Research Article
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Year 2020, , 1 - 17, 30.03.2020


Purpose- The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of SST interaction experiences on service quality, consumer satisfaction, and the subsequent behavioral intentions of electronic word-of-mouth and repurchase.
Methodology- The research design adopts the convenience sampling method to survey consumers of an SST hotel located in central Taiwan, utilizing an on-site questionnaire upon checkout.
Findings- Findings indicate that interaction experiences, such as functional affordance and cognitive affordance, have a positive effect on SST's service quality and satisfaction. Customers with an excellent evaluation of SST service quality are more likely to be satisfied with SST and more willing to recommend or choose the same service in the future. Results also suggest that perceived self-control has a moderating effect on the relationship between cognitive affordance and SST service quality and satisfaction with SST.
Conclusion- This study develops a new model of the self-service technology (SST) interaction experience. This new model fills a research gap by providing an empirical study of the repeated use and commitment phases of the SST adoption model grounded in innovation diffusion theory.


  • Abubakar Binta, and Mavondo Felix (2014). Tourism destinations: Antecedents to customer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(8), 833-864
  • Aiken Leona S., West Stephen G., and Reno Raymond R. (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ajzen Icek (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211. Avolio Bruce J., Yammarino Francis J., and Bass Bernard M. (1991). Identifying common methods variance with data collected from a single source: An unresolved sticky issue. Journal of management, 17(3), 571-587.
  • Bagozzi Richard P. (1980). Performance and satisfaction in an industrial sales force: An examination of their antecedents and simultaneity. Journal of Marketing, 44(2), 65-77.
  • Barua Zapan, Aimin Wang, and Hongyi Xu (2018). A perceived reliability-based customer satisfaction model in self-service technology. The Service Industries Journal, 38(7-8), 446-466.
  • Beatson Amanda, Lee Nick, and Coote Leonard V. (2007). Self-service technology and the service encounter. The Service Industries Journal, 27(1), 75-89.
  • Bhattacherjee Anol (2001). Understanding information systems continuance: an expectation-confirmation model. MIS quarterly, 25(3) 351-370.
  • Bitner Mary Jo, Ostrom Amy L., and Meuter Matthew L. (2002). Implementing successful self-service technologies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 16(4), 96-108.
  • Bitner Mary Jo, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Gremler Dwayne D. (2010). Technology’s impact on the gaps model of service quality. In Handbook of service science (pp. 197-218). Boston, MA: Springer.
  • Blut Markus, Wang Cheng, and Schoefer Klaus (2016). Factors influencing the acceptance of self-service technologies: A meta-analysis. Journal of Service Research, 19(4), 396-416.
  • Brady Michael K., and Cronin Jr. Joseph J. (2001). Some new thoughts on conceptualizing perceived service quality: a hierarchical approach. Journal of Marketing, 65(3), 34-49..
  • Chen Chih-Cheng Volvic, and Chen Chih-Jou (2017). The role of customer participation for enhancing repurchase intention. Management Decision, 55(3), 547-562.
  • Cole Pamela M., Bruschi Carole J., and Tamang Babu L. (2002). Cultural differences in children's emotional reactions to difficult situations. Child Development, 73(3), 983-996.
  • Collier Joel E., and Sherrell Daniel L. (2010). Examining the influence of control and convenience in a self-service setting. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(4), 490-509.
  • Cronin Jr Joseph J., Brady Michael K., and Hult, G. Tomas M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing, 76(2), 193-218.
  • Dabholkar, Pratibha A. (1996). Consumer evaluations of new technology-based self-service options: an investigation of alternative models of service quality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Davis Fred D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3) 319-340.
  • Davis Fred D., Bagozzi, Richard P., and Warshaw Paul R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35(8), 982-1003
  • Djelassi Souad, Diallo Mbaye Fall, and Zielke Stephan (2018). How self-service technology experience evaluation affects waiting time and customer satisfaction? A moderated mediation model. Decision Support Systems, 111, 38-47.
  • Eriksson Kent, and Nilsson Daniel (2007). Determinants of the continued use of self-service technology: The case of Internet banking. Technovation, 27(4), 159-167.
  • Fornell Claes, and Larcker David F. (1981). Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Gaver William W. (1991, April). Technology affordances. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 79-84). ACM.
  • Gelbrich Katja, and Sattler Britta (2014). Anxiety, crowding, and time pressure in public self-service technology acceptance. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1), 82-94.
  • Gibson James J. (1979). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Globerson Shlomo, and Maggard Michael J. (1991). A conceptual model of self-service. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 11(4), 33-43.
  • Grgecic Daniel, Holten Roland, and Rosenkranz Christoph (2015). The impact of functional affordances and symbolic expressions on the formation of beliefs. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(7), 580.
  • Gunawardana, H. M. R. S. S., and Perera, W. L. M. V. (2015). Impact of self service technology quality on customer satisfaction: A case of retail banks in western province in Sri Lanka. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 17(1), 1.
  • Ha Jooyeon, and Jang SooCheong Shawn (2009). Perceived justice in service recovery and behavioral intentions: The role of relationship quality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 319-327.
  • Hackbarth Gary, Grover Varun, and Mun Yi Y. (2003). Computer playfulness and anxiety: positive and negative mediators of the system experience effect on perceived ease of use. Information and Management, 40(3), 221-232.
  • Hair Joseph F., Black, B., Babin, B., and Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Harman Harry H. (1976). Modern factor analysis. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago press.
  • Harrison-Walker, L. Jean (2001). The measurement of word-of-mouth communication and an investigation of service quality and customer commitment as potential antecedents. Journal of Service Research, 4(1), 60-75.
  • Hartson Rex (2003). Cognitive, physical, sensory, and functional affordances in interaction design. Behaviour and Information Technology, 22(5), 315-338.
  • Ho Shu-Hsun and Ko Ying-Yin (2008). Effects of self-service technology on customer value and customer readiness: The case of Internet banking. Internet Research, 18(4), 427-446.
  • Hu Michael K., and Bateson John E. (1991). Perceived control and the effects of crowding and consumer choice on the service experience. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 174-184.
  • Jeon Myunghee Mindy, and Jeong Miyoung (2017). Customers’ perceived website service quality and its effects on e-loyalty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 438-457.
  • Jones Michael A., and Reynolds Kristy E. (2006). The role of retailer interest on shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 82(2), 115-126.
  • Kallweit Katrin, Spreer Philipp, and Toporowski Waldemar (2014). Why do customers use self-service information technologies in retail? The mediating effect of perceived service quality. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(3), 268-276.
  • Kim Jungsun, Christodoulidou Natasa, and Brewer Pearl (2012). Impact of individual differences and consumers’ readiness on likelihood of using self-service technologies at hospitality settings. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 36(1), 85-114.
  • Kim Miyoung, and Qu Hailin (2014). Travelers' behavioral intention toward hotel self-service kiosks usage. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 225-245.
  • Lee Hyun-Joo (2008). Technology-based self-service kiosks in retailing: An optional channel for customer service (Doctoral dissertation). Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee.
  • Lee Hyun-Joo (2015). Consumer-to-store employee and consumer-to-self-service technology (SST) interactions in a retail setting. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 43(8), 676-692.
  • Lee Jungki, and Allaway Arthur (2002). Effects of personal control on adoption of self-service technology innovations. Journal of Services Marketing, 16(6), 553-572.
  • Liang Rong-Da, and Zhang Jun-Shu (2012). The effect of service interaction orientation on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention: the moderating effect of dining frequency. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(1), 153-170.
  • Lii Yuan-shuh, Pant Anurag, and Lee Monle (2012). Balancing the scales: recovering from service failures depends on the psychological distance of consumers. The Service Industries Journal, 32(11), 1775-1790.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2006). The role of technology readiness in customers' perception and adoption of self-service technologies. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 17(5), 497-517.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2007). The influence of technology readiness on satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward self-service technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1597-1615.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2011). Assessing the self-service technology encounters: development and validation of SSTQUAL scale. Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 194-206.
  • Liu Shunzhong (2012). The impact of forced use on customer adoption of self-service technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(4), 1194-1201.
  • McGrenere Joanna, and Ho Wayne (2000, May). Affordances: Clarifying and evolving a concept. In Graphics Interface, Vol. 2000, 179-186.
  • Meuter Matthew L., and Bitner Mary Jo (1998, January). Self-service technologies: extending service frameworks and identifying issues for research. In American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings, Vol. 9, 12.
  • Meuter Matthew L., Bitner Mary Jo, Ostrom Amy. L., and Brown, S. W. (2005). Choosing among alternative service delivery modes: An investigation of customer trial of self-service technologies. Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 61-83.
  • Meuter Matthew L., Ostrom Amy L., Roundtree Robert I., and Bitner Mary Jo. (2000). Self-service technologies: understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters. Journal of Marketing, 64(3), 50-64.
  • Narteh Bedman (2015). Perceived service quality and satisfaction of self-service technology: The case of automated teller machines. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 32(4), 361-380.
  • Ng Sandy, David Meredith E., and Dagger Tracey S. (2011). Generating positive word-of-mouth in the service experience. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 21(2), 133-151.
  • Norman Donald (1988). The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  • Nunnally Jum C. (1967). Psychometric theory. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Oh Haemoon, Jeong Miyoung, and Baloglu Seyhmus (2013). Tourists' adoption of self-service technologies at resort hotels. Journal of Business Research, 66(6), 692-699.
  • Oliver Richard L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17(4), 460-469.
  • Orel Fatma D., and Kara Ali (2014). Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(2), 118-129.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan (1996, October). Understanding and leveraging the role of customer service in external, interactive and internal marketing. In Frontiers in Services Conference, Nashville, TN.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Berry Leonard L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. The Journal of Marketing, 49, 41-50.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Berry Leonard L. (1988). Servqual: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12.
  • Polacco Alex, and Backes Kayla. (2018). The amazon go concept: Implications, applications, and sustainability. Journal of Business and Management, 24(1).
  • Podsakoff Philip M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., and Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of applied psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Robertson Nichola, McDonald, H., Leckie, C., and McQuilken, L. (2016). Examining customer evaluations across different self-service technologies. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(1), 88-102.
  • Rogers Everett M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Shahid Iqbal Muhammad, Ul Hassan Masood, and Habibah Ume (2018). Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Cogent Business and Management, 5(1), 1.
  • Shamdasani Prem, Mukherjee Avinandan, and Malhotra Neeru (2008). Antecedents and consequences of service quality in consumer evaluation of self-service internet technologies. The Service Industries Journal, 28(1), 117-138.
  • Vakulenko Yulia, Hellström Daniel, and Oghazi Pejvak (2018). Customer value in self-service kiosks: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 46(5), 507-527.
  • Verhoef Peter C., Lemon Katherine N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros Michael, and Schlesinger Leonard A. (2009). Customer experience creation: Determinants, dynamics and management strategies. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
  • Wang Wei-Tsong, Cheng Shih-Yu, and Huang Lin-Yo (2013). Technology-based service encounters using self-service technologies in the healthcare industry. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29(3), 139-155.
  • Wang Cheng, Harris Jennifer, and Patterson Paul G. (2012). Customer choice of self-service technology: the roles of situational influences and past experience. Journal of Service Management, 23(1), 54-78.
  • Wang Cheng, Harris Jennifer, and Patterson Paul (2013). The roles of habit, self-efficacy, and satisfaction in driving continued use of self-service technologies: A longitudinal study. Journal of Service Research, 16(3), 400-414.
  • Wei Wei, Torres Edwin N., and Hua Nan (2017). The power of self-service technologies in creating transcendent service experiences: The paradox of extrinsic attributes. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(6), 1599-1618.
  • Wixom Barbara H., and Todd Peter A. (2005). A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Information Systems Research, 16(1), 85-102.
  • Xu Chenyan, Peak Daniel, and Prybutok Victor (2015). A customer value, satisfaction, and loyalty perspective of mobile application recommendations. Decision Support Systems, 79, 171-183.
  • Yen Hsiuju Rebecca (2005). An attribute-based model of quality satisfaction for internet self-service technology. The Service Industries Journal, 25(5), 641-659.
  • Yen Hsiuju Rebecca, and Gwinner Kevin P. (2003). Internet retail customer loyalty: the mediating role of relational benefits. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(5), 483-500.
  • Zeithaml Valarie A. (1988). Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: a means-end model and synthesis of evidence. Journal of marketing, 52(3), 2-22.
  • Zeithaml Valarie A., Berry Leonard L., and Parasuraman Anantharanthan (1996). The behavioral consequences of service quality. The Journal of Marketing, 60, 31-46.
  • Zhu Zhen, Nakata Cheryl, Sivakumar, K., and Grewal Dhruv (2007). Self-service technology effectiveness: the role of design features and individual traits. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(4), 492-506.
  • Zhu Zhen, Nakata Cheryl, Sivakumar, K., and Grewal Dhruv (2013). Fix it or leave it? Customer recovery from self-service technology failures. Journal of Retailing, 89(1), 15-29
Year 2020, , 1 - 17, 30.03.2020



  • Abubakar Binta, and Mavondo Felix (2014). Tourism destinations: Antecedents to customer satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth. Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 23(8), 833-864
  • Aiken Leona S., West Stephen G., and Reno Raymond R. (1991). Multiple regression: Testing and interpreting interactions. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • Ajzen Icek (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211. Avolio Bruce J., Yammarino Francis J., and Bass Bernard M. (1991). Identifying common methods variance with data collected from a single source: An unresolved sticky issue. Journal of management, 17(3), 571-587.
  • Bagozzi Richard P. (1980). Performance and satisfaction in an industrial sales force: An examination of their antecedents and simultaneity. Journal of Marketing, 44(2), 65-77.
  • Barua Zapan, Aimin Wang, and Hongyi Xu (2018). A perceived reliability-based customer satisfaction model in self-service technology. The Service Industries Journal, 38(7-8), 446-466.
  • Beatson Amanda, Lee Nick, and Coote Leonard V. (2007). Self-service technology and the service encounter. The Service Industries Journal, 27(1), 75-89.
  • Bhattacherjee Anol (2001). Understanding information systems continuance: an expectation-confirmation model. MIS quarterly, 25(3) 351-370.
  • Bitner Mary Jo, Ostrom Amy L., and Meuter Matthew L. (2002). Implementing successful self-service technologies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 16(4), 96-108.
  • Bitner Mary Jo, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Gremler Dwayne D. (2010). Technology’s impact on the gaps model of service quality. In Handbook of service science (pp. 197-218). Boston, MA: Springer.
  • Blut Markus, Wang Cheng, and Schoefer Klaus (2016). Factors influencing the acceptance of self-service technologies: A meta-analysis. Journal of Service Research, 19(4), 396-416.
  • Brady Michael K., and Cronin Jr. Joseph J. (2001). Some new thoughts on conceptualizing perceived service quality: a hierarchical approach. Journal of Marketing, 65(3), 34-49..
  • Chen Chih-Cheng Volvic, and Chen Chih-Jou (2017). The role of customer participation for enhancing repurchase intention. Management Decision, 55(3), 547-562.
  • Cole Pamela M., Bruschi Carole J., and Tamang Babu L. (2002). Cultural differences in children's emotional reactions to difficult situations. Child Development, 73(3), 983-996.
  • Collier Joel E., and Sherrell Daniel L. (2010). Examining the influence of control and convenience in a self-service setting. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 38(4), 490-509.
  • Cronin Jr Joseph J., Brady Michael K., and Hult, G. Tomas M. (2000). Assessing the effects of quality, value, and customer satisfaction on consumer behavioral intentions in service environments. Journal of Retailing, 76(2), 193-218.
  • Dabholkar, Pratibha A. (1996). Consumer evaluations of new technology-based self-service options: an investigation of alternative models of service quality. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 13(1), 29-51.
  • Davis Fred D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly, 13(3) 319-340.
  • Davis Fred D., Bagozzi, Richard P., and Warshaw Paul R. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management Science, 35(8), 982-1003
  • Djelassi Souad, Diallo Mbaye Fall, and Zielke Stephan (2018). How self-service technology experience evaluation affects waiting time and customer satisfaction? A moderated mediation model. Decision Support Systems, 111, 38-47.
  • Eriksson Kent, and Nilsson Daniel (2007). Determinants of the continued use of self-service technology: The case of Internet banking. Technovation, 27(4), 159-167.
  • Fornell Claes, and Larcker David F. (1981). Structural Equation Models With Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
  • Gaver William W. (1991, April). Technology affordances. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems (pp. 79-84). ACM.
  • Gelbrich Katja, and Sattler Britta (2014). Anxiety, crowding, and time pressure in public self-service technology acceptance. Journal of Services Marketing, 28(1), 82-94.
  • Gibson James J. (1979). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.
  • Globerson Shlomo, and Maggard Michael J. (1991). A conceptual model of self-service. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 11(4), 33-43.
  • Grgecic Daniel, Holten Roland, and Rosenkranz Christoph (2015). The impact of functional affordances and symbolic expressions on the formation of beliefs. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 16(7), 580.
  • Gunawardana, H. M. R. S. S., and Perera, W. L. M. V. (2015). Impact of self service technology quality on customer satisfaction: A case of retail banks in western province in Sri Lanka. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 17(1), 1.
  • Ha Jooyeon, and Jang SooCheong Shawn (2009). Perceived justice in service recovery and behavioral intentions: The role of relationship quality. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3), 319-327.
  • Hackbarth Gary, Grover Varun, and Mun Yi Y. (2003). Computer playfulness and anxiety: positive and negative mediators of the system experience effect on perceived ease of use. Information and Management, 40(3), 221-232.
  • Hair Joseph F., Black, B., Babin, B., and Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
  • Harman Harry H. (1976). Modern factor analysis. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago press.
  • Harrison-Walker, L. Jean (2001). The measurement of word-of-mouth communication and an investigation of service quality and customer commitment as potential antecedents. Journal of Service Research, 4(1), 60-75.
  • Hartson Rex (2003). Cognitive, physical, sensory, and functional affordances in interaction design. Behaviour and Information Technology, 22(5), 315-338.
  • Ho Shu-Hsun and Ko Ying-Yin (2008). Effects of self-service technology on customer value and customer readiness: The case of Internet banking. Internet Research, 18(4), 427-446.
  • Hu Michael K., and Bateson John E. (1991). Perceived control and the effects of crowding and consumer choice on the service experience. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 174-184.
  • Jeon Myunghee Mindy, and Jeong Miyoung (2017). Customers’ perceived website service quality and its effects on e-loyalty. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), 438-457.
  • Jones Michael A., and Reynolds Kristy E. (2006). The role of retailer interest on shopping behavior. Journal of Retailing, 82(2), 115-126.
  • Kallweit Katrin, Spreer Philipp, and Toporowski Waldemar (2014). Why do customers use self-service information technologies in retail? The mediating effect of perceived service quality. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(3), 268-276.
  • Kim Jungsun, Christodoulidou Natasa, and Brewer Pearl (2012). Impact of individual differences and consumers’ readiness on likelihood of using self-service technologies at hospitality settings. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 36(1), 85-114.
  • Kim Miyoung, and Qu Hailin (2014). Travelers' behavioral intention toward hotel self-service kiosks usage. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 26(2), 225-245.
  • Lee Hyun-Joo (2008). Technology-based self-service kiosks in retailing: An optional channel for customer service (Doctoral dissertation). Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee.
  • Lee Hyun-Joo (2015). Consumer-to-store employee and consumer-to-self-service technology (SST) interactions in a retail setting. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 43(8), 676-692.
  • Lee Jungki, and Allaway Arthur (2002). Effects of personal control on adoption of self-service technology innovations. Journal of Services Marketing, 16(6), 553-572.
  • Liang Rong-Da, and Zhang Jun-Shu (2012). The effect of service interaction orientation on customer satisfaction and behavioral intention: the moderating effect of dining frequency. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 24(1), 153-170.
  • Lii Yuan-shuh, Pant Anurag, and Lee Monle (2012). Balancing the scales: recovering from service failures depends on the psychological distance of consumers. The Service Industries Journal, 32(11), 1775-1790.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2006). The role of technology readiness in customers' perception and adoption of self-service technologies. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 17(5), 497-517.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2007). The influence of technology readiness on satisfaction and behavioral intentions toward self-service technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(3), 1597-1615.
  • Lin Jiun-Sheng Chris, and Hsieh Pei-Ling (2011). Assessing the self-service technology encounters: development and validation of SSTQUAL scale. Journal of Retailing, 87(2), 194-206.
  • Liu Shunzhong (2012). The impact of forced use on customer adoption of self-service technologies. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(4), 1194-1201.
  • McGrenere Joanna, and Ho Wayne (2000, May). Affordances: Clarifying and evolving a concept. In Graphics Interface, Vol. 2000, 179-186.
  • Meuter Matthew L., and Bitner Mary Jo (1998, January). Self-service technologies: extending service frameworks and identifying issues for research. In American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings, Vol. 9, 12.
  • Meuter Matthew L., Bitner Mary Jo, Ostrom Amy. L., and Brown, S. W. (2005). Choosing among alternative service delivery modes: An investigation of customer trial of self-service technologies. Journal of Marketing, 69(2), 61-83.
  • Meuter Matthew L., Ostrom Amy L., Roundtree Robert I., and Bitner Mary Jo. (2000). Self-service technologies: understanding customer satisfaction with technology-based service encounters. Journal of Marketing, 64(3), 50-64.
  • Narteh Bedman (2015). Perceived service quality and satisfaction of self-service technology: The case of automated teller machines. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 32(4), 361-380.
  • Ng Sandy, David Meredith E., and Dagger Tracey S. (2011). Generating positive word-of-mouth in the service experience. Managing Service Quality: An International Journal, 21(2), 133-151.
  • Norman Donald (1988). The Psychology of Everyday Things. New York, NY: Basic Books.
  • Nunnally Jum C. (1967). Psychometric theory. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
  • Oh Haemoon, Jeong Miyoung, and Baloglu Seyhmus (2013). Tourists' adoption of self-service technologies at resort hotels. Journal of Business Research, 66(6), 692-699.
  • Oliver Richard L. (1980). A cognitive model of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction decisions. Journal of Marketing Research, 17(4), 460-469.
  • Orel Fatma D., and Kara Ali (2014). Supermarket self-checkout service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty: Empirical evidence from an emerging market. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21(2), 118-129.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan (1996, October). Understanding and leveraging the role of customer service in external, interactive and internal marketing. In Frontiers in Services Conference, Nashville, TN.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Berry Leonard L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. The Journal of Marketing, 49, 41-50.
  • Parasuraman Anantharanthan, Zeithaml Valarie A., and Berry Leonard L. (1988). Servqual: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perc. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12.
  • Polacco Alex, and Backes Kayla. (2018). The amazon go concept: Implications, applications, and sustainability. Journal of Business and Management, 24(1).
  • Podsakoff Philip M., MacKenzie, S. B., Lee, J. Y., and Podsakoff, N. P. (2003). Common method biases in behavioral research: A critical review of the literature and recommended remedies. Journal of applied psychology, 88(5), 879.
  • Robertson Nichola, McDonald, H., Leckie, C., and McQuilken, L. (2016). Examining customer evaluations across different self-service technologies. Journal of Services Marketing, 30(1), 88-102.
  • Rogers Everett M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations (5th ed.). New York, NY: Free Press.
  • Shahid Iqbal Muhammad, Ul Hassan Masood, and Habibah Ume (2018). Impact of self-service technology (SST) service quality on customer loyalty and behavioral intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction. Cogent Business and Management, 5(1), 1.
  • Shamdasani Prem, Mukherjee Avinandan, and Malhotra Neeru (2008). Antecedents and consequences of service quality in consumer evaluation of self-service internet technologies. The Service Industries Journal, 28(1), 117-138.
  • Vakulenko Yulia, Hellström Daniel, and Oghazi Pejvak (2018). Customer value in self-service kiosks: a systematic literature review. International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 46(5), 507-527.
  • Verhoef Peter C., Lemon Katherine N., Parasuraman, A., Roggeveen, A., Tsiros Michael, and Schlesinger Leonard A. (2009). Customer experience creation: Determinants, dynamics and management strategies. Journal of Retailing, 85(1), 31-41.
  • Wang Wei-Tsong, Cheng Shih-Yu, and Huang Lin-Yo (2013). Technology-based service encounters using self-service technologies in the healthcare industry. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 29(3), 139-155.
  • Wang Cheng, Harris Jennifer, and Patterson Paul G. (2012). Customer choice of self-service technology: the roles of situational influences and past experience. Journal of Service Management, 23(1), 54-78.
  • Wang Cheng, Harris Jennifer, and Patterson Paul (2013). The roles of habit, self-efficacy, and satisfaction in driving continued use of self-service technologies: A longitudinal study. Journal of Service Research, 16(3), 400-414.
  • Wei Wei, Torres Edwin N., and Hua Nan (2017). The power of self-service technologies in creating transcendent service experiences: The paradox of extrinsic attributes. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(6), 1599-1618.
  • Wixom Barbara H., and Todd Peter A. (2005). A theoretical integration of user satisfaction and technology acceptance. Information Systems Research, 16(1), 85-102.
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There are 83 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Ching-hua Chou This is me 0000-0002-1656-9467

Yuan-shuh Lıı This is me 0000-0002-3709-6160

Publication Date March 30, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020



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