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Modeling of Heat Transport in Geothermal Systems

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 3 - 16, 01.11.2002


Geothermal systems are very complex. Apart from the Hydrogeologie systems, these systems include phase change and heat flow. Consequently, its very difficult to suggest variation depend on the discharge and recharge relation in such a complex, system. In this stage, modeling approach is obtained very important role to put forward the future state of the system,. Many advances in simulating fluid flow and heat transport in porous media have recently been made parallel to geothermal energy research.. These models are used to verify and improve conceptual models of geothermal systems.. The main goal of the modeling of geothermal systems is to provide answers to* important problems about potential of reservoir and injection effects. In this paper, a. summary of heat transport modeling in geothermal systems presented and the governing equations for heat flow briefly described


  • Akan, B., 2002.. Afyon Ömer-Gecek Sıcak Su Akiferi Hidrojeolojik Modeli. Hacettepe Üniversitesi,, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Jeoloji (Hidrojeoloji) Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara,, 90 s (yayımlanmamış).
  • Armstead, C.H., 1978. Geothermal Energy.. Its past,, present and future contributions to the energy needs of man., E&F.N. Spon Ltd,, London, 357 p.
  • Bear, J., 1972,, Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media,. New York,, American Else vier Publishing Company, Inc., 764 p.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Pruess, K., and Lippmann, M.J., 1986.. Modeling of Geothermal Systems. Journal of Petroleum Technology, September, 1986, 1007-102.1,.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Benson, S.M., Sigurdsson, O.,, Stefansson, V.., and Eliasson, E,T,, 1984-a.
  • The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 1. Analysis of Well Test Data. Water Resources Research, 20 ( 11 ), 1515-1530.
  • Bodvarsson,, G.,S., Pruess, K.,, Stefansson, V., and Eliasson, E.T., 1984-b. The Krafla Geothermal Field,, Iceland: 2. The Natural State of the System. Water Resources Research, 20(11), 1531-1544.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Pruess,, K.„ Stefansson, V.., and Eliasson, E.T., 1984-c. The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 3. The Generating Capacity of the Field., Water Resources Research, 20 (11), 1545-Ï 559.
  • Brigham, W.E., and Morrow; W.B., 1.974. P/Z Behavior for Geothermal Steam Reservoirs. Paper SPE 4899 presented at the 44th Annual California Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, AME, San. Francisco, California.
  • Burkhardt, H., Honarmand, H., and Pribnow,, D., 1995., JTest Measurement With a New Thermal Conductivity Borehole Tool. Tectonophysics, 244, 161-165. Domenico,. P.A., and Schwartz, F.W., 1990., Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology., John Wiley&Sons, Canada, 317-357
  • Faust, C.R. and Mercer, J.W,, 1975. Mathematical Modeling of Geothermal Systems. In: Proceedings of the Second United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, San Francisco, California, 3, 1633-1642..
  • Faust, C.R., 1976.. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Energy Transport in Liquid and Vapor-Dominated Hydrothermal Systems. PhD Thesis, Pennsylvania State University,, University Park, Pensylvania (unpublished).
  • Grant, .MA., Donaldson, I.G. and Bixley, P.F., 1.982,. Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Academic Press,, New York, 369 p.
  • Hopkirk, RJ., Gilby, DJ., Rybach, L., and Griesser, J.C., 1.985. Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Deep,, Fractured Crystalline Rock. Geothermics, 14 (2/3), 385-392..
  • Kipp, K,.L.„ 1987.. HST3D: A Computer Code for Simulation of Heat and Solute Transport in Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Systems,. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report» 86-4095, Denver, Colorado, 393 p..
  • Kolditz, G! .,, 199.5. Modeling Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Rocks: Conceptual Model of a 3-D Deterministic Fracture Network. Geothermics, 24, (3), 451-470.
  • Mercer, J.W., Pinder, G.F., and Donaldson, I.G., 1975., A Galerkin finite element analysis of the hydrothermal system at Wairakei, New Zealand.. I. Geophys. Res,., 80 (17), 2608-2621. ' '
  • Mercer, J.W., and Faust, C.R., 1979. A review of Numerical Simulation of Hydrothermal Systems. Hydrological Sciences-Bulletindes Sciences Hydrologiques, 24 (3), 9/1979,335-343
  • Mercer, ,LW.„, and Faust, C.R., 1980., Groundwater modeling: Mathematical modelsGround Water, 1,8 (3), 212-227..
  • Mercer, J..W.,, Faust, C.R., W,J.., Miller and FJ . Pearson, JR, 1982.. Review of Simulation Techniques for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES). Advances in Hydroscience, 13, 1.-129.
  • Pfister. M., Rybach, L.,, and Şimşek, Ş.,, 1997..
  • Geothermal Reconnaissance of the Marmara Sea Region. Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia-The Marmara Poly-Project,, A. Multidisciplinary Approach by Space-Geodesy, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geothermics • and Seismology, vdf Hochschul verlag A G an der ETH Zürich, ISBN 3-7281 -2425-7.
  • Popov, A...Y., Pribnow, D.F.C., Sass, J.H., Williams,, CF..,, and Burkharde H., I999, Characterization of Rock Thermal Conductivity by High-Resolution optical. Scanning« Geothermics, 28, 253-276.
  • Pruess, K.., Bodvarsson, G.S., Stefansson, V.,, and Eliasson, E.T., 1984, The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 4,. History Match and Prediction of Individual Well Performance. Water Resources Research,, 20 (11), 1561-1584.
  • Pruess, EL, 1990. Modeling of Geothermal Reservoirs: Fundamental Processes,, Computer Simulation and Field Applications,, Geothermics, 19(1), 3-15.
  • Schärli, IL, and Rybach,, L,, 2001.. Détermination of Specific Heat Capacity on Rock. Fragments.. Geothermics, 30, 93-110.
  • Thomas, L.K., and Pierson, R., 1976,. ThreeDimensional Geothermal Reservoir Simulation of Geothermal Reservoir Simulation. Paper SPE6104 Presented, at the 51st Annual Fall Meeting, of the Society of Petroleum. Engineers, AIME, New Orleans,, Louisiana.
  • White, D.E.., 1967,. Some principles of Geyser Activity, Mainly From Steamboat Springs, Nevada,. Am. J. Sei.,, 265,, 641- 684..
  • Whiting, D.E., and Ramey, HJ., Jr, 1969.. Application of Material and. Energy Balances to Geothermal Steam Production, J. Petrol... Tech,, 21 (7),, 893-900.

Jeotermal Sistemlerde Isı Taşınımının Modellenmesi

Yıl 2002, Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2, 3 - 16, 01.11.2002


Jeotermal sistemler, oldukça karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir., Bu. sistemlerde,, hidrojeolojik sistemlerden farklı olarak faz değişimleri ve ısı taşınımı da söz konusudur.. Dolayısıyla, böyle karmaşık bir sistemde beslenme-boşalım ilişkisine bağlı olarak meydana gelebilecek değişimleri öngörmek oldukça zordur. Bu aşamada, modelleme yaklaşımı sistemin geleceğine ilişkin bir öngörü yapabilmek açısından büyük bir önem kazanmaktadır. Son yıllarda matematiksel modeller yardımıyla jeotermal alanların niod.ellen.mesi yoğun olarak çalışılan, bir konudur.. Bu modeller, jeotermal alanların kavramsal modellerinin geliştirilmesi ve doğruluğunun kanıtlanması için kullanılmaktadır., Jeotermal sistemlerin modellenmesiode esas amaç, rezervuar potansiyelinin belirlenmesi ve reenjeksiyonun sistem üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konması gibi önemli problemlerin çözümüdür. Bu çalışmada, jeotermal sistemlerde ısı taşınımının modellenmesine ilişkin yaklaşımlar1 kısaca özetlenmiş ve modelleme çalışmalarına temel oluşturan ısı taşınımı eşitlikleri verilmiştir.


  • Akan, B., 2002.. Afyon Ömer-Gecek Sıcak Su Akiferi Hidrojeolojik Modeli. Hacettepe Üniversitesi,, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Jeoloji (Hidrojeoloji) Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, Ankara,, 90 s (yayımlanmamış).
  • Armstead, C.H., 1978. Geothermal Energy.. Its past,, present and future contributions to the energy needs of man., E&F.N. Spon Ltd,, London, 357 p.
  • Bear, J., 1972,, Dynamics of Fluids in Porous Media,. New York,, American Else vier Publishing Company, Inc., 764 p.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Pruess, K., and Lippmann, M.J., 1986.. Modeling of Geothermal Systems. Journal of Petroleum Technology, September, 1986, 1007-102.1,.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Benson, S.M., Sigurdsson, O.,, Stefansson, V.., and Eliasson, E,T,, 1984-a.
  • The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 1. Analysis of Well Test Data. Water Resources Research, 20 ( 11 ), 1515-1530.
  • Bodvarsson,, G.,S., Pruess, K.,, Stefansson, V., and Eliasson, E.T., 1984-b. The Krafla Geothermal Field,, Iceland: 2. The Natural State of the System. Water Resources Research, 20(11), 1531-1544.
  • Bodvarsson, G.S., Pruess,, K.„ Stefansson, V.., and Eliasson, E.T., 1984-c. The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 3. The Generating Capacity of the Field., Water Resources Research, 20 (11), 1545-Ï 559.
  • Brigham, W.E., and Morrow; W.B., 1.974. P/Z Behavior for Geothermal Steam Reservoirs. Paper SPE 4899 presented at the 44th Annual California Regional Meeting of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, AME, San. Francisco, California.
  • Burkhardt, H., Honarmand, H., and Pribnow,, D., 1995., JTest Measurement With a New Thermal Conductivity Borehole Tool. Tectonophysics, 244, 161-165. Domenico,. P.A., and Schwartz, F.W., 1990., Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology., John Wiley&Sons, Canada, 317-357
  • Faust, C.R. and Mercer, J.W,, 1975. Mathematical Modeling of Geothermal Systems. In: Proceedings of the Second United Nations Symposium on the Development and Use of Geothermal Resources, San Francisco, California, 3, 1633-1642..
  • Faust, C.R., 1976.. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Energy Transport in Liquid and Vapor-Dominated Hydrothermal Systems. PhD Thesis, Pennsylvania State University,, University Park, Pensylvania (unpublished).
  • Grant, .MA., Donaldson, I.G. and Bixley, P.F., 1.982,. Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. Academic Press,, New York, 369 p.
  • Hopkirk, RJ., Gilby, DJ., Rybach, L., and Griesser, J.C., 1.985. Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer in Deep,, Fractured Crystalline Rock. Geothermics, 14 (2/3), 385-392..
  • Kipp, K,.L.„ 1987.. HST3D: A Computer Code for Simulation of Heat and Solute Transport in Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Systems,. U.S. Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigations Report» 86-4095, Denver, Colorado, 393 p..
  • Kolditz, G! .,, 199.5. Modeling Flow and Heat Transfer in Fractured Rocks: Conceptual Model of a 3-D Deterministic Fracture Network. Geothermics, 24, (3), 451-470.
  • Mercer, J.W., Pinder, G.F., and Donaldson, I.G., 1975., A Galerkin finite element analysis of the hydrothermal system at Wairakei, New Zealand.. I. Geophys. Res,., 80 (17), 2608-2621. ' '
  • Mercer, J.W., and Faust, C.R., 1979. A review of Numerical Simulation of Hydrothermal Systems. Hydrological Sciences-Bulletindes Sciences Hydrologiques, 24 (3), 9/1979,335-343
  • Mercer, ,LW.„, and Faust, C.R., 1980., Groundwater modeling: Mathematical modelsGround Water, 1,8 (3), 212-227..
  • Mercer, J..W.,, Faust, C.R., W,J.., Miller and FJ . Pearson, JR, 1982.. Review of Simulation Techniques for Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES). Advances in Hydroscience, 13, 1.-129.
  • Pfister. M., Rybach, L.,, and Şimşek, Ş.,, 1997..
  • Geothermal Reconnaissance of the Marmara Sea Region. Active Tectonics of Northwestern Anatolia-The Marmara Poly-Project,, A. Multidisciplinary Approach by Space-Geodesy, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geothermics • and Seismology, vdf Hochschul verlag A G an der ETH Zürich, ISBN 3-7281 -2425-7.
  • Popov, A...Y., Pribnow, D.F.C., Sass, J.H., Williams,, CF..,, and Burkharde H., I999, Characterization of Rock Thermal Conductivity by High-Resolution optical. Scanning« Geothermics, 28, 253-276.
  • Pruess, K.., Bodvarsson, G.S., Stefansson, V.,, and Eliasson, E.T., 1984, The Krafla Geothermal Field, Iceland: 4,. History Match and Prediction of Individual Well Performance. Water Resources Research,, 20 (11), 1561-1584.
  • Pruess, EL, 1990. Modeling of Geothermal Reservoirs: Fundamental Processes,, Computer Simulation and Field Applications,, Geothermics, 19(1), 3-15.
  • Schärli, IL, and Rybach,, L,, 2001.. Détermination of Specific Heat Capacity on Rock. Fragments.. Geothermics, 30, 93-110.
  • Thomas, L.K., and Pierson, R., 1976,. ThreeDimensional Geothermal Reservoir Simulation of Geothermal Reservoir Simulation. Paper SPE6104 Presented, at the 51st Annual Fall Meeting, of the Society of Petroleum. Engineers, AIME, New Orleans,, Louisiana.
  • White, D.E.., 1967,. Some principles of Geyser Activity, Mainly From Steamboat Springs, Nevada,. Am. J. Sei.,, 265,, 641- 684..
  • Whiting, D.E., and Ramey, HJ., Jr, 1969.. Application of Material and. Energy Balances to Geothermal Steam Production, J. Petrol... Tech,, 21 (7),, 893-900.
Toplam 29 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Berrin Akan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Kasım 2002
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2002 Cilt: 26 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Akan, B. (2002). Jeotermal Sistemlerde Isı Taşınımının Modellenmesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 26(2), 3-16.