Experimental Models of Type 1 Diabetes Administered to Mice
Year 2022,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 96 - 104, 28.09.2022
Semin Gedikli
Ali Can Özcan
Diabetes is one of the crucial health problems in this decade. Insulin secreted by β cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans plays a critical role in regulating the blood glucose level. Type 1 diabetes occurs as a consequence of damage to these cells or inhibition of insulin secretion in a distinctive way. Experimental type 1 diabetes can also be developed in animal species due to beta cell damage. Each animal species has specific blood glucose levels. Increasing this level at a certain rate or amount is an indication of the onset of diabetes. In various studies conducted to date, it has been demonstrated that type 1 diabetes can be established experimentally by different methods. Each type 1 diabetes management protocol has its advantages and disadvantages. The results of each protocol take place at different time intervals and depending on various factors. Different protocols are established considering various factors such as the number of animals to be used in the study and the health and nutritional status of experimental animals. Thanks to both these protocols developed and our increasing knowledge of type 1 diabetes, the production of various transgenic animals has led to significant advances in elucidating this disease and focusing on specific aspects of type 1 diabetes mellitus. This review aimed to bring together currently used type 1 diabetes models in mice.
- 1. Akça M., Çeltik MN, 2013. Kemirgenlerde Diabetes Mellitus Modelleri. Gr. Anal. 28, 104–105.
- 2. Arison RN, Ciaccio EI, Glitzer MS, Cassaro JA, Pruss MP, 1967. Light and electron microscopy of lesions in rats rendered diabetic with streptozotocin. Diabetes. Jan;16(1):51-6.
- 3. Atkinson MA, Eisenbarth GS, 2001. Type 1 diabetes: new perspectives on disease pathogenesis and treatment. Lancet. Jul 21;358(9277):221-9.
- 4. Bell RH Jr, Hye RJ, 1983. Animal models of diabetes mellitus: physiology and pathology. J Surg Res. Nov;35(5):433-60.
- 5. Bone AJ, Walker R, Varey AM, Cooke A, Baird JD, 1990. Effect of cyclosporin on pancreatic events and development of diabetes in BB/Edinburgh rats. Diabetes. Apr;39(4):508-14.
- 6. Burke RM, Tate JE, Jiang B, Parashar UD, 2020. Rotavirus and Type 1 Diabetes-Is There a Connection? A Synthesis of the Evidence. J Infect Dis. Sep 1;222(7):1076-1083.
- 7. Burn P., 2010. Type 1 diabetes. Nature reviews Drug discovery, 9(3), 187.
- 8. Canbolat Ö., Ekenler Ş., Polat Ü. (2022). Diyabet Özyönetiminde Engeller ve Kolaylaştırıcılar. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 143-148.
- 9. Daneman D., 2006. Type 1 diabetes. The Lancet, 367(9513), 847-858.
- 10. Dunn JS., Kirkpatrick J., McLetchie N., Telfer S., 1943. Necrosis of the islets of Langerhans produced experimentally. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 55, 245-257.
- 11. Eisenbarth GS., 2005. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Joslin’s diabetes mellitus, 14, 399-424.
- 12. Etuk E., 2010. Animals models for studying diabetes mellitus. Agric Biol JN Am, 1(2), 130-134.
- 13. Fontaine D., 2019. 5 Common Questions for Diabetic Models. Jackson Lab.
- 14. Furman BL., 2015. Streptozotocin‐induced diabetic models in mice and rats. Current protocols in pharmacology, 70(1), 5.47. 41-45.47. 20.
- 15. Gao S., Li Y., Xiao D., Zhou M., Cai X., Lin Y., 2021. Tetrahedral framework nucleic acids induce immune tolerance and prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes. Nano letters, 21(10), 4437-4446.
- 16. Han R, Liu Z, Sun N, Liu S, Li L, Shen Y, Xiu J, Xu Q.,2019. BDNF Alleviates Neuroinflammation in the Hippocampus of Type 1 Diabetic Mice via Blocking the Aberrant HMGB1/RAGE/NF-κB Pathway. Aging Dis. Jun 1;10(3):611-625.
- 17. Horikawa T, Hiramoto K, Goto K, Sekijima H, Ooi K., 2021. Differences in the mechanism of type 1 and type 2 diabetes-induced skin dryness by using model mice. Int J Med Sci. Jan 1;18(2):474-481.
- 18. Hu XF, Xiang G, Wang TJ, Ma YB, Zhang Y, Yan YB, Zhao X, Wu ZX, Feng YF, Lei W., 2021. Impairment of type H vessels by NOX2-mediated endothelial oxidative stress: critical mechanisms and therapeutic targets for bone fragility in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Theranostics. Jan 30;11(8):3796-3812.
- 19. Huo Y., Zhao X., Zhao J., Kong X., Li L., Yuan T., Xu J., 2021. Hypoglycemic effects of Fu-Pen-Zi (Rubus chingii Hu) fruit extracts in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 87, 104837.
- 20. İrer SV., Alper G., 2004. Experimental models of diabetes mellitus. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg, 2(3), 127-136.
- 21. Jia L, Cao M, Chen H, Zhang M, Dong X, Ren Z, Sun J, Pan LL., 2020. Butyrate Ameliorates Antibiotic-Driven Type 1 Diabetes in the Female Offspring of Nonobese Diabetic Mice. J Agric Food Chem. Mar 11;68(10):3112-3120.
- 22. Jörgens V., 2006. Oskar Minkowski (1858-1931). An outstanding master of diabetes research. Hormones (Athens), 5(4):310-311.
- 23. Jun HS, Yoon JW., 2001. The role of viruses in type I diabetes: two distinct cellular and molecular pathogenic mechanisms of virus-induced diabetes in animals. Diabetologia. Mar;44(3):271-85.
- 24. Katsarou A., Gudbjörnsdottir S., Rawshani A., Dabelea D., Bonifacio E., Anderson BJ., Lernmark Å., 2017. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Nature reviews Disease primers, 3(1), 1-17.
- 25. Klueh U, Liu Z, Cho B, Ouyang T, Feldman B, Henning TP, Kaur M, Kreutzer D., 2006. Continuous glucose monitoring in normal mice and mice with prediabetes and diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther. Jun;8(3):402-12.
- 26. Koarada S, Wu Y, Fertig N, Sass DA, Nalesnik M, Todd JA, Lyons PA, Fenyk-Melody J, Rainbow DB, Wicker LS, Peterson LB, Ridgway WM., 2004. Genetic control of autoimmunity: protection from diabetes, but spontaneous autoimmune biliary disease in a nonobese diabetic congenic strain. J Immunol. Aug 15;173(4):2315-23.
- 27. Kosaka M., Yang G., Piad JN., Lee JB., Cao Y., Yamauchi M., Sakai A., 1999. Thermobiological characteristics of pikas, rabbits and rats. 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine, 40(3), 157-163.
- 28. Leslie RD., 2010. Predicting adult-onset autoimmune diabetes: clarity from complexity. Diabetes. Feb;59(2):330-1.
- 29. Nelson AS, Maddaloni M, Abbott JR, Hoffman C, Akgul A, Ohland C, Gharaibeh RZ, Jobin C, Brusko TM, Pascual DW., 2020. Oral therapy with colonization factor antigen I prevents development of type 1 diabetes in Non-obese Diabetic mice. Sci Rep. Apr 9;10(1):6156.
- 30. Niwano F, Hiromine Y, Noso S, Babaya N, Ito H, Yasutake S, Matsumoto I, Takeyama Y, Kawabata Y, Ikegami H., 2018. Insulin deficiency with and without glucagon: A comparative study between total pancreatectomy and type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. Sep;9(5):1084-1090.
- 31. Pathak V, Pathak NM, O'Neill CL, Guduric-Fuchs J, Medina RJ., 2019. Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives. Clin Med Insights Endocrinol Diabetes. May 3;12:1179551419844521.
- 32. Robinson B., Wright P., 1961. Guinea-pig anti-insulin serum. The Journal of Physiology, 155(2), 302.
- 33. Schiazza AR, Considine EG, Betcher M, Shepard BD, 2021. Loss of renal olfactory receptor 1393 leads to improved glucose homeostasis in a type 1 diabetic mouse model. Physiol Rep. Dec;9(23):e15007.
- 34. Siljander H, Honkanen J, Knip M., 2019. Microbiome and type 1 diabetes. EBioMedicine. Aug;46:512-521.
- 35. Tian X, Lin Y, Cui C, Su M, Lai L., 2019. BTNL2-Ig Protein Attenuates Type 1 Diabetes in Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) Mice. Adv Healthc Mater. May;8(9):e1800987.
- 36. Tomita T, Lacy PE, Natschinsky FM, McDaniel ML., 1974. Effect of alloxan on insulin secretion in isolated rat islets perifused in vitro. Diabetes. Jun;23(6):517-24.
- 37. Tomita T, Watanabe I., 1976. The effect of alloxan on the permeability of isolated pancreatic islets to horseradish peroxidase. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol. Nov 24;22(3):217-32.
- 38. Ucer Ozgurel S, Swallow EA, Metzger CE, Allen MR., 2022. Femoral Skeletal Perfusion is Reduced in Male Mice with Type 1 Diabetes. Calcif Tissue Int. Sep;111(3):323-330.
- 39. Van Belle T, Taylor P, Von Herrath M., 2009. Mouse models for type 1 diabetes. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, 6(2), 41-45.
- 40. Vavra J, Deboer C, Dietz A, Hanka L, Sokolski W., 1959. Streptozotocin, a new antibacterial antibiotic. Antibiotics annual, 7, 230-235.
- 41. Watkins D, Cooperstein S, Lazarow A., 1964. Effect of alloxan on permeability of pancreatic islet tissue in vitro. American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content, 207(2), 436-440.
- 42. Wegmann DR., Eisenbarth GS., 2000. It's insulin. Journal of autoimmunity (Print), 15(3), 286-291.
- 43. Wong FS, Dittel BN, Janeway CA Jr., 1999. Transgenes and knockout mutations in animal models of type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Immunol Rev. Jun;169:93-104.
- 44. Wright PH, Malaisse WJ., 1966. A simple method for the assay of guinea pig anti-insulin serum. Diabetologia. Nov;2(3):178-88.
- 45. Yossipof TE, Bazak ZR, Kenigsbuch-Sredni D, Caspi RR, Kalechman Y, Sredni B., 2019. Tellurium Compounds Prevent and Reverse Type-1 Diabetes in NOD Mice by Modulating α4β7 Integrin Activity, IL-1β, and T Regulatory Cells. Front Immunol. 2019 May 29;10:979.
Farelere Uygulanan Deneysel Tip 1 Diyabet Modelleri
Year 2022,
Volume: 2 Issue: 2, 96 - 104, 28.09.2022
Semin Gedikli
Ali Can Özcan
Diyabet, çağımızın en önemli sağlık sorunları arasında yer almaktadır. Pankreas Langerhans adacıklarındaki β hücreleri tarafından salgılanan insülin, kan glikoz seviyesinin düzenlenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu hücrelerin zarar görmesi ya da insülin salınımının farklı bir yolla engellenmesi sonucu tip 1 diyabet şekillenmektedir. Hayvan türlerinde de beta hücresi hasarına bağlı deneysel tip 1 diyabet oluşturulabilmektedir. Her hayvan türü kendine özgü olarak kan glikoz seviyesine sahiptir. Bu düzeyin belirli bir oran veya miktarda yukarısına çıkılması diyabetin başladığının bir göstergesidir. Günümüze kadar yapılmış olan çeşitli çalışmalarda tip 1 diyabetin deneysel olarak farklı metotlarla oluşturulabildiği gösterilmiştir. Tip 1 diyabet oluşturma protokollerinin her birinin kendi içerisinde hem avantajları hem de dezavantajları bulunmaktadır. Her protokolün sonuçlanması farklı zaman aralığında ve çeşitli etkenlere bağlı olarak gerçekleşmektedir. Çalışmada kullanılacak hayvan sayısı, deneklerin sağlık ve beslenme durumları gibi çeşitli etmenlere bağlı olarak farklı protokoller seçilmektedir. Hem geliştirilen bu protokoller hem de tip 1 diyabet hastalığıyla ilgili artan bilgimiz sayesinde çeşitli transgenik hayvanların üretilmesi bir nebze bile olsa bu hastalığın aydınlatılması ve tip 1 diyabetin belirli yönlerine odaklanılması konusunda önemli gelişmelerin kaydedilmesini sağlamıştır. Bu derlemede farelerde güncel olarak kullanılan tip 1 diyabet oluşturma modellerinin bir araya getirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
- 1. Akça M., Çeltik MN, 2013. Kemirgenlerde Diabetes Mellitus Modelleri. Gr. Anal. 28, 104–105.
- 2. Arison RN, Ciaccio EI, Glitzer MS, Cassaro JA, Pruss MP, 1967. Light and electron microscopy of lesions in rats rendered diabetic with streptozotocin. Diabetes. Jan;16(1):51-6.
- 3. Atkinson MA, Eisenbarth GS, 2001. Type 1 diabetes: new perspectives on disease pathogenesis and treatment. Lancet. Jul 21;358(9277):221-9.
- 4. Bell RH Jr, Hye RJ, 1983. Animal models of diabetes mellitus: physiology and pathology. J Surg Res. Nov;35(5):433-60.
- 5. Bone AJ, Walker R, Varey AM, Cooke A, Baird JD, 1990. Effect of cyclosporin on pancreatic events and development of diabetes in BB/Edinburgh rats. Diabetes. Apr;39(4):508-14.
- 6. Burke RM, Tate JE, Jiang B, Parashar UD, 2020. Rotavirus and Type 1 Diabetes-Is There a Connection? A Synthesis of the Evidence. J Infect Dis. Sep 1;222(7):1076-1083.
- 7. Burn P., 2010. Type 1 diabetes. Nature reviews Drug discovery, 9(3), 187.
- 8. Canbolat Ö., Ekenler Ş., Polat Ü. (2022). Diyabet Özyönetiminde Engeller ve Kolaylaştırıcılar. SDÜ Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 29(1), 143-148.
- 9. Daneman D., 2006. Type 1 diabetes. The Lancet, 367(9513), 847-858.
- 10. Dunn JS., Kirkpatrick J., McLetchie N., Telfer S., 1943. Necrosis of the islets of Langerhans produced experimentally. Journal of Pathology and Bacteriology, 55, 245-257.
- 11. Eisenbarth GS., 2005. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Joslin’s diabetes mellitus, 14, 399-424.
- 12. Etuk E., 2010. Animals models for studying diabetes mellitus. Agric Biol JN Am, 1(2), 130-134.
- 13. Fontaine D., 2019. 5 Common Questions for Diabetic Models. Jackson Lab.
- 14. Furman BL., 2015. Streptozotocin‐induced diabetic models in mice and rats. Current protocols in pharmacology, 70(1), 5.47. 41-45.47. 20.
- 15. Gao S., Li Y., Xiao D., Zhou M., Cai X., Lin Y., 2021. Tetrahedral framework nucleic acids induce immune tolerance and prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes. Nano letters, 21(10), 4437-4446.
- 16. Han R, Liu Z, Sun N, Liu S, Li L, Shen Y, Xiu J, Xu Q.,2019. BDNF Alleviates Neuroinflammation in the Hippocampus of Type 1 Diabetic Mice via Blocking the Aberrant HMGB1/RAGE/NF-κB Pathway. Aging Dis. Jun 1;10(3):611-625.
- 17. Horikawa T, Hiramoto K, Goto K, Sekijima H, Ooi K., 2021. Differences in the mechanism of type 1 and type 2 diabetes-induced skin dryness by using model mice. Int J Med Sci. Jan 1;18(2):474-481.
- 18. Hu XF, Xiang G, Wang TJ, Ma YB, Zhang Y, Yan YB, Zhao X, Wu ZX, Feng YF, Lei W., 2021. Impairment of type H vessels by NOX2-mediated endothelial oxidative stress: critical mechanisms and therapeutic targets for bone fragility in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Theranostics. Jan 30;11(8):3796-3812.
- 19. Huo Y., Zhao X., Zhao J., Kong X., Li L., Yuan T., Xu J., 2021. Hypoglycemic effects of Fu-Pen-Zi (Rubus chingii Hu) fruit extracts in streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetic mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 87, 104837.
- 20. İrer SV., Alper G., 2004. Experimental models of diabetes mellitus. Türk Klinik Biyokimya Derg, 2(3), 127-136.
- 21. Jia L, Cao M, Chen H, Zhang M, Dong X, Ren Z, Sun J, Pan LL., 2020. Butyrate Ameliorates Antibiotic-Driven Type 1 Diabetes in the Female Offspring of Nonobese Diabetic Mice. J Agric Food Chem. Mar 11;68(10):3112-3120.
- 22. Jörgens V., 2006. Oskar Minkowski (1858-1931). An outstanding master of diabetes research. Hormones (Athens), 5(4):310-311.
- 23. Jun HS, Yoon JW., 2001. The role of viruses in type I diabetes: two distinct cellular and molecular pathogenic mechanisms of virus-induced diabetes in animals. Diabetologia. Mar;44(3):271-85.
- 24. Katsarou A., Gudbjörnsdottir S., Rawshani A., Dabelea D., Bonifacio E., Anderson BJ., Lernmark Å., 2017. Type 1 diabetes mellitus. Nature reviews Disease primers, 3(1), 1-17.
- 25. Klueh U, Liu Z, Cho B, Ouyang T, Feldman B, Henning TP, Kaur M, Kreutzer D., 2006. Continuous glucose monitoring in normal mice and mice with prediabetes and diabetes. Diabetes Technol Ther. Jun;8(3):402-12.
- 26. Koarada S, Wu Y, Fertig N, Sass DA, Nalesnik M, Todd JA, Lyons PA, Fenyk-Melody J, Rainbow DB, Wicker LS, Peterson LB, Ridgway WM., 2004. Genetic control of autoimmunity: protection from diabetes, but spontaneous autoimmune biliary disease in a nonobese diabetic congenic strain. J Immunol. Aug 15;173(4):2315-23.
- 27. Kosaka M., Yang G., Piad JN., Lee JB., Cao Y., Yamauchi M., Sakai A., 1999. Thermobiological characteristics of pikas, rabbits and rats. 熱帯医学 Tropical medicine, 40(3), 157-163.
- 28. Leslie RD., 2010. Predicting adult-onset autoimmune diabetes: clarity from complexity. Diabetes. Feb;59(2):330-1.
- 29. Nelson AS, Maddaloni M, Abbott JR, Hoffman C, Akgul A, Ohland C, Gharaibeh RZ, Jobin C, Brusko TM, Pascual DW., 2020. Oral therapy with colonization factor antigen I prevents development of type 1 diabetes in Non-obese Diabetic mice. Sci Rep. Apr 9;10(1):6156.
- 30. Niwano F, Hiromine Y, Noso S, Babaya N, Ito H, Yasutake S, Matsumoto I, Takeyama Y, Kawabata Y, Ikegami H., 2018. Insulin deficiency with and without glucagon: A comparative study between total pancreatectomy and type 1 diabetes. J Diabetes Investig. Sep;9(5):1084-1090.
- 31. Pathak V, Pathak NM, O'Neill CL, Guduric-Fuchs J, Medina RJ., 2019. Therapies for Type 1 Diabetes: Current Scenario and Future Perspectives. Clin Med Insights Endocrinol Diabetes. May 3;12:1179551419844521.
- 32. Robinson B., Wright P., 1961. Guinea-pig anti-insulin serum. The Journal of Physiology, 155(2), 302.
- 33. Schiazza AR, Considine EG, Betcher M, Shepard BD, 2021. Loss of renal olfactory receptor 1393 leads to improved glucose homeostasis in a type 1 diabetic mouse model. Physiol Rep. Dec;9(23):e15007.
- 34. Siljander H, Honkanen J, Knip M., 2019. Microbiome and type 1 diabetes. EBioMedicine. Aug;46:512-521.
- 35. Tian X, Lin Y, Cui C, Su M, Lai L., 2019. BTNL2-Ig Protein Attenuates Type 1 Diabetes in Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) Mice. Adv Healthc Mater. May;8(9):e1800987.
- 36. Tomita T, Lacy PE, Natschinsky FM, McDaniel ML., 1974. Effect of alloxan on insulin secretion in isolated rat islets perifused in vitro. Diabetes. Jun;23(6):517-24.
- 37. Tomita T, Watanabe I., 1976. The effect of alloxan on the permeability of isolated pancreatic islets to horseradish peroxidase. Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol. Nov 24;22(3):217-32.
- 38. Ucer Ozgurel S, Swallow EA, Metzger CE, Allen MR., 2022. Femoral Skeletal Perfusion is Reduced in Male Mice with Type 1 Diabetes. Calcif Tissue Int. Sep;111(3):323-330.
- 39. Van Belle T, Taylor P, Von Herrath M., 2009. Mouse models for type 1 diabetes. Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models, 6(2), 41-45.
- 40. Vavra J, Deboer C, Dietz A, Hanka L, Sokolski W., 1959. Streptozotocin, a new antibacterial antibiotic. Antibiotics annual, 7, 230-235.
- 41. Watkins D, Cooperstein S, Lazarow A., 1964. Effect of alloxan on permeability of pancreatic islet tissue in vitro. American Journal of Physiology-Legacy Content, 207(2), 436-440.
- 42. Wegmann DR., Eisenbarth GS., 2000. It's insulin. Journal of autoimmunity (Print), 15(3), 286-291.
- 43. Wong FS, Dittel BN, Janeway CA Jr., 1999. Transgenes and knockout mutations in animal models of type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Immunol Rev. Jun;169:93-104.
- 44. Wright PH, Malaisse WJ., 1966. A simple method for the assay of guinea pig anti-insulin serum. Diabetologia. Nov;2(3):178-88.
- 45. Yossipof TE, Bazak ZR, Kenigsbuch-Sredni D, Caspi RR, Kalechman Y, Sredni B., 2019. Tellurium Compounds Prevent and Reverse Type-1 Diabetes in NOD Mice by Modulating α4β7 Integrin Activity, IL-1β, and T Regulatory Cells. Front Immunol. 2019 May 29;10:979.