Pontid kuşağının batı kesiminde Üst Kretase yaşlı tortullar genellikle derin denizel fasiyeste gelişmişlerdir. Bunları izleyen sen yaşlı çökellerinde özellikle Zonguldak çevresinde yine açık-derin denizel koşullarda çökelmiş olmalarına karşın, doğuya doğru baskın olarak sığ denizel koşullarda çökeldikleri birçok yerbilimci tarafından vurgulanmıştır.
It is widely known that, Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene aged sediments exposed in the western part of Pontic Belt were, in general, developed in a deep-marina environment. To the east, specially during the Paleocene period, depositional conditions were gradually changed into shallow-marine as has been mentioned by various authors. Although, a similar stiuation should be expected in the north of Göynük (Bolu), an open (deep?)-marine conditions have been again observed for the Paleocene sequence.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other) |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | October 15, 1986 |
Submission Date | July 1, 1986 |
Published in Issue | Year 1986 Volume: 10 Issue: 4 |