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Ulaşımda Talep Odaklı Yaklaşım: Yolculuk Talep Yönetimi

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 68, 27.07.2014


Nüfus artışı ve taşıt miktarındaki artış kentiçi ulaşım problemlerini de artırmıştır. Ulaşım ile ilgili problemler ekonomik açıdan yüksek maliyetlere neden olmaktadır. Yolculuk talep yönetimi, ulaşım problemleri ve trafik tıkanıklığını ulaşım ile ilgili imkanları artırmadan yolculuk talebini azaltarak ve kısıtlayarak çözmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Yolculuk talep yönetimi ulaşım sorunlarını ve trafik tıkanıklığını çözmede genellikle pahalı yatırımlar yapmaktan kaçınarak yolculuk alışkanlıklarının değiştirilmesini hedeflemektedir. Buna ek olarak yolculuk talep yönetimi, bütün ulaşım problemlerini ve trafik tıkanıklığını gidermede her derde deva olamasa da oldukça etkili bir stratejik planlamadır


  • ABRAHAMSE, W. and KEALL, M., 2012, Effectivenes of a Web-Based Intervention to Encourage Carpooling to Work: A case Study of Wellington, New Zealand, Transport Policy, 21, 45-51.
  • AGATZ, N. A. H., ERERA A. L., SAVELSBERG, M. W. P. and Wang, X., 2011, Dynamaic Ride-Sharing: A Simulation Study in Metro Atlanta, Transportation Research Part B, 45,1450-1464.
  • ALBATE, D. and BEL, G., 2009, What Local Policy Makers Should Know About Urban Road Charging: Lessons From Worldwide Experience, Public Administration Review, September-October, 962-975.
  • ANAS, A. and LINDSEY, R., 2011, “Reducing Urban Transportation Externalities: Road Pricing in Theory and in Practice”, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 5 (1). 66-88.
  • BENKO, M. and SMITH, L., 2008, Congestion Pricing: What Is It?, Community Transportation, 26 (2), 16-19.
  • BHATT, K. and HIGGINS, T., 2008, KTA: Lessons Learned from International Experience in Congestion Pricing Final Report, U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Maryland, August.
  • CERVERO, R., 1996, Mixed Land-Uses and Commuting: Evidence From The American Housing Survey, Transportation Research A, 30 (5), 361-377.
  • CORREIA, G. and VIEGAS, J. M., 2011, Carpooling and Carpool Clubs: Clarifying Conceptes and Assessing Value Enhancment Possibilities Through a Stated Preference Web Survey in Lisbon, Portagual”, Transportation Research Part A, 45, 81-90.
  • DANWEN, B, WEI, D. and SHIHUI, G., 2010, Impact of Parking Rates on Residebt Travel Behavior, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 10 (3), 80-85.
  • DECORLA-SOUZA, P. and WHITEHEAD, R. E., 2003, The Value Of Pricing The Use Of Roads, Public Works Management & Policiy, 7, 267-276.
  • ELIASSON, J., 2008, Lessons From The Stockholm Congestion Charging Trial, Transport Policy, 15, 395-404.
  • ELKER, C., 2002, Ulaşımda Politika Ve Pratik, Gölge Ofset, Ankara, ISBN 975-97812-0-4.
  • FERGUSON, E., 1990, Transportation Demand Management Planning, Development, and Implementation, Journal of The American Planning Association, 56 (4), 442-456.
  • FERGUSON, E., 1997, The Rise and Fall of The American Carpool: 1970-1990, Transportation, 24, 349-376.
  • GARLING, T. and SCHUİTEMA, G., 2007, Travel Demand Management Targeting Reduced Private Car Use: Effectiveness, Public Acceptability and Political Feasibility, Journal of Social Issues, 63 (1), 139-153.
  • GIULIANO, G. and WACHS, M., 1991, Responding to Congestion and Traffic Growth: Transportation Demand Management [online], UCTC No. 86, 1991, The University of California, University of California Transportation Center, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].
  • HUNG, R., 1996, Using Compressed Workweeks To Reduce Work Commuting, Transportation Research A, 30 (1), 11-19.
  • JANG, K., CHUNG, K., RAGLAND, D. R., and CHAN, C-Y., 2008, Safety Evaluation of High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities in California, Intellimotion, 14 (2 ), 1-3.
  • KITAMURA, R., MONKTARIAN, P. L. and LAIDET, L., 1997, A Micro-Analysis of Land Use And Travel in Five Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, Transportation, 24, 125-158.
  • LIPNICKY, K. and BURRIS, M., 2010, Influence of HOV Lane Access on HOV Lane Utulization, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136 (11), 1030-1038.
  • LITMAN, T., 2013, Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning [online], Victoria Transport Policy Institute, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].
  • MAHMOOD, M., BASHAR, M. A. and AKTHER, S., 2009, Traffic Management System and Travel Demand Management (TDM) Strategies: Suggestions for Urban Cities in Bangladesh”, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, 4 (2-3), 161-178. MALIC, A., BRCIC, D. and KRASIC, D., 2000, Parking Measures In Travel Demand Management, Urban Traffic Review, 12 (5-6), 301-309.
  • MENENDEZ, M. and DAGANZO, C. F., 2007, Effects of HOV Lanes on Freeway Bottleneceks, Transportation Research Part B, 41, 809-822.
  • MILLER, E. J. and IBRAHIM, A., 1998, Urban Form and Vehicular Travel: Some Empirical Findings, Transportation Research Record: Journal of The Transportation Board, 1617,18-27.
  • PICADO, R., A Question of Timing, Access, 17, 9-13. RODIER, C. J. and JOHNSTON, R. A., 1997, Incentives for Local Governments to Implement Travel Demand Management Measures, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 31 (4), 295-308.
  • SCHIMEK, P., 1996, Household Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: How Much Does Residential Density, Transportation Research Record, 1552, 120-125.
  • TAYLOR, C. J., NOZICK, L. K. and MEYBUTG, A. H., 1997, Selection and Evaluation of Travel Demand Management Measures, Transportation Research Record: Journal of The Transportation Board, 1598 (971114), 49-60.
  • TURNBULL, K. F., 2006, HOV Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Handbook, High Occupancy Vehicle Pooled Fund Study, Report No: FHWA-HOP06-072, Virginia,U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. U.S Department Of Transportation Federal Transit Administration, 1992, Variable Work Hours [online], TDM Status Report, Maryland, [Erişim Tarihi: 15 Şubat 2014].
  • VANOUTRIVE, T., VIJVER, E. V. De., LAURENT, V. M., JOURQUIN, B., THOMAS, I., VERHETSEL, A. and WITLOX, F., 2012, What Determines Carpooling to Workplaces in Belgium: Location, Organization or Promotion?, Journal of Transport Geography, 22, 77-86.
  • WANG, J. J., 1996, Timing Utility of Daily Activities And Its Impact On Travel, Transprtation Resarch A, 30 (3), 189-206.
  • WILLSON, R. and SHIRAZI, E., 1991, Transportation Demand Management: Implications of Recent Behavioral Research [online], UCTC No. 29, 1991, The University of California, University of California Transportation Center, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].

Demand-Oriented Approach For Transportation: Travel Demand Management

Year 2014, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 57 - 68, 27.07.2014


Population and number of vehicle growth has increased in urban transport problems. Transportation problems cause to be high costs with respect to economic. Travel demand management aims to solve for transportation problems and traffic congestion by reducing and restricting travel demand instead of increasing the transportation facilities. Travel demand management usually purposes to change travel habits by avoidance of costly investment about transportation problems and traffic congestion. Additionaly, travel demand management is not cure all for solving whole transportation problems and traffic congestion but it is a strategic planning as mightliy effective.


  • ABRAHAMSE, W. and KEALL, M., 2012, Effectivenes of a Web-Based Intervention to Encourage Carpooling to Work: A case Study of Wellington, New Zealand, Transport Policy, 21, 45-51.
  • AGATZ, N. A. H., ERERA A. L., SAVELSBERG, M. W. P. and Wang, X., 2011, Dynamaic Ride-Sharing: A Simulation Study in Metro Atlanta, Transportation Research Part B, 45,1450-1464.
  • ALBATE, D. and BEL, G., 2009, What Local Policy Makers Should Know About Urban Road Charging: Lessons From Worldwide Experience, Public Administration Review, September-October, 962-975.
  • ANAS, A. and LINDSEY, R., 2011, “Reducing Urban Transportation Externalities: Road Pricing in Theory and in Practice”, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 5 (1). 66-88.
  • BENKO, M. and SMITH, L., 2008, Congestion Pricing: What Is It?, Community Transportation, 26 (2), 16-19.
  • BHATT, K. and HIGGINS, T., 2008, KTA: Lessons Learned from International Experience in Congestion Pricing Final Report, U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, Maryland, August.
  • CERVERO, R., 1996, Mixed Land-Uses and Commuting: Evidence From The American Housing Survey, Transportation Research A, 30 (5), 361-377.
  • CORREIA, G. and VIEGAS, J. M., 2011, Carpooling and Carpool Clubs: Clarifying Conceptes and Assessing Value Enhancment Possibilities Through a Stated Preference Web Survey in Lisbon, Portagual”, Transportation Research Part A, 45, 81-90.
  • DANWEN, B, WEI, D. and SHIHUI, G., 2010, Impact of Parking Rates on Residebt Travel Behavior, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 10 (3), 80-85.
  • DECORLA-SOUZA, P. and WHITEHEAD, R. E., 2003, The Value Of Pricing The Use Of Roads, Public Works Management & Policiy, 7, 267-276.
  • ELIASSON, J., 2008, Lessons From The Stockholm Congestion Charging Trial, Transport Policy, 15, 395-404.
  • ELKER, C., 2002, Ulaşımda Politika Ve Pratik, Gölge Ofset, Ankara, ISBN 975-97812-0-4.
  • FERGUSON, E., 1990, Transportation Demand Management Planning, Development, and Implementation, Journal of The American Planning Association, 56 (4), 442-456.
  • FERGUSON, E., 1997, The Rise and Fall of The American Carpool: 1970-1990, Transportation, 24, 349-376.
  • GARLING, T. and SCHUİTEMA, G., 2007, Travel Demand Management Targeting Reduced Private Car Use: Effectiveness, Public Acceptability and Political Feasibility, Journal of Social Issues, 63 (1), 139-153.
  • GIULIANO, G. and WACHS, M., 1991, Responding to Congestion and Traffic Growth: Transportation Demand Management [online], UCTC No. 86, 1991, The University of California, University of California Transportation Center, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].
  • HUNG, R., 1996, Using Compressed Workweeks To Reduce Work Commuting, Transportation Research A, 30 (1), 11-19.
  • JANG, K., CHUNG, K., RAGLAND, D. R., and CHAN, C-Y., 2008, Safety Evaluation of High-Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) Facilities in California, Intellimotion, 14 (2 ), 1-3.
  • KITAMURA, R., MONKTARIAN, P. L. and LAIDET, L., 1997, A Micro-Analysis of Land Use And Travel in Five Neighborhoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, Transportation, 24, 125-158.
  • LIPNICKY, K. and BURRIS, M., 2010, Influence of HOV Lane Access on HOV Lane Utulization, Journal of Transportation Engineering, 136 (11), 1030-1038.
  • LITMAN, T., 2013, Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning [online], Victoria Transport Policy Institute, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].
  • MAHMOOD, M., BASHAR, M. A. and AKTHER, S., 2009, Traffic Management System and Travel Demand Management (TDM) Strategies: Suggestions for Urban Cities in Bangladesh”, Asian Journal of Management and Humanity Sciences, 4 (2-3), 161-178. MALIC, A., BRCIC, D. and KRASIC, D., 2000, Parking Measures In Travel Demand Management, Urban Traffic Review, 12 (5-6), 301-309.
  • MENENDEZ, M. and DAGANZO, C. F., 2007, Effects of HOV Lanes on Freeway Bottleneceks, Transportation Research Part B, 41, 809-822.
  • MILLER, E. J. and IBRAHIM, A., 1998, Urban Form and Vehicular Travel: Some Empirical Findings, Transportation Research Record: Journal of The Transportation Board, 1617,18-27.
  • PICADO, R., A Question of Timing, Access, 17, 9-13. RODIER, C. J. and JOHNSTON, R. A., 1997, Incentives for Local Governments to Implement Travel Demand Management Measures, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 31 (4), 295-308.
  • SCHIMEK, P., 1996, Household Motor Vehicle Ownership and Use: How Much Does Residential Density, Transportation Research Record, 1552, 120-125.
  • TAYLOR, C. J., NOZICK, L. K. and MEYBUTG, A. H., 1997, Selection and Evaluation of Travel Demand Management Measures, Transportation Research Record: Journal of The Transportation Board, 1598 (971114), 49-60.
  • TURNBULL, K. F., 2006, HOV Performance Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting Handbook, High Occupancy Vehicle Pooled Fund Study, Report No: FHWA-HOP06-072, Virginia,U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. U.S Department Of Transportation Federal Transit Administration, 1992, Variable Work Hours [online], TDM Status Report, Maryland, [Erişim Tarihi: 15 Şubat 2014].
  • VANOUTRIVE, T., VIJVER, E. V. De., LAURENT, V. M., JOURQUIN, B., THOMAS, I., VERHETSEL, A. and WITLOX, F., 2012, What Determines Carpooling to Workplaces in Belgium: Location, Organization or Promotion?, Journal of Transport Geography, 22, 77-86.
  • WANG, J. J., 1996, Timing Utility of Daily Activities And Its Impact On Travel, Transprtation Resarch A, 30 (3), 189-206.
  • WILLSON, R. and SHIRAZI, E., 1991, Transportation Demand Management: Implications of Recent Behavioral Research [online], UCTC No. 29, 1991, The University of California, University of California Transportation Center, [Erişim Tarihi: 13 Şubat 2014].
There are 31 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Burak Kozalı This is me

Publication Date July 27, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


APA Kozalı, B. (2014). Ulaşımda Talep Odaklı Yaklaşım: Yolculuk Talep Yönetimi. Journal of Life Economics, 1(1), 57-68.