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Capillary Water Sorption Potentials Of Some Building Materials

Year 2002, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 19 - 32, 01.05.2002


Surface damages, in the building materials, are occurred due to the capillary water sorption in many building especially historical building at the Konya City and around. In this study, capillary water sorption potential of the natural and artificial building materials which used on the building in the Konya district are investigated. The variation capillary water sorption coefficients with other index properties of these materials are researched so that variation of amount of capillary water sorption is determined for material type,. Capillary water sorption potentials are investigated, on the natural building stones such as andesitic tuff used on historical and actual buildings,, trevertine, limestone and granite with artificial building materials such as gas concrete, concrete and pumice concrete made from pumice sand with cement. All capillary water sorption experiments are carried out on seven piece samples which taken from every material with prismatic shape and same dimension such as 2 x 5 x 10 cm. In experiments., capillary water sorption coefficients for gas concrete, pumice concrete, concrete, andesitic tuffr trevertine,, limestone, granite, were calculated in kg/ nf..saat °'~ as 7.3, 3.6, 4, 2..9,, 0.11 0.4, 0.08 respectively., It is consequence that highly capillary water sorption coefficients of andesitic tuff caused on wetting which occurred in the historical building.. In addition, regression relationships between capillary water sorption coefficient and other index properties of materials is determined in this study.


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  • Atkins P. W.. ,,1994. Physical Chemistry, Fifth edition,,, Oxford University Press.
  • Brocken, H..J..P,. ve Pel, L. , 1995. Moisture transport over the brick/mortar interface.
  • Proceeding of the loternational symposium on Moisture problems in beilding walls, Porto, 11-13 Sept., pp. 415-424.
  • Collins FL E., ve Cooke C. R, 1959.. Trans Farady Soc,, 55, 1602.
  • Davis S. N 1969. Porosity and permeability of natural materials in Flow Through Porous. Materials, ed., R. J. M. DeWiest. Academic Press, New York, 54-89.
  • Domenica P.. A., Schwartz F.. W., 1990.
  • Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, John Wiley and Sons,, New York,, 824 pp.
  • Freitas V. P., Krus M., Künzel H.. ve Quenard D. 1995,. Determination, of the water diffusivity of porous materials by gamma-ray attenuation and NMR. Proceeding of the International symposium on Moisture Problems in Building
  • Walls,, Porto, 11-13 Sept, pp.. 445-460, Hall C. , 1994. Barrier performance of concrete: A review of fluid transport theory. Materials and. Structures, Vol. 27, pp. 291-306.
  • Janz M, 1997. Methods of measuring the moisture diffusivity at high moisture levels.
  • University of Lund, Lund Institute of Technology Division of Building Materials, Report TVBM3076, 73p.
  • Nevander L. E., ve Elmarsson B., 1994., Hand, book of Moisture Practice and Theory; second edition, AB Svensk Byggtjanst, Stockholm.
  • Nielsen,, A. F.I972. Gamma-ray-attenuation used, for measuring the moisture content and homogeneity of porous concrete. Building Science, Vol. 7, pp.257-263.
  • Nielsen D. R.., van Genuchten, M Th.. ve Biggar J. W. 1986. Wafer flow and Solute transport process in the unsaturated zone. Water Resources Research, Vol.. 22, No. 9, 89S-108S.
  • Saydam, T. 1973,. Akışkanların Gözenekli. Ortamdaki Akışı.. (Collins E., 1961' den çeviri )
  • İTÜ Kütüphanesi sayı 948, Çağlayan Basımevi., İstanbul, 304 s.
  • Sosom, M. ve Reinhardt, H. W. „1995.
  • Thermal imaging of hazardous organic fluids in concrete,. Materials and Structures, Vol. 28,, No. 183, pp., .526-533.
  • TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ (TSE). 1984,. TS 4045, Yapı Malzemelerinde Kapiler So Emme Tayini.., Türk standartları Enstitüsü., Ankara, 5 s.
  • TÜRK STANDARTLAR! ENSTİTÜSÜ (TSE),. 1987. TS 699- Tabii Yapı Taşlan Muayene ve Deney Metotları. Türk Standartları, Enstitüsü, Ankara, 82 s
  • Volkwein A.. 1993. The capillary suction of water into concrete and the abnormal viscosity of the pore water. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, pp.. 843-852..
  • Vos, B. El, 1965.. Non-steady-state method for the determination of moisture Content, in structures.. Humidity and Moisture,, Vol. 4, pp.. 35- 47, New York..
  • Wassman L., 1997. Studies on the frost resistance of natural stones, Report TVBM-3077.
  • Lend University, Lund Institute of technology,, 212p. Lund.
  • Wittig, G., ve Lingott, H.., 1992, Investigation of the moisture transport in building materials by microwave beam, (in German), auphysik 1.4,, Heft 2, pp. 44-49..

Bazı Yapı Malzemelerin Kapiler Su Emme Potansiyelleri

Year 2002, Volume: 26 Issue: 1, 19 - 32, 01.05.2002


Konya ve yakın çevresindeki yapılarda özellikle tarihi yapılarda, yapı malzemesi içerisine kapilarit^. yoluyla alınan suyla bu malzemelerde satıh bozulmaları oluşmaktadır. Kapiler su emme miktarının yapı malzemesi türüne göre değişiminin belirlenebilmesi amacıyla yörede kullanılan doğal ve suni yapı malzemelerinin kapiler su emme potansiyelleri incelenmiş, belirlenen kapiler su emme katsayılarının malzemelerin diğer indeks özellikleriyle ilişkileri araştırılmıştır.. Çalışmada tarihi ve güncel yapılarda kullanılan andezitik tüf Sille taşı , traverten, kireçtaşı ve granit gibi doğal yapı taşlan ile gaz beton, beton ve pomza bims kumuyla yapılan bims betonu gibi yapay yapı malzemelerin kapiler su emme potansiyelleri belirlenmiştir, Kapiler su emme deneyleri her bir yapı malzemesinden alınan 7 adet 2x5x10 cm boyutlarındaki prizmatik örnekler üzerinde yapılmıştır. Kapiler su emme katsayısının,, gaz betonda 7.3, bims betonda 3.6, betonda 4, andezitik tüf te 2.9, travertende 0.1, kireçtaşında 0.4, granitte ise 0.08 kg/ m2 saat °'5 olduğa deneylerle tespit edilmiştir. Andezitik tüfûn yaygın olarak kullanıldığı tarihi, yapılarda meydana gelen nemlenmede bu yapı taşında belirlenen kapiler su emme katsayısının yüksek olmasının önemli derecede etken olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Yine bu çalışmada kapiler su emme katsayısının malzemenin diğer fiziksel özellikleriyle bağlantısını gösteren bazı eşitlilerde tespit edilmiştir


  • Adan O.C.G. 1995,. Determination of moisture diffusivities in. gypsum renders'.,, Heron,Vol. 40(3), 201-215/'
  • Atkins P. W.. ,,1994. Physical Chemistry, Fifth edition,,, Oxford University Press.
  • Brocken, H..J..P,. ve Pel, L. , 1995. Moisture transport over the brick/mortar interface.
  • Proceeding of the loternational symposium on Moisture problems in beilding walls, Porto, 11-13 Sept., pp. 415-424.
  • Collins FL E., ve Cooke C. R, 1959.. Trans Farady Soc,, 55, 1602.
  • Davis S. N 1969. Porosity and permeability of natural materials in Flow Through Porous. Materials, ed., R. J. M. DeWiest. Academic Press, New York, 54-89.
  • Domenica P.. A., Schwartz F.. W., 1990.
  • Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology, John Wiley and Sons,, New York,, 824 pp.
  • Freitas V. P., Krus M., Künzel H.. ve Quenard D. 1995,. Determination, of the water diffusivity of porous materials by gamma-ray attenuation and NMR. Proceeding of the International symposium on Moisture Problems in Building
  • Walls,, Porto, 11-13 Sept, pp.. 445-460, Hall C. , 1994. Barrier performance of concrete: A review of fluid transport theory. Materials and. Structures, Vol. 27, pp. 291-306.
  • Janz M, 1997. Methods of measuring the moisture diffusivity at high moisture levels.
  • University of Lund, Lund Institute of Technology Division of Building Materials, Report TVBM3076, 73p.
  • Nevander L. E., ve Elmarsson B., 1994., Hand, book of Moisture Practice and Theory; second edition, AB Svensk Byggtjanst, Stockholm.
  • Nielsen,, A. F.I972. Gamma-ray-attenuation used, for measuring the moisture content and homogeneity of porous concrete. Building Science, Vol. 7, pp.257-263.
  • Nielsen D. R.., van Genuchten, M Th.. ve Biggar J. W. 1986. Wafer flow and Solute transport process in the unsaturated zone. Water Resources Research, Vol.. 22, No. 9, 89S-108S.
  • Saydam, T. 1973,. Akışkanların Gözenekli. Ortamdaki Akışı.. (Collins E., 1961' den çeviri )
  • İTÜ Kütüphanesi sayı 948, Çağlayan Basımevi., İstanbul, 304 s.
  • Sosom, M. ve Reinhardt, H. W. „1995.
  • Thermal imaging of hazardous organic fluids in concrete,. Materials and Structures, Vol. 28,, No. 183, pp., .526-533.
  • TÜRK STANDARTLARI ENSTİTÜSÜ (TSE). 1984,. TS 4045, Yapı Malzemelerinde Kapiler So Emme Tayini.., Türk standartları Enstitüsü., Ankara, 5 s.
  • TÜRK STANDARTLAR! ENSTİTÜSÜ (TSE),. 1987. TS 699- Tabii Yapı Taşlan Muayene ve Deney Metotları. Türk Standartları, Enstitüsü, Ankara, 82 s
  • Volkwein A.. 1993. The capillary suction of water into concrete and the abnormal viscosity of the pore water. Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 23, pp.. 843-852..
  • Vos, B. El, 1965.. Non-steady-state method for the determination of moisture Content, in structures.. Humidity and Moisture,, Vol. 4, pp.. 35- 47, New York..
  • Wassman L., 1997. Studies on the frost resistance of natural stones, Report TVBM-3077.
  • Lend University, Lund Institute of technology,, 212p. Lund.
  • Wittig, G., ve Lingott, H.., 1992, Investigation of the moisture transport in building materials by microwave beam, (in German), auphysik 1.4,, Heft 2, pp. 44-49..
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Adnan Özdemır This is me

Publication Date May 1, 2002
Published in Issue Year 2002 Volume: 26 Issue: 1


APA Özdemır, A. (2002). Bazı Yapı Malzemelerin Kapiler Su Emme Potansiyelleri. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 26(1), 19-32.