Research Article
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Year 2017, , 335 - 342, 30.12.2017



  • Aaker, D. (1996). Measuring Brand Equity across Products and Markets. California Management Review, 38 (3), 102–120.
  • Aamir, M., Ikram, W., Ali, M., Hasnu, A. and Zaman, K. (2013). Impact of short message advertising (SMS) on purchasing behavior of customer: a case study of Pakistan, World Journal of Management and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 67-70
  • Aitken, R., Gray, B., and Lawson, R. (2008). Advertising effectiveness from a consumer perspective, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 279-297.
  • Ahmadi, M., Masrour, G., and Khaksar, M. (2013). The study of peoples' attitude and response toward receiving SMS advertising. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 242-247.
  • Almossawi, M. (2014). Effectiveness of SMS Advertising (A Study of Young Customers in Bahrain). Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 56-71.
  • Aydin, A., & Ozer, G. (2005). The analysis of antecedents of customer loyalty in the Turkish mobile telecommunication market. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 910-925.
  • Bamba, F. and Barnes S. J. (2007). SMS advertising, permission and the consumer, a study., Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 815-829.
  • Burnham, T. A., Frels, J. K., & Mahajan, V. (2003). Consumer switching costs: A typology, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31, 109–126.
  • Carrasco, R.V. and Foxall, G.R. (2006). Positive vs. negative switching barriers: the influence of service consumers’ need for variety. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5: 367–379.
  • Casielles, R.V., Álvarez, L.S., & Lanza, A.B.D.R. (2009). Customer Satisfaction and Switching Barriers: Effects on Repurchase Intentions, Positive Recommendations, and Price Tolerance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2009, 39, 10, pp. 2275–2302
  • Chowdhurry, H., Parvin, N., Weiteberner, C. and Becker, M. (2006). Consumer attitude toward mobile advertising in an emerging market: an empirical study. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-42
  • Eshghi, A., Roy, S. K., & Ganguli, S. (2008). Service quality and customer satisfaction: An empirical investigation in Indian Mobile telecommunications services. Marketing Management Journal, 18(2), 119-114.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Jacoby, Jacob W., and David B. Kyner (1973). Brand Loyalty vs. Repeat Purchasing Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 10 (1), 1–9.
  • Julander, C. R., & Söderlund, M. (2003). Effects of switching barriers on satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and attitudinal loyalty. Working Paper Series in Business Administration, 1.
  • Jones MA, Mothersbaugh DL and Beatty SE. (2000). Switching barriers and repurchase intentions in services. Journal of Retailing, 76(2): 259– 274.
  • Kim, M. K., Park, M. C., & Jeong, D. H. (2004). The effects of customer satisfaction and switching barrier on customer loyalty in Korean mobile telecommunication services. Telecommunications policy, 28, 145-159.
  • Liu, C. T., Guo, Y. M., & Lee, C. H. (2011). The effects of relationship quality and switching barriers on customer loyalty. International Journal of Information management, 31, 71-79.
  • Liu, C.L, Sinkovics, R., Pezderka, N. and Hagirian, P. (2011). Determinants of consumer perceptions toward mobile advertising: a comparison between Japan and Austria., Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 26, pp. 21-32
  • Maisam, S., & Mahsa, R. D. (2016). Positive Word-of –Mouth Marketing: Explaining the role of value congruity and brand love. Journal of Competitiveness, 8(1), 19-27.
  • Maity, M. and Gupta, S. (2016). Mediating Effect of Loyalty Program Membership on the Relationship Between Advertising Effectiveness and Brand Loyalty. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24:4, 462-481.
  • Nasir, A., & Mushtaq. (2014). Customer loyalty in telecom sector of Pakistan. Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1), 449-467.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence customer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44
  • Ranjbarian, B., and Rehman, M. (2014). Attitude toward SMS advertising and derived behavioral intention, an empirical study using TPB (SEM method). Social Economic Debates, April 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.42-59.
  • Salem, M.Z.Y. (2016). Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes, Intentions and Behaviors toward SMS Advertising in Palestine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(4): 1-14.
  • Stewart DW, Pavlou PA. (2002). From Consumer Response to Active Consumer: Measuring the Effectiveness of Interactive Media. Journal Academy of Marketing Science, 30(4):376-96.
  • Tho, N.X., Lai, M.T., & Yan, H. (2017). The Effect of Perceived Risk on Repurchase Intention and Word - of -Mouth in the Mobile Telecommunication Market: A Case Study from Vietnam. International Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 8-19.
  • Zhang, J. and Mao, E. (2008). Understanding the acceptance of mobile SMS advertising among young Chinese consumers. Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 25 No. 8, pp. 787-805. Doi: 10.1002/mar.20239
  • Zabadi, A. and Elsayed, E. (2012) Consumer attitude towards SMS advertising among Jordanian users, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 77-94.


Year 2017, , 335 - 342, 30.12.2017


Purpose: Even though previous literature has drawn the attention to
explore influential factors on repurchase intention and positive wordof-mouth
of customers (PWOM), however, this study instead is the first one to consider
the simultaneous impacts of advertising messages and negative switching
barriers. In order to clarify the focus for the above purpose, this study will
not take into consideration the major factor - service quality - which impacts
on the main dimensions of attitudinal loyalty had been proved already.

Methodology: The Structure Equation Model was employed in this
study to test the proposed hypotheses with the questionnaires sampled from 289
cell phone users in Vietnam’s mobile telecommunication market. 

Findings: The study’s results indicate that advertising message has a
negative impact on repurchase intention as well as on customers’ intention of
spreading positive word-of-mouth. Regarding negative switching barrier, the
results show that it is positively associated with repurchase intentions, but,
negatively associated with positive word-of-mouth.

Conclusion: The
findings of this study not only contribute to theoretical aspects, but also
arise practical issues for Vietnam’s telecommunication market. It suggests that
mobile carriers in Vietnam should figure out more effective tools to reduce
“junk” or “spam” messages in order to enhance loyalty from existing
subscribers. In addition, the mobile carriers need to realize the negative
switching barrier, which should be considered while making strategies of
retaining customers. Under such manner, it then could help cell phone network
providers be more profitable in the current intensely competitive environment. 


  • Aaker, D. (1996). Measuring Brand Equity across Products and Markets. California Management Review, 38 (3), 102–120.
  • Aamir, M., Ikram, W., Ali, M., Hasnu, A. and Zaman, K. (2013). Impact of short message advertising (SMS) on purchasing behavior of customer: a case study of Pakistan, World Journal of Management and Behavioral Studies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 67-70
  • Aitken, R., Gray, B., and Lawson, R. (2008). Advertising effectiveness from a consumer perspective, International Journal of Advertising, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 279-297.
  • Ahmadi, M., Masrour, G., and Khaksar, M. (2013). The study of peoples' attitude and response toward receiving SMS advertising. Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research in Business, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 242-247.
  • Almossawi, M. (2014). Effectiveness of SMS Advertising (A Study of Young Customers in Bahrain). Global Journal of Management and Business Research: E Marketing, Volume 14, Issue 4, pp. 56-71.
  • Aydin, A., & Ozer, G. (2005). The analysis of antecedents of customer loyalty in the Turkish mobile telecommunication market. European Journal of Marketing, 39(7/8), 910-925.
  • Bamba, F. and Barnes S. J. (2007). SMS advertising, permission and the consumer, a study., Business Process Management Journal, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 815-829.
  • Burnham, T. A., Frels, J. K., & Mahajan, V. (2003). Consumer switching costs: A typology, antecedents, and consequences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31, 109–126.
  • Carrasco, R.V. and Foxall, G.R. (2006). Positive vs. negative switching barriers: the influence of service consumers’ need for variety. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5: 367–379.
  • Casielles, R.V., Álvarez, L.S., & Lanza, A.B.D.R. (2009). Customer Satisfaction and Switching Barriers: Effects on Repurchase Intentions, Positive Recommendations, and Price Tolerance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2009, 39, 10, pp. 2275–2302
  • Chowdhurry, H., Parvin, N., Weiteberner, C. and Becker, M. (2006). Consumer attitude toward mobile advertising in an emerging market: an empirical study. International Journal of Mobile Marketing, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-42
  • Eshghi, A., Roy, S. K., & Ganguli, S. (2008). Service quality and customer satisfaction: An empirical investigation in Indian Mobile telecommunications services. Marketing Management Journal, 18(2), 119-114.
  • Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
  • Jacoby, Jacob W., and David B. Kyner (1973). Brand Loyalty vs. Repeat Purchasing Behavior. Journal of Marketing Research, 10 (1), 1–9.
  • Julander, C. R., & Söderlund, M. (2003). Effects of switching barriers on satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and attitudinal loyalty. Working Paper Series in Business Administration, 1.
  • Jones MA, Mothersbaugh DL and Beatty SE. (2000). Switching barriers and repurchase intentions in services. Journal of Retailing, 76(2): 259– 274.
  • Kim, M. K., Park, M. C., & Jeong, D. H. (2004). The effects of customer satisfaction and switching barrier on customer loyalty in Korean mobile telecommunication services. Telecommunications policy, 28, 145-159.
  • Liu, C. T., Guo, Y. M., & Lee, C. H. (2011). The effects of relationship quality and switching barriers on customer loyalty. International Journal of Information management, 31, 71-79.
  • Liu, C.L, Sinkovics, R., Pezderka, N. and Hagirian, P. (2011). Determinants of consumer perceptions toward mobile advertising: a comparison between Japan and Austria., Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 26, pp. 21-32
  • Maisam, S., & Mahsa, R. D. (2016). Positive Word-of –Mouth Marketing: Explaining the role of value congruity and brand love. Journal of Competitiveness, 8(1), 19-27.
  • Maity, M. and Gupta, S. (2016). Mediating Effect of Loyalty Program Membership on the Relationship Between Advertising Effectiveness and Brand Loyalty. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 24:4, 462-481.
  • Nasir, A., & Mushtaq. (2014). Customer loyalty in telecom sector of Pakistan. Journal of Sociological Research, 5(1), 449-467.
  • Oliver, R. L. (1999). Whence customer loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 63, 33-44
  • Ranjbarian, B., and Rehman, M. (2014). Attitude toward SMS advertising and derived behavioral intention, an empirical study using TPB (SEM method). Social Economic Debates, April 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp.42-59.
  • Salem, M.Z.Y. (2016). Factors Affecting Consumer Attitudes, Intentions and Behaviors toward SMS Advertising in Palestine. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(4): 1-14.
  • Stewart DW, Pavlou PA. (2002). From Consumer Response to Active Consumer: Measuring the Effectiveness of Interactive Media. Journal Academy of Marketing Science, 30(4):376-96.
  • Tho, N.X., Lai, M.T., & Yan, H. (2017). The Effect of Perceived Risk on Repurchase Intention and Word - of -Mouth in the Mobile Telecommunication Market: A Case Study from Vietnam. International Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 8-19.
  • Zhang, J. and Mao, E. (2008). Understanding the acceptance of mobile SMS advertising among young Chinese consumers. Psychology & Marketing, Vol. 25 No. 8, pp. 787-805. Doi: 10.1002/mar.20239
  • Zabadi, A. and Elsayed, E. (2012) Consumer attitude towards SMS advertising among Jordanian users, International Journal of Marketing Studies, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 77-94.
There are 29 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Chang Chia-hua This is me

Nguyen Xuan Tho This is me

Publication Date December 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Chia-hua, C., & Tho, N. X. (2017). ADVERTING MESSAGE AND NEGATIVE SWITCHING BARRIER: EFFECTS ON REPURCHASE INTENTION AND WORD-OF-MOUTH. Journal of Management Marketing and Logistics, 4(4), 335-342.

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