BG, Gomec Y. Effect of thermo-mechanical load cycling on microleakage in class II ormocer restorations. Eur
  • J Dent, 2009; 3(3): 200-05. Hakimeh S, Vaidyanathan J, Houpt
  • ML, Vaidyanathan TK, Von Hagen S. Microleakage of compomer class V restorations: effect of load cycling, thermal cycling and cavity shape differences. J Prosthet Dent, 2000; 83(2): 194–203. Karadağ S. Mikrosızıntı araştırma teknikleri ve mikrosızıntıyı etkileyen faktörler. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2005; 15(2): 80-87.
  • Liberman R, Ben-Amar A, Frayberg E, Abramovitz I, Metzger Z. Effect of repeated vertical loads on microleakage of IRM and calcium sulfate-based temporary fillings. J Endod, 2001; 27(12): 724-29.
  • Mitsui FH, Bedran-de-Castro AK, Ritter AV, Cardoso PE, Pimenta LA. Influence of load cycling on marginal microleakage with two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems in dentin. J Adhes Dent, 2003; 5(3): 209-16.
  • Manhart J, Chen HY, Mehl A, Weber K, Hickel R. Marjinal quality and microleakage of adhesive class V restorations. J Dent, 2001; 29(2): 123-30.
  • Zalkind M, Hochman N. Alternative method of conservative esthetic treatment for gingival recession. J Prosthet Dent, 1997; 77(6): 561-63.
  • Addy M, Embery G, Edgar WM, Orchardson R (eds). Tooth wear and sensitivity: clinical advances in restorative dentistry. 3rd ed., London: Martin Dunitz, 2000, p.239-48. de Melo FV, Belli R, Monteiro S Jr, Vieira LC. Esthetic noncarious class V restorations: a case report. J Esthet Restor Dent, 2005; 17(5): 275-84.
  • Poggio C, Chiesa M, Dagna A, Colombo M, Scribante A. Microleakage in class V gingiva-shaded composite resin restorations. Ann Stomatol, 2012; 3(1): 19-23.
  • Gladys S, Van Meerbek B, Braem M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Comparative physico-mechanical characterization of new hybrid restorative materials with conventional glass-ionomer and resin composite restorative materials. J Dent Res, 1997; 76(4): 883Tağtekin D, Korkut B, Yanıkoğlu F, Hayran O. Clinical evaluation of the new gingiva-coloured composite, amaris gingiva: a 2-year longitudinal study. Balk J Stom, 2011; 15(2): 85-94. Tağtekin D, Yanıkoğlu F, Özyöney G, Noyan N, Hayran O. Clinical evaluation of a gingiva-coloured material, Comp Natur: a 3-year longitudinal study. Chin J Dent Res, 2011; 14(1): 59-66. van Dijken JW, Sjöström S, Wing K.
  • The effect of different types of composite resin fillings on marginal gingiva. J Clin Periodontol, 1987; 14(4): 185-89. Alani A, Maglad A, Nohl F. The prosthetic management of gingival aesthetics. Br Dent J, 2011; 210(2): 63-69. Yazışma Adresi: Elif ERCAN Ege Üniversitesi
  • Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi A.D. 35100 Bornova / İzmir Tel: 0232 3880328 e-posta:


Year 2013, Volume: 47 Issue: 2, 20 - 29, 29.07.2013


Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki farklı diş eti renginde kompozit reçine kullanılarak restore edilen
sınıf V kavitelerdeki mikrosızıntının karşılaştırılmasıdır.
Gereç ve Yöntem: 30 adet insan maksiller premolar dişinin bukkal ve lingual yüzeylerine sınıf V
kaviteler hazırlandı. Clearfil SE Bond adezif sistem olarak kullanıldı. Kontrol grubunda kaviteler Filtek
Ultimate kullanılarak restore edildi. Tamir hattı, gingival ve okluzal marjinlerdeki mikrosızıntının
değerlendirilmesi amacıyla, test gruplarında kaviteler Filtek Ultimate, PermaFlo Pink ya da Gradia
Gum Shades ile birlikte kullanılarak restore edildi. Boya penetrasyonu gingival, okluzal marjinlerde ve
tamir hattında stereomikroskop altında x20 büyütmede değerlendirildi. Veriler Kruskal Wallis, Mann
Whitney-U and Wilcoxon testleriyle değerlendirildi.
Bulgular: Kontrol ve test gruplarının mikrosızıntı değerleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark
bulunmadı (p > 0.05).
Sonuç: Her iki diş eti rengindeki kompozit reçine de marjinal mikrosızıntıda benzer performans


  • Ergücü Z, Türkün LŞ. Nanokompozitlerin mikrosızıntısında adeziflerin önemi. EÜ Dişhek Fak Derg, 2005; 26(1): 59-64. Swift EJ Jr, Perdigao J, Heymann HO. Bonding to enamel and dentin: a brief history and state of the art. Quintessence Int, 1995; 26(2): 95-110. Pashley DH, Carvalho RM. Dentin permeability and dentine adhesion. J Dent, 1997; 25(5): 355-72. Tay FR, Pashley DH. Aggressiveness of contemporary self-etching systems. I: Depth of penetration beyond dentin smear layers. Dent Mater, 2001; 17(4): 296-308. Haller B. Recent developments in dentin bonding. Am J Dent, 2000; 13(1): 44-50. Günay H, Geurtsen W, Lührs AK. Conservative treatment of periodontal recessions with class V-defects using gingiva-shaded composite - a systematic treatment concept. Dent Update, 2011; 38(2): 124-32.
  • An HS, Park JM, Park EJ. Evaluation of shear bond strengths of gingiva-colored composite resin to porcelain, metal and zirconia substrates. J Adv Prosthodont, 2011; 3(3): 166-71. Eligüzeloğlu E, Üçtaşlı MB, Ömürlü
  • H, Ateşağaoğlu A. Farklı tipte adeziv sistemlerin sınıf V kompomer restorasyonların mikrosızıntısı üzerine etkileri. GÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2006; 23(2): 71-77. Yaseen SM, Subba Reddy VV. Comparative evaluation of microleakage of two self-etching dentin bonding agents on primary and permanent teeth: an in vitro study.
  • Eur J Paediatr Dent, 2010; 11(3): 127-31. Kirk PC, Fitchie JG, Philips SM, Puckett AD. Microleakage evaluation of four self-etching adhesive systems. Gen Dent, 2010; 58(3): e104-09. Taylor MJ, Lynch E. Microleakage. J
  • Dent, 1992; 20(1): 3-10. Alani AH, Toh CG. Detection of microleakage around dental restorations: a review. Oper Dent, 1997; 22(4): 173-85. Pazinatto FB, Campos BB, Costa LC, Atta MT. Effect of the number of thermocycles on microleakage of resin composite restorations. Pesqui Odontol Bras, 2003; 17(4): 337 Erdilek D, Dörter C, Koray F, Kunzelmann KH, Efes BG, Gomec Y. Effect of thermo-mechanical load cycling on microleakage in class II ormocer restorations. Eur
  • J Dent, 2009; 3(3): 200-05. Hakimeh S, Vaidyanathan J, Houpt
  • ML, Vaidyanathan TK, Von Hagen S. Microleakage of compomer class V restorations: effect of load cycling, thermal cycling and cavity shape differences. J Prosthet Dent, 2000; 83(2): 194–203. Karadağ S. Mikrosızıntı araştırma teknikleri ve mikrosızıntıyı etkileyen faktörler. Atatürk Üniv Diş Hek Fak Derg, 2005; 15(2): 80-87.
  • Liberman R, Ben-Amar A, Frayberg E, Abramovitz I, Metzger Z. Effect of repeated vertical loads on microleakage of IRM and calcium sulfate-based temporary fillings. J Endod, 2001; 27(12): 724-29.
  • Mitsui FH, Bedran-de-Castro AK, Ritter AV, Cardoso PE, Pimenta LA. Influence of load cycling on marginal microleakage with two self-etching and two one-bottle dentin adhesive systems in dentin. J Adhes Dent, 2003; 5(3): 209-16.
  • Manhart J, Chen HY, Mehl A, Weber K, Hickel R. Marjinal quality and microleakage of adhesive class V restorations. J Dent, 2001; 29(2): 123-30.
  • Zalkind M, Hochman N. Alternative method of conservative esthetic treatment for gingival recession. J Prosthet Dent, 1997; 77(6): 561-63.
  • Addy M, Embery G, Edgar WM, Orchardson R (eds). Tooth wear and sensitivity: clinical advances in restorative dentistry. 3rd ed., London: Martin Dunitz, 2000, p.239-48. de Melo FV, Belli R, Monteiro S Jr, Vieira LC. Esthetic noncarious class V restorations: a case report. J Esthet Restor Dent, 2005; 17(5): 275-84.
  • Poggio C, Chiesa M, Dagna A, Colombo M, Scribante A. Microleakage in class V gingiva-shaded composite resin restorations. Ann Stomatol, 2012; 3(1): 19-23.
  • Gladys S, Van Meerbek B, Braem M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle G. Comparative physico-mechanical characterization of new hybrid restorative materials with conventional glass-ionomer and resin composite restorative materials. J Dent Res, 1997; 76(4): 883Tağtekin D, Korkut B, Yanıkoğlu F, Hayran O. Clinical evaluation of the new gingiva-coloured composite, amaris gingiva: a 2-year longitudinal study. Balk J Stom, 2011; 15(2): 85-94. Tağtekin D, Yanıkoğlu F, Özyöney G, Noyan N, Hayran O. Clinical evaluation of a gingiva-coloured material, Comp Natur: a 3-year longitudinal study. Chin J Dent Res, 2011; 14(1): 59-66. van Dijken JW, Sjöström S, Wing K.
  • The effect of different types of composite resin fillings on marginal gingiva. J Clin Periodontol, 1987; 14(4): 185-89. Alani A, Maglad A, Nohl F. The prosthetic management of gingival aesthetics. Br Dent J, 2011; 210(2): 63-69. Yazışma Adresi: Elif ERCAN Ege Üniversitesi
  • Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Restoratif Diş Tedavisi A.D. 35100 Bornova / İzmir Tel: 0232 3880328 e-posta:
There are 16 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Original Research Articles

Zeynep Ergücü This is me

Tijen Pamir This is me

Elif Ercan This is me

Banu Önal This is me

Publication Date July 29, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 47 Issue: 2


APA Ergücü, Z., Pamir, T., Ercan, E., Önal, B. (2013). DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, 47(2), 20-29.
Chicago Ergücü, Zeynep, Tijen Pamir, Elif Ercan, and Banu Önal. “DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 47, no. 2 (July 2013): 20-29.
EndNote Ergücü Z, Pamir T, Ercan E, Önal B (July 1, 2013) DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 47 2 20–29.
IEEE Z. Ergücü, T. Pamir, E. Ercan, and B. Önal, “DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ”, J Istanbul Univ Fac Dent, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 20–29, 2013.
ISNAD Ergücü, Zeynep et al. “DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry 47/2 (July 2013), 20-29.
MLA Ergücü, Zeynep et al. “DİŞ ETİ RENGİNDEKİ KOMPOZİT REÇİNELERİN SINIF V KAVİTELERDEKİ MİKROSIZINTISININ İNCELENMESİ”. Journal of Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry, vol. 47, no. 2, 2013, pp. 20-29.