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Kuzey Yarımküredeki Lös Çökellerinin Mühendislik Jeolojisi Karakteristikleri

Year 1992, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 73 - 79, 15.05.1992


Pleyistosen çökellerinde geniş yayılımlar gösteren lös topraklan, çeşitli yapıların temelinde, barajlarda ve dolgularda yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Lösün yaygın oluşumları Rusya'nın güneyinde çeşitli topoğrafik seviyelerde, Çin'de, Hindistan ve diğer Asya ülkelerinde (Afganistan, Pakistan) olup, Avrupa’daki çoğu alanlar Bulgaristan, Romanya, Yugoslavya, Macaristan, Polonya, Almanya, Fransa; A.B.D. de Büyük ovalar, Teksas, New-Mexico, Arizona, Connecticut, New Jersey Pennsylvania; Güney Amerika, Afrika ve Avustralya lös çökelleri ile kaplıdır. Dünyadaki toplam lös topraklarının kapladığı alan 13 milyon kilometre kare olup bu topraklar çoğunlukla Çin, Rusya ve Hindistan’da bulunmaktadır.


  • Ananyev V.P. Loessial Soils, mineral Composition and Properties of Rostov- on-Don. Rostov University Press, 1964.
  • Ananyev V.P., Mozgovoy O.I. Stratigraphy of Loessial Deposits in Dagestan Foothill Valley. Report, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1971, Vol. 196, No: 5.
  • Ananyev V.P., Technical Melioration of Loessial Soils. Rostov-on-Don. Rostov University Press, 1976.
  • Ananyev V.P. Mozgovoy 0.1. Stratigraphy of Loessial Deposits. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations, Issue 6, Rostov-on-Don. Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1976.
  • Balayev L.G., Tsaryov, P.V. Loessial Soils of Central and Eastern Fore-Part of Caucasus, M., Nauka Publishers, 1964.
  • Krayev V.F. Engineering-Geologic Characteristics of Ukrainian Loessial Soils. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1971
  • Krieger N.I. Loess, Its Properties and Connection with Geographic Environment. Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 1965.
  • Kukla J. Survey of Czechoslovak Quaternary: Quaternary Sedimentation Cycle. Czwartorzed Europy Srodkowey i Wschodniej c. I. Warszawa, 1961.
  • Lugn A.L. The Origin and Sources of Loess. Univ. Nebraska Studies, N.S., No.26.
  • Mozgovoy 0.1. Prediction of Alterations in Mineral Composition of Loessial Soils, due to Anthropogenic Water Saturation. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations Investigations (Interinstitute, Collection of Articles). Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1978.
  • Mozgovoy, 0.1. Ananyev V.P. Alterations in Clay Minerals of the Rostov Region Loessial Deposits, Caused by Infiltration Soil Solutions. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations Investigations Issue 6. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1976.
  • Obruchev V.A. Selected Geographical Investigations of Asia. Vol. 3, Moscow, Geograpgyz, 1951.
  • Sergeev E.M., Golodkovskaja G.A. Ziangirov R.S., Osipov V.I., Trophymov V.T. Soil Science. Moscow University Press, 1983.
Year 1992, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 73 - 79, 15.05.1992



  • Ananyev V.P. Loessial Soils, mineral Composition and Properties of Rostov- on-Don. Rostov University Press, 1964.
  • Ananyev V.P., Mozgovoy O.I. Stratigraphy of Loessial Deposits in Dagestan Foothill Valley. Report, Academy of Sciences of USSR, 1971, Vol. 196, No: 5.
  • Ananyev V.P., Technical Melioration of Loessial Soils. Rostov-on-Don. Rostov University Press, 1976.
  • Ananyev V.P. Mozgovoy 0.1. Stratigraphy of Loessial Deposits. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations, Issue 6, Rostov-on-Don. Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1976.
  • Balayev L.G., Tsaryov, P.V. Loessial Soils of Central and Eastern Fore-Part of Caucasus, M., Nauka Publishers, 1964.
  • Krayev V.F. Engineering-Geologic Characteristics of Ukrainian Loessial Soils. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1971
  • Krieger N.I. Loess, Its Properties and Connection with Geographic Environment. Moscow, Nauka Publishers, 1965.
  • Kukla J. Survey of Czechoslovak Quaternary: Quaternary Sedimentation Cycle. Czwartorzed Europy Srodkowey i Wschodniej c. I. Warszawa, 1961.
  • Lugn A.L. The Origin and Sources of Loess. Univ. Nebraska Studies, N.S., No.26.
  • Mozgovoy 0.1. Prediction of Alterations in Mineral Composition of Loessial Soils, due to Anthropogenic Water Saturation. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations Investigations (Interinstitute, Collection of Articles). Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1978.
  • Mozgovoy, 0.1. Ananyev V.P. Alterations in Clay Minerals of the Rostov Region Loessial Deposits, Caused by Infiltration Soil Solutions. Problems of Loessial Soils, Footings and Foundations Investigations Issue 6. Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Civil Engineering Institute, 1976.
  • Obruchev V.A. Selected Geographical Investigations of Asia. Vol. 3, Moscow, Geograpgyz, 1951.
  • Sergeev E.M., Golodkovskaja G.A. Ziangirov R.S., Osipov V.I., Trophymov V.T. Soil Science. Moscow University Press, 1983.
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Other

Çeviren: Aydın Özsan This is me

Publication Date May 15, 1992
Submission Date January 1, 1992
Published in Issue Year 1992 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Aydın Özsan, Ç. (1992). Kuzey Yarımküredeki Lös Çökellerinin Mühendislik Jeolojisi Karakteristikleri. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 16(1), 73-79.