Journal Publication Process


Articles submitted to Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A (JournalMM), initially fall into the journal secretary's system. The journal secretary checks whether the files required for article submission are fully uploaded to the system by the author and whether the file names are appropriate. In addition, the similarity report of the article is uploaded to the system by the secretary. If there are missing files or errors in the files or if the similarity rate of the article is over 25% or there is 5% similarity from one reference, the article is sent back to the author to make the necessary changes.

While in the secretary step, the maximum duration given to the secretary for control is 10 days. During this time, the status of the article appears as IN SECRETARY. When the article is sent back to the author, the status of the article will be RESUBMISSION REQUESTED and the author is given 1 week to respond to this request. The author accepting the request is given 15 days to resubmit the article. During this period, the status of the article will appear as UNDER RESUBMISSION (WITH AUTHOR). The additional time to be given to authors who do not respond within the specified periods is 5 days.

If the similarity rate is appropriate and there is no problem in the files, the article is sent to the editor (The Spelling and Language Editor if the article is in English). From here on, the status of the article appears as “IN EDITOR”. So the article has been pre-checked.

The editor makes a decision based on the scientifically sufficient content, if in line with the purpose and scope of the journal, its originality value and the similarity report of the article. If the article sufficiently complies with the journal’s pre-requirements, the editor approves the submission and the “IN REVIEW” step begins. Otherwise, the editor rejects the article without taking it into the refereeing process. The editor can also appoint a section editor to perform all these checks, when necessary.

The maximum time required for the editor to take over the article (Checked Step) is 10 days. The maximum time (Step with Editor) required for the editor to continue processing after submission of the article is 10 days.


The editor of the article or the section editor assigned by editor in charge, deemed to send an invitation to at least two referees in the subject field of the article to examine the article. The response period of the referee to the invitation sent for evaluation (accepting or rejecting the evaluation of the article) is at least 7 days. During this time, the status of the article will appear as "Reviewer Invited". The article evaluation form is automatically sent to the referee who accepted the invitation. (In this process, the status of the article appears as "Under Review".)
The review period for the article is 15 days. 5 days additional time is given to the referees who do not respond within the specified periods.

The following principle is taken into consideration in the referee process.

Double-blind Refereeing Principle

Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A (JournalMM), works on the principle of double-blind arbitration, which means that the author (s) of the article will not know the identities of the referees who will evaluate the article, and the referees will not know the identity of the author(s) to have an unbiased assessment.

In order to serve this purpose, authors should prepare an article file without giving their identities. They should remove identifying information, including author names, from filenames. In addition, document properties must be anonymized. To do this, from the FILE menu in the Microsoft Word, select CHECK PROBLEMS-REVIEW DOCUMENT-CHECK DOCUMENT INSPECTOR-CHECK and remove all information that may evoke the identity of the author. Attention should also be paid to the citations made within the article in order to hide the author (s) of the presented study. For example, when the authors refer to their own works, instead of saying "…… in our study in [X]", they should use the expression. "in [X] ……." . Author and institution information should not be included in the visuals in the article. Headers and footers should not contain personal information. When working according to this system, discrimination that may arise from the demographic characteristics or gender of the author is minimized. No pressure is placed on the author of the article or the referee reviewing the article.

Referees who accept the evaluation access the article file through the system (in this process, the referee cannot see the names of the article authors on the system) Examines the article within 15 days and uploads the completed referee evaluation form to the system.

The number of referee reviews required for the decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article is determined by the editor of the article. The status of the article that has the desired number of referee evaluation forms appears as READY FOR DECISION. The time given for processing in this step is 7 days. The maximum period given for the editor to make a decision (DECISION PENDING) is 7 days.

The editor has to make a decision in this process in line with the referee reports. It can also add additional opinion. The referee notifies the reports and suggestions to the author in a decision letter. With this letter, the article can be accepted or rejected. The editor may request a revision from the author. The period that can be given to the author to respond to the revision request is 7 days. The period given to the author who accepts the revision request is 15 days. (In this process, the status of the article appears as WITH AUTHOR) After all these steps, accepted articles are transferred to the publishing process.


It is the process in which accepted articles are prepared for publication in the relevant issue. During this period, the status of the article appears as "In Production". In this process, publishing editor, layout editor and final reader are involved. The layout editor is responsible for making the article ready for publication as a shape (page layout, placement of tables and images in the article, the layout of the references, giving the page numbers according to the priority of the article acceptance date, placing the publisher's logo on the article).

The article whose layout has been completed is sent to the Author for a final review of the article in terms of grammar, spelling rules and semantic integrity, and to identify possible spelling errors. After completing the Author’s positive response, The Publishing Editor is sent the article’s final version (If necessary the article is sent to Final reader). The editorial editor will make the necessary corrections. There is a possibility of correcting potential errors ONLY 5 DAYS after the issue is published.

The periods stated above may be longer depending on the editors' intensity. It is recommended that you contact Journal of Materials and Mechatronics: A (JournalMM), Technical Communication for any questions regarding the process.

Last Update Time: 10/20/21, 5:34:39 PM