Current Issue

Volume: 9 Issue: 4, 11/14/22

Year: 2022


Research Article

1. Asymmetric behavior of oil price shocks and output performance in Africa

Research Article

3. The impact of sectoral greenhouse gas emissions on economic growth in Turkey

Journal of Life Economics (E-ISSN: 2148-4139 & DOI Prefix: 10.15607) is an international peer-reviewed and periodical journal that started its publication life in 2014. It aims to create a forum where the economic fundamentals of life are discussed. It brings together the views and studies of academics, researchers and professionals who shape their work on the basis of economy. High quality theoretical and applied articles are published. Journal of Life Economics includes studies in fields such as Economics, Business and Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Banking, Econometrics, Labor Economics and so on. The journal is published 4 times a year as WINTER (January), SPRING (April), SUMMER (July) and FALL (October) periods.

Jounal of Life Economics is an open access electronic journal. Each paper published in the Journal is assigned a DOI® number, which appears beneath the author's affiliation in the published paper.

The journal is abstracted/indexed in Index Copernicus, CEEOL, Google Scholar, Ulrichsweb, EBSCOHost, SOBIAD, DOAJ, Repec s and so on. In addition, it has been evaluated by many indexes.

The language of publication of the journal is Turkish and English.

Manuscripts are sent electronically via Manuscript Submission System.

Send your manuscript to the editor at

For detailed information, please contact with the editors at

It is important that the manuscripts sent to the journal are prepared in accordance with the spelling rules stated below. After the editorial review, the evaluation process will not be initiated for manuscripts that are prepared without considering these rules.

1. The article file uploaded by the authors to the system should not contain any information about the authors. Authors must prepare their names, titles, detailed institution information, e-mail addresses and ORCID IDs in a separate file and upload it to the system as a second file outside of the article file.

2. The Copyright Form signed by all authors must also be added during the upload of the article files to the system. The review process will not be initiated for studies that are missing any of these 3 files and are not prepared properly.

3. The text must be written single spaced by using standard Microsoft Office Word format. Margins should be 2,5 cm for all sides of the page.

4. The total length of any manuscript submitted must not exceed 25 pages (A4).

5. The manuscript, which does not show the names of the authors, must include the followings: Title, Abstract, Keywords under the abstract, JEL codes, introduction, main text, conclusion, references and appendix.

6. No footer, header or page numbers required.

7. The manuscript language can be Turkish or English

8. Each manuscript must include abstract, no more than 300 words.

9. At most 5 key words must be written below the abstract.

10. Abstracts, keywords and JEL Codes should be prepared under the title of "Abstract" in English, Palatino Linotype, 9 font size, 1.15 line spacing, before: 6nk, after: 6nk and justified on both sides.

11. The main text should be written in Palatino Linotype, 10 font size and 1,15 line spaced. Paragraph spacing after a single paragraph (6 nk) should be given.

12. The title of the manuscript should be written centered above the abstract, with only the first letters of the first word and proper names in capitals. The title should be Palatino Linotype, 25 points, bold and 1.15 between lines.

13. Headings and subheadings must be numbered 2., 2.1., 2.1.1. as etc decimally with bold letters. All headings should be written in bold but only the first letters of the subtitles should be capital. Spacing before and after a heading (6 nk) should be given. Main Titles should be Palatino Linotype, 12 points, bold and all capital letters. Subheadings should be Palatino Linotype, 10 points, bold and only the initials should be capitalized.

14. All the tables, figures and graphs must be headlined and sequentially numbered. The titles of the tables and figures should be placed above the table or figures, and references belonging to table or figure should be under them. The headline must be written in Palatino Linotype, 9 size font and with bond letters. References for the tables (figure of graph) must be below the table (figure or graph) with a font size of 8 font.

15. Equations should be numbered consecutively and equation numbers should appear in parentheses at the right margin.

16. Footnotes (with explanations) should be numbered within the text, on a separate page under the heading "Notes", in numeral order, in Palatino Linotype, 9 font size and placed behind the text.

17. All formulas in the paper must be prepared and numbered using the formula.

18. Citations in text must be done according to the HARWARD REFERANCE TECHNIQUE. In text citations, the author’s last name and the year of publication (and page number of the publication if necessary) for the source must appear in the text

i. If the last name of the author is used , the publication date should be written in parenthesis.

Gürkaynak (2002) agree that chemical solutions …

ii. If the last name of the author is not used, the last name of the author, the publication year and page number of the publication must appear .

The last studies (Pınar 2003: 12)…

iii. If there are two authors, last names of both of the authors should be written.

Cinicioglu and Keleşoğlu (1993) mention about the soft paddings…

iv. If there are more than two authors, cite only the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”

…asserted by Öztoprak et al.. (1999)

v. If an author has more than one publishment in the same year, different symbols (i.e. a,b,c..) must be used with the years.

…result of the studies made by Bozbey et al (2003a)

vi. If the resource is anonymous the word “anon” must be used.

…the realities spoken in recent times (Anon 1998: 53) ...

vii. if a newspaper article with an unknown writer is used, name of the newspaper, date of publication, page number should be written.

The floods occured in the region effect the structural features (Atlas, 1998: 6)

viii. The studies made use of thesis, alphabetically ordered according to the surnames of the writers. The name of the magazine, book or booklet , etc. should be in italic and bold letters.

ix. For Internet resources, the name of the writer should be shown as mentioned before. If no writers name, the name of the resources and the date must be given

Some knowledge takes place about the bazaar (İMKB, 23.06.2003)

x. For the internet resources with unknown writers URL-sequence number and year should be written as follow:

(URL-1, 2003), (URL-1 and URL-2, 2003), According to URL-1 (2003)

References must be prepared as below:

Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Book. Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN.

MERCER, P.A. and SMITH, G. (1993). Private Viewdata in the UK. London: Palgrave, Second Edition, ISBN: xxxx-xxxx

Editorial Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of the Chapter. in Name of the Book. Ed(s): First Letter of the Name. Surname & First Letter of the Name. Surname. Page Numbers of the Chapter, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN.

STONE, E.F. (1986). Job Scope-Job Satisfaction and Job Scope-Job Performance Relationships. in Generalizing From Laboratory To Field Settings. Eds: E.A. Locke & C. Kahn. Lexington. pp. 189-206, MA: Lexington Books, First Edition, ISBN: 978-0669166408.

Translation Books :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of the Book. Translator(s): First Letter of the Name. Surname & First Letter of the Name. Surname. Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN.

BILLINGTON, D. (1975). Betonarme Kabuk Yapılar. Çevirenler: Hasan Kabataş & Mehmet Pultar. İstanbul: İTU Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayınları, ISBN: 1234-5678


SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Article. Name of Journal. Volume(Number), Page Numbers.

EVANS, W.A. (1994). Approaches to Intelligent Information Retrieval. Information Processing and Management. 7(2), 147-168.


SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Report. Name of Conference. Date and Conference Place, Place of Publication: Publishing, Page Numbers

SILVER, K. (1991). Electronic Mail: The New Way to Communicate. 9th International Online Information Meeting. 3-5 December 1990, London, Oxford: Learned Information, 323-330.

Thesis :

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Name of Thesis. Master’s Degree/Doctorate, Name of Institute

AGUTTER, A.J. (1995). The Linguistic Significance of Current British Slang. Thesis (PhD). Edinburgh University.

Institution / Organization Publications, Reports

INSTITUTION NAME. (Publication Year). Name of the Report. Ed(s) (if there is): First Letter of the Name. Surname. Publication Number, Place of Publication: Publishing House, Edition, ISBN (if there is).

DİE (1972). 1970 Binalar Sayım. Yayın No: 647, Ankara: Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü.

Newspaper and Journal articles with an unknown author

NEWSPAPER/JOURNAL NAME (Publication Year). Title of the Paper. Publication Date, Web Adressess (if there is) Date Accessed (if there is).

ECONOMIST (2003). The United States and the Americas: One History in Two Halves. 13 December 2003.


SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Publication Year). Title, Scale, Place of Publication: Publishing.

MASON, J. (1832). Map of The Countries Lying Between Spain and India. 1:8.000.000, London: Ordnance Survey.

Web Pages:

SURNAME, First Letter of the Name. (Year). Title [online], (Edition). Place of Publication. Web address: URL [Date Accessed: ].

HOLLAND, M. (2002). Guide to Citing Internet Sources [online]. Poole, Bournemouth University,, [Date Accessed: 4/11/2020].


The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Journal of Life Economics is committed to meeting and upholding standards of ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. It strictly follows the general ethical guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). Depending on these principles and general publication requirements, editors, peer reviewers, and authors must take the following responsibilities in accordance to professional ethic and norms. The proper and ethical process of publishing is dependent on fulfilling these resposibilities.

The Responsibilities of Editors

1.1. The General Responsibilities

Editors should be accountable for everything published in their journals.
The editor should make the efforts to improve the quality of and contribute to the development of the journal.
The editor should support authors’ freedom of expression.

1.2. Relations with Readers

Readers should be informed about who has funded research or other scholarly work and whether the funders had any role in the research and its publication and, if so, what this was.
The editor should ensure that the non-peer-reviewed sections of the journal (letters, essays, announcements of conferences etc.) are clearly identified.
The editor should make efforts to ensure that the articles published align with the knowledge and skills of the readers.

1.3. Relations with Reviewers

The editor should match the knowledge and expertise of the reviewers with the manuscripts submitted to them to be reviewed ensuring that the manuscripts are adequately reviewed by qualified reviewers.
The editor should require reviewers to disclose any potential competing interests before agreeing to review a submission.
The editor should provide necessary information about the review process to the reviewers about what is expected of them.
The editor must ensure that the review process is double blind and never reveal the identities of the authors to the reviewers or vice versa.
The editör encourage reviewers to evaluate manuscripts in an objective, scientific and objective language.
The editor should develop a database of suitable reviewers and update it on the basis of reviewer performance and timing
In the reviewer database; It should be attentive to scientists who evaluate the manuscripts objectively, perform the review process on time, evaluate the manuscirpt with constructive criticism and act in accordance with ethical rules.

1.4. Relations with Authors

The editor should provide clear publication guidelines and an author guidelines of what is expected of them to the authors and continuously review the guidelines and templates.
The editor should review the manuscript submitted in terms of guidelines of the journal, importance of the study, and originality and if the decision to reject the manuscript is made editor should explain it to the authors with clear and unbiased way. If the decision is made that the manuscript should be revised by the authors in terms of written language, punctuation, and/or rules in the guidelines (spacing, proper referencing, etc.) the authors should be notified and given time to do the corrections accordingly.
The authors should be provided with necessary information about the process of their review (at which stage is the manuscript at etc.) complying with the rules of double blind review.
In the case of an editor change, the new editor should not change a decision taken by the previous editor unless it is an important situation.

1.5. Relations with Editorial Board Members

Editor should provide publication policies and guidelines to the editorial board members and explain what is expected of them.
Editor should ensure that the editorial board members have the recently updated publication guidelines and policies.
Editor should review the editorial board members and include members who can actively contribute to the journal’s development.
Editorial board members should be informed about their roles and responsibilities such as
Supporting development of the journal
Accepting to write reviews in their expertise when asked
Reviewing publication guidelinesand improving them consistently
Taking responsibility in journal’s operation
The Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The reviewers must only agree to review manuscripts which align with their expertise.
The reviewers must make the evaluation in neutrality and confidentiality. In accordance with this principle, they should destroy the manuscripts they examine after the evaluation process, but use them only after they are published. Nationality, gender, religious belief, political belief and commercial concerns should not disrupt the neutrality of the assessment.
The reviewers must only review manuscripts which they do not have any conflict of interests. If they notice any conflict of interest they should inform the editor about it and decline to be a reviewer to the related manuscript.
Reviewers must include the Manuscript Evaluation Form for the manuscripts they evaluate without indicating their names to protect the blind review process. And they should include their final decision about the manuscript whether or not it should be published and why.
The suggestions and tone of the reviews should be polite, courteous and scientific. The reviewers should avoid including hostile, disrespectful, and subjective personal comments. When these comments are detected they could be reviewed and returned to the reviewer to be revised by the editor or editorial board.
The reviewers should respond in time when a manuscript is submitted to them to be reviewed and they should adhere to the ethical responsibilities declared hereby.
The Ethical Responsibilities of Author(s)
Submitted manuscripts should be original works in accordance with the specified fields of study.
Manuscripts sent for publication should not contradict scientific publication ethics (plagiarism, counterfeiting, distortion, republishing, slicing, unfair authorship, not to mention the supporting organization).
The potential conflicts of interest of the author(s) should be stated and the reason should be explained
The bibliography list is complete and should be prepared correctly and the cited sources must be specified.
The names of the people who did not contribute to the manuscript should not be indicated as an authors, they should not be suggested to change the authors order, remove the author, or add an author for a manuscript that is submitted for publication. Nevertheless, they should identify individuals who have a significant share in their work as co-authors. A study cannot be published without the consent of all its authors.
Author(s) are obliged to transmit the raw data of the manuscript to the editor upon request of journal editors.
The author(s) should contact the editor to provide information, correction or withdrawal when they notice the error regarding the manuscirpt in the evaluation and early view phase or published electronically.
Author (s) must not send manuscripts submitted for publication to another journal at the same time. Articles published in another journal cannot be resubmitted to be published in the Journal of Life Economics.
In a manuscript that has reached the publication stage, the authors should fill in the "Copyright Transfer Form” and forward it to the editor.
The Ethical Responsibilities of Publisher
The publisher acknowledges that the decision making process and the review process are the responsibility of the editor of Journal of Life Economics
The publisher is responsible for protecting the property and copyright of each published article and keeping a record of every published copy.
The publisher is obliged to provide free access to all articles of the journal in electronic environment.
Plagiarism and unethical behavior

All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Life Economics are reviewed through iThenticate software before publishing. The maximum similarity rate accepted is 15%. Manuscripts which exceed these limits are analyzed in detail and if deemed necessary returned to the authors for revision or correction, if not they could be rejected to be published if any plagiarism or unethical behavior is detected.

Following are some of the behaviors which are accepted as unethical:

Indicating individuals who have not intellectually contributed to the manuscripts as authors.
Not indicating individuals who have intellectually contributed to the manuscripts as authors.
Not indicating that a manuscript was produced from author’s graduate thesis/dissertation or that the manuscript included was produced from a project’s data.
Salami slicing, producing more than one article from a single study.
Not declaring conflicting interests or relations in the manuscripts submitted.
Unveiling double blind process.

[for Each submission] There will be a manuscript processing fee ( 50 $ ) which covers the cost of the web design, article tracking system, issuing DOI, indexing, index follow-up, crosscheck similarity scanning, etc.
Once the manuscripts are sent to the referees after the editorial review; the publication fee is requested from the author (s) regardless of manuscript is being accepted / rejected. No refund will be made for the articles even if the evaluation of manuscript results in rejection.

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