Direnç Punta Kaynak Robotlarında KSR ve IQR (Adaptif Punta) Modun Spot Punta Performansının Karşılaştırılması
Year 2021,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 36, 01.06.2021
Mustafa Yazar
Milat Kul
Melih Çaylak
Ali Kemal Alp
Bu çalışmada, MFDC trafolu direnç punta kaynak robotlarında akım ve kaynak zamanının, KSR (Akım kontrollü) ve IQR (adaptif) mod seçeneğinde punta çekirdek çapına ve deformasyonuna etkisi incelenmiştir. Direnç punta kaynak robotlarındaki çevrim süresini düşürmek için KSR ve IQR mod için optimum parametreler belirlenmiştir. Proje aşamasında, doğru parametrelerle çalışarak emek, zaman ve maliyet minimuma indirmeye çalışılmıştır. Punta kaynak operasyonunda bir adet punta için harcanan sürenin düşük olması karlılık oranını arttıracaktır. Bu proje ile ayrıca, seri üretim şartlarında parça üretimi denemesi yapılarak, ana sanayinin şartnamelerle belirlediği kalitede, çekirdek çapı, çekirdek nüfuziyeti ve çekirdek derinliği elde edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Referans sac kalınlığı, punta elektrot tipi ve kuvvet sabit tutulmuş olup belirlenen akım ve kaynak zamanı değerlerinin KSR ve IQR modlu seri üretim şartlarında, direnç punta kaynak robotlarında, punta kaynağı yapılarak parçalar tahribatsız muayene testine tabi tutulmuştur. Puntaların çekirdek derinliği ve çekirdek çapları ayrıca ölçülmüştür. Ayrıca literatürde ilgili herhangi bir çalışmaya rastlanılmamıştır. Yapılan bu çalışma ile, servo motorlu direnç punta kaynak robotlarında operasyon süresinin minimuma düşürülmesi sağlanmıştır.
Supporting Institution
Şahinkul Makina ve Yedek Parça San. Tic. A.Ş.
Project Number
ŞAHİNKUL MAKİNA AR-GE_2019_013/2000030000
Bu çalışma, Bursa Şahinkul Makina AR-GE merkezi tarafından öz kaynaklı AR-GE_2019_013/2000030000 proje numarası ile desteklenmiştir. Teknik destek için İkram Kanat’a teşekkür ederiz.
- Anastassiou M., Babit M., Lebrun J.L., Residual stress and microstructure distribution in spot welded steel sheets. Materials Science and Engineering: A 125, 141-156, 1990.
- Anonymous, Harms-Werde Product catalogue, www.harms-wende.de/(Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2020)
- Babu S., Santella M., Feng Z., Riemer B., Cohron J., Empirical model of effects of pressure and temperature on electrical contact resistance of metals. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 6(3), 126-132, 2001.
- Buchanan G., Resistance Welding Manual. Resistance Welder Manufacturers’ Alliance, Fourth Edition, Bridgeport, NJ., U.S., 2003.
- Cho Y., Kim Y., Rhee S., Development of a quality estimation model using multivariate analysis during resistance spot welding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 215(11),1529-1538, 2001.
- Ho J.E., Wei P.S., Wu T.H., (2012). Workpiece Property Effect on Resistance Spot Welding. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2(6), 925-934, 2012.
- Quafi A.E., Belanger R., Méthot J.F., An On-line ANN-Based Approach for Quality Estimation in Resistance Spot Welding. Advanced Materials Research 112(1),141-148, 2010.
- Rawal M.R., Kolhapure R.R., Sutar S.S., Shinde V., Optimization of Resistance Spot Welding of 304 Steel Using GRA. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends 3(9), 492-499, 2016.
- Rui Y., Yang R.J., Chen C.J., Agrawal H., Fatigue optimization of spot welds. Body Design Engineering, IBEC, 96, 68-72, 1996.
- Saha D.C., Han S, Chin K.G., Choi I, Do Y.D., Weldability evaluation and microstructure analysis of resistance-spot- welded high-Mn steel in automotive application. Steel Research International 83(4), 352-357, 2012.
- Zhang H., Senkara J., Resistance welding: fundamentals and application, 1st Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, 105, 2006.
- Zhou K, Cai L., On the development of nugget growth model for resistance spot welding. Journal of Applied Physics 115(16), 164901, 2014.
- Zhou K., Cai L., Study on effect of electrode force on resistance spot welding process. Journal of Applied Physics 116(8), 084902, 2014.
Comparison of Spot Tail Performance of KSR and IQR (Adaptive Tailstock) Mode in Resistance Spot Welding Robots
Year 2021,
Volume: 2 Issue: 1, 26 - 36, 01.06.2021
Mustafa Yazar
Milat Kul
Melih Çaylak
Ali Kemal Alp
In this study, the effect of current and welding time on spot nugget diameter and deformation in KSR (Current controlled) and IQR (adaptive) mode options in resistance spot welding robots with MFDC transformer was investigated. Optimum parameters for KSR and IQR mode were determined to reduce cycle time in resistance spot welding robots. During the study, labour, time and cost were attempted to be minimized by working with the correct parameters. The lowest time for one spot in welding operation increases profitability. In this project, spot weld appearance, nugget diameter measurement and cavity depth within the quality are determined by the specifications of the main industry by making part production trials under mass production conditions. Reference sheet thickness, electrode type and force were kept constant, and spot-welded parts were subjected to the non-destructive test in the resistance spot welding robots under the KSR and IQR mode mass production conditions of the current and welding time values that were determined. The spot weld depth and core diameters of the centers were also measured. In addition, no similar study was found in the literature. With this study, the operation time of the resistance spot welding robots with servo motor has been reduced to a minimum.
Project Number
ŞAHİNKUL MAKİNA AR-GE_2019_013/2000030000
- Anastassiou M., Babit M., Lebrun J.L., Residual stress and microstructure distribution in spot welded steel sheets. Materials Science and Engineering: A 125, 141-156, 1990.
- Anonymous, Harms-Werde Product catalogue, www.harms-wende.de/(Erişim Tarihi: 16.10.2020)
- Babu S., Santella M., Feng Z., Riemer B., Cohron J., Empirical model of effects of pressure and temperature on electrical contact resistance of metals. Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 6(3), 126-132, 2001.
- Buchanan G., Resistance Welding Manual. Resistance Welder Manufacturers’ Alliance, Fourth Edition, Bridgeport, NJ., U.S., 2003.
- Cho Y., Kim Y., Rhee S., Development of a quality estimation model using multivariate analysis during resistance spot welding. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture 215(11),1529-1538, 2001.
- Ho J.E., Wei P.S., Wu T.H., (2012). Workpiece Property Effect on Resistance Spot Welding. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 2(6), 925-934, 2012.
- Quafi A.E., Belanger R., Méthot J.F., An On-line ANN-Based Approach for Quality Estimation in Resistance Spot Welding. Advanced Materials Research 112(1),141-148, 2010.
- Rawal M.R., Kolhapure R.R., Sutar S.S., Shinde V., Optimization of Resistance Spot Welding of 304 Steel Using GRA. International Journal of Computer Engineering in Research Trends 3(9), 492-499, 2016.
- Rui Y., Yang R.J., Chen C.J., Agrawal H., Fatigue optimization of spot welds. Body Design Engineering, IBEC, 96, 68-72, 1996.
- Saha D.C., Han S, Chin K.G., Choi I, Do Y.D., Weldability evaluation and microstructure analysis of resistance-spot- welded high-Mn steel in automotive application. Steel Research International 83(4), 352-357, 2012.
- Zhang H., Senkara J., Resistance welding: fundamentals and application, 1st Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, 105, 2006.
- Zhou K, Cai L., On the development of nugget growth model for resistance spot welding. Journal of Applied Physics 115(16), 164901, 2014.
- Zhou K., Cai L., Study on effect of electrode force on resistance spot welding process. Journal of Applied Physics 116(8), 084902, 2014.