Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 437 - 448, 30.10.2019


This study aims to
analyze and explain logistical activities in the shallot supply chain in East
Java Province. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 200 shallot
farmers as instruments in the study sample. Data analysis using SEM PLS method
with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that
transportation has a significant influence on integrative supply chains and
business performance. This means that the higher the role of partners to
producers to prepare transportation in the transportation process will increase
integrative supply chain activities so that business performance of producers
will also increase. While the integrative supply chain has a significant
influence on business performance. that is, an integrated supply chain between
the farmers and partners will improve the results of farmers' business


  • ABDILLAH, W. & DAN HARTONO, J. (2015). Partial Least Square (PLS): Alternatif Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam Penelitian Bisnis. Yogyakarta
  • AKHMAD I.S. & BAMBANG S., (2005). Integrasi Supply Chain Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Performa Perusahaan. BENEFIT, Vol. 9, No. 1. Surakarta
  • ANGGARENI, W. (2009). Pengukuran Kinerja Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok Pada PT.Crown Closures Indonesia.Jakarta: Universitas Gunadarma.
  • BHAGWAT R. & SHARMA MK. (2007). Performance measurement of Supply Chain Management: A balanced scorecard approach. Comput Ind Eng. 53 (2007) 43–62.doi: 0.1016/j.cie.2007.04.001.
  • BOWERSOX, D. J, CLOSS, D. J. & COOPER, M. B., (2002). Supply Chain Logistics Management “. Irwin/ MC Graw Hill series.
  • DAN KUSNANDAR FIZZANTY, T. (2012). Pengelolaan Logistik dalam Rantai Pasok Produk Pangan Segar Di Indonesia. Jakarta. Pusat Penelitian Perkembangan Iptek-Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
  • DAS, A., NARASIMHAN, R., & TALLURI, S. (2006). Supplier Integration-Finding An Optimal Configuration”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 563-582.
  • FAN, Y., SCHWARTZ, F., & VOß, S. (2017). Flexible supply chain planning based on variable transportation modes. International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 654–666. Doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.08.020
  • FLYNN, B.B., HUO, B. & ZHAO, X. (2010). The Impact Of Supply Chain Integration On Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach. Journal of Operations Management, 28, 58–7.
  • Gula Merah Pada Ud Sari Bumi Raya Menggunakan Model Transportasi Dan Metode Least Cost.
  • HANDFIELD, R.B., & BECHTEL, C. (2002). The Role of Trust And Relationship Structure In Improving Supply Chain Responsiveness, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 367-382.
  • KIM, H.-C., NICHOLSON, A., & KUSUMASTUTI, D. (2014). Freight Transport Mode Choice and Mode Shift in New Zealand: Findings of a Revealed Preference Survey. Sustainable Logistics, 165–192.doi:10.1108/s2044-994120140000006007
  • KIM, S. W., & NARASIMHAN, R. (2002). Information System Utilization In Supply Chain Integration Efforts. International Journal of Production Research, 40(18), 4585-4609.
  • LAMBERT, D. M. & STOCK, J. R. (1993). Strategic Logistics Management “3 rd ed., Richard D Irwin. Inc
  • ORSI, L., DE NONI, I., CORSI, S., & MARCHISIO, L. V. (2017). The role of collective action in leveraging farmers’ performances: Lessons from sesame seed farmers’ collaboration in eastern Chad. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, 93–104. Doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.02.011
  • PRAJOGO D.,& OLHAGER, J.. (2012). Supply chain integration and performance: The effects of longterm relationships, information technology, and sharing, and logistics integration. International Journal of Production Economic, 135, 514–522.
  • RUSHTON, A., CROUCHER, P., & BAKER, P. 2010. The Handbook of Logistics And Distribution Management 4th Edition. London: Kogan Page Limited.
  • SIMKOVA, I.., et al. (2015). Measuring The Quality Impacts On The Performance In Transport Company. Volume 10 Issue 3. DOI: 10.21307
  • SINULINGGA, B.D. (1999). Pembangunan Kota Tinjauan Regional dan Lokal. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
  • SLACK, N., CHAMBERS, S. & JOHNSTON, R. (2001). Operations Management, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Harlow.
  • TRACEY, M.. (2004). Transportation Effectiveness and Manufacturing Firm Performance. The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 15 Iss 2 pp. 31 – 50
  • Desember 5th
  • January 11th
  • YUN YUN DAN KURNIAWA, A. (2014). Supply Chain Logistik Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Ketahanan Pangan Di Pedesaan. Proseding Seminar Bisnis & Teknologi ISSN: 2407-6171. Cimahi
  • ZAILANI, S. & RAJAGOPAL, P. (2005). Supply chain integration and performance: US versus East Asian companies, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 10 Issue: 5, pp.379-393,


Year 2019, Volume: 6 Issue: 4, 437 - 448, 30.10.2019


This study aims to
analyze and explain logistical activities in the shallot supply chain in East
Java Province. Data were collected using a questionnaire from 200 shallot
farmers as instruments in the study sample. Data analysis using SEM PLS method
with SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results of this study indicate that
transportation has a significant influence on integrative supply chains and
business performance. This means that the higher the role of partners to
producers to prepare transportation in the transportation process will increase
integrative supply chain activities so that business performance of producers
will also increase. While the integrative supply chain has a significant
influence on business performance. that is, an integrated supply chain between
the farmers and partners will improve the results of farmers' business


  • ABDILLAH, W. & DAN HARTONO, J. (2015). Partial Least Square (PLS): Alternatif Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dalam Penelitian Bisnis. Yogyakarta
  • AKHMAD I.S. & BAMBANG S., (2005). Integrasi Supply Chain Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Performa Perusahaan. BENEFIT, Vol. 9, No. 1. Surakarta
  • ANGGARENI, W. (2009). Pengukuran Kinerja Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok Pada PT.Crown Closures Indonesia.Jakarta: Universitas Gunadarma.
  • BHAGWAT R. & SHARMA MK. (2007). Performance measurement of Supply Chain Management: A balanced scorecard approach. Comput Ind Eng. 53 (2007) 43–62.doi: 0.1016/j.cie.2007.04.001.
  • BOWERSOX, D. J, CLOSS, D. J. & COOPER, M. B., (2002). Supply Chain Logistics Management “. Irwin/ MC Graw Hill series.
  • DAN KUSNANDAR FIZZANTY, T. (2012). Pengelolaan Logistik dalam Rantai Pasok Produk Pangan Segar Di Indonesia. Jakarta. Pusat Penelitian Perkembangan Iptek-Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia
  • DAS, A., NARASIMHAN, R., & TALLURI, S. (2006). Supplier Integration-Finding An Optimal Configuration”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 563-582.
  • FAN, Y., SCHWARTZ, F., & VOß, S. (2017). Flexible supply chain planning based on variable transportation modes. International Journal of Production Economics, 183, 654–666. Doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.08.020
  • FLYNN, B.B., HUO, B. & ZHAO, X. (2010). The Impact Of Supply Chain Integration On Performance: A Contingency and Configuration Approach. Journal of Operations Management, 28, 58–7.
  • Gula Merah Pada Ud Sari Bumi Raya Menggunakan Model Transportasi Dan Metode Least Cost.
  • HANDFIELD, R.B., & BECHTEL, C. (2002). The Role of Trust And Relationship Structure In Improving Supply Chain Responsiveness, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 367-382.
  • KIM, H.-C., NICHOLSON, A., & KUSUMASTUTI, D. (2014). Freight Transport Mode Choice and Mode Shift in New Zealand: Findings of a Revealed Preference Survey. Sustainable Logistics, 165–192.doi:10.1108/s2044-994120140000006007
  • KIM, S. W., & NARASIMHAN, R. (2002). Information System Utilization In Supply Chain Integration Efforts. International Journal of Production Research, 40(18), 4585-4609.
  • LAMBERT, D. M. & STOCK, J. R. (1993). Strategic Logistics Management “3 rd ed., Richard D Irwin. Inc
  • ORSI, L., DE NONI, I., CORSI, S., & MARCHISIO, L. V. (2017). The role of collective action in leveraging farmers’ performances: Lessons from sesame seed farmers’ collaboration in eastern Chad. Journal of Rural Studies, 51, 93–104. Doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.02.011
  • PRAJOGO D.,& OLHAGER, J.. (2012). Supply chain integration and performance: The effects of longterm relationships, information technology, and sharing, and logistics integration. International Journal of Production Economic, 135, 514–522.
  • RUSHTON, A., CROUCHER, P., & BAKER, P. 2010. The Handbook of Logistics And Distribution Management 4th Edition. London: Kogan Page Limited.
  • SIMKOVA, I.., et al. (2015). Measuring The Quality Impacts On The Performance In Transport Company. Volume 10 Issue 3. DOI: 10.21307
  • SINULINGGA, B.D. (1999). Pembangunan Kota Tinjauan Regional dan Lokal. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
  • SLACK, N., CHAMBERS, S. & JOHNSTON, R. (2001). Operations Management, 3rd ed., Prentice-Hall, Harlow.
  • TRACEY, M.. (2004). Transportation Effectiveness and Manufacturing Firm Performance. The International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 15 Iss 2 pp. 31 – 50
  • Desember 5th
  • January 11th
  • YUN YUN DAN KURNIAWA, A. (2014). Supply Chain Logistik Dalam Kaitannya Dengan Ketahanan Pangan Di Pedesaan. Proseding Seminar Bisnis & Teknologi ISSN: 2407-6171. Cimahi
  • ZAILANI, S. & RAJAGOPAL, P. (2005). Supply chain integration and performance: US versus East Asian companies, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 10 Issue: 5, pp.379-393,
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

La Ode Andi Hermawan This is me 0000-0002-4363-6573

Arik Prasetya This is me 0000-0002-0472-6365

Saparila Worokınasıh This is me 0000-0001-6950-9954

Publication Date October 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 6 Issue: 4


APA Hermawan, L. O. A., Prasetya, A., & Worokınasıh, S. (2019). THE EFFECTS OF LOGISTICAL AND SUPPLY CHAIN ON THE PERFORMANCE OF SHALLOT FARMERS EAST JAVA. Journal of Life Economics, 6(4), 437-448.