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Year 2016, , 145 - 155, 30.06.2016



  • Akerlof, G.A. 1970, "The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 488-500.
  • Alessandri, T., Cerrato, D. & Depperu, D. 2014, "Organizational slack, experience, and acquisition behavior across varying economic environments", Management Decision, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 967-982.
  • Abbasi, M., R. Hosnavi, and B. Tabrizi, (2013). Application of fuzzy DEMATEL in risks evaluation of knowledge-based networks Journal of Optimization, 2013, 7.
  • Alegre, J., Chiva, R.(2008), “Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test”, Technovation , 28, 315–326.
  • Awasthi, A., Govindan, K., 2016. Green supplier development program selection using NGT and VIKOR under fuzzy environment. Comput. Ind. Eng. 91, 100–108.
  • Arago´n-Correa, J.A. ,Garcı´a-Morales, V.J., Cordo´ n-Pozo, E. (2007) Leadership and organizational learning’s role on innovation and performance: Lessons from Spain ,Industrial Marketing Management, 36 349 – 359.
  • Bayarçelik, E.B., Taşel, F., 2012, “Research and Development: Source of Economic Growth”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.58, 12 October 2012, 695-701. 8th International Strategic Management Conference, June 20-24 2012, Barcelona/Spain.
  • Bitner, M.J., Brown, S.W. and Meuter, M.L. (2000), ‘Technology Infusion in Service Encounters’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28: 1, pp. 138–149.
  • Bontis, N., (2001) Assesing Knowledge Assets: A Review of the Models Used to Mesaure Intellectual Capital, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1) .
  • Boone, L. E., Kurtz D.L., 2011, “Contemporary Business” 14th Ed. Wiley and Son.
  • Burmaoğlu, S., Şeşen, H., Kazançoğlu, Y., (2015). “Determinants of Logistic Sector Innovation Creating Common Value Nodes in Supply Chain”, EUL Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), pp.37-58.
  • Busse, C., Wallenburg, C.M. (2011) “Innovation management of logistics service providers Foundations, review, and research agenda”,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,(41).2, pp. 187-218.
  • Candelin-Palmqvist, H., Sanberg, B., Mylly, U. (2012). “Intellectual property rights in innovation management research: A review”, Technovation, Vol. 32, pp. 502-512.
  • Chang, H.-F., Tzeng, G.-H., 2010. A Causal decision making model for knowledge management capabilities to innovation performance in Taiwan's high-tech industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 5(4), 137-146.
  • Chapman, R.L., Soosay, C. and Kandampully, J., (2003), “Innovation in logistic services and the new business model”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 33 No. 7, pp. 630-50.
  • Conceicao, P., Heitor, M. V., & Francisco, V. (2003). Infrastructures, incentives, and institutions: Fostering distributed knowledge bases for the learning society. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (70), 583-617.
  • Elche-Hotelano, D., (2011), “Sources of knowledge, investments and appropriability as determinants of innovation: An empirical study in service firms”, Innovation: Management, policy & Practice (13): 220–235.
  • Fan, J.P.H., Gillan, S.L., Yu, Xin. (2013), “Innovation or imitation? The role of intellectual property rights protections”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Vol. 23, pp.208-234.
  • Fang, S.C., Lin, J.L., Hsiao, L.Y.C., Huang, C.M., Fang, S.R., (2002), “The relationship of foreign R&D units in Taiwan and the Taiwanese knowledge-flow system”, Technovation, (22) 371–383.
  • Flint, D.J., Larsson, E., Gammelgaard, B. and Mentzer, J.T. (2005) “Logistics Innovation: A Customer ValueOriented Social Process”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp 113-147.
  • Fontela, E., & Gabus, A. (1974). DEMATEL, innovative methods, Report no. 2, Structural analysis of the world problematique. Battelle Geneva Research Institute.
  • Gocer, I.(2013), “Effects of R&D expenditures on high technology exports, balance of foreign trade and economic growth”, Maliye Dergisi, 165,215-240.
  • Govindan K. and Chaudhuri A. (2016). Interrelationships of risks faced by third party logistics service providers: A DEMATEL based approach Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 90, Pages 177-195.
  • Gülmez, A., Yardımcıoğlu, F.,(2012) “The relationship between R&D expenditure and economic growth in OECD countries: Panel cointegration and panel causality analyses (1990-2010)”. Maliye Journal, 163, 335-353.
  • Guan, J., & Yam, R. C. (2015). Effects of government financial incentives on firms' innovation performance in China: Evidences from Beijing in 1990s. Research Policy, 1(44), 273-282. Gunsel, A., Siachou E., Acar, A. Z.(2011) Knowledge Management And Learning Capability To Enhance Organizational Innovativeness, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 24 ,880–888.
  • Han, Y., Li, D., (2014), “Effects of intellectual capitalon innovative performance, The role of knowledge-based dynamic capability”, Management Decision, 53(1) 1,pp. 40-56.
  • Hazen, B.T., Byrd, T.A. 2012, “Toward creating competitive advantage with logistics information technology”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 42 No. 1,pp. 8-35.
  • Hill, T. P. (1977, December). On Goods and Services. The Review of Income and Wealth (4) , 23, 315-338.
  • Howells, J. and Tether, B.S. (2004), Innovation in Services: Issues at Stake and Trends.A Report for DG Enterprise of the European Commission, under contract INNOStudies 2001: Lot 3 (ENTR-C/2001).
  • Hsu, L.C., Wang, C.H. (2012), “Clarifying the effect of intellectual capital on performance: the mediating role of dynamic capability”, British Journal of Management, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 179-205.
  • Hudson W.(1993), Intellectual Capital: How to Build It, Enhance It, Use It. New York: Wiley
  • Hult, G.T.M., Hurley, R.F., Knight, G.A., (2004). “Innovativeness: its antecedents and impact on business performance”, Industrial Marketing Management (33), 429–438.
  • Inekwe, J.N. (2014), “The Contribution of R&D Expenditure to Economic Growth in Developing Economies”, Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-014-0807-3.
  • Jiao, H., Koo, C. K., & Cui, Y. (2015). Legal environment, government effectiveness and firms' innovation in China: Examinin the moderating influence of government ownership. Technological Forecasting & Social Change(96), 15-24.
  • Kim, Y.K., Lee, K., Park, W.G., Choo, K. (2012). “Appropriate intellectual property protection and economic growth in countries at different levels of development”. Research Policy, Vol. 41, pp. 358-375.
  • Kurtic, A., & Donlagic, S. (2012). Determining Key Factors for Knowledge Economy Development in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference.
  • Lee, H.S., Tzeng, G.H., Yeih, W., Wang, Y.J., Yang, S.C., 2013. Revised DEMATEL: resolving the infeasibility of DEMATEL. Appl. Math. Model. 37 (10), 6746– 6757.
  • Lin, Chieh-Yu(2008),”Determinants of the adoption of technological innovations by logistics service providers in China”, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 7 (1) 19–38.
  • Lin, C. J., Wu, W.W. (2008). A causal analytical method for group decision-making under fuzzyenvironment, Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 205 –213.
  • Luthans, F.,Youssef, C.M. (2004), “Human, social, and now positive psychological capital management: investing in people for competitive advantage”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 143-160.
  • Martín-de-Castro, G., Delgado-Verde, M., López-Sáez, P. and Navas-López, J.E. (2011), “Towards ‘an intellectual capital-based view of the firm’: origins and nature”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 98 No. 4, pp. 649-662.
  • McKee, D., (1992). “An organizational learning approach to product innovation”, Journal of Product Innovation Management 9 (3),232–245.
  • Mentzer J., Myers, M. B., & Cheung, M. (2004), “Global market segmentation for logistics services”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 15-20.
  • Metcalfe, j. S., & Miles, I. (2000). Introduction, Overview and Reprise. J. S. Metcalfe, & I. Miles içinde, Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis. Newyork: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.
  • OECD. (2005). Oslo Manual: Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data (3rd ed. b.). OECD Publishing.
  • Panayides, Ph. M. and So, M. (2005), “Logistics service provider-client relationships”, Transportation Research E, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 179200.
  • Patanakul, P. and Pinto J. K. (2014), “Examining the roles of government policy on innovation”, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 24, pp. 97-107.
  • Pedrosa, A.,Blazevic, V., Jasmand, C., (2015). “Logistics innovation development: a micro-level perspective”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 45 (4), pp. 313-332.
  • Ren, J., Manzardo, A., Toniolo, S., Scipioni, A., 2013. Sustainability of hydrogen supply chain. Part I: Identification of critical criteria and cause–effect analysis for enhancing the sustainability using DEMATEL. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 38 (33), 14159–14171.
  • Subramaniam, M., Youndt, M.A. (2005), “The influence of intellectual capital on the types ofinnovative capabilities”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 450-463.
  • Sundbo, J. (2009) Innovation in the experience economy: A taxonomy of innovation organisations,The Service Industries Journal 29(4): 431–455.
  • Schumpeter, J. A., 1942. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Harper & Brothers, New York.
  • Tzeng, G.H., C.H. Chiang, C.W. Li. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: a novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert Syst. Appl., 32 (2007), pp. 1028–1044.
  • Torun, H. , Çiçekçi, C. ( 2007), “Innovation: is the engine for the economic growth?” Ege University The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics IV, 1-54.
  • Toivonen, M., Tuominen, T. (2009), “Emergence of Innovations in services”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 29, No.7, pp. 887-902.
  • Wang, D.H.M., Yu, T.H.K, L,H.Q.,(2013) ,“Heterogeneous effect of high-tech industrial R&D spending on economic growth” Journal of Business Research 66(10):1990-1993 •
  • Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B., (1992). Revolutionizing Product Development—Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency, and Quality. The Free Press, New York.
  • Woo, S., Jang, P., & Kim, Y. (2015). Effects of intellectual property rights and patented knowledge in innovation and industry value added: A multinational emprical analysis of different industries. Technovation, 49-63.
  • Youndt, M.; Subramaniam, M.; Snell, S. A.(2004), “Intellectual capital profiles: An examination of investments and returns”, Journal of Management Studies, 41(2), pp. 335-361.
  • Zhao, D., & Wang, M. (2010), Research on logistics business outsourcing andlogistics service innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), Wuhan, China.
  • Zandhessami, H., Shima Parvinchi, Zeinab Molaei (2012). “Identification and prioritization of technology innovation capability on technology innovation performance”. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 1, 6, 13-20.


Year 2016, , 145 - 155, 30.06.2016


Innovation has become one of the most important driver of today’s service industry, which plays a key role in knowledge-based economy. In literature generally researches have been emphasized on innovation determinants on manufacturing industry and less concentration on service innovation factors. So this study aims to find out innovation decision factors in service industry by using DEMATEL method. The method was used to analyze the causal relationships and prioritize the importance of innovation factors in logistics industry by applying questionnaire to logistics professionals. Research findings show that research and development is the most important criteria for logistics industry, which also affects knowledge-based economy.           



  • Akerlof, G.A. 1970, "The Market for "Lemons": Quality Uncertainty and the Market Mechanism", Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 84, no. 3, pp. 488-500.
  • Alessandri, T., Cerrato, D. & Depperu, D. 2014, "Organizational slack, experience, and acquisition behavior across varying economic environments", Management Decision, vol. 56, no. 5, pp. 967-982.
  • Abbasi, M., R. Hosnavi, and B. Tabrizi, (2013). Application of fuzzy DEMATEL in risks evaluation of knowledge-based networks Journal of Optimization, 2013, 7.
  • Alegre, J., Chiva, R.(2008), “Assessing the impact of organizational learning capability on product innovation performance: An empirical test”, Technovation , 28, 315–326.
  • Awasthi, A., Govindan, K., 2016. Green supplier development program selection using NGT and VIKOR under fuzzy environment. Comput. Ind. Eng. 91, 100–108.
  • Arago´n-Correa, J.A. ,Garcı´a-Morales, V.J., Cordo´ n-Pozo, E. (2007) Leadership and organizational learning’s role on innovation and performance: Lessons from Spain ,Industrial Marketing Management, 36 349 – 359.
  • Bayarçelik, E.B., Taşel, F., 2012, “Research and Development: Source of Economic Growth”, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.58, 12 October 2012, 695-701. 8th International Strategic Management Conference, June 20-24 2012, Barcelona/Spain.
  • Bitner, M.J., Brown, S.W. and Meuter, M.L. (2000), ‘Technology Infusion in Service Encounters’, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 28: 1, pp. 138–149.
  • Bontis, N., (2001) Assesing Knowledge Assets: A Review of the Models Used to Mesaure Intellectual Capital, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(1) .
  • Boone, L. E., Kurtz D.L., 2011, “Contemporary Business” 14th Ed. Wiley and Son.
  • Burmaoğlu, S., Şeşen, H., Kazançoğlu, Y., (2015). “Determinants of Logistic Sector Innovation Creating Common Value Nodes in Supply Chain”, EUL Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), pp.37-58.
  • Busse, C., Wallenburg, C.M. (2011) “Innovation management of logistics service providers Foundations, review, and research agenda”,International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management,(41).2, pp. 187-218.
  • Candelin-Palmqvist, H., Sanberg, B., Mylly, U. (2012). “Intellectual property rights in innovation management research: A review”, Technovation, Vol. 32, pp. 502-512.
  • Chang, H.-F., Tzeng, G.-H., 2010. A Causal decision making model for knowledge management capabilities to innovation performance in Taiwan's high-tech industry. Journal of Technology Management & Innovation J. Technol. Manag. Innov. 5(4), 137-146.
  • Chapman, R.L., Soosay, C. and Kandampully, J., (2003), “Innovation in logistic services and the new business model”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 33 No. 7, pp. 630-50.
  • Conceicao, P., Heitor, M. V., & Francisco, V. (2003). Infrastructures, incentives, and institutions: Fostering distributed knowledge bases for the learning society. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (70), 583-617.
  • Elche-Hotelano, D., (2011), “Sources of knowledge, investments and appropriability as determinants of innovation: An empirical study in service firms”, Innovation: Management, policy & Practice (13): 220–235.
  • Fan, J.P.H., Gillan, S.L., Yu, Xin. (2013), “Innovation or imitation? The role of intellectual property rights protections”, Journal of Multinational Financial Management, Vol. 23, pp.208-234.
  • Fang, S.C., Lin, J.L., Hsiao, L.Y.C., Huang, C.M., Fang, S.R., (2002), “The relationship of foreign R&D units in Taiwan and the Taiwanese knowledge-flow system”, Technovation, (22) 371–383.
  • Flint, D.J., Larsson, E., Gammelgaard, B. and Mentzer, J.T. (2005) “Logistics Innovation: A Customer ValueOriented Social Process”, Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp 113-147.
  • Fontela, E., & Gabus, A. (1974). DEMATEL, innovative methods, Report no. 2, Structural analysis of the world problematique. Battelle Geneva Research Institute.
  • Gocer, I.(2013), “Effects of R&D expenditures on high technology exports, balance of foreign trade and economic growth”, Maliye Dergisi, 165,215-240.
  • Govindan K. and Chaudhuri A. (2016). Interrelationships of risks faced by third party logistics service providers: A DEMATEL based approach Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 90, Pages 177-195.
  • Gülmez, A., Yardımcıoğlu, F.,(2012) “The relationship between R&D expenditure and economic growth in OECD countries: Panel cointegration and panel causality analyses (1990-2010)”. Maliye Journal, 163, 335-353.
  • Guan, J., & Yam, R. C. (2015). Effects of government financial incentives on firms' innovation performance in China: Evidences from Beijing in 1990s. Research Policy, 1(44), 273-282. Gunsel, A., Siachou E., Acar, A. Z.(2011) Knowledge Management And Learning Capability To Enhance Organizational Innovativeness, Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 24 ,880–888.
  • Han, Y., Li, D., (2014), “Effects of intellectual capitalon innovative performance, The role of knowledge-based dynamic capability”, Management Decision, 53(1) 1,pp. 40-56.
  • Hazen, B.T., Byrd, T.A. 2012, “Toward creating competitive advantage with logistics information technology”, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 42 No. 1,pp. 8-35.
  • Hill, T. P. (1977, December). On Goods and Services. The Review of Income and Wealth (4) , 23, 315-338.
  • Howells, J. and Tether, B.S. (2004), Innovation in Services: Issues at Stake and Trends.A Report for DG Enterprise of the European Commission, under contract INNOStudies 2001: Lot 3 (ENTR-C/2001).
  • Hsu, L.C., Wang, C.H. (2012), “Clarifying the effect of intellectual capital on performance: the mediating role of dynamic capability”, British Journal of Management, Vol. 23 No. 2, pp. 179-205.
  • Hudson W.(1993), Intellectual Capital: How to Build It, Enhance It, Use It. New York: Wiley
  • Hult, G.T.M., Hurley, R.F., Knight, G.A., (2004). “Innovativeness: its antecedents and impact on business performance”, Industrial Marketing Management (33), 429–438.
  • Inekwe, J.N. (2014), “The Contribution of R&D Expenditure to Economic Growth in Developing Economies”, Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-014-0807-3.
  • Jiao, H., Koo, C. K., & Cui, Y. (2015). Legal environment, government effectiveness and firms' innovation in China: Examinin the moderating influence of government ownership. Technological Forecasting & Social Change(96), 15-24.
  • Kim, Y.K., Lee, K., Park, W.G., Choo, K. (2012). “Appropriate intellectual property protection and economic growth in countries at different levels of development”. Research Policy, Vol. 41, pp. 358-375.
  • Kurtic, A., & Donlagic, S. (2012). Determining Key Factors for Knowledge Economy Development in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Management, Knowledge and Learning International Conference.
  • Lee, H.S., Tzeng, G.H., Yeih, W., Wang, Y.J., Yang, S.C., 2013. Revised DEMATEL: resolving the infeasibility of DEMATEL. Appl. Math. Model. 37 (10), 6746– 6757.
  • Lin, Chieh-Yu(2008),”Determinants of the adoption of technological innovations by logistics service providers in China”, International Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development, 7 (1) 19–38.
  • Lin, C. J., Wu, W.W. (2008). A causal analytical method for group decision-making under fuzzyenvironment, Expert Systems with Applications, 34(1), 205 –213.
  • Luthans, F.,Youssef, C.M. (2004), “Human, social, and now positive psychological capital management: investing in people for competitive advantage”, Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 143-160.
  • Martín-de-Castro, G., Delgado-Verde, M., López-Sáez, P. and Navas-López, J.E. (2011), “Towards ‘an intellectual capital-based view of the firm’: origins and nature”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 98 No. 4, pp. 649-662.
  • McKee, D., (1992). “An organizational learning approach to product innovation”, Journal of Product Innovation Management 9 (3),232–245.
  • Mentzer J., Myers, M. B., & Cheung, M. (2004), “Global market segmentation for logistics services”, Industrial Marketing Management, 33: 15-20.
  • Metcalfe, j. S., & Miles, I. (2000). Introduction, Overview and Reprise. J. S. Metcalfe, & I. Miles içinde, Innovation Systems in the Service Economy: Measurement and Case Study Analysis. Newyork: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.
  • OECD. (2005). Oslo Manual: Guidelines for collecting and interpreting innovation data (3rd ed. b.). OECD Publishing.
  • Panayides, Ph. M. and So, M. (2005), “Logistics service provider-client relationships”, Transportation Research E, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 179200.
  • Patanakul, P. and Pinto J. K. (2014), “Examining the roles of government policy on innovation”, Journal of High Technology Management Research, Vol. 24, pp. 97-107.
  • Pedrosa, A.,Blazevic, V., Jasmand, C., (2015). “Logistics innovation development: a micro-level perspective”. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 45 (4), pp. 313-332.
  • Ren, J., Manzardo, A., Toniolo, S., Scipioni, A., 2013. Sustainability of hydrogen supply chain. Part I: Identification of critical criteria and cause–effect analysis for enhancing the sustainability using DEMATEL. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 38 (33), 14159–14171.
  • Subramaniam, M., Youndt, M.A. (2005), “The influence of intellectual capital on the types ofinnovative capabilities”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 48 No. 3, pp. 450-463.
  • Sundbo, J. (2009) Innovation in the experience economy: A taxonomy of innovation organisations,The Service Industries Journal 29(4): 431–455.
  • Schumpeter, J. A., 1942. Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy, Harper & Brothers, New York.
  • Tzeng, G.H., C.H. Chiang, C.W. Li. (2007). Evaluating intertwined effects in e-learning programs: a novel hybrid MCDM model based on factor analysis and DEMATEL. Expert Syst. Appl., 32 (2007), pp. 1028–1044.
  • Torun, H. , Çiçekçi, C. ( 2007), “Innovation: is the engine for the economic growth?” Ege University The Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Economics IV, 1-54.
  • Toivonen, M., Tuominen, T. (2009), “Emergence of Innovations in services”, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 29, No.7, pp. 887-902.
  • Wang, D.H.M., Yu, T.H.K, L,H.Q.,(2013) ,“Heterogeneous effect of high-tech industrial R&D spending on economic growth” Journal of Business Research 66(10):1990-1993 •
  • Wheelwright, S.C., Clark, K.B., (1992). Revolutionizing Product Development—Quantum Leaps in Speed, Efficiency, and Quality. The Free Press, New York.
  • Woo, S., Jang, P., & Kim, Y. (2015). Effects of intellectual property rights and patented knowledge in innovation and industry value added: A multinational emprical analysis of different industries. Technovation, 49-63.
  • Youndt, M.; Subramaniam, M.; Snell, S. A.(2004), “Intellectual capital profiles: An examination of investments and returns”, Journal of Management Studies, 41(2), pp. 335-361.
  • Zhao, D., & Wang, M. (2010), Research on logistics business outsourcing andlogistics service innovation. Paper presented at the International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS), Wuhan, China.
  • Zandhessami, H., Shima Parvinchi, Zeinab Molaei (2012). “Identification and prioritization of technology innovation capability on technology innovation performance”. International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences 1, 6, 13-20.
There are 61 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Ebru Beyza Bayarcelik

Fulya Tasel

Sinan Apak

Publication Date June 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016


APA Bayarcelik, E. B., Tasel, F., & Apak, S. (2016). INNOVATION FACTORS IN SERVICE INDUSTRY AND KNOWLEDGE BASED ECONOMY. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 3(2), 145-155.

Journal of Management, Marketing and Logistics (JMML) is a scientific, academic, double blind peer-reviewed, semi-annual and open-access online journal. The journal publishes 2 issues a year. The issuing months are June and December. The publication languages of the Journal is English. JMML aims to provide a research source for all practitioners, policy makers, professionals and researchers working in the areas of management, marketing, logistics, supply chain management, international trade. The editor in chief of JMML invites all manuscripts that cover theoretical and/or applied researches on topics related to the interest areas of the Journal. JMML charges no submission or publication fee.

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