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Maden Aramacılığının Örgütlenmesi

Year 1992, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 15.05.1992


Maden yatakları, yaratıcı ve hayal gücü olan insanlar tarafından keşfedilir. Başarıya ulaşmak için, en uygun çalışma ortamının oluşturulması esastır. Büyük ve karmaşık örgütler, yaratıcılığı besleyen bir atmosfer sağlayacak yapıda değillerdir. Bir arama kuruluşunun başarısı büyüklüğüyle orantılı değildir; başarıda, kuruluşun örgüt yapısı ve akılcı bir biçimde yönetilmesi anahtar konumundadır.


  • Adams, S.S., 1985, Using geological information to develop exploration strategies for epithermal deposits: Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems de, Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol.2, Soc. Econ. Geol., 273-298,
  • Bailly, P.A., 1972, Mineral exploration philosophy: Mining Cong. Jour., 58 (4), 31-37.
  • Bailly, P.A., 1979, Managing for ore discoveries: Mining Engng., 31 (6), 663-671.
  • Bailly, P.A., 1982, Risk and the economic geologist: Econ. Geol., 77, 728-734.
  • Bailly, P.A. ve Still, A.R., 1973, Purpose, procedure, methods, and management: SME Mining Engineering Handbook da, A.B. Cummins ve I.A.Given (ed), AIME, New York, vol. 1,5. Bölüm, Exploration for Mineral Deposits, A.L. Payne (ed), 2-12.
  • Boldy, J., 1980, some basics on mineral exploration strategy: CIM Bull., 73 (820), 25-26
  • Dickerson, B.F., 1978, Needed: a new approach to exploration management: Mining Engng., 30 (6), 632-636.
  • Frost, J.E., 1980, The successful exploration organization- an entrepreneurial approach: Mining Cong. Jour., 66 (8), 35-40.
  • Hollister, V.F., 1985, Common factors leading to mineral discoveries: Mining Engng., 37 (8), 1051- 1052.
  • Hutchinson, R.D., 1980. A mineral exploration strategy for the 1980's: CIM Bull., 73 (820), 26-29.
  • Millenburch, D.G., 1978. An early appraisal approach to exploration projects: Mining Cong. Jour., 64 (3), 21-23.
  • Miller, L.J., 1976, Corporations, ore discovery, and the geologist: Econ. Geol., 71, 836-847.
  • Neuerburg, G.J., 1985, Scientific knowledge and modem prospecting: Mineral. Deposita, 20,30-32.
  • Ohle, E.L. ve Bates, R.L., 1981, Geology, geologists, and mineral exploration: Econ. Geol. 75 th Anniv. Vol., 766-774.
  • Rostad, O.H., 1970. Exploration philosophy - top to bottom: Mining Engng., 22(1), 26-28.
  • Routhier, P., 1980, Ou sont les métaux pour I'avenir? Mem. BRGM, no 105, Orleans, 410 s:
  • Samama, J.C., 1985, La logique des gisements métallifères: Bull. Soc. geol. France, 8 Ser., I (7), 953-962.
  • Snow, G.G., 1990 of Exploration-From Policy to Prospect: B.M. Semineri, MTA Gen. Müd., Aralık 1990, Ankara.
  • Snow. G.G. ve Mackenzie, B.W., 1981, The environment of exploration: Economic, organizational and social constraints: Econ. Geol. 75th Anniv. Vol., 871-896.
  • Ventura, D„ 1982, Structures de financemenet de la prospection minière. Le problème sp6cifique des pays en voie de dévelopement: Chron. Rech. Minière, no 464, 5-25.
  • Ventura, D., 1982, Structures de financement de la prospection minière. Le probl6me spécifique des pays en voie de développement : Chron. Rech. Minière, no 464, 5-25.
Year 1992, Volume: 16 Issue: 1, 82 - 89, 15.05.1992



  • Adams, S.S., 1985, Using geological information to develop exploration strategies for epithermal deposits: Geology and Geochemistry of Epithermal Systems de, Reviews in Economic Geology, Vol.2, Soc. Econ. Geol., 273-298,
  • Bailly, P.A., 1972, Mineral exploration philosophy: Mining Cong. Jour., 58 (4), 31-37.
  • Bailly, P.A., 1979, Managing for ore discoveries: Mining Engng., 31 (6), 663-671.
  • Bailly, P.A., 1982, Risk and the economic geologist: Econ. Geol., 77, 728-734.
  • Bailly, P.A. ve Still, A.R., 1973, Purpose, procedure, methods, and management: SME Mining Engineering Handbook da, A.B. Cummins ve I.A.Given (ed), AIME, New York, vol. 1,5. Bölüm, Exploration for Mineral Deposits, A.L. Payne (ed), 2-12.
  • Boldy, J., 1980, some basics on mineral exploration strategy: CIM Bull., 73 (820), 25-26
  • Dickerson, B.F., 1978, Needed: a new approach to exploration management: Mining Engng., 30 (6), 632-636.
  • Frost, J.E., 1980, The successful exploration organization- an entrepreneurial approach: Mining Cong. Jour., 66 (8), 35-40.
  • Hollister, V.F., 1985, Common factors leading to mineral discoveries: Mining Engng., 37 (8), 1051- 1052.
  • Hutchinson, R.D., 1980. A mineral exploration strategy for the 1980's: CIM Bull., 73 (820), 26-29.
  • Millenburch, D.G., 1978. An early appraisal approach to exploration projects: Mining Cong. Jour., 64 (3), 21-23.
  • Miller, L.J., 1976, Corporations, ore discovery, and the geologist: Econ. Geol., 71, 836-847.
  • Neuerburg, G.J., 1985, Scientific knowledge and modem prospecting: Mineral. Deposita, 20,30-32.
  • Ohle, E.L. ve Bates, R.L., 1981, Geology, geologists, and mineral exploration: Econ. Geol. 75 th Anniv. Vol., 766-774.
  • Rostad, O.H., 1970. Exploration philosophy - top to bottom: Mining Engng., 22(1), 26-28.
  • Routhier, P., 1980, Ou sont les métaux pour I'avenir? Mem. BRGM, no 105, Orleans, 410 s:
  • Samama, J.C., 1985, La logique des gisements métallifères: Bull. Soc. geol. France, 8 Ser., I (7), 953-962.
  • Snow, G.G., 1990 of Exploration-From Policy to Prospect: B.M. Semineri, MTA Gen. Müd., Aralık 1990, Ankara.
  • Snow. G.G. ve Mackenzie, B.W., 1981, The environment of exploration: Economic, organizational and social constraints: Econ. Geol. 75th Anniv. Vol., 871-896.
  • Ventura, D„ 1982, Structures de financemenet de la prospection minière. Le problème sp6cifique des pays en voie de dévelopement: Chron. Rech. Minière, no 464, 5-25.
  • Ventura, D., 1982, Structures de financement de la prospection minière. Le probl6me spécifique des pays en voie de développement : Chron. Rech. Minière, no 464, 5-25.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Other

Vedat Oygür This is me

Publication Date May 15, 1992
Submission Date January 1, 1992
Published in Issue Year 1992 Volume: 16 Issue: 1


APA Oygür, V. (1992). Maden Aramacılığının Örgütlenmesi. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 16(1), 82-89.