Research Article
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Kumtaşlarındaki İkincil Gözeneklilik

Year 1991, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 15 - 21, 15.11.1991


İkincil gözeneklilik kumtaşlarının diyajenezinde önemli rol oynar. 1970'lerden sonra yapılan araştırmalar kumtaşlarındaki gözenekliliğin yarısından çoğunun ikincil kökeni olduğunu göstermiştir; Kimyasal, fiziksel, fizikokimyasal, biokimyasal ve biyofiziksel prosesler sonucu ikincil gözeneklilik kumtaşlarındaki çimento ya da tanelerin çözünmesi, buruşması, oyulması ve çatlak-kırık oluşması şeklinde gelişir. İkincil gözeneklilik sedimentlerin depolanmasından hemen sonra ve matemorfizma öncesi herhangi bir zamanda oluşabilir. Yaşlı kumtaşlarında ikincil gözenekliliğin büyük bir kısmı kalsit, dolomit ve siderit gibi karbonat minerallerinin mezojenetik olarak çözünmesi sonucu oluşur. Feldispat, karbonat, sülfat ya da kaya ç parçacıları gibi duraylı olmayan sedimenter tane ya da çimentonun çözünmesi veya çatlaklanması sonucu oluşan ikincil gözeneklilik kumtaşlarında oldukça yaygındır. Çatlaklanma dışındaki ikincil gözenekliliğin birçok açıdan birincil gözenekliliğe benzemesi, ikincil gözenekliliğin tanımlanmasında birden fazla belirtinin bulunmasını gerektirir. Kısmi çözülme, mold, homojen olmayan paketlenme, aşırı boyutlu boşluk, sıralanmış gözenekler, kemirilmiş taneler, tane içi gözeneklilik, kırılmış ya da çatlaklanmış taneler ikincil gözenekliliğin tanımlanmasında kullanılan petrografik belirtilerdir.


  • Atwater, G.I. and E.E. Miller, 1965, The effect of decreake in porosity with depth on future development of oil and gas reservoirs in southern Lousiana (Abs): Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, p. 344.
  • Burley, S.D. and J.D. Kantorowicz, 1986, Thin section and S.E.M. textural criteria for the recognition of cement-dissolution porosity in sandstones: Sedimentology, v. 33, p. 587-604.
  • Chepikov, K.P., Y.P. Yermolova and N.A. Orlova and N.A. Orlova, 1961, Corrosion of quartz grains and examples of the possible effect of oil on the reservoir properties of sandy rocks: Doklady of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections, v. 140, P. 1111-1113 (In English).
  • Hayes, J.B., 1979, Sandstone diagenesiös- the hole truth, SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 127-139.
  • Maxwell, J.C., 1964. Influence of depth, temperature and geologic age on porosity of quartzose sandstone. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologist Bull. v. 60, p. 543-553.
  • McBride E.F., 1977, Secondary porosity, importance in sandstone reservoirs in Texas: Transactions of the Gulf Coast association of Geological Societies, v. 27, p. 121-122.
  • Pittman, E.D., 1979, Porosity, diagenesis and productive capasity of sandstone reservoir, SEPM special Publication 26, p. 159-173.
  • Proshlyakov, B.K., 1960, Reservoir rocks as a function of their depth and lithology Geo. Neffi Gaza, v. 4, no. 12, p. 24-29.
  • Savkevich, S.S.,1969, Variation in sandstone prosity in lithogenesis (as related to the prediction of secondary porous oil and gas reservoir): Doklady of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Sciences Sections, v. 184, p. 161-163 (in English)
  • Schmidt, V., D.A. McDonald and R.L. Platt, 1979, Pore geometry and reservoir aspectis of secondary porosity in sandstones: Canadian Soc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. v. 25, p. 271-290.
  • Schmidt, V., and D.A. McDonald, 1979 a, The role of secondary porosity in the course of sandstone diagenesis: SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 175-207.
  • Schmidt, V., and D.A. McDonald, 1979 b, texture and recognition of secondary porosity in sandstones: SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 209-225.
  • Shanmugan, G., 1984, Secondary porosity in sandstone: Basic contribution of Chepikov and Savkevich: AAPG Bull. v. 68 P. 106-107.
  • Shanmugan, G., 1985, Significance of secondary porosity in interpreting sandstone composition: AAPG Bull. v. 69 p. 378-384.
  • Surdam, R.C., Crossey, L.J., 1987, Integrated diagenetic modelling: A proccess-oriented approach for clastic systems; Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sei., v. 15, p. 141-170.
  • Surdam R.C., and Crossey, L.J., 1984, The chemistry of secondary porosity, In D.D. McDonald and R.C. Surdam (cds), Clastic Diagenesis; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geologists Memoir. 37, p. 127-149
  • Tissot, B.P. and Welte, D.H., 1982, Petroleum Formation and Occurrence, New York, Springer-Verlag, 638 pp.

Secondary Porosity in Sandstones

Year 1991, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 15 - 21, 15.11.1991


Secondary porosity play an important role in the diagenesis of some sandstones. Studies after 1970's have shown that more than half of the porosity in sandstones is secondary in origin. Chemical. Physicochemical, biochemical, physical and biophysical presses result in secondary porosity through leaching and shrinkage of rock constituents or through the opening and shrinkage of rock constituents or through the opening of fractures. Secondary porosity can originate anywhere in the diagenetic history. Most of secondary porosity in ancient sandstones formed as a result of mesogenetic leaching of the carbonate minerals such as calcite, dolomite and siderite. Secondary porosity resulting from the dissolution of unstable framework or cement, such as feldspar, carbonate, sulfate or rock fragment is common in sandstone. Recognition of secondary porosity should be based on multiple evidence because monfractured secondary porosity often mimics primary porosity. Petrographic criteria for recognizing secondary porosity include partial dissolution, molds, inomogeneus packing, oversized pores, carrodedr grains, intraconstituent pores and fractured grains.


  • Atwater, G.I. and E.E. Miller, 1965, The effect of decreake in porosity with depth on future development of oil and gas reservoirs in southern Lousiana (Abs): Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., v. 49, p. 344.
  • Burley, S.D. and J.D. Kantorowicz, 1986, Thin section and S.E.M. textural criteria for the recognition of cement-dissolution porosity in sandstones: Sedimentology, v. 33, p. 587-604.
  • Chepikov, K.P., Y.P. Yermolova and N.A. Orlova and N.A. Orlova, 1961, Corrosion of quartz grains and examples of the possible effect of oil on the reservoir properties of sandy rocks: Doklady of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Science Sections, v. 140, P. 1111-1113 (In English).
  • Hayes, J.B., 1979, Sandstone diagenesiös- the hole truth, SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 127-139.
  • Maxwell, J.C., 1964. Influence of depth, temperature and geologic age on porosity of quartzose sandstone. Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologist Bull. v. 60, p. 543-553.
  • McBride E.F., 1977, Secondary porosity, importance in sandstone reservoirs in Texas: Transactions of the Gulf Coast association of Geological Societies, v. 27, p. 121-122.
  • Pittman, E.D., 1979, Porosity, diagenesis and productive capasity of sandstone reservoir, SEPM special Publication 26, p. 159-173.
  • Proshlyakov, B.K., 1960, Reservoir rocks as a function of their depth and lithology Geo. Neffi Gaza, v. 4, no. 12, p. 24-29.
  • Savkevich, S.S.,1969, Variation in sandstone prosity in lithogenesis (as related to the prediction of secondary porous oil and gas reservoir): Doklady of Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Earth Sciences Sections, v. 184, p. 161-163 (in English)
  • Schmidt, V., D.A. McDonald and R.L. Platt, 1979, Pore geometry and reservoir aspectis of secondary porosity in sandstones: Canadian Soc. Petroleum Geologists Bull. v. 25, p. 271-290.
  • Schmidt, V., and D.A. McDonald, 1979 a, The role of secondary porosity in the course of sandstone diagenesis: SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 175-207.
  • Schmidt, V., and D.A. McDonald, 1979 b, texture and recognition of secondary porosity in sandstones: SEPM Special Publication 26, p. 209-225.
  • Shanmugan, G., 1984, Secondary porosity in sandstone: Basic contribution of Chepikov and Savkevich: AAPG Bull. v. 68 P. 106-107.
  • Shanmugan, G., 1985, Significance of secondary porosity in interpreting sandstone composition: AAPG Bull. v. 69 p. 378-384.
  • Surdam, R.C., Crossey, L.J., 1987, Integrated diagenetic modelling: A proccess-oriented approach for clastic systems; Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sei., v. 15, p. 141-170.
  • Surdam R.C., and Crossey, L.J., 1984, The chemistry of secondary porosity, In D.D. McDonald and R.C. Surdam (cds), Clastic Diagenesis; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geologists Memoir. 37, p. 127-149
  • Tissot, B.P. and Welte, D.H., 1982, Petroleum Formation and Occurrence, New York, Springer-Verlag, 638 pp.
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Hükmü Orhan This is me

Publication Date November 15, 1991
Submission Date June 1, 1991
Published in Issue Year 1991 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Orhan, H. (1991). Kumtaşlarındaki İkincil Gözeneklilik. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 15(2), 15-21.