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Devler, Ejderhalar ve Jeolojik Olaylar

Year 1993, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 74 - 81, 15.11.1993


İlkel insan tarafından efsanelerin yaratılması ve doğal olayların doğaüstü yorumlan zamanın derinliklerinde kaybolmuş gerçek bir gizdir. İnsanoğlu tarafından yapılan tanımlamalar, bu tür olayların nedenlerine ulaşmada gösterdiği çabalardır. Paleontolojik verilerce belirlenen organizma fosilleri halkbilimi gelenekleri içinde devlere, doğaüstü varlıklara ve azizlere atfedilmişlerdir ve iyileştirici özelliklere sahip oldukları varsayılmaktadır. Bu makalede bu tür örneklere değinilmektedir. Konunun tamamlandığını öne süremeyiz, bununla beraber gerek kişisel araştırmalarla gerekse literatür verileriyle olduğunca çok olayı ele almaya çalıştık.


  • Abel, O., (1927), Lebenabilder aus tierwelt der Vorzeit, undedn, Jena.
  • Abel, O., (1939), Vorzeeitliche Tierreste in Deutschen mythus. Brauchtum und Voleglauben, 304 pp. Ficher in Jena.
  • Adams, F.D., (1936), Birth and Development of Geological Sciences, London.
  • Agricola, G., (Georg Bauer), (1912), De Re Metalicaist Latin ed. 156, Trans. H.C. & L. H. Hoover, London. De ortu et Causis Subterraneorum, De Natura eorum quas effiuunt ex terra. De Natura Fossiliumi De Veteribus et Novis Metallis: Dermannus, Basle, 1546.
  • Bassett, M.G., (1982), "Formed stones", Folklore and fossils, Cardiff.
  • Beckmann. J., (1814), History of inventions and Discoveries. Trans, from German by W. Johnston 1st ed. 3 vols., London.
  • Beckmann, G., (1907) Die Petroleumquellen am Tegernsee. Beil Allig. Zt. No. 83, München.
  • Blainville, H. de (1835), "Memoire sur les ossements fossiles attribues au pretendu geant Theutobochus, roi des Cimbres Noyv, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. 4. 37-73, Paris.
  • Blainville, H.de (1837) "Sur les ossements fossiles atribuse au pretendu seant Theutobochus", C.R. Acad Sc. Paris, 4, 633-4, Paris.
  • Blumenbach, j.F., (1799), Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, 6th edn. Gottingen.
  • Boekschoten, GJ. & P.Y. Sondaar, (1972), On the fossil Mammalia of Cyprus, Koninki, Nederl, Akad, Van Wetenacap, series B. vol. 75.4, Amsterdam.
  • Bowler, P.J., (1976), Fossile and progress: Paleontology and the idea of progressive Evolution in the Nineteenth Century, New York.
  • Brookes, R., (1763), The Natural History of Waters Earth, Stones, Fossille and Minerals with their virtues. Properties and Medicinal Uses: to which is added the method in which Linaeus has Treated These subjects, London.
  • Brawn, B. (1926), "Is this the earliest known fossil collected by man?", Natural History, 26, 535.
  • Bruijn, C. De (1698), Reisen door de varmaardste delen van Klein Asia Van Krooneveld, Deft.
  • Bugland, W., (1836), Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, London.
  • Buffetaut, E., (1980), "Alfred Wegener et la theoris de la devire des continentarun apercu historique". Bull. soc. geol. Normandie, 67, 4, 7-19.
  • Darwin, C.R. (1845), Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Varius Countries Visited by H.M.S. Beagle, London.
  • Dermitzakis, M. & S.P. Lekkas, (1981), Understanding the Earth. Introduction to General Geology, pp. 596, Athenes.
  • Dermitzakis, M. Symeonidis, N. Sondaar, P & L. E. De Boer (1982), The evolution of the Elephants, Edit of the Dep. of Geology and Paleontology Athens University, series A. No. 44, ps. 85, Athens.
  • Dermitzakis, M. & J. de Vos (1986), Fauna- Oppenvolgingen Radiatie van de Endemische Herte in het Pleistocesn van Krets. Cranium, fasc. 2. p. 91-102, 1986, Leyden.
  • Edwards, W.N., (1976), The Early History of Paleontology, London.
  • Evans, Joan, (1922), Magical Jewels of Middle Ages. Oxford.
  • Evans, J. & M.S. Seijeantson, (1933), English Mediaeval Lapidaries. E.E. Text Soc. 190, London.
  • Forsyth Major, C.I., (1891), "Le gisement ossifere de Mytilini" in C. de Stefani, C.I. Forsyth Major and W. Barbey, Samos, Etude geologique, paleontologique et botanique, 85-99.
  • Forsyth Major, C.J. (1902), On the pygmy Hippopotamus from the Pleistocene of Cyprus, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2.1, 230-239, II, 107-112.
  • Fortelius, M. & B. Kurten (1979), "Holy Dacian nothing but Roman Grenadier", Soc. Vert. Paleont. News Bull., 116, 71.
  • Garstang, J., (1931), The Foundations of Bible History, New York.
  • Geoffroy, F.E., (1741), Tractatus de Materia Medica, pars I, sect. V. cap. 1, Paris.
  • Gesner, C., (1558), De Rerum foasilium. Lapidum et Gemmarum maxime, figuris et similitadinibus Liber, Zurich.
  • Gınsburg, L., (1984), "Nouvelles lumieres aur les ossements fossiles autrefois attribues au geant Theutubochus", Ann. Paleont., 70, 3, 181-219.
  • Granger, W., (1938), "Medicine bones", Natural History, 42, 264-71.
  • Hain, J.P., (1672), "De draconibus Carpathicis", Misc. curiosa medicophysica acad, nat, curios, 3, 139, 220-58.
  • Halstead, L. B., (1970), "Scrotum humanum Brookes 1763 - the first named dinosaur", J. Insignificant Research, 5, 14-15.
  • Herodotus, (V.B.C.), Text & trans: 4 vols. Trans.: H. Carey, London, 1847.
  • Humboolt, A. Von, (1849) Cosmos, English trans. Bohn Lib., London.
  • Kahlke, H.D., (1961), On the complex of the Stegodon Ailuropoda fauna of south Chine and the chronological of Gigantopithecus blacki V. Koenigswald, Vertebr, palasiat, 2: 104-5.
  • King, C.W., (1867), Gems and Decorative Stones, London.
  • Kirby, W., (1835) On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation of Animals, London.
  • Kircher, A., (1678), Mundus subterraneus, 3rd ed., Amsterdam.
  • Koenigswald, G.H.R. Von (1956), Meeting Pleistocene Man. 216 pp., Thames & Hudson, London.
  • Kun, J.F., (1913), Curious Lore of Precious Stones, Philadelphia and London.
  • Le Gros Clark, W.E. & L.S. B. Leakey, (1951), "The Miocene Hominoides of East Africa, Fossil Mammals of Africa. 1., 1-117.
  • Melentıs, I., (1964), Die Pleistozanen Cerviden des Beckens von Megalopile im Peloponne (Griechenland), Annales Geology, de Pays Helleniques, vol. 15, p. 1-92, Athenes.
Year 1993, Volume: 17 Issue: 2, 74 - 81, 15.11.1993



  • Abel, O., (1927), Lebenabilder aus tierwelt der Vorzeit, undedn, Jena.
  • Abel, O., (1939), Vorzeeitliche Tierreste in Deutschen mythus. Brauchtum und Voleglauben, 304 pp. Ficher in Jena.
  • Adams, F.D., (1936), Birth and Development of Geological Sciences, London.
  • Agricola, G., (Georg Bauer), (1912), De Re Metalicaist Latin ed. 156, Trans. H.C. & L. H. Hoover, London. De ortu et Causis Subterraneorum, De Natura eorum quas effiuunt ex terra. De Natura Fossiliumi De Veteribus et Novis Metallis: Dermannus, Basle, 1546.
  • Bassett, M.G., (1982), "Formed stones", Folklore and fossils, Cardiff.
  • Beckmann. J., (1814), History of inventions and Discoveries. Trans, from German by W. Johnston 1st ed. 3 vols., London.
  • Beckmann, G., (1907) Die Petroleumquellen am Tegernsee. Beil Allig. Zt. No. 83, München.
  • Blainville, H. de (1835), "Memoire sur les ossements fossiles attribues au pretendu geant Theutobochus, roi des Cimbres Noyv, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris. 4. 37-73, Paris.
  • Blainville, H.de (1837) "Sur les ossements fossiles atribuse au pretendu seant Theutobochus", C.R. Acad Sc. Paris, 4, 633-4, Paris.
  • Blumenbach, j.F., (1799), Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, 6th edn. Gottingen.
  • Boekschoten, GJ. & P.Y. Sondaar, (1972), On the fossil Mammalia of Cyprus, Koninki, Nederl, Akad, Van Wetenacap, series B. vol. 75.4, Amsterdam.
  • Bowler, P.J., (1976), Fossile and progress: Paleontology and the idea of progressive Evolution in the Nineteenth Century, New York.
  • Brookes, R., (1763), The Natural History of Waters Earth, Stones, Fossille and Minerals with their virtues. Properties and Medicinal Uses: to which is added the method in which Linaeus has Treated These subjects, London.
  • Brawn, B. (1926), "Is this the earliest known fossil collected by man?", Natural History, 26, 535.
  • Bruijn, C. De (1698), Reisen door de varmaardste delen van Klein Asia Van Krooneveld, Deft.
  • Bugland, W., (1836), Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology, London.
  • Buffetaut, E., (1980), "Alfred Wegener et la theoris de la devire des continentarun apercu historique". Bull. soc. geol. Normandie, 67, 4, 7-19.
  • Darwin, C.R. (1845), Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Varius Countries Visited by H.M.S. Beagle, London.
  • Dermitzakis, M. & S.P. Lekkas, (1981), Understanding the Earth. Introduction to General Geology, pp. 596, Athenes.
  • Dermitzakis, M. Symeonidis, N. Sondaar, P & L. E. De Boer (1982), The evolution of the Elephants, Edit of the Dep. of Geology and Paleontology Athens University, series A. No. 44, ps. 85, Athens.
  • Dermitzakis, M. & J. de Vos (1986), Fauna- Oppenvolgingen Radiatie van de Endemische Herte in het Pleistocesn van Krets. Cranium, fasc. 2. p. 91-102, 1986, Leyden.
  • Edwards, W.N., (1976), The Early History of Paleontology, London.
  • Evans, Joan, (1922), Magical Jewels of Middle Ages. Oxford.
  • Evans, J. & M.S. Seijeantson, (1933), English Mediaeval Lapidaries. E.E. Text Soc. 190, London.
  • Forsyth Major, C.I., (1891), "Le gisement ossifere de Mytilini" in C. de Stefani, C.I. Forsyth Major and W. Barbey, Samos, Etude geologique, paleontologique et botanique, 85-99.
  • Forsyth Major, C.J. (1902), On the pygmy Hippopotamus from the Pleistocene of Cyprus, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 2.1, 230-239, II, 107-112.
  • Fortelius, M. & B. Kurten (1979), "Holy Dacian nothing but Roman Grenadier", Soc. Vert. Paleont. News Bull., 116, 71.
  • Garstang, J., (1931), The Foundations of Bible History, New York.
  • Geoffroy, F.E., (1741), Tractatus de Materia Medica, pars I, sect. V. cap. 1, Paris.
  • Gesner, C., (1558), De Rerum foasilium. Lapidum et Gemmarum maxime, figuris et similitadinibus Liber, Zurich.
  • Gınsburg, L., (1984), "Nouvelles lumieres aur les ossements fossiles autrefois attribues au geant Theutubochus", Ann. Paleont., 70, 3, 181-219.
  • Granger, W., (1938), "Medicine bones", Natural History, 42, 264-71.
  • Hain, J.P., (1672), "De draconibus Carpathicis", Misc. curiosa medicophysica acad, nat, curios, 3, 139, 220-58.
  • Halstead, L. B., (1970), "Scrotum humanum Brookes 1763 - the first named dinosaur", J. Insignificant Research, 5, 14-15.
  • Herodotus, (V.B.C.), Text & trans: 4 vols. Trans.: H. Carey, London, 1847.
  • Humboolt, A. Von, (1849) Cosmos, English trans. Bohn Lib., London.
  • Kahlke, H.D., (1961), On the complex of the Stegodon Ailuropoda fauna of south Chine and the chronological of Gigantopithecus blacki V. Koenigswald, Vertebr, palasiat, 2: 104-5.
  • King, C.W., (1867), Gems and Decorative Stones, London.
  • Kirby, W., (1835) On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation of Animals, London.
  • Kircher, A., (1678), Mundus subterraneus, 3rd ed., Amsterdam.
  • Koenigswald, G.H.R. Von (1956), Meeting Pleistocene Man. 216 pp., Thames & Hudson, London.
  • Kun, J.F., (1913), Curious Lore of Precious Stones, Philadelphia and London.
  • Le Gros Clark, W.E. & L.S. B. Leakey, (1951), "The Miocene Hominoides of East Africa, Fossil Mammals of Africa. 1., 1-117.
  • Melentıs, I., (1964), Die Pleistozanen Cerviden des Beckens von Megalopile im Peloponne (Griechenland), Annales Geology, de Pays Helleniques, vol. 15, p. 1-92, Athenes.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Geological Sciences and Engineering (Other)
Journal Section Other

Çeviren: Mesude Aydan This is me

Publication Date November 15, 1993
Submission Date July 1, 1993
Published in Issue Year 1993 Volume: 17 Issue: 2


APA Mesude Aydan, Ç. (1993). Devler, Ejderhalar ve Jeolojik Olaylar. Jeoloji Mühendisliği Dergisi, 17(2), 74-81.