Research Article
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Lice-Kulp Yöresi (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) Filiş-Tûrbiditleri ve Çökelme Ortamları

Year 1983, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 31 - 36, 15.05.1983


Lice-Kulp yöresi metamorfik, magmatik ve Miyosen yaşlı tortul kayaçları içerir. Bitlis masifininia güney
kenarı üzeriade bulunan metamorfitler yörenin kuzey kesimini oluşturur ve güneydeki Miyosen tcrtuları
üzerine bindirmiglerdir. Miyosen tortulan altı farklı formasyona ayrılmakta ve bunlardan birisi olan
Üçdamlar formasyonu kapsadığı üyeler ve bu Üyelerin birbirleriyle olan ilişkileri itibariyle hem türbiditik
ve htm de fili§ faslyesi özeliiklerüıi göstermektedir. Bu özellikleri göz Önüne alınarak Ügdamlar formasyonu
"filig-türbidtt" diye nitelendirilmiştir, Filiş-türblditler yörede yer yer gok iyi izlenebilen dereceli tabakalanmaları
ve değişik Bouma seviyeleri ile karakteristiktir. Tortul yapılar ("groove ve flute casf'lar) 'dan
alınan ölçümlerle hazırlanan gül diyagramı yöredeki türbidit akıntılarının G-B'dan KB'ya doğru olduğuna
işaret etmektedir, Fllig türbiditler derin ve sıf deniz faslyesi ko§ullarma özgü fosilleri, örneğin Alg ve Globlgerinaları,
bîr arada bulundurmaktadır. Bu durum olasılı olarak Alg igeren bazı tortuların başlangıçta sıg
bir ortamda sökelirken, çökme (düşme) nedeniyle Globigerinaların bulunduğu daha derin ortamlara ulaşmaları
ve böylece türbidit akmtılariyle burada yeniden çökelerek yöredeki filig-türbiditleri oluşturdukları şeklinde


  • Altınlı, t E., Pamir, H. N. ve Brentöz, C, 1968: 1/MO.OOO ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji haritası, Erzurum,, MTA yayını, Ankara.
  • Bê, A.W.H. ve Tolderlund, D.S., 1971: Distribution and Ecology of living planktonla Foraminifera in surface waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Funnel, B.M. ve Riedel, W.R. (yönetmenler) *de: The Mlcropalaentology of oceans, 105-149, Cambridge Üniv. Basmıı, İngiltere.
  • Blatt, H., Middleton, G. ve Murar, R„ 19TO: Origin of sedimentary rook». 834 a, Prentice Hall Inc., Hnglewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
  • Bouma, A.H. 1&62: Sedimentology of some flysch deposits, a graphical approach to facies Interpretation, 168 s, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Bouma, A.H., 1972: Fossil çoatourites in lower Niesenflysch, Switztrland. J. Sed. Petrol. 42, 917-921.
  • Crimes, T.P., 19TS: From limestones to distal turbidites: a fades and trace fossil analysis in the Zurnaya flysch (Paleocene-Eocene), North Spain. Sedimentology, 20, 105-131,
  • De Raaf, J.F.M., 1964: The occurrence of flute easts and pseudomorphs after salt crystals in the Oligocène "Grès a ripple marks" of the southern Pyrenees. Bouma, A.H. ve Brouwer, A, (yönetmenler) 'de: Turbidltes, Developments in Sedimentology 3, 192-198, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
  • Dzulynski, S., Ksiasklewicz, M. ve Kuenen, P.H., 196»: Turbldites in flysoh of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Bull. Geo, Soc. Amer., 70, 1089-1118.
  • Bardley, A,J. ve White, M.G., 1947: Flysoh and molasse. Bull. Geo. Soc. Aaier.j B8, 979-990.
  • Genç, S„ 1977: Geological evolution of the southern margin of the Bitlis massif, Lİce-Kulp district, SE Turkey, Yaymlanmamış doktora tezi, Wales Üniversitesi, ingiltere.
  • Genç, S., 1081: Bitlis masifi güneyindeki metamorfitlerde polifaz metamorflzma (Ldce-Kulp yöresi, Diyarbakır), KTÜ Ter Bil. Der., Jeoloji, 1/1 29-37, Trabzon.
  • Genç, S., 19S2; Lİce-Kulp (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) yöresinde kıvrım analizleri, KTÜ Yer BU. Der., Jeoloji, 2/1 98-117, Trabzon.
  • Greensmith, J.T., Hatch F.H. ve Rastall, E,H„ 1971: Petrology of the sedimentary rocto (fifth edition) 502 e, "Thomas Murby, Londra.
  • Heezett, B.C. ve HoUtoter, O., 1Ö84: Deep-sea current evidence from abyssal sediments. Marine Geology, 1, 141.174.
  • Hesse, R», 1975: Turbiditio and non-turWdltlo mudstone of Cretaceous fiysoh sections of the East Alpa and other basins. Sadimentology, 19, 90-114.
  • Horn, D.R., Dwtog, M., Delaeh, M.N. va Horn, B.M., ' 1971: Turbidites of the northeast Pacific, Sedlmentology, 16t 65-69,
  • Kay, M., 1974: Geosyncllnes, fiysoh and mélanges. Dott, R.H. ve Shaver, B.H. (yönetmenler) 'de: Modern and ancient géosynclinal sedimentation, See. Boon. Pala. Min. Spec. Publ. 19. 3T7.8S0.
  • Kinsman, D.J.J., İ9ö9: Modes of formation, sedimentary associations and diagnostic features of shallow water and supraüdal evaporitso. Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol, Bull.s 58/4 830-840.
  • Kuenen, P.H., 1964: Deep.şea sanda and ancient turbldites. Bouma, A.H. ve Brouwer, A, (yönetmenler) 'de: Turbidites, Developments in Sedlmentology 3, 3-33, Hlsevierj Amsterdam.
  • Kuenea, P.H., 1967: Géosynclinal sédimentation (Introauction to a symposium). Geol, Rundsçh,â 56, 1-19
  • Kuenen, P.H. ve Oarozzd, A., 1853: Turbidity current« anfl sliding in géosynclinal baslna of the Alpa J, Geol., »1, 863-373.
  • Kukal, Z,, 1&71: Geology of recent sediments. 4S0 s, Acadejnlc Preoe, Londra.
  • McKee, E.D., 1065: Experimentfl on ripple lamination. Mlddleton, G.V. (yönetmen)' da: Primary sedlmeotary structures and their hydrodynamic Interpretation, Spec, PuW, Soc, Boon, Pala. Min, Tulsa, 12, 06.88.
  • Mlddleton, G, V., 1968: Bxpertm^ts on density and t u r . bldity currenta. l. Motloa. of the head. Can, J, Barth Sei., 8, 528-64«,
  • Pettijohn, F.J, Dotter, P.B. ve Slever, R., 1972: Bmû and sandstone, 618 s, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
  • Pettijohn, F.J., İ975: Sfedùneotary rocks (tMrd edition). 828 a. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. Read,
  • H.H. ve Watson, J., 1974: Introduetioa to Geology. 683 s., Macmillan, Londra.,
  • Sander, Ï.B., 1985: Primary sedimentary structures formed by turbidity currents and related resedimentation mechaniamş. Mlddleton, G.V, (yönet, men)'de: Primary sedtaaitary structureg and their hydrodynamic löterpretatioo. Spec, Publ. Soc. Boon. Pala. Min. Tulsa, 12. 192.217,
  • Schlager, W. ve Schlager, M., 1873: caastio sediments associated with radiolarltes (Taughlbodçn.gehionten, upper Jurassic, Eastern Alps). Sedlmentology, 20, flS.89.
  • Schmalz, R.F., 196»: Deep water êvaporlte deposition: A genetic model. Amer, Aasoe. Pete. Geol, BuU. 63/4 798.823.
  • Selley, R.C., 1973: Ancient sedimentary environment«. 287 a Chapman ve Hall Ltd,8 Londra,
  • Selley, R.C., 1976: An introduction to Sedimentolofy. 408 % Academic Press, Londra.
  • Seward, A.C., 1931: Plant Ufa through the ago». 601 s, Oombrldf a Univ. Press, ingiltere,
  • Van der Lihgen, G.J., 1968: Preliminary sedtaxentological evolution of some flysoh-lilM deposits from the Makara basin, central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Jour. Geol, Geophys. 11, 45B-47T.
  • Van der Längen, GJ„ 1968: TurWdita probton, New. Zealand Jour, Qeol. Geophy. 12, 7^0.
  • Weller, J.M., I960: Stratigraphie principles and practice, 726 s, Harper and Brothera Publisher», New Yorfc.
  • Whittea, D.G.A. ve Brooks, J.R.V., 1970: 3&a Penguin dictionary of Geology. Penguin books, Londra.
Year 1983, Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 31 - 36, 15.05.1983



  • Altınlı, t E., Pamir, H. N. ve Brentöz, C, 1968: 1/MO.OOO ölçekli Türkiye Jeoloji haritası, Erzurum,, MTA yayını, Ankara.
  • Bê, A.W.H. ve Tolderlund, D.S., 1971: Distribution and Ecology of living planktonla Foraminifera in surface waters of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Funnel, B.M. ve Riedel, W.R. (yönetmenler) *de: The Mlcropalaentology of oceans, 105-149, Cambridge Üniv. Basmıı, İngiltere.
  • Blatt, H., Middleton, G. ve Murar, R„ 19TO: Origin of sedimentary rook». 834 a, Prentice Hall Inc., Hnglewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
  • Bouma, A.H. 1&62: Sedimentology of some flysch deposits, a graphical approach to facies Interpretation, 168 s, Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • Bouma, A.H., 1972: Fossil çoatourites in lower Niesenflysch, Switztrland. J. Sed. Petrol. 42, 917-921.
  • Crimes, T.P., 19TS: From limestones to distal turbidites: a fades and trace fossil analysis in the Zurnaya flysch (Paleocene-Eocene), North Spain. Sedimentology, 20, 105-131,
  • De Raaf, J.F.M., 1964: The occurrence of flute easts and pseudomorphs after salt crystals in the Oligocène "Grès a ripple marks" of the southern Pyrenees. Bouma, A.H. ve Brouwer, A, (yönetmenler) 'de: Turbidltes, Developments in Sedimentology 3, 192-198, Elsevier, Amsterdam,
  • Dzulynski, S., Ksiasklewicz, M. ve Kuenen, P.H., 196»: Turbldites in flysoh of the Polish Carpathian Mountains. Bull. Geo, Soc. Amer., 70, 1089-1118.
  • Bardley, A,J. ve White, M.G., 1947: Flysoh and molasse. Bull. Geo. Soc. Aaier.j B8, 979-990.
  • Genç, S„ 1977: Geological evolution of the southern margin of the Bitlis massif, Lİce-Kulp district, SE Turkey, Yaymlanmamış doktora tezi, Wales Üniversitesi, ingiltere.
  • Genç, S., 1081: Bitlis masifi güneyindeki metamorfitlerde polifaz metamorflzma (Ldce-Kulp yöresi, Diyarbakır), KTÜ Ter Bil. Der., Jeoloji, 1/1 29-37, Trabzon.
  • Genç, S., 19S2; Lİce-Kulp (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) yöresinde kıvrım analizleri, KTÜ Yer BU. Der., Jeoloji, 2/1 98-117, Trabzon.
  • Greensmith, J.T., Hatch F.H. ve Rastall, E,H„ 1971: Petrology of the sedimentary rocto (fifth edition) 502 e, "Thomas Murby, Londra.
  • Heezett, B.C. ve HoUtoter, O., 1Ö84: Deep-sea current evidence from abyssal sediments. Marine Geology, 1, 141.174.
  • Hesse, R», 1975: Turbiditio and non-turWdltlo mudstone of Cretaceous fiysoh sections of the East Alpa and other basins. Sadimentology, 19, 90-114.
  • Horn, D.R., Dwtog, M., Delaeh, M.N. va Horn, B.M., ' 1971: Turbidites of the northeast Pacific, Sedlmentology, 16t 65-69,
  • Kay, M., 1974: Geosyncllnes, fiysoh and mélanges. Dott, R.H. ve Shaver, B.H. (yönetmenler) 'de: Modern and ancient géosynclinal sedimentation, See. Boon. Pala. Min. Spec. Publ. 19. 3T7.8S0.
  • Kinsman, D.J.J., İ9ö9: Modes of formation, sedimentary associations and diagnostic features of shallow water and supraüdal evaporitso. Amer. Assoc. Petr. Geol, Bull.s 58/4 830-840.
  • Kuenen, P.H., 1964: Deep.şea sanda and ancient turbldites. Bouma, A.H. ve Brouwer, A, (yönetmenler) 'de: Turbidites, Developments in Sedlmentology 3, 3-33, Hlsevierj Amsterdam.
  • Kuenea, P.H., 1967: Géosynclinal sédimentation (Introauction to a symposium). Geol, Rundsçh,â 56, 1-19
  • Kuenen, P.H. ve Oarozzd, A., 1853: Turbidity current« anfl sliding in géosynclinal baslna of the Alpa J, Geol., »1, 863-373.
  • Kukal, Z,, 1&71: Geology of recent sediments. 4S0 s, Acadejnlc Preoe, Londra.
  • McKee, E.D., 1065: Experimentfl on ripple lamination. Mlddleton, G.V. (yönetmen)' da: Primary sedlmeotary structures and their hydrodynamic Interpretation, Spec, PuW, Soc, Boon, Pala. Min, Tulsa, 12, 06.88.
  • Mlddleton, G, V., 1968: Bxpertm^ts on density and t u r . bldity currenta. l. Motloa. of the head. Can, J, Barth Sei., 8, 528-64«,
  • Pettijohn, F.J, Dotter, P.B. ve Slever, R., 1972: Bmû and sandstone, 618 s, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
  • Pettijohn, F.J., İ975: Sfedùneotary rocks (tMrd edition). 828 a. Harper and Row Publishers, New York. Read,
  • H.H. ve Watson, J., 1974: Introduetioa to Geology. 683 s., Macmillan, Londra.,
  • Sander, Ï.B., 1985: Primary sedimentary structures formed by turbidity currents and related resedimentation mechaniamş. Mlddleton, G.V, (yönet, men)'de: Primary sedtaaitary structureg and their hydrodynamic löterpretatioo. Spec, Publ. Soc. Boon. Pala. Min. Tulsa, 12. 192.217,
  • Schlager, W. ve Schlager, M., 1873: caastio sediments associated with radiolarltes (Taughlbodçn.gehionten, upper Jurassic, Eastern Alps). Sedlmentology, 20, flS.89.
  • Schmalz, R.F., 196»: Deep water êvaporlte deposition: A genetic model. Amer, Aasoe. Pete. Geol, BuU. 63/4 798.823.
  • Selley, R.C., 1973: Ancient sedimentary environment«. 287 a Chapman ve Hall Ltd,8 Londra,
  • Selley, R.C., 1976: An introduction to Sedimentolofy. 408 % Academic Press, Londra.
  • Seward, A.C., 1931: Plant Ufa through the ago». 601 s, Oombrldf a Univ. Press, ingiltere,
  • Van der Lihgen, G.J., 1968: Preliminary sedtaxentological evolution of some flysoh-lilM deposits from the Makara basin, central Hawkes Bay, New Zealand. New Zealand Jour. Geol, Geophys. 11, 45B-47T.
  • Van der Längen, GJ„ 1968: TurWdita probton, New. Zealand Jour, Qeol. Geophy. 12, 7^0.
  • Weller, J.M., I960: Stratigraphie principles and practice, 726 s, Harper and Brothera Publisher», New Yorfc.
  • Whittea, D.G.A. ve Brooks, J.R.V., 1970: 3&a Penguin dictionary of Geology. Penguin books, Londra.
There are 37 citations in total.


Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Makaleler - Articles

Salim Genç This is me

Publication Date May 15, 1983
Submission Date January 4, 1983
Published in Issue Year 1983 Volume: 7 Issue: 2


APA Genç, S. (1983). Lice-Kulp Yöresi (Diyarbakır İli, GD Türkiye) Filiş-Tûrbiditleri ve Çökelme Ortamları. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 7(2), 31-36.