Year 2014,
Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 13 - 21, 27.06.2014
Umut Çakan
Pınar Gültekin
Amaç: Otoklav ve mikrodalga post-polimerizasyon uygulamalarının sert besleme akriliği ve ısı ile
polimerize olan akriliğin bükülme direnci üzerine etkisinin karşılaştırılması.
Gereç ve Yöntem: Sert besleme akriliği ve ısı ile polimerize olan akrilik malzemeden 64x10x3.3 mm
boyutunda örnekler hazırlandı. Her iki akrilikten 80 adet örnek hazırlandı ve 4 alt gruba ayrıldı (n=20).
Örnekler, mikrodalga ve otoklavda (kısa ve uzun programda) kullanılarak otoklav post-polimerizasyonuna
tabi tutuldu ve 5 mm/dak hızla 3 nokta bükülme testi uygulandı. İstatistiksel analiz için iki yönlü ve tek
yönlü ANOVA ve Tukey’s HSD testleri kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Mikrodalga ile post-polimerizasyon, her iki akriliğin bükülme direncini anlamlı olarak
arttırmıştır (p < 0.01). Kısa ve uzun süreli otoklav ile post-polimerizasyonun bükülme direnç değerleri
kontrol grubundan anlamlı olarak yüksektir (p < 0.01). Her iki akrilik için, kısa ve uzun süreli otoklav ile
post-polimerizasyon uygulamaları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildir (p > 0.05).
Sonuç: Otoklav ile post-polimerizasyon yöntemi, direkt yöntemle besleme yapılmış hareketli protezin
bükülme direncini arttırabilecek bir uygulama olarak önerilebilir.
- Haywood J, Basker RM, Watson CJ, Wood DJ. A comparison of three chairside denture reline materials. Part 1. Clinical evaluation. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2003;11(4):157-63.
- Lee SY, Lai YL, Hsu TS. Influence of polymerization conditions on monomer elution and microhardness of autopolymerized polymethyl methacrylate resin. Eur J Oral Sci 2002;110(2):179-83.
- Vallittu PK, Miettinen V, Alakuijala P. Residual monomer content and its release into water from denture base materials. Dent Mater 1995;11(6):338-42. Vallittu PK, Ruyter IE, Buykuyilmaz S. Effect of polymerization temperature and time on the residual monomer content of denture base polymers. Eur J Oral Sci 1998;106(1):588-93.
- Blagojevic V, Murphy VM. Microwave polymerization of denture base materials. A comparative study. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26(10):804-8.
- Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicity of formaldehyde and methyl methacrylate from acrylic resin denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71(6):618-24.
- Takahashi Y, Kawaguchi M, Chai J. Flexural strength at the proportional limit of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1997;10(6):508-12.
- Urban VM, Machado AL, Oliveira RV, Vergani CE, Pavarina AC, Cass, QB. Residual monomer of reline acrylic resins Effect of water-bath and microwave postpolymerization treatments. Dent Mater 2007;23(3):363-8.
- Vergani CE, Seo RS, Pavarina AC, dos Santos Nunes Reis JM. Flexural strength of autopolymerizing denture reline resins with microwave postpolymerization treatment. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93(6):577-83.
- Durkan R, Gürbüz A, Yilmaz B, Özel MB, Bağış B. Effect of autoclave postpolymerization treatments on the fracture toughness of autopolymerizing dental acrylic resins. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater 2012;10(1):37-42.
- Urban VM, Machado AL, Vergani CE, Giampaolo ET, Pavarina AC, de Almeida FG, Cass QB. Effect of waterbath post-polymerization on the mechanical properties, degree of conversion, and leaching of residual compounds of hard chairside reline resins. Dent Mater 2009;25(5):662-71.
- Eliades GC, Vougiauklakis GJ, Caputo AA. Degree of double bond conversion in light-cured composites. Dent Mater 1987;3(1):19-25.
- Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Vergani CE, Pavarina AC, Machado AL, Carlos IZ. Effect of microwave postpolymerization treatment and of storage time in water on the cytotoxicity of denture base and reline acrylic resins. Quintessence Int 2009;40(10):e93-100.
- Patil PS, Chowdhary R, Mandokar RB. Effect of microwave postpolymerization treatment on residual monomer content and the flexural strength of autopolymerizing reline resin. Indian J Dent Res 2009;20(3):293-7.
- Meriç G, Ruyter IE. Effect of thermal cycling on composites reinforced with two differently sized silica-glass fibers. Dent Mater 2007;23(9):1157-63.
- Soares CJ, Pizi EC, Fonseca RB, Martins LR. Mechanical properties of light-cured composites polymerized with several additional post-curing methods. Oper Dent 2005;30(3):389-94.
- International Organization for Standardization. ISO 1567: 1999. Dentistry-Denture Base Polymers. Geneva, Isviçre.
- Seo RS, Vergani CE, Giampaolo ET, Pavarina AC, Machado AL. Effect of a post-polymerization treatments on the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of reline and acrylic denture base resins. J Appl Oral Sci 2007;15(6):506-11.
- Machado C, Rizzatti-Barbosa CM, Gabriotti MN, Joia FA, Ribeiro MC, Sousa RL. Influence of mechanical and chemical polishing in the solubility of acrylic resins polymerized by microwave irradiation and conventional water bath. Dent Mater 2004;20(6):565-9.
- Teraoka F, Takahashi J, Controlled polymerization system for fabricating precise dentures. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83(5):514-20.
- Kimura H, Teraoka F, Ohnishi H, Saito T, Yato M. Application of microwave for dental technique (part 1). Doughforming and curing of acrylic resins. J Osaka Univ Dent Sch 1983;23:43-9.
- Douglas WH, Bates JF. The determination of residual monomer in polymethylmethacrylate denture-base resins. J Mater Sci 1978;13:2600-4.
- Kimoto S, Kobayashi N, Kobayashi K, Kawara M. Effect of bench cooling on the dimensional accuracy of heat-cured acrylic denture base material. J Dent 2005;33(1):57-63.
- Caycik S, Jagger RG. The effect of cross-linking chain length on mechanical properties of a dough-molded poly (methylmethacrylate) resin. Dent Mater 1992;8(3):153-7. Yazışma Adresi: Umut ÇAKAN İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi A.D. 34083 Unkapanı - Fatih - İstanbul Tel: 0 532 3334710 e-posta: ucakan@medipol.edu.tr
Comparison of Autoclave and Microwave Postpolymerization Treatments on Flexural Strength of Hard Reline Resins
Year 2014,
Volume: 48 Issue: 2, 13 - 21, 27.06.2014
Umut Çakan
Pınar Gültekin
Purpose: To compare the effect of autoclave and microwave post-polymerization treatments on flexural strength of hard reline and heat-polymerized acrylic resins.Material and Methods: Hard chairside reline and heat-polymerized acrylic resin specimens (64x10x3.3 mm) were fabricated. 80 specimens with 4 subgroups for each acrylic (n=20) received post-polymerization treatment by microwave irradiation and two autoclave post-polymerization modalities (short and long). Specimens were subjected to flexural strength testing using 3-point bending with a crosshead speed of 5 mm/min. Two-way, one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD tests were used for statistical analysis of data. Results: The microwave post-polymerization significantly increased the strength of heat polymerized acrylic resin and hard chairside reline resin specimens where its effect was significantly higher than the autoclave and control groups (p<0.01). Both autoclave groups presented higher strength values than the control group (p<0.01). For both materials, the difference between the mean flexural strength values of short and long autoclave application was statistically insignificant (p>0.05). Conclusion: Using autoclave, may be considered as a viable post-polymerization treatment alternative in order to increase the flexural strength of relined dentures.
- Haywood J, Basker RM, Watson CJ, Wood DJ. A comparison of three chairside denture reline materials. Part 1. Clinical evaluation. Eur J Prosthodont Restor Dent 2003;11(4):157-63.
- Lee SY, Lai YL, Hsu TS. Influence of polymerization conditions on monomer elution and microhardness of autopolymerized polymethyl methacrylate resin. Eur J Oral Sci 2002;110(2):179-83.
- Vallittu PK, Miettinen V, Alakuijala P. Residual monomer content and its release into water from denture base materials. Dent Mater 1995;11(6):338-42. Vallittu PK, Ruyter IE, Buykuyilmaz S. Effect of polymerization temperature and time on the residual monomer content of denture base polymers. Eur J Oral Sci 1998;106(1):588-93.
- Blagojevic V, Murphy VM. Microwave polymerization of denture base materials. A comparative study. J Oral Rehabil 1999;26(10):804-8.
- Tsuchiya H, Hoshino Y, Tajima K, Takagi N. Leaching and cytotoxicity of formaldehyde and methyl methacrylate from acrylic resin denture base materials. J Prosthet Dent 1994;71(6):618-24.
- Takahashi Y, Kawaguchi M, Chai J. Flexural strength at the proportional limit of a denture base material relined with four different denture reline materials. Int J Prosthodont 1997;10(6):508-12.
- Urban VM, Machado AL, Oliveira RV, Vergani CE, Pavarina AC, Cass, QB. Residual monomer of reline acrylic resins Effect of water-bath and microwave postpolymerization treatments. Dent Mater 2007;23(3):363-8.
- Vergani CE, Seo RS, Pavarina AC, dos Santos Nunes Reis JM. Flexural strength of autopolymerizing denture reline resins with microwave postpolymerization treatment. J Prosthet Dent 2005;93(6):577-83.
- Durkan R, Gürbüz A, Yilmaz B, Özel MB, Bağış B. Effect of autoclave postpolymerization treatments on the fracture toughness of autopolymerizing dental acrylic resins. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater 2012;10(1):37-42.
- Urban VM, Machado AL, Vergani CE, Giampaolo ET, Pavarina AC, de Almeida FG, Cass QB. Effect of waterbath post-polymerization on the mechanical properties, degree of conversion, and leaching of residual compounds of hard chairside reline resins. Dent Mater 2009;25(5):662-71.
- Eliades GC, Vougiauklakis GJ, Caputo AA. Degree of double bond conversion in light-cured composites. Dent Mater 1987;3(1):19-25.
- Jorge JH, Giampaolo ET, Vergani CE, Pavarina AC, Machado AL, Carlos IZ. Effect of microwave postpolymerization treatment and of storage time in water on the cytotoxicity of denture base and reline acrylic resins. Quintessence Int 2009;40(10):e93-100.
- Patil PS, Chowdhary R, Mandokar RB. Effect of microwave postpolymerization treatment on residual monomer content and the flexural strength of autopolymerizing reline resin. Indian J Dent Res 2009;20(3):293-7.
- Meriç G, Ruyter IE. Effect of thermal cycling on composites reinforced with two differently sized silica-glass fibers. Dent Mater 2007;23(9):1157-63.
- Soares CJ, Pizi EC, Fonseca RB, Martins LR. Mechanical properties of light-cured composites polymerized with several additional post-curing methods. Oper Dent 2005;30(3):389-94.
- International Organization for Standardization. ISO 1567: 1999. Dentistry-Denture Base Polymers. Geneva, Isviçre.
- Seo RS, Vergani CE, Giampaolo ET, Pavarina AC, Machado AL. Effect of a post-polymerization treatments on the flexural strength and Vickers hardness of reline and acrylic denture base resins. J Appl Oral Sci 2007;15(6):506-11.
- Machado C, Rizzatti-Barbosa CM, Gabriotti MN, Joia FA, Ribeiro MC, Sousa RL. Influence of mechanical and chemical polishing in the solubility of acrylic resins polymerized by microwave irradiation and conventional water bath. Dent Mater 2004;20(6):565-9.
- Teraoka F, Takahashi J, Controlled polymerization system for fabricating precise dentures. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83(5):514-20.
- Kimura H, Teraoka F, Ohnishi H, Saito T, Yato M. Application of microwave for dental technique (part 1). Doughforming and curing of acrylic resins. J Osaka Univ Dent Sch 1983;23:43-9.
- Douglas WH, Bates JF. The determination of residual monomer in polymethylmethacrylate denture-base resins. J Mater Sci 1978;13:2600-4.
- Kimoto S, Kobayashi N, Kobayashi K, Kawara M. Effect of bench cooling on the dimensional accuracy of heat-cured acrylic denture base material. J Dent 2005;33(1):57-63.
- Caycik S, Jagger RG. The effect of cross-linking chain length on mechanical properties of a dough-molded poly (methylmethacrylate) resin. Dent Mater 1992;8(3):153-7. Yazışma Adresi: Umut ÇAKAN İstanbul Medipol Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi A.D. 34083 Unkapanı - Fatih - İstanbul Tel: 0 532 3334710 e-posta: ucakan@medipol.edu.tr